SR 92-82 Interchange Improvement Project SAN MATEO (SM) COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DISTRICT 4 – SM – 92-82(Post Miles 11.0/10.3, 11.5 /10.7) Expenditure Authorization 23552/Project ID 0412000496 Initial Study with Negative Declaration Prepared by the State of California Department of Transportation May 2014 General Information About This Document For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document can be made available in Braille, in large print, on audiocassette, or on computer disk. To obtain a copy in one of these alternate formats, please call or write to Department of Transportation, District 4 Office of Public Affairs, P.O. Box 23660, Oakland, CA 94623; (510) 286-4444 (Voice), or use the California Relay Service 1 (800) 735-2929 (TTY), 1 (800) 735-2929 (Voice) or 711. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables 4 SUMMARY 7 CHAPTER 1- Proposed Project 12 Introduction 12 Purpose and Need 13 CHAPTER 2 - Project Alternatives 14 Alternatives 14 Build Alternative Partial Cloverleaf 14 No Build Alternative 19 Alternatives Discussed But Eliminated From Further Analysis: 19 CHAPTER 3 - Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences and Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures 19 UTILITIES AND EMERGENCY SERVICES 21 Affected Environment 21 Environmental Consequences 21 Avoidance Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures 21 Traffic and Transportation/Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities 22 Regulatory Setting 56 Affected Environment 56 Project Alternatives 56 Environmental Consequences 56 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Measures 56 VISUAL/AESTHETICS 56 Regulatory Setting 56 Affected Environment 56 Environmental Consequences 60 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures 61 CULTURAL RESOURCES 63 Regulatory Setting 63 1 Affected Environment 63 Environmental Consequences 64 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures 64 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 61 WATER QUALITY: HYDROLOGY, FLOODPLAIN AND STORMWATER RUNOFF 61 Regulatory Setting 61 Affected Environment 64 Environmental Consequences 66 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures 67 GEOLOGY/ SOILS/SEISMIC/TOPOGRAPHY 70 Regulatory Setting 70 Affected Environment 70 Environmental Consequences 72 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures 72 PALEONTOLOGY 73 Affected Environment 73 Environmental Consequences 73 Avoidance and/or Minimization Measures 73 HAZARDOUS WASTE/MATERIALS 74 Regulatory Setting 74 Affected Environment 75 Environmental Consequences 75 Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures 75 NOISE 76 Regulatory Setting 76 Noise Impact 80 Feasibility 80 Reasonableness 81 Undeveloped Lands 81 2 Affected Environment 81 Environmental Consequences 83 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Abatement Measures 86 Affected Environment 94 Environmental Consequences 94 Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures 95 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS 97 Regulatory Setting 97 Affected Environment 97 Environmental Consequences 97 Avoidance, Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures 97 CLIMATE CHANGE AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 99 Regulatory Setting 100 Project Analysis 101 Construction Emissions 104 CEQA Conclusion 105 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies 105 Adaptation Strategies 108 CHAPTER 4 COMMENTS AND COORDINATION 113 LIST OF PREPARERS 198 DISTRIBUTION LIST 199 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) EVALUATION 200 Appendices 202 Appendix A CEQA Checklist 202 Appendix B California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) 215 Appendix C Title VI Policy Statement 220 Appendix D List of Acronyms 221 Appendix E Avoidance and Minimization Summary 141 Appendix F List of Technical Studies 232 3 List of Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity ....................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2. Project Location ..................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3. Typical Cross Section of SR 82 ............................................................................. 9 Figure 5. Typical Cross Section of SR 92 ............................................................................10 Figure 6. Conceptual Design (no scale) ...............................................................................11 Figure 7. Existing Condition SM 92/82 undercrossing, looking south along El Camino Real .. (SR 82) .................................................................................................................58 Figure 8. Existing Condition SM 92/82 undercrossing, looking north along El Camino Real ... (SR 82) .................................................................................................................58 Figure 9. Existing Condition SM 92/82 undercrossing, at El Camino Real (SR 82) ..............59 Figure 10. Existing landscape along outside northbound SR 82 on-ramp .............................59 Figure 11. Existing condition of proposed sound wall location—outside of diagonal off-ramp EB 92 to SB 82. ...................................................................................................60 Figure 12. Flood Insurance Rate Map ...................................................................................65 Figure 13. Noise Levels of Common Activities ......................................................................79 Figure 14. Location of Proposed Soundwall ....................... 87Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 15. Simulated Image of Proposed Soundwall on EB 92 .............................................88 Figure 16. California Greenhouse Gas Forecast ................................................................. 102 Figure 17. Possible Effect of Traffic Operation Strategies in Reducing On-Road CO2 ........... Emission ............................................................................................................ 103 Figure 18. Mobility Pyramid ................................................................................................ 106 List of Tables Table 5. Signalized Intersection Level of Service Definitions .............................................56 Table 6. Freeway Level of Service Definitions ...................................................................56 Table 7. Existing Peak Hour Network Measure of Effectiveness .......................................56 Table 8. Existing Eastbound SR 92 AM Peak Hour Level of Service .................................56 4 Table 9. Existing Westbound SR 92 AM Peak Hour Level of Service ................................56 Table 10. Existing Eastbound SR 92 PM Peak Hour Level of Service .................................56 Table 11. Existing Westbound SR 92 PM Peak Hour Level of Service ................................56 Table 12. Existing Intersection Peak Hour Level of Service .................................................56 Table 13. Design Year (2038) Ramp Metering Queuing Summary for No Build Alt. .............56 Table 14. Design Year (2038) Ramp Metering Queuing Summary for Partial Cloverleaf Alternative ............................................................................................................56 Table 16. Opening Year (2018) Peak Period Network Measure of Effectiveness .................56 Table 17. Opening Year (2018) Intersection Peak Hour Level of Service ............................56 Table 18. Design Year (2038) EB and WB SR 92 AM Peak Hour Level of Service ..............56 Table 19. Design Year (2038) WB and EB SR 92 PM Peak Hour Level of Service ..............56 Table 20. Design Year (2038) Peak Period Network Measures of Effectiveness .................56 Table 21. Design Year (2038) Intersection Peak Hour Level of Service ...............................56 Table 22. Earthquake Fault Data .........................................................................................71 Table 23. Noise Abatement Criteria .....................................................................................77 Table 24. Existing Noise Levels ...........................................................................................83 Table 25. Future Noise Levels and Noise Impacts ...............................................................84 Table 26. Future Noise Levels with Barrier ..........................................................................88 Table 27. Barrier Feasibility and Reasonable Allowances ....................................................90 Table 28. Projected CO₂ Emissions ................................................................................... 103 Table 29. Climate Change/CO2 Reduction Strategies ........................................................ 107 5 6 SUMMARY The project proposes to modify the existing interchange State Route (SR) 92 and SR 82 (also known as El Camino Real [ECR]) on its existing alignment to a partial cloverleaf interchange. This would entail widening the existing ramps and reconfiguring the existing interchange from a full cloverleaf to a partial cloverleaf. The project also proposes to widen the sidewalk on each side of SR 82 and provide Class II bicycle lanes on SR 82 between the ramp intersections. The City of San Mateo, the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA) are project sponsors and Caltrans is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Purpose and Need The current configuration of the SR 92 and SR 82 interchange is resulting in operational deficiencies which is causing queuing and weaving on SR 92. The purpose of this project is to increase performance at the on and off ramps and to address the secondary
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