Petrojarl Banff J. Spence/ 01 23.08.2019 Draft E. Morrison Rev. Date Reason for issue Prepared Checked Approved Document Status Owner Company Name / Logo 1 Draft 2 For Comments 3 Comments Included 4 For Construction 5 Issued/As Built Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Ltd 6 Void +I Issued for Information Sub Supplier Company Name / Logo Originator/Contractor/Supplier Company Name/ Logo Sub Supplier Document Number Originator/Contractor/Supplier Document Number Project no Originator no. Contract/ PO No Document Title 45209 01 Banff SAL Buoy Removal Decommissioning Environmental Appraisal Area Discipline System Doc. Client Document Number No of SFI Document Rev type Sheets Status Click Click Cli PJB- 1 01 here to here ck enter to her text. enter e text. to ent er tex t. Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Ltd Petrojarl Banff Banff SAL Buoy Removal DOC.NO. : PJB- Decommissioning Environmental Appraisal REV. : 01 DATE : 23/08/2019 PAGE : 2 of 31 BANFF SAL BUOY REMOVAL DECOMMISSIONING ENVIRONMENTAL APPRAISAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................................3 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Field overview ................................................................................................................................4 2 SAL BUOY REMOVAL WORKSCOPE .................................................................................................8 3 EVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Physical Environment ................................................................................................................. 11 3.2.1 Weather and sea conditions ............................................................................................... 11 3.3 Bathymetry and seabed conditions ............................................................................................ 11 3.4 Biological Environment ............................................................................................................... 12 3.4.1 Plankton .............................................................................................................................. 12 3.4.2 Benthos ............................................................................................................................... 12 3.4.3 Fish Spawning and Nursery, Shellfish Grounds ................................................................. 13 3.4.4 Seabird Vulnerability ........................................................................................................... 13 3.4.5 Marine Mammals ................................................................................................................ 15 3.4.6 Socio-Economic Environment ............................................................................................ 17 3.5 Conservation............................................................................................................................... 19 3.5.1 Offshore Conservation ........................................................................................................ 19 3.5.2 Onshore Conservation ........................................................................................................ 22 4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT .......................................... 23 4.1 Discharges to Sea ...................................................................................................................... 25 4.1 Emissions to Air .......................................................................................................................... 25 4.2 Disturbance to the seabed .......................................................................................................... 26 5 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 27 6 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 31 Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Ltd Petrojarl Banff Banff SAL Buoy Removal DOC.NO. : PJB- Decommissioning Environmental Appraisal REV. : 01 DATE : 23/08/2019 PAGE : 3 of 31 km Kilometers ACRONYMS km2 Squared Kilometers LP Low Pressure % Percent m Metres < Less Than m3 Cubic Metres > More Than m3/day Cubic Metres per Day « Inches m/s Metres per Second ° Degree MARPOL International Convention for the °C Degrees Celsius Prevention of Pollution from Ships ‰ Parts per Thousand MCZ Marine Conservation Zone ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable mg/L Milligrams per Litre AHV Anchor Handling Vessel mm Millimeters bbls Barrels MP Medium Pressure BEIS The Department for Business, Energy MU Management Units and Industrial Strategy N2O Nitrous Oxide BMT BMT Cordah NCMPA Nature Conservation Marine BOP Blow Out Preventer Protected Areas CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate nm Nautical Mile CATS Central Area Transmission System NMP National Marine Plan Cefas Centre for Environment, Fisheries NMPi National Marine Plan interactive and Aquaculture Science NNS Northern North Sea CHARM Chemical Hazard Assessment and NOx Nitrogen Oxide Risk Management OCNS The Offshore Chemical Notification CMT Crisis Management Training Scheme CO Carbon Monoxide OGA Oil and Gas Authority CO2 Carbon Dioxide OPEP Oil Pollution Emergency Plan CH4 Methane OPOL Oil Pollution Operators Liability Fund CNRI Canadian Natural Resources OPPC Oil Pollution Prevention and Control International OSD Oil Safety Directive CNS Central North Sea OSPAR Oslo and Paris Convention CTR Cost Time and Resources OSR Oil Spill Response DECC The Department for Energy and OSRL Oil Spill Response Limited Climate Change OVI Oil Vulnerability Index DNV GL Det Norske Veritas and ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle Germanischer Lloyd RQ Risk Quotient DTI Department of Trade and Industry SAC Special Area of Conservation ED European Datum SAHFOS Sir Alister Hardy’s Foundation for EEMS Environmental and Emissions Ocean Science Monitoring System SAL Single Anchor Loading EA Environmental Appraisal SAT Subsidiary Application Template EIA Environmental Impact Assessment SCANS Small Cetacean Abundance in the EPS European Protected Species North Sea ERT Emergency Response Team SCOS Special Committee on Seals EU European Union SMRU Small Mammal Research Unit FPSO Floating Production Supply and SOSI Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index Offloading SOx Sulphur Oxides FRS Fisheries Research Service SPA Special Protected Area FSU Floating Storage Unit SRB Sulphate Reducing Bacteria GHG Greenhouse Gases SRT Site Receival Test H2S Hydrogen Sulphide SST Seabirds at Sea Team HP High Pressure STL Submerged Turret Loading HQ Hazard Quotient TEG Triethylene Glycol HSSE Health, Safety, Security and THPS Tetrakis-(hydroxymethyl)- Environmental Phosphonium Sulphate IAMMWG Inter-Agency Marine Mammal UK United Kingdom Working Group UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf ICES International Council for the UKOPP United Kingdom Oil Pollution Exploration of the Sea Prevention Certificate ISO International Organisation for UHC Unburnt Hydrocarbons Standardization UTM Universal Transverse Mercator JNCC The Joint Nature Conservation VOC Volatile Organic Compounds Committee WAT Wax Appearance Temperature Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Ltd Petrojarl Banff Banff SAL Buoy Removal DOC.NO. : PJB- Decommissioning Environmental Appraisal REV. : 01 DATE : 23/08/2019 PAGE : 4 of 31 1 INTRODUCTION Field overview The Banff field is operated by Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Limited (hereafter referred to as Teekay) and the licence holder is Canadian Resources Limited International (CNRI)). The field is in Blocks 29/02a and 22/27a of the Central North Sea (CNS) and is produced through the Petrojarl Banff Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel (hereafter referred to as the Banff FPSO), located in Block 22/27a. The Single Anchor Loading (SAL) midwater Buoy, which is the subject of this Environmental Appraisal (EA), is situated between the Banff FPSO and the Apollo Spirit Floating Storage Unit (FSU), 193 km from the nearest Scottish coastline and 62 km from the UK/Norway transboundary line in water depths of between approximately 90 and 95 m (Figure 1-1). Figure 1-1: Banff Field Layout showing SAL Buoy position Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Ltd Petrojarl Banff Banff SAL Buoy Removal DOC.NO. : PJB- Decommissioning Environmental Appraisal REV. : 01 DATE : 23/08/2019 PAGE : 5 of 31 The mid-water SAL Buoy was installed in 1998 (circled in Figure 1-2 and detailed in Figure 1-3). The SAL offloading system was made redundant in 2001. The SAL Buoy has a subsea 500 m safety zone which overlaps the safety zone of the Apollo Spirit FSU. The buoy is situated approximately 51 m above the seabed. The mooring structure comprises of a mooring chain and suction anchor. The Buoy also has a 12” loading hose (PL1550A). The hose has been disconnected
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