Forwards Correspondence Re Addl Insp of Facility Concerning 760212

Forwards Correspondence Re Addl Insp of Facility Concerning 760212

_ _ - - . - . -. ._. - - - - - _- ; ' * / > ; . or OO < j , MAY 5 iW6 - i ! ' I i 4 ; Similar' letter to: . The Honorable Abraham Ribicoff j The Honorable Ella T. Grasso Chairman, Committee on 4 | Governor of Connecticut j Hartford, Connecticut 06115 Government Operations | : United States Senate ; - Dear Governor Grasso: " : In his February 27, 1976 letter to you Chairman Anders provided you with 1.!{ , the first portion of the NRC inspection report concerning the February 12, . ! 1976 leak in the isolation condenser system at the Millstone reactor site. ; j i | In the same letter the Chairman indicated that additional information was ! : being developed and that subsequent reports would be made available to you | as soon as they were completed. i 2 . ! I enclose for your use a copy of.the correspondence relating to our l additional inspection activities covering both technical aspects of j this incident and also the areas of radiation. protection of workers < and protection of the health and safety of the public. Our finding is that the event had no significant impact on the health and safety j of workers or the public. ~- ' . i | ' o ' j ' k This completes our inquiry into the specific events that occurred on t 4 ; February 12. However, NRC is still pursuing the basic issue of tube ! ; | t failures in isolation condensers to assure that the probability of { similar leaks occurring at Millstone and other like facilities is ~ i 1ninimized. " 2 In .this regard, we have issued a NRC Bulletin to licen-- ' sees with similar equipment requiring certain actions on their part. p' ' We will pursue these matters further with these licensees to assure that the required actions are implemented. this NRC Bulletin for your information. I have attached a copy of_ ;. ' ' If you have any questions about the contents of the enclosed correspondence, f please let me know. Copies of our inspection correspondence are being provided to Senator P,1bicoff, in accordance with his previous request. 1 We trust that the above information has been responsive to your concerns. > L a i - . Sincerely. 4 '.. - 1 ' | Copy to Contact: Drisinal signed by | REF: SECY-76-216 h*" A Rowden 1 . 1 3 . Marcus A. Rowden ,' i Chairman j Revised based on Commissioners' comments & typed in the Office of the Secretary3 J i - i E W -"--r- i ; ) .,,,oyie enextpage) SECY ) CiJ: / ' , j . , , . , EWMcGregor d em n wAL3.Qn6 \ ~~ ~~ . ~ ~ " " - - ~ 8304210090 760528 ~ | PDR ADOOK 05000245 : H PDR -. _ _ - - - . - _ _ _ __ . - _ - - - , - . _ - - , - . - - - - - _ - - . - - , . - , - . js - - - . O C.. a6 ' ' lionorable Ella T. Crasso - 2- ,1 4 ' Enclosurest Ill SECY REC , 1. Letter to imEC dated i 3/23/76 from J. P. O'Reilly I w/ Notice of Violation and !, ' Inspection Report No.: 50-245/76-05 : ; 2. Letters to J. P. O'Reilly from IMEC dated : 3/29/76 and 4/7/76 ! 3. IE Bulletin 76-01 dated 3/9/76 . 4 O e e i e e J . ... OU""A"I . _ ... navr > . , _ . _, s w sep ia J M,rt a a vres; 2f a A .. - - m ____, _ _ _ _ _ y - .J ___ ,7 , I .',. t'k . - , V h s O 4 e * / (} , M / , . # , . * , > ' ' ,- - v_ - y' . _, . .. -. q ,y . ''b.-, ; y - [ ~ . -\ . - + -s , ~, - ,- . , . , ' 7: ., , u .. ?- . c,, - 3 , t . - . ,. - .u' 3 : . - 1 , . : ,4 .c . , , ' s. .- , _ . s. ;>...t 4 - 9. w . ~1 A . ,,.. _. 3 e , ~ %. .<w... w., 4 '- m. ',- < -N o , 'm... x - 9 c &, . .wt.. W M+,. 7.e .s .,;~ ,J Ronorable~ Abraham Ribicoff ; .n .? '' - , : , ,T ' e :,. + , C - 79 .,e. Cha1.r. -- 7 - n .[~ .o. mmit.t'oe4 'os.P*"/r . - ;.; . .A ' r . "- .- N - . ernment. Operations.q c - - ' * A.Lkr.'ae, 4. ,' tin"itsd ' States' Senate'M.O b.:4 ; . e .." o : '. ' ' "- i. ,y ' - - - p, 2. , . - * - ';6; " ' . ^' m.u, . # _ .. ..o, . -; . , ... mn m -t ;:: * . ,. < ,, ,_ Dear Chair. s. .- . , L ^ .. A man I.ibicoff',% 9;: n- , , f'; . 7 ' Q , , ,, y . > u.~ >< y . .w- .In .h.. & ..|27, 197,8 3- u:Ch.g s. pro st' . th's fir,Fe.ruary . f the NRC eportinspection c arnin...vided' you wit g .n - to., ho.,,,,, ; b < :,', . ' . - 6 lea'k' portion _o ~ - g the February 12e,g. - ~197'theIn 'saine lett'er"'the. Chairman' indicatedMills' thain tone reactor,sita.g'tha' isolation 'co'ndenser'systea'at,M ' being de~veloped and 'that subseq5ent reports' dhitional information was g $ Q di made'available to 4- you'as soon as'theyledre' completed. - '/ * - * t 1. < . ; ; . ,, p , - -7.j'- 3 A. t 5 , , *w w' * ~, ,. , ' ', . ~~ -# w r* e s.m * . W J , * ~ ' '. ' I anelos%e-for your..,,...eues a ; copy of theo c. # . 1 - . espondene relatingtoou,rf:.' <? additio'hal inspection'acEivitua% ove' 3 both' tee ical aspects'of this' incident and'aieo"the"areaslof radia on protection f workers and; > . protect' ion' of tha ' health"and'safat of the'public'' ' ' ~_ N ' s ~ ' th'~ event had no'eignificant'impa 'od 'worke'rs' or#.oE '' finding ie~that g ' , ' ' thin health and Y E^s ;. safety- - n~of tha' publie "47 # T J ',. ' , , . f , ~ [ . ~ .n c ( q: _:. s - , . ra ' , -): J. > v v a,a - - This, com.p :le.tes.,6ur- inqu.iry. m.+ -s - ,- u o theLepec,ific events that occurred on ; ' Febr'ary12.''HoweverfNRC' set ' 1119u'rshingtha'basleissue'oftuba[ - , failures in!isolati5a Teon neers;to'assuke'that'theYrobability'of. >bJ - af=ttar' leaks'bceurrids' ^ > " u,inf=Imed? .In'this're 'M111 stone' and'other like facilities is . M w '' , ith 's1=41 Ar' eqiipio rd7we'haveissuind'an' NRC3 Bulletin to licenseesT '' ~ will pursue these requiriEg'certain actionsion~ their~part. We ~ ;2 ; ~ ; - ters further with theee' licensee s to assure that; -- ' the required actio 'are implemanii'e d. p, t I have attached a' copy of this ' .. ,, ;{ NRC Bulletid for - - _ y ' _ . _ . , , . , .; , ~ ouir informatidoFC(~ { ,, , e c w . 2 c. ~ . - - .h[.'J,.m, , ; ' . ' n i . , . .. If. -you : :hav, e.. tv . e.:- .: r- : - . - . , questio.ns sho:ut t a contents of the e *nu. nclosed corree '. , pondence, p1 aeletne'know!/Copiesof.ourlidspecti , , are being p ded%~ covernor:Grasso in 'shcordance"with(her previousm' cdrrespondence .| ,_; ' requdst. .. e trust that the above information responsive to _ your cone ras. 'i * ' -- 1 ! . _. w. -:a, * , - Sincerely. m- .. t r. [ , ^ Marcus'A. Rowden 0CA i Chairman \ 4/3c/76'~~ 2 . ) (See SECY 76-216 for Previous.Co'ncurrences) , , : '. : ) _ _ y _ ,- Enclosurae , _ a 49ee next page). _FC:IE- J\ , _DF0 - . _ _ . _ ELD 2 AD;1Er.... MPE _- | .~.-o~ E | . ..1GWRoyY e ..'I)ThompsonE . 4._t1PNutraf_ !RDTh'oMbur ! , , , , iik.Y _4/c /.7._6. _ !4/, -/76 ._ i,Gosj/76 ' -[ i 4/f /76 | 4/' t/76 4 4/ //76 4/ftgf . Furns AFC.338 (Rev. 9-55) AECM 0240 .. W u. a. eovanmuswr enmvme orreces ser..ese.see ** ( - . \ _ _ _ - - _ _ ._ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ . .. _ ._ - _ _ . _ i J, .n...s.i m t \ ..h O' ~ 5==:=;'~; =9"T / . .. - ) d ~- .15 ax i - , ; ! t|R{ , - - > 2 ' . '' . , ' ;,~u . , ; ' ~ r . - . q, 2 i(| ' .. ' '' ~ _ . , - , . f,|-. ., - . , i son;orable . ' ' , ,' T. Grasso , . W ]z - .4 w Governoi af ,g3 % g# u: ' j tihut g , ;9 partfordrCo M.ygg e [11~g T. 4 ' . J Y l tisut ' , - . Gnv'epot W N ' ,06115 , ^ t - yta ofCourbCIU { ~ ~ ' g Dear Governor 0 seot ~ rtford, Connest K ' ' - '1 , . F # . - e g a his,'ebruary 2 . the first portion 1976 letter to you Chairman Anders provided .,you with g 1976: leak in the , n ~ latie'' condenser _ system:st'the. Millstone, - rea' ctor sitethe MRC inspection. report concerning the Februaryjl2 , j k In~the same~1stter t . , 'being devel . j (as'soo[nas.oped'andtChairkah' indicated that' ~ additional information ine they were t plated."subsequent " # ' reports' ~would be. made available"..~[ to you | . i (Q,s..[J 4xd ard that W-M @T~ Md b %b ' "u 1'* I enalose for your use: - ! ; ' *-i ' ' ' ' . { : additional inspection sa rdop'y of the correspondence relating to our ~'[ 3 3 * ! this insident and _also t vities covering both technical: aspects of. ' ! [ ' ./and.proteation of the h'eal h' a'ad safety of:tlia,public, p Our finding'' areas of' radiation'protectioniof worker's i %is'that the event had ^mo's ct' ificant %i ,on wo'rliers' or on. ' . ~ .' add safety of,the'pubitc'." , j I , 7 d,a . the' eYcat M d n3 5 }QFd :.2 >uW the' health : - - <[,' ga^ l th, W' DM' I | .Jhis- completes our. inquiry in iClut fW3C # , I I '} '' February 12 the ~ specific events that occurred on , However, , NRC,is { ; failures in isolation toedense,r ill, pursuing the basic, issue of tube , ! [7sf=ttar=fAta laaks.ooeurrini'at itills to assure that the probability of , j ! , w ne"ind'other:11ks'fac111 ties is- ' ~ sed. 4Isi this regard 7we"ha e issued a' n NRC h11stin to -licen' i i .~ sees ~ 'ith,similar equipmenfreq'uir ng 'cortai ' - ) !. We will pursue thess matters furthe n actions on their part. i ! . that. the required ' actions'*ere impi .'with these licensees ,to assure e'_ _ - ' ~ ,_ e s = ' j this NRC. Bulletin for your-~informat ted;,|I'' have ' 'sttached a copy of - , . .' " . o. (b 'f #_ ;; r M u k d W W " * p ;. { < b $ .O.3wc' e."-* * . - , If yo*u have any questione 'abou,.L~ - 1 t the c.''}'' ' j please let me know. Copies of our ins ents of the enclosed correspondence ~ , j ; provided ,to Senator Ribicoff/ in'accorda tion correspondence are being- ;, ^~a. ; We trust.that- ; the above:information has'ghe,with , his previous request.-' , , - en responsive to your concerns.

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