; BUY IN BELLEVILLE TWICE AS THE ONLY PAPER PRINTED IN BELLEVILLE MUCH CIRCULAT BELLEVILLE NEWS AS ANY COMPETITI PRICE TWO q TOWN OF BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ¡Samuel Figurelli Enters Commission R Town Commission Acts Women To Hold The Juniors of Belleville will hold. Feels Courageous Action Is Ne Commission Meets To Pay Hospital Bills Dessert-Bridge their Junior Frolic on^ ^nV^'ToniplV j _________ jSmon "j" .’>CJ“t j Announces That His Candidacy Will Not Be Liiil To Consider Bonds Payment of two bilis to St. Mich- 'First Fine Arts Day Was nlshed by George Lautz and his Mad-1 * Election Will j ael’s Hospital, Newark, was ordered caps. That Of Any Other Person— Governments 535,000 Bonds Are Renewed i by the board of commissioners Tucs- Held At Club Last The committee in charge of ai- Be Made Known ■ j day ldght. The payment will total rangements is composed of Mrs. Administration Scheme, He Stales At Local Banks At , , u 10 {$2.447.50, and includes treatment oi Monday Gladys Ruth Laucr, chairman as- March j patvoiman Christopher Dotterwich --------- - , T> „ T.lln sistecl by Mrs. Lillian Wintield, Mrs. 5 Per Cent Xo The Woman's Club of Belleville, - . s Mrs. Helen A. Bauman. Nomination"^otffcor« «as «¡«j after*. accident, fl.9«-50, ■>>«' » Mrs. William F. Entrekin president, Misg A ]jce Cowburn, Miss Nan A $35,000 issue of tax . revenue predominating feature of the. meet- J ^500 donation for police u n u ^ n t. will hold a dessert bridge at the club. Lynas, Mrs. Gertrude B u r r e ll1I,3i onds are to be authorized by the mg of the Junior Woman’s Club on • service in ■oard of commissioners Tuesday house, 51 Rossmorc p ta «. I S r ^ M i V E U a Tuesday evening. Results of the j Commi^ on.„r Frank J. Carragher i iglit. The bonds are to be sold to day afternoon, March 5 at 1 .->0. HoM j Papritz, Miss Julia Siarzman, Mrs. he First National Bank and the Peo- election yfiU be announce! a ■ j other board members several esses headed by Mrs. John Pole in­ Jean Crahh. Mrs. Evelyn Roelmic, de\s National Bank and Trust Co. next meeting March L->. I ‘ . , giVi t $19,- Those girls who served the club j V/Ceks ago when he .stated tn<u , clude Mrs. II. L. Hamilton, Mrs. O. Mrs. Elsie Ballantino, all of Bellc- o renew others which mature March for the past voar include Myra Zink,! 000 wa5 owing the hospital. It was viliV- Mrs. Ruby Delhagen, Eliza- and will bear interest at the rate. T. Breunich. Mrs. I. H. Cornell and president; Alice Cornell, vice p r e s i­ i heth. Mrs. Hazel Corwin, Miss found that this was for services Mrs. Herbert Carson. All card games >f 5 per cent. dent; Maragaret Haworth, secretary, I Christine Hanson and Mrs. Marjorie Pirof'tnv William XL Williams o t , ---- - given Belleville charity cases, and are to be played and all members and | Nixon of Ocean Grove, and Mrs. Lou , ,he department of revenue and fin- j and J a a businesa that the town would not be billed for their friends are invited. <■ ! ICeliv of Arlington, mcc stated that he was elated .by the iho meeting * * * i .■ this amount by the hospital. Hospital one a n d . reports were given by Mrs Last Monday afternoon the club i There will be novelty dances ami .rankaelion, saying, “ This is the first Stem, Estelle Powers and Vivian |I officials,............. however, wished to collect arts day under | awards. Tickets may ^ be obtained ¡iccasion in many months that we held its first fine Kilpatrick. Mrs. Stem gave a re-1 R500 annual donation of the totvn. of Mrs. LeRoy ! from any of the committee Save been able to get a 5 per cent port on the luncheon in honor of-, • ______ --------------- the chairmanship , iforest rate on our bonds. X believe, Bunnell. Due to the inclement weath- | _ Mrs. Margaret Corbett-Ashby Jan- ; p « L f ; v n o nat the 6 per cent interest .rate for er some of the artists s.chedided to , © /\t, S C u O O l 3 nary 24 in the Elk’s Club m Newark, | P r0 a fe S S LtlUU illV C S ibnicipal bonds is breaking, and it is appear were unable to reach the club j and' also on the Junior reception rn | leasing" to discover that our local house and will bo heard at a futurpj ankers are willing to cooperate in date. Mrs. Bunnell led the community ■ To Mark Anniversary Dinner For Abromson singing after which-Mrs. II. Clifford | his way.” , International Relations meeting ini -------------- t The meeting was attended by only Arlington. ‘ Miss Powers, Interna- j p o r m e r P r e s i d e n t P r a iS C d Whitfield, program chairman, gave * 11 Officers Will Be Elected hreo commissioners and , three spcc- brief talk oh Henry \V. Longlelio.) j tional Relations chairman gave a j ators. Commissioner William D. whose birthday anniversary was eelo-j most interesting report on,.? .the: At Annual Meeting By Speakers, Receives brated Tuesday. Mrs. Edgar M. j Hark had to be summoned from his Youth Conf erence held at Dana --Col- , lome to make up. a quorum. Com- Compton read “ The Building of the j lego on February 22. As a result of I Gift Thursday nissioner Frank J. Carragher was these reports the Belleville Juniors , Shi])” by live poet. < 11, and Mayor Samuel S. Kenworthy are more enthusiastic ovei theii own j In appreciation of the services he Mrs. John J. Hewitt,, soprano, sang j The Parent-Teacher Association of vas in Trenton, engaged in the busi- International Party to be held April two solos “ The Star” by Rogers and j No. 3 School will celebrate- its first ioss of the New Jersey State League ; rendered the Progress Club as ^ j .^attinaia,” by Tosti. 24. anniversary at a meeting at th*- )f.‘Municipalities, of which he is cxe- Formal installation of the new of- j president from 1J-9 to 19o„, E ‘ J Mrs. F. F. - Robertson, of Nuiley, school next Thursday at 8:15 P. M. .•utive secretary. fieers will take place on May 8 at a j j. Abromson was given a desk set j £UCSt, discussed “ The Work of Officers for the coming year will be The issuing of $5,000 in bondcer­ “ Surprise Meeting.” ,at a testimonial dinner held Sunday !. tjUi and urged all members ot tificates of $1 and $5 denominations ' ! ni„.ht in the Club Evergreen. Samuel j lhlJ du]j u, attend the luncheon and elected. waa authorized. The certificates, Ko-an vice president, lauded the i démonstration to be- held at Hahne s The speaker of the evening will be which were printed last year when Woman’s G.O.P. Club ivo^an, i . •>. j Denartment................. Store............... March; 12 . to 1 ,r. a member of the New Jersey State $.1.2,000 were issued, will h£ ex­ past-president in presenting the gift.) Thursday,Uepamnuu March 15 will be M'oman-• pnt ol> u oaHh, whose topic . V * changed for $10 baby bonds, paid to Commissioner A. F. Minisi of New- Club Day with Mrs. W. J. Vail o f Hvgiene.” The town and school employees in lieu of Meets Thursday ___________ ; ark, described Mr. Abromson as be- Nutlcv Eighth D istrict Vice presi- will be bouai tygti cash. Williams said that issuing the chairman. Mrs,. Roh-j teachers of the school will present a Candidates Night Is Setting loyal and faithfulûthful in telling ofotacting ; denL( acting as man-man. ;\uo... umiih i* ; certificates, used in making change, the Belleville attor- i rrtison said there were twemy-eig it j , kit written by Miss Helen Daily cn- , will save the expense of printing $1 the many cases the . t.. i kmiih-rol lvlind in New Jersey and that>b:u ! <*'fhe Forming of a P.-l. A. Ì tax revenue bonds. < ■ For Friday, ney pleaded before nun in the u children over five years were sent >o ! SAMUEL FIGURELLI , The meeting was adjourned unti. Aprii 6 vington_____ District Court, when he sat . schools where they learned the tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock when dil l as judge there. More than 300 per- , Braine system and then they were ' Samuel Fiirurelli. local attorney prosperity or trade ami a bond transaction to furnish $38,- “Counsellor At Law’ i , / inoj 1Q9R and not of principle. , Thex i,l; Belleville Woman’s Repuhli- ( attended the dinner. able to continue with the reguhu ( i who was recorder from 1..-J to 1. - «rp^ere. lirust he honesty 000 cash to the school hoard will be can Club will meet at the Woman’s ; • N Aiini^i said, “ has al- classes and make wonderful progress. i announced his caniiulacj ioi >hf u)v' j genuine conscience, acted upon. Williams stated that Club house, 51 Rossmore place, on - nom* , - ¡ Samples of Braille were shown. Will Be Presented i commission this week. Mr. Figurelli j and independence $88,000 bonds will be issued, to the Thursday afternoon of next week, j ways been a hard but a «=• ° ‘ ; ^lrii Cornish, art chairman, State treasurer, who will turn ove. i was a candidate for election in 1930. j istration of goveri March 8. The president, Mrs. John Evel. ] oyal to his clients, he has a ' | j1(dd an exhibition of old and modern nL. M,an n(HK.
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