fOX - , AVHBAOB DAOLT OM O m AlTO N T H U O T A T , A P R IL M , S m j I THE WEAT1 tor tiw amatb af Maseh; 180T t a( O. 0. We Several Baabera and offloera of A dan^ter waa bom laat-nlght to Chapman Court, Order of Ama> The ^ t e *of the DeMolay Sport ABODTtOWN Mr. and Mra Jeaae Keenejl Of 108 dance has been changed to Satur- rantb, are planning to attend, rea- Keeney atreet 5 , 8 7 $ Fair, probably Hght to heavy treat slooa of the Grand Court ' in.-. New| <iRy» May l. Tba dsncG commlttss CUT mbar of the Aafllt tonight; Hatiirflay tair, H g M y has angaged Tony O'Bright and hU r ttta laaebw t e t ICcachefter a n to Haven Saturday. tauly Roberta Lddge, Daughters W a lle r Nl. (.eclerc A A E L ^ RATE eaa af OIronlattoaa mfioei will aerv* a •appar tonight at Kalghts of Rhyrthm orchestra. There H m J W H A H ^ comi of S t George, will celebrate Its will be entertainment by Icxte] sm.- tmaiaataed-------Btaed EtaBtoefrlcal and MANCHESTER— A QTY OF VILLAGE (HARM M aehooL TIm Bean win eoaeiat kfeipbere of the American Legion aixteenth anniversary Wedneaftay Funeral Qirector • Mcalopad potatoes diolce o< AuxUlary are reminded of the coun­ tew tajent and Tony wUl play a tew MeehaaleaJ Aato Bepairteg evening of dbst week, with a dinner solos on his zylophono. *88 Ne. Mate S t Phoae 0Xflfl VOL. LVIn NO. 174 (dtoaaUtod race 14) Emaati. »m ad vegetable aalad or ty meeting tomorrow evening in at 8 o'clock at the Hotel Sheridan, ■car *• Cooper Streat MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, APR IL 23,1937 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICB THRBK CENTS ■ n o t, pbiMppla, cabbage aalad. Porter Memorial ball, Faraolngton. followed by a theater party at the ----------- 1 m i SELF SERVE pie or cake, and tea, coffee or Committee chairmen who have not Suntot (arcle of Paat Noble State theater. Members are re­ Grands of the local Rcbekah lodge Ticketa Bay be obtained at yet aent in reporta are naked to quested to notify Mrs. James Leelle. FRIDAY 2:30 TO 5:80 ocr froa 5 to 7 o'dnck. Pro­ give them to Mra. Sophia Holmea will meet Monday evening, at the \ before tomorrow nighL chairman of the banquet commit­ home of Mra. Emma L. Nettletoa of CLASSES IN RoyrI Family Of Britain Poses For Camera wls benefit the achoal fund. tee, not later than ^onday. FUNERAL SPECULS SOLDIERS HOLD Huntington street " PO PU LAR s i n g i n g 7710 committee In charge of the ■Svery Satorday Morning, I1:I5 ''Mm. John O. IWeott, Jr., o f Tal> Mr. and Mrs. Edward GtU have c h a s e * SANBORN ~la entertained a groop of her entertainment and dance by Royal El At the Bast Side Bee BRITISH FOOD SHIPS left for their home tn Buffalo after. 2MA1NE CITIES ' daasBatea at Mt. Holyorike, Black Preceptory, Saturday night visit with relatives and friends GOOD SHOE REPAIRING lastnietor: F. E. BRAY > at her boae laat eeeatng. In Orange hall, haa added another here. ^ Is Economical Shoe Repalrtegi attraction to the long Hat of enter­ ETHEL VON DECK Jeweler COFFEE -Bee ____ Phone 80*t IN L A ^ R W A R Junior Queet club wlU hold tainment, atx-year-old Margaret state Theater Building B regular Beating t/'nlght at the Jobnaon of Hartford, acrobatic SAM Y ULYE S 737 Main Street RUN REB BLOCKADE MerUi Metbodlat ehurch. dancer. SHOE REPAIR SERVICE- Special 2 5 - - PINEHURST 701 Mate Street Watch and Jewelry 17 Uniop Men Prepare, to ' For Theee vegetable Itieaia were Repairing At FRANCO-ABtERlOAN porehoaed too late to appear In RETREAD TIRES AnswN Imlktmeiits; C. L Seine c i the moat tasty and our regular advti Reasonable Prices TO ASSIST BASQUES ieSMena varletlea of Sab are D.ANdNQ EVERT SATDBDAT ' or Step in and see one Spaghetti tiw eheapsst. Sea can fe(y ea PINEHURST RADISHES .....3 bun. 11c NIGHT AT THE 0. Demands Strike Cases the higli qnaSty and la pai^ C U C U M B E R S ........,.9c ea. USED TIRES of Manchester’s ttcatsr on the freshness of Plaoharst fish. Bnjoy the MAPLE GROVE INN Three Vessek Uader Partnl beat at the meet reasonahle prices and at the —m» ASPARAGUS Stafford Springe. Conn. cans Be Tried m Federal Conrts See Largest Selections Fire At Wethersfield time serve many new and attractive dishen. Large bunches of the famoue "Ernie” Rock and His Orcheatra. these meaty, benehas flieto of tab *rffl St any leeetpe.. Blue Goose brand, weighing near­ No Minimum! No Cover! of Greeting Cards Protection o f Men of W tr ly 8'/] pounds. o * w CAM PBELL’S JACK FROST btewteton. Me., April 38.— (A P )— Boach .......................... O f C ANDERSON Cards For AH Grmbooaae and Flower Shop SERVIC-E ST A. CONFBCnONEBT frim National Quaid aentrlea plod- Prison Destroys Ten .Arrhre i t Bilbao; R e M Native Dandelions or Spin­ 108 Eldridge S t Phone 8486 27# Main Street Occasions te pain through cold, wet Haddock FILETS ach . 25c peck atraeta In atrlke-torn Lewiston and Planes Contmae to Damp Telephone Krvloe tonight until SUGAR Auburn today while 17 John L. Autos and Garage 6:80. PInehnnt la not open Lewla aides prepared to answer ee- Thuradsy alghta. cret .tedlctmente te euperior court. lb. pkg. The 400 Ouardemen, rain-coated and Shells on Besieged Gty* 19« ^finished their lunch..- The buildings DON'T bayoneted, kept watch against re­ Wethersfield, April 23.' NEW VARIETIES Salmon Steaks newal of violence that saw police, (A P )— Fire of undetermined destroyed were a garage In which were housed automobilea of em­ Steak Cod PINEHURST atilkera and aympathlxera clash origin destroyed a highway Bilbao, Spain. April 23. — Geo nine Blaeflsh.........lb. 25c with atones, clubs and tear gas ployes and a state highway building Fresh Halibut WINDOW garage at the state prison in used for mixing cement. (AP)—Three British food FUets of Reid Perch . -lb. 25c Filet of Sole Wednesday in Auburn. MISS Even as they walked their poets. Wethersfield and a tower on Both were levelled to the ground. ships, running an attempted in­ Roe or Buck Shad Cod to Boil. The observation tower whicn surgent blockade under tha SPECIALI Dr. A. Hosvard Heyera, chief of the the northeast side of the prison TempHag SCREENS SETBACK! New England Regional Labor Board caught fire waa the one tn which partial protection of British WHOLE HADDOCK PllBSH LADIES’ BUBBER OR AO-metal FVame* made to 81 walls shortly after noon today. Mullins was located when be discov­ I LEATHER HEELS ___ TTr preaaed. secret peace moves designed men-of-war, steamed into ba- 12c lb. 1 9 c your wtedows, modern, eonveol- Tomorrow Night to settle the 80-day old atrike, More than ten cars were b u m ^ ered the flamea. It was located some SCALLOPS Oa wooden heels. THIS ent, teitolled In your home. For 80 feet from the garage and 80 sieged Bilbao today to tba affecting 10 shoe factories and 6,400 in a blaze which for a time POLLOCK (Boston Bine) deoMHHtrattoB or eoUmote, call feet in the air. Of wooden con- NATIONAL SHOE REPAIR Orange Hall workers te the two . cities. The threatened to sweep over the cheers of famished Baaquag Piece or Sliced, 1 O J L pint AND SHOE SHINE SHOP strikers seelf recognition of their struetton it was eu y prey to the and the crash of six insurgent 1937 Boy Scout enclosure of the prison proper flames and sparks coming from the pomid . - JL 887 Mala Street Special Note! TUa week’s party C. I. O. union, higher wages and air raids. shorter hours. and which drew from Hartford adjacent buUdtnga. What a dWerenee a lew gamlahee make . We give yon freak Thomas J. Lewie will be held to ttie banquet TELEPHONE 8SST Meanwhile, George S. McCarty, several fire companies and The smoke waa so dense that for Government and insurgent nnieley tree wHk every flak order. Extra huge lemons, t Mr So. a time the entire northeast aecUon Oyster OmlrtaU Bnnee, 88e. Vertar Saaen . the genuine nrtl- 4 Prizes! - Adm. 25c. attorney for the Committee for In­ scores of police. There was no pilots engaged in deadly sky da . lie and flfle a Jar. dustrial Organisation, promised that of the. prison was Inviaible through fights high over the Basque SPRINJ^ SPECIAL Round-Up the 17 under Indictment, mostly or­ disorder in the prison. I t blu.! haxe. Despite the fact 'Jiat FRESH MACKEREL O Y S tE R S ......... pint 29c ganisers, would submit voluntarily The flames, which leaped for­ the fire was out “lii die open” fire­ capital while the cargo boatii, 15elb. to Superior Court arraignments. U ft to right are the King. Prlncew Klliabeth, Queen EHizabeth and Prin- men batUed the . blaxe under the Ic^ed with 6,100 tons of pro­ Innersprlng '2700 Boy Scoub of th« ceaa Margaret Rose. The picture wee taken Just a few days before Princess Elizabeth's eleventh birthday. ty feet into the air and the ex­ TUa M the real fresh article Stewing Ojraters, pint 42c aLmsdt of Earlier Warrant. tremely dense smoke made it handicap of tbe choking fumes visions, docked in the broad . tieoh Mackerel are ahvaya locdl council in an amdtins, The Indictmenta were believed to which came from the rubber Urea M a ttre s f appear for a time that the fire Nervion river.
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