GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS New England Pilgrims gathering in their humble house of worship to give thanks to God for all His benefits. AMERICAN SEATING CO. "0 give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works." "0 give thanks Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made usf unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his praises unto thy name, 0 most High." "I will bless the Lord courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear endureth to all generations." "Unto thee, 0 God, do we give thereof, and be glad. 0 magnify the Lord with me, and let us thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is exalt his name together." (Ps. 105:1, 2; 107:1; 92:1; 34:1-3.) near thy wondrous works declare." (Ps. 100:1.5; 75:1.) VOL. 132, NO. 45 NOVEMBER 10, 1955 107th Year of Continuous Publication ATTENTION Vol. 132, No. 45 November 10, 1955 Bible Students, Teachers ,4„..01ro 4 4 in Our 1 40+4 Sabbath Schools! gi No former generation The General Conference President Speaks to the Church Page 3 of Bible students has been blessed as is the present The Adventist and the Holiday Season Page 4 generation in the wealth Let's Look Beyond America Page 5 of available material de- signed to aid the student Squaring Accounts With God Before the Year Ends Page 6 of the Bible in an under- standing of the Scriptures. This Special Number Page 8 The passing decades of L. I. Moffitt the last century have The Joy of Sacrifice Page 8 brought forth an increasingly impressive "The Divine Right of Tithes" Page 9 array of archeological evidence in support of the Scriptures. Mission Victories in Africa Page 10 One of the more recent and spectacular discoveries is the Dead Sea Scrolls, so named Why Attend Week of Prayer Page 12 because they were found in caves near the Why I Became a Seventh-day Adventist Page 14 Dead Sea. These scrolls are ancient copies of the book of Isaiah, and other books. Al- Can We Escape Hardening of the Arteries? Page 16 though a thousand years older than previ- ously available manuscripts, they show es- What We Mean by the Second Advent Page 18 sential agreement with the later text, thus The Great Need of New Guinea Page 19 confirming the accuracy of Bible translations. In view of the forthcoming Sabbath school Sabbath School Lesson Help Page 24 lessons on the book of Isaiah, the extensive treatment of this discovery and its signifi- Week of Sacrifice Page 52 cance in the fourth volume of The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary will be of special interest to our Sabbath school teach- ers and careful Bible students, as will also the verse-by-verse commentary on the book of fsaiah in the more than three hundred pages of the first section of this volume of the Commentary. FRANCIS DAVID NICHOL, Editor Many of our Sabbath school members have FREDERICK LEE, Associate Editor R. R. FIGUHR, Consulting Editor already taken advantage of the pre-publica- D. A. DELAFIELD, Associate Editor J. L. MCELHANY, Contributing Editor tion offer on the whole set of The Seventh- PROMISE KLOSS SHERMAN, Editorial Secretary day Adventist Bible Commentary, and will SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS get each volume as it comes from the press. C. H. WATSON, W. 14. BRANSON, W. R. BEACH, D. E. REBOK, C. L. TORREY, L. K. DICKSON, A. L. HAM, W. B. OCHS, A. V. OLSON, H. L. RUDY, E. D. DICK, PRESIDENTS OF ALL DIVISIONS To all such this little notice will serve merely "IN BRIEF" CORRESPONDENTS to alert you to the excellent material in vol- OVERSEAS: AUSTRALASIA: R. R. FRAME; MIDDLE EAST: A. GORDON ZYTKOSKEE; FAR EASTERN: C. P. SORENSEN; ume 4 when we begin the Sabbath school NORTHERN EUROPE: E. B. RUDGE; INTER-AMERICA: CLYDE 0. FRANZ; SOUTH AMERICA; L. H. OLSON; SOUTHERN AFRICA: W. DUNCAN EVA; SOUTHERN ASIA: J. F. ASHLOCK; SOUTHERN EUROPE: MARIUS FRIDLIN lesson studies the first quarter of 1956. To NORTH AMERICAN UNIONS: ATLANTIC: MISS LAURA M. DROWN; CANADIAN: MRS. EVELYN M. BOWLES; CENTRAL: those who have not placed their order for MRS. CLARA ANDERSON; COLUMBIA: DON A. ROTH; LAKE: MRS. MILDRED WADE; NORTHERN: L. H. NETTEBURG; NORTH PACIFIC: MRS. IONE MORGAN; PACIFIC: MISS OPAL STONE; SOUTHERN: MISS CLARA CRAWFORD; the Commentary, we hope this notice will SOUTHWESTERN: H. E. SCHNEIDER encourage you to do so in order that you will TO OUR CONTRIBUTORS not be deprived of this exceptional aid to As the chronicler of the history of the church, the attend and the name of their pastor or local elder. Sabbath school lesson preparation during the REVIEW is always interested in reports, with pictures, All manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, of important happenings—church dedications, camp and with adequate margins. Use only one side of first two quarters of 1956. meetings, evangelistic meetings, and other news- paper. Carbon copies are never acceptable. worthy events. Please send reports promptly. An out- In harmony with standard editorial practice, un- And here is just a little advance notice for of-date report is not news, and is not acceptable for solicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless a publication. Also, the REVIEW, as the church pastor stamped, addressed envelope is sent with them. The the last two quarters of 1956. During that in print, is interested in articles that make clear a REVIEW does not pay for unsolicited material. time we will be studying the life of Christ. doctrine, offer practical counsel on how to live a holy All manuscripts submitted for publication and all life, et cetera. Copies of manuscripts sent to other communications relating to the editorial department Volume 5 of the Commentary which will be journals cannot be used. Lay members should identify should be addressed to: Editor, Review and Herald, themselves by giving the name of the church they Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. dealing with the Gospels will be ready by that time. In view of their synchronization CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT with volumes 4 and 5 of The Seventh-day CIRCULATION MANAGER R. J. CHRISTIAN Adventist Bible Commentary the Sabbath Subscription rate: One Year Six Months school lessons for 1956 should be of unusual In United States and Canada $4.75 $2.50 In countries requiring extra postage 5.25 2.75 interest and helpfulness. Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D.C., post office (not Takoma Park). L. L. MOFFITT Address all business communications and make all drafts and express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. In changing address, -give both the old and new address and Sabbath School Secretary allow four weeks for the change. General Conference of Seventh-day Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Adventists Association at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington 12, D.C., under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Vol. 132, No. 45. [See announcement of the Commentary on pages Copyright, 1955, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C. 30, 31 of this issue.] 2 REVIEW AND HERALD THE GENERAL CONFERENCE PRESIDENT SPEAKS TO THE CHURCH HE spirit of self-denial and sacrifice must continue Recently I read of a locality- in New York where Tto live and flourish in the church. Never should it "wealthy New Yorkers who do not need anything, buy be allowed' to die out. It is the very soul of genuine things they did not know they wanted." The writer Christianity and, if consistently practiced, will give vi- suggests that the situation is not confined to New Yorkers brant spiritual life to those who now bemoan their alone, but that many of us shop for things we did not apathy and coldness of heart. The Master laid down know we wanted. "We are plagued," a Christian writes, the terms of discipleship when He said, "If any man "by the tyranny of things. Today there are 365,000 dif- will come after me, let him deny himself, and take ferent articles on the American market." All of them up his cross daily, and follow me." These terms have are publicized to appeal to possible buyers, and appeal never been altered. They continue to be the condition they certainly do. Wisely and discriminately, therefore, of true discipleship. should the Christian shop and buy, meeting his real It is significant to note that often when the Lord needs, but refusing to spend for items not really re- called men to follow Him they gave up things. Peter quired, so that more funds may come into the treasury left his fishing boat.
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