USOO6631468B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,631,468 B1 VOn Below (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 7, 2003 (54) BOOTABLE PACKET WRITTEN RE Unknown, “Volume and File Structure of CDROM for WRITABLE OPTICAL DISC AND METHODS Information Interchange", Standard ECMA-119, 2" Ed., FOR MAKING SAME Dec. 1987, Reprint Sep. 1998. <http://www.ecma.chd. Unknown, “Universal Disk Format TM Specification”, (75) Inventor: Alexander G. von Below, Aachen (DE) OSTA-2, Rev. 2.00, Apr. 3, 1998, Optical Storage Technol ogy ASSn., Santa Barbara, CA. (73) Assignee: Roxio, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US) * cited by examiner (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Thomas Lee patent is extended or adjusted under 35 ASSistant Examiner Thuan Du U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Martine & Penilla, LLP (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 09/464,332 The present invention provides a method and a computer (22) Filed: Dec. 15, 1999 readable medium for writing fixed packet data to create a (51) Int. Cl." ............................. G06F 9/24; G06F 9/00; bootable optical disc. Each of the fixed packets includes a Set G06F 9/445 of data blocks with a Set of link blockS Separating a pair of (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................ 713/2; 711/4 consecutive fixed packets. A first packet is written onto a (58) Field of Search ............................. 713/1, 2; 711/1, re-writable compact disc including a boot record that has a 711/4, 171, 172, 173; 360/135; 369/13.56 pair of pointers for pointing to locations of associated boot catalogs. One pointer is used to point to a location of an (56) References Cited asSociated boot catalog. An emulated boot image of a Source medium is created for the re-writable compact disc. For a U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS first device that is capable of reading the link blocks, a first 5,475,540 A 12/1995 Gold ........................... 360/48 boot catalog is written in a Second packet where the first boot 5,623,470 A 4/1997 Asthana et al. ... 369/58 catalog includes a pointer to a location of a first boot image 5,721.856 A * 2/1998 Takeuchi ...... ... 711/1 that can be executed to boot up a computer System. For a 6,091,686 A 7/2000 Caffarelli et al. ... 369/58 Second device that is capable of Skipping the link blocks, a 6,122,734. A 9/2000 Jeon ................. ... 713/2 Second boot catalog is written in the Second packet where the 6,134,626 A * 10/2000 Inokuchi et al. ... 711/4 Second boot catalog includes a pointer to a location of a 6,141,772 A * 10/2000 Hashimoto ................... 714/16 Second boot image that can be executed to boot up the 6,304,965 B1 * 10/2001 Rickey .......................... 713/2 computer System. A first boot image is written to emulate the OTHER PUBLICATIONS Source medium having bad Sectors that correspond to the locations of the link blocks in the compact disk Such that Stevens and Merkin, “El Torito’ BOOtable CD-ROM For reading of the first boot image is not interrupted when mat Specification, Version 1.0, pp. 1-20, Jan. 25, 1995, booting up the computer System from the first boot image. Phoenix Technologies and IBM. A Second boot image is written without emulating the bad Unknown, “Volume and File Structure for Write-Once and Sectors corresponding to the locations of the link blocks in Rewritable Media using Non-Sequential Recording for the compact disk. Information Interchange", Standard ECMA-167, 3" Ed., Jun. 1997. <http://www.ecma.chd. 43 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets -300 s:- Mac Partition Map B17---. Boot Record B32-> 304 ISO Root Directory Mode iBoot catalog 306 Iso Root Directory 1 Mode2Boot catalog-- 308 { B256 AWP 1 Mode 1 Boot Image 310 Mode 2 Boot trinage 312 -- U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 1 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 1 OO B32 B71 B11 O B14 9 B38 B77 B116 B145 BO B31 B39 B7O B78 B109 B 17 B148 -- -- 1 O2 104 102 104 102 104 102 104 FIG. 1A (Prior Art) BO B31 9 B127 N IN | N 102 104 104 104 FIG. 1B (Prior Art) -100B B32-B38 B71-B77 B1 10-B116 B139-B 1.45 BO B31 ?'s B70 / Bre B109 ? B117 B138 | | | | | | | 1 O2 104 102 104 102 104 1 O2 104 FIG. 1C (Prior Art) U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 2 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 Provide a fixed packet rewritable - 1 optical disc (e.g., CD-RW disc) Create an emulated boot image 204 of a Source medium for a CD RW disc Write first packet including boot 20 record to reference boot Catalogs Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 1 or 22 214 21 O Write mode 1 boot catalog - Write mode 2 boot 216 Catalog Generate No Yes bad blocks? 22O 212 41 /1 Generate and insert Write mode 2 boot 218 bad blocks into link image onto CD-RW 41 block locations disc along with link blockS Write mode 1 boot image and insert bad blocks Corresponding Write mode 1 boot -222 to link block locations Image 9. CD-RW ISC FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 3 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 B256 AVDP FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 4 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 MODE1. MODE2. DESCRIPTION DEC HEX DEC HEX p Q 9 e NULL 16 to 16 ISOPVD 17 11 17 El Torito Bootrecord 18 12 18 Joliet SVD 19 13 19 ISO Volume Descriptor Terminator 2O 14 2O Begin Extended Area (BEA) 21 15 21 NSRO2 22 16 22 Terminating Extended Area (TEA) 23 17 23 L-Path Table 24 18 24 M-Path Table 25 19 25 Readine.txt 26 1A 26 Autorun.inf 27 1B 27 Inf 28 1C 28 NULL 32 2O 39 ISO Root Dir 33 21 40 Joliet Dir 34 22 41 Boot RE 35 23 42 Tools Dir (Mode 2) 89 46 ISO Root Dir 4O 47 Joliet Dir 41 48 Boot F. 49 Tools Dir (Mode 1) AUTOEXEC.BAT + NULL 78 UDF Reader - NULL UDF PVD UDF PD UDF Unallocated SR Descriptor UDF Fill Logical Volume Descriptor Implementation Use Volume Descriptor Terminating Descriptor UDF PVD UDF PD UDF Unallocated Space Descriptor UDF Fill Logical Volume Descriptor Implementation Use Volume Descriptor Terminating Descriptor Sparing Table AVDP DOSRESTR.EXE Tool files STARTING AT APACKET Packet Grenze: BOOTIMAGE Mode 1 BOOTIMAGE Mode 2 12O 351 15F FileSetDescriptor 121 352 160 Non-Allocatable Space File Entry 122 353 161 NULL 14O 390 186 Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor 141 391 187 Volume Descriptor Terminator 142 392 188 Free Space Bitmap 43 393 189 NULL 15B 417 1A1 C2. Defect Mangement 15C 418 1A2 NULL 16O 429 1 AD NULL 36O 1053 41D Root Directory 361 1054 41E NULL FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 5 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 099 999 299 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 6 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 Start 6O2 Access boot record in block 17 - 604 Select a boot catalog associated with a boot image to boot from 6O6 Extract a pointer to the location of the selected catalog ACCess the Selected boot 608 catalog and extract pointer to the location of the associated bOot image 61 O Access the associated boot - image 612 Boot up computer system using the accessed boot image FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2003 Sheet 7 of 7 US 6,631,468 B1 Processor Ho 712 710 4. Storage Device (e.g., hard disk Memory CHO CHO drive, floppy disk drive) 704 714. Optical Disc Drive (e.g., I/O Device CD-RW, CD-ROM, CD-R, etc.) US 6,631,468 B1 1 2 BOOTABLE PACKET WRITTEN RE packet mode,” which is well known and described in detail WRITABLE OPTICAL DISC AND METHODS in UDF standards such as UDF 1.5 and 2.0, which are FOR MAKING SAME incorporated herein by reference. In the incremental packet mode, data is written in units of packets. The writing of data CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED in units of Small packets provides a more efficient means for APPLICATIONS writing data onto CD-RW discs. For example, before the implementation of incremental packet mode, if a data Stream The present application claims is related to U.S. patent is interrupted while writing the data to a CD-RW disc, for application Ser. No. 09/464,325 filed on Dec. 15, 1999, example, the disc was no longer usable. In incremental entitled “Bootable Incremental Packet Optical Media,” by packet mode writing, however, if a data Stream is interrupted inventor Alexander G. von Below, which is incorporated while writing fixed data packet to the CD-RW disc, only the herein by reference. interrupted packet becomes useless. In this case, new pack BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ets may be written after the interrupted packet Such that the disc Still contains useful data. 1. Field of the Invention 15 In general, optical discs are Substantially cheaper than This invention relates generally to optical Storage media, other mass Storage media Such as hard disk drives of and more particularly to methods and computer readable comparable size. As a result, the optical discS are being media for writing and reading to and from compact disc widely used to Store data for a variety of purposes. For (CD) media. example, the CD-RW discs are frequently used to backup 2.
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