THE • MARCH • 1940 ALUMNI • MAGAZINE ~~~~~~~~~ ~ " ~" - ~~':sier ~l~~~:e ~ > . PI ! I ~ March By William C. FitzGibbon, '40 31 Day. i ~ ~ ~.' : 8 Ed Kemp and his fa III 0 u::; 1940 March 1940 who was forced to cancel his ; .~~r!~~<1 band return to the campus to pay1 engagement. ~ ', ~b for all Gther Junior Prom . .. S M T W T F S 'Jp ~j Kemp's Inusicians made a last· '" '" * * * 1 2 19 Campus beauties will be the ~ Ing impression hack in '3·1. Rt the 3 4 5 6 7 center of interest today as The ~ top social event on the campus. 8 9 ArbUlllS, University yearbook, se­ ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 lects its beauties to be featured ~~~., j,.~ 9 Today the Big Ten champion- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 in the 1940 issue of the book ~~ ships HI track, wrestling and 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ... This year the contest will b~ sWlInlllmg "ill be deci ded III 31 ~: ::: '" * * * held in Alull1ni Hall instead of "~ ~ tourneys at Chicago, P urdue and in a downtown theatre. ~! Michigan, rcspeclively. The pre­ ~ liminary trials we re held yesterday. 21 One year ago 31 members of the Men's Glee Club started out on a tOllr of ten Indiana cities. ~.,~· 10 Today and every Sunday morning the Uni­ versity has two regular radio programs: "Editorial 22 Today, Good Friday, the Uni versity Sym­ i~ of the Air," over WIRE of Indianapolis, 9:00-9:30, phony, under the direction of Dean Robert Sanders , and "Everyman's Campus of the Air," over WHAS of the School of Music, will present all Easter pro­ I of Louisville, 11 :30-12 :00. gram at the Men's Gym. II Tonig ht the Indiana UniOll fetes Indiana's win­ 2:1 Track again captures the spotlight as IndialJa'" I ter sports teams at its annual banquet. At last runners compete in the annual Chicago Relays at ~ year's banquet, held on March 14, Marvin H uff­ the Windy City. man, '40. was elec ted captain of the basketball team ~ alJd letters were awarded. 24 Easter Sunday and the fragrance of lilies . .. the students leave the campus to discover where i I!J The Jordan River Rev ue opens a two-day home town rabbits hid those colored eggs. ~ stand 0 11 the canlpus, presenting a Un iversity Theatre production of li ght comedy, variety and 28 A year ago today, 1,200 students turned out ~ Illusic. The script, written again by Paul Boxell , for an Open F orum on the campus to hear Norman 40, satirizes University life ... The show will be Thomas, perennial presidential ca ndidate of the presented at the English Thea tre in I nd ianapolis Socialist Party. It was a record turn-out, proving on March 27. that the University students are liberal enough to I lI'a llt to hear the " other side" 16 Long known as a rela y of the q uestion. ~ power, Indiana's teams will compete today 111 the an llual 20 Coach Billy Thow's wres­ ~ Butler Relays at Indianapolis, tlers will seek revenge for that seeking to dethrone Michigan'>; 13·6 trouncin g by Oklahoma ~ annual \\'1nners 111 the team A. & M. here last month by try­ champiollsh ip. ing to dethrone the Oklahoma I boys in the National Collegiate 18 The concl uding Lec ture­ championships at Champaign, i Music Series program will find Ill. The Aggies have been title· J\!Joriz TIosenthal, famous pianist, holders for man~ ' years and will filling in for Walter Giesking, be favored to repeat. ~ ~~~~~1?~~~~~~"~'~-~~~~~~~~~~ Voice of the Alumni Another Itlllxwell Indiana To Come to I.U. Do You Believe This? Enclosed find three dollars for my meJn ­ GlassW'are! bership dues to th e 1\lu",ni Association .1n:l The December issue of .he subs<.:riptiOIl to the IlIdiawl Alumni Muga­ Purdue AIItIllI"'S carried a story zine. I have heard from a number of myoId e ntitled, "Band Outsteps and Out­ fri ends Lhrough its pages, and it will al­ plays Highly-Touted Crimson Band ways b ~ a wekorne visiLor 1.0 my home. at IndiaIH1," wriuen by Joe Dolan Pasadena High School is sending 10 In­ of the Purdue EX/JOllelll st'lff. diana U ni versi ly nex t year a fine studpu l. 11,' Says Mr. Dolan: is ediLor of Ih e high school anflual and quitt-, "Saturday, Nov. 25, Purdue ael ive in Ihe various aClivilies_ He is Allan played Indiana in a football ':on­ MaxweJl , a great-nephew of Ihe late JlIli ell e test and WOII. Boilermaker fol­ Maxwell, '89, wh o for so many years had lowers cheered for a lusty few cha rge of the girls' alhlelics at LU. minutes alld then hit out for the My best wishes for Ih e fulure progress high (or low) spots to celebrate of old J.U. and all the good things it sia nds olle-half the victory, because the for. other half of the victory had b eeII KATE M. MEEK, '96. forgollen by all exceptlhose who Sal! Marino, Calif. know the whys and wherefores of the Pllrdue barld's victory over the '39 Graduate Asks much-publicized Indiana musicians, About His Membershi/I whose 180-step marching appeared I am wri ting to inquire aboul Ih e Alu.rnni to this writer to suddenly turn Magazine. IL was my impression Ihat 1939 into a track meet-and then into graJuaLes received Ih e Magazine free of a Europea n minority party's riot. charge for one year. I have not rece iv ed "All in all, Indiana's band, ~om­ mine Ihus far. pared to the Boilermaker outfit, If I am wrong, please inform me. Other­ was like a hUlIch of noy Scouts wise, I shall appreciale your senJing my compared to Italy's legions on copy to I he aLove adJress. parade." Capt. DELsmT V. ATKI '~SON , '39. Venice, Fla. E ditor's Note: Capt. Atkinson is coneel ill his ass[J.lllption thaI he should be receivin.g Suggests Article th e Magazine this year, lor a year's mcm· For The Magazine bcrship dues are included in the diploma I am back in Cincinnali doing an interpst­ fees Jor th e first degree laken at How· Beautiful Hand Blown Tum­ l.u. ing job of employment counseling for the evel , he had not reported his new nddress blers With I.U. Seal in Color Board of Education and working .11 the Ohio to the Aillmni OUice and conscqucntly his That University touch fo r your own State Employmen t Service. The job was copies th e Magazine were not reaching horne. Modern in design, these tum· 0/ temporary when I fir st carne, hut wa s made biers are guaranteed by the makers him. more or less pf'rmanent last week. -Glassylvania Company, Oil City, For an intcresling article for the Magazine, Class of 1910 Pa.-to satis fy YO II or your money J would suggest that YOII cO nlact j\·Irs. Arna Res/wnds Lack. Pursell Dal e, '23, to write ahout. her present I am sorry Ihat this check i, so late Lut S how your friends how much you value life. Her address is College of W est Afric3, Waller Greenough's le tl er to Ill e members of your L U. connections by IIsing Monrovia, Liberia . Her husband is president t.he class of '10 got lost in IIle shuffle, CO lll ­ these glasses with the two·color at­ of Ihe College of West Africa, and they sailed ing al Christmas Lim e. Iraclive seal in University colors. on JlIly 1, 1939. They have also lived in Sianl It was a very ni ce lett er that our class secrelary wrote. If ther e is a class project and the Philippines. BOlh of Ihem write in ~l:i"p_a'.!:.d_ ~a~ Now! an inl e r e~ ting fashion and shollld be abl e launched, as suggested in the lett er, I hop~ I.U. Alumni Office to contribute a g09'd story. Lo be ahle 10 have some pari in it. 301 Union Building GR:ICE C. NORi\'I,\N, 'lD. VERA WOODS, '24-. Bloomington, Illd. Indianapolis. Please send at once, prepaid,.. Cincinnati. dozen glasses with LU. insignia as Editor's Note: Walter Grcenollgh, secretary checked below, for which I enclose my 0/ the class of 1910, wrote a lcltcr lo the Magazine Enjoyed check for $ ___ __ members of his class suggesting thaI som.e ... _.. _.doz. 5 oz. size $2.50 tim.e in the his class decide IIpon Out in Iowa _.doz. lD oz. size 82.95 some projecl for thc bel/crmcnl of I.U. In We certainly enjoy the Indiana Alumni .. doz. ] 2 oz. ~ize 533.35 lieu of ,Olne definile project, he .Iuggested Magazin e Ol1t here in Iowa. We wish lhere ...... 'els (l doz. each size) $8.50 thal each one do his part by sending in his were an alumni cluh here, but p erhaps we Name dues to the Alumni Association and beco m.· arc too few. Besl wi shes fur continued sue· ing active TIIembers. Th e results /roll! the Street ('lass 0/ '10 have been (jllit e grnti/yillg, 1IU111l' Mit,. i\",'uLil BElle, '31, AM '32. TowlI 0/ th em responding. Des JVJuines, la. Educators, Please Note! especially by educators, whu can lind in its William Gay Ballantine (Biographical Not es pa ges inspiration for guiding youn g peo pl e togeth er with Sel ected Addresses, Essays, in preparing in youth while "the ~vil da ys and Mi scellaneous P oe ms) .
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