St. George District Athletic club Inc. Incorporøted 1992 Successor to St. George District Amateur Athletic Club Founded 1921'. Affiliated Athletics NSW Headquarters Track: Olds Park Distance: Scarborough Park Athtetes who set new Club records during the 1993-94 season included (from lelt): Ursula Rodwøy, Kieran Galløgher and Anne Manning SEVENTY THIRD ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FORTHE YEAR ENDING 31ST MARCH,1994 M AKE' o' t'ro, :..Tll * E Nc LrsH BfrTES BII(ES The Public Trustee has been making Wills and administering Trading Hours for over 75 years. lt's our business and what we do Mon - Fri 8am-6pm Now, we're doing it even better! Thursday 8am-8pm Saturday 8am-4pm many people, making lheir Will can be a conf using expe- . Wills are usually dratted using complicated legal so many people are unsure if what they are ning expresses their intentions accurately. Great range of At the Public Trustee, we now draft most simple Wills in New Bikes PLAIN ENGLISH, so you know that what your are signing says what you mean. And it's just as legally valid. and Accessor¡es With the Public Trustee as your executor your estate will be inistered im partially by caring, experienced prof ession- als who know all the pitfalls. Allfunds held by the Public For ALL Your Cycling Needs ustee are backed by government guarantee. And you also that we'll definitely be here to carry our your wishes Clothing & Helmets the time comes. So protect your loved ones today by calling the Public Trustee at Hurstville or Miranda to arrange an appointment to BFTES BIKES won't be beaten on make, or update, your Will for free. And in PLAIN ENGLISHI PRICE - SERVICE - QUALITY . CONTACT David Sheehan David Thompson PUBLIC TRUSTEE PUBLIC TB USTEE Now at: 3RD FLOOR SUITE 5 188 Forest Road, Hurstville 182 FOBEST RD 19-21 CENTBAL RD HURSTVILLE 2220 MIRANDA 2228 PH:579 8477 PH: 526 2466 Phone: 585 1 230 ST GEORGE Superbly Crafted Quality MASONTC CLUB LTD. Kitchens at Sensible Prices * 86 ROBERTS AVENUE, MORTDALE 2223 ¡ FREE SLIDEOUTRANGEHOOD 579 6277 Fax: 579 6()38 . FREE INSTALLATTONwITHALL For the lnformatlon of Members & Guests KITCHENS ORDERED THIS MONTT{ &. THE RACE REGULAR POKIE I GRANITE mmvmnlE PRICES GAME PROMOTIONS Look at these QUALITY BXTRAS SUNDAY 4.3OPM YOU COULD WIN FREE TO ALL PATRONS GREAT PR]ZES O Gloss Laminated Interiors O Solid Backs FRIDAY SUNDAYNIGHT MEAT FAMILY DINNER O Full Metal Sides MARKETS FROM "BLIJM" Drawers & Hinges Tickets on sale 6pm - 9.30pm Come into our showroom and compare from 5.30pm Special Prices Open 7 Days - 10am to 4pm BISTRO - OPEN MON-SAT 12-2.30 6-8.30 For reliable service ring 534 5866 FRIDAY NIGHT LIKE A BET, WARATAH KITCHENS CARVERY We Have :lTJi; Shop lO, Pcakhurst Plaza, 6 pm - 9.30 pm $ 9.æ CLUB T.A.B. \tÆ tJott-t{2o Forcst Roacl, Pcakhursr CLUB KENO Track Vice Captain OFFICE BEARERS D.Simone Life Members A.A. Gainsford OAM 1 923 Palron Mens Dlstance Caplain W.J.Hasler (deceased) 1 932 R. Nash G.McClean B.C. Button 1 937 Presldent Mens Dlstance Vlc€ captaln W.Ahern (deceased) 1 955 R. Gribble B.Molino A.Gould (deceased) 1 963 J.Bowers 1971 Emer¡tus Presldent Womens D¡stanco Captain D.Jolliffe 1971 D.Jenkins A.A. Gainsford OAM D.Wilson AM 1 971 R.Gribble 1 975 Senior Vlce Presldents Womens Distancc Vice Captain G.Canuthers MBE 1 983 G.Carruthêrs MBE;S.Donnelly;A.Thomas C.Williams A.Thomas 1 983 V¡ce Presídents Publicity Officers S.Donnelly 199 1 A.A.GainsfordOAM; R.Gribble; A.Peek: 1 R.Rathbone OAM: L.Mcleay; R. Green;T.Griff ilhs ; F.Eggleton (deceased) 991 P.Phillips; R.Nash M.lemma; B.Langton; W.Pickering; D.Melham; R. Nash 199.1 G.Punch; G.Thompson; R.Jolliffe;D.Wilson AM; A.Peek 1 991 A.Staples; A.Argall; Reg¡slrar G.Page;G.Freeman; D.Joll¡ffo; A.Staples 1 991 B.Scott; A.l-{enderson; A.Peek; B.Molino; C. Ferraro H.Gibbons; L.Bosman; P.Donnelly; P.Phillíps Assistant Registrar Gene¡al Secretary V.Hopkins H.Molloy Reco¡ds Otficer Merit Awards Treasurer J.Gallagher F.Eggleton (deceased) 1975 D.Jolliffe M.Moroney (deceased) 1 975 Soclal Comm¡ttee P.Donnelly; P.Nash; N.Thomas: E.McOlean; G.Page 1 975 Track Secretary A.Thomas 1975 A.Peek J.Molloy; J.Windred F.Thornton 1975 O¡stance Secretary Selectors L.Williams (deceased) 1975 S.Donnelly; D.Jolliffe; A.Peek; G.McOfean; C.Batman D.Edwards 199 1 C.Batman; P.Tonge; C.Williams; D.Jenkins A.Henderson 1 991 M¡nute Secretary P.Phillips 1 991 Handicappers P.Phillips 1 991 S.Donnelly; D.Jolliffe; P.Tonge; A.Peek T.Richards B.Scott 1 991 l-lonorary Auditor D.Carlisle Tlmekeepers, Judges and Gear Stewards K.Jenkins; S Donnelly; B.Molino; A.Argall; Executive R.Nash; H.Kunkel; J.Gallagher; T.Richards; R.Gribble(Chakman); R.Molloy; D.Jolliffe; A.Peek; A.Peek; A.Henderson; D.Jolliffe; P.Tonge; C.Batman; S.Donnelly; C.Ferrarot J.Gallagher; P.Wright: E.Walsh; E.Gentle; P.Tuziak; PPhillips R.Molloy; J.Molloy C.Wlliams; A.Staples; A.Thomas Costume Custodian & Trophy Steward Delegates to Management Council T.Richards B.Gribble; R.Molloy; A.Staples:C Batman(alt) Starters Oelegates to lnterclub S.Donnelly; A.Peek; P.Tonge; P.Tuziak; E.Gentle A.Peek; R.Gribble; J.Gallaghe(alt); C.Stratford(alt) Coaches Delegates to Harrier (Winter) Comm¡ttee A.Peek; P.Tuziak; A.Thomas; R.Ennever; A.Staples; W.Seary; P.Phillips (alt) R.Molloy; L.Watson; C.Stratford; W.Pratt Track Caplaln Flrst Ald C.Williams A.Argall; R.Nash; V.Hopkins There are three distinct categories into which club Glub Membersh¡p members can be placed. These are - (A) Open, Associates and Officials; 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 (B) Athletes 16 years and over but under 20; and Officials 39 47 14 23 26 (C) Athletes less than 16 years. Open 37 33 83 75 85 Associate 130 1 10 The Club has experienced growth in categories A and Under 20 232 02 C, while athletes between the ages of 15 and 19 fell. The resurgence in membership is particularly Under 1 9 2 55 encouraging and is due in part to the efforts of the Under 18 975 98 Club's executive and a policy towards family 1 7 Under 7 72 regiskations by Athletics NSW. During 1993-94, the Under 1 6 25 18 I 64 Club received 54 new members and had 134 Underl 5 4 68 renewals, compared to 41 new members and 128 Under 1 4 6 11 10 renewals for the previous year. 110 members, Under 13 9 84 including 50 athletes under 16, were members for the full year; 49 registered for the winter season; and l9 Under 1 2 23 20 17 39 registered as summer athletes. ln addition, 10 young Under 11 15 15 athletes registered as associates during the summer Total 136 157 188 131 169 season. St. George Athletics 94 - 1 BATH RESURFACING T & C SPYRAKIS PTY LTD BY BATHROOM REGLAZING OF SYDNEY Domestic and Commerclal Specialists ALL AREAS Have your. B¡ths. B¡slns. Tiles. Accessãries resurfaced by licensed professionals usirg the ìatesl ln resurfacing techn0logy. EXCAVATIONS - DEMOLITIONS * Whíte or a wid¿ ronge o! colou¡s * W¡ilt¿n guaruntc¿ . Swimming pools . Rock Breakers . tL 0bligalion.lrce quote! * Agctt pcnsioncr Mini discou¡l Excavators . * Seúo¡s Card Acceple d Hand Digs Trucks & Air Tools aster Builder Member M99S0 Gold Llcence ALL SUBURBS 546 7387 over 14 years Chlp Repelrs Mobile Telephone 599 3952 Fax: 556 t76t ol 8 22 448-1 Ofllce snd Showroom2l Forest Road, Arncllffe 2205 Park Rd, Carlton, 221 A SOFTSCAPES LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Gold Licenc€ No.42337 ** DESIGN & CONSTRT]CTION ** Retaining Walls Brickpaving ot Brickwork Driveways . Courtyards Sandstone Work pool . paths Surrounds Don't be impartial Call Marshatt MEMBER OF: Specialised roofing and re-roofing team. Building Senices Corporation. Landscape Cont¡actors Associalion Great rates. euality guaranteed. Jeff Hankins, 1 Lara Close, lllawong,2234 Prompt seruice Gold Lic. R9S39g Mobite Phone OIB 27 7n¡ Call Tony Marshail tor îree quotes. After Hours: 543 5069 540 5554 01fE6/¡7 Zr9 Generously Sponsored as Support of the St George District Athletic Ctub tnc. B.H. Burgess & Assoc¡ates Blood ALL SUBURBS Donors CONSULTING SURVEYORS AII Surveying Services Love 570 1 838 579 4472 35 P¡tt St, Mortdate Life! Fax:579 1997 After Hours: Sg7Sg7 G en erou sly Sp on sored by ABOVE RUBBISH R&MLANGHAM&SONS Att REMOVATS PTY LT D ALL AREAS Master Plumber.Lic.No. P.D.c.L., 1BO4 C A.g45g CHEAP & AFFORDABLE DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE ALL TYPES OF RUBBISH, IIOME RENOVATIONS REMOVAL, YARDS CLEARED, INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC BUILDING )i( Electric Eel Drain )¡( WASTE, Cleaning No Job Too Small WE LOAD FORYOU Mobile Telephones "FREEQUOTES_7DAYS" 018 23 3282.018 29 7929.018 26 4131 Mobile 018 964 596 546 3724 3l Nelson St, Penshu¡sl 2222 173 Stuart St, Blakehurst 2221 579 5186 2 - St. George Athletics 94 President's Report Prcsênled to rrnmár,ß tt thè 73Ìd Annual Genanl Meet¡ng hetd at 51. Georgc Leaguas Ctub Bowtlng Ctub P¡lnces Highway Cartton 24 June 1gg4 at 7.tldpm Ladies and Gøntlemen Our Club continues to progrêss w¡th pleasing results in the competitive arena was unable to run a qualifying time and claim a spot in the Commonwealth and a healthy working party contributing to good administration.
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