VOL.UfillHI " I. U U~~~~~~~~. 4,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, VOL. ut wAUHIHUTo n, a. C. JaHuEH, 194! no. I · *i .,! . ,, * M D STANDS FOR DO The oniclest, Sorest Way Americans are men of action. They like to get things done. YOU Can Help Win This They rust with idleness, and thrive on activity. In the present crisis, every American can "do." He can work. He can engage in home defense. He can buy Defense Bonds. Now is the time to make an investment in the U. S. A. Defense Bonds and Defense Stamps are easy doors to all-out aid to hefensa BONDS-STAMPS soldiers at the front. Nowi President Roosevelt says: "The lives of our soldiers and sailors-the whole future of this nation- depend upon the manner in which each and every one of us fulfills his obligation to our country." D STANDS FOR DO, AND DEFENSE BONDS Electrical Workers Journal 1200 15th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Ok/~icia &n o/ t 4e InTERnATIODUL ELECTRICAL WORKERS nnd OPERATORS PUBLISHED MONTHLY Q. BLFftiagd £d_& t2oo94&4hAnt4St VH*I ahidan~, .2. e. Page Frontispiece-IYou .... 2 Vitamins Drafted to Victory Goal -. .. _3 Eat the Right Food ..... 5 CHAT Modern Minute Men Write New Saga - - - No one can pass through the portals Japan, An Ancient State, Embraces Technology - -7 Your Fire Department, Link In Home Defense of 1942 without a consciousness of the Meet the Warden, Boys; lie's Important - - - - 9 uncertainty of the future. This emo- Democracy Rules Great Salt River Project - _ 10 tional approach to the New Year is A Scrappy New Year .... - - ~11 not unusual but certainly in a world Clinic Held On Thurman Arnold's Case - _ - - 12 Man Whom Ernest Bevin Calls "Mate" _- - 13 of rapid change the sense of un- War Labor Board Looms; Stems From Precedent - 14 certainty is increased. 1,000 Persons Cheer Apprentices in California - 15 Hints on Collective Bargaining from Sweden - 16 Unionism and the Radio Service Man - - - 17 It is plain now to every American Terry, the Wanderer, Glimpses Forbidden Love 18 citizen that the World War 11 is no Chiseled in Light ..... - - 19 Editorials - - - - - - - 20 ordinar-y war. It hasmuch more in- Woman's Work - 22 tensity of conflict than the first World Women's Auxiliary - - - - - 23 War, and in addition it represents a Correspondence ...... 24 revolutionary movement. Clear as day In Memoriam - - - - _ 39 Death Claims Paid -... -- - 42 the issues are drawn. Two ways of life Cooperating Manufacturers - - - _ 44 are in conflict. Certainly one or the Local Union Official Receipts - ~~51 other is in jeopardy. * This Journal will not beheld responsible far views expresed by correspondents. The first of each month is the dosing dat; all copy must be in our hands on or before. Aiericrianl labor is aware that free trade unriolislm is one of the paw'ns in EXECUTIVE OFFICERS the titanic struggle, But of course rrlterra tin ia] Prsidrlet, E)WAILO J. BROWN, Infrmnatina l SCrotar. 0. M. 1o[NlAZET, freedom of very. kind is at stake. No 1200 15Lb St., N. W,, Washington, D. C. 1200 15th St., N, W., Washington, D) C. doubt that is why Anwrican labor has International TWrea surer.W A, HlGlA, ri47 South Sixth A-e. NL. ..... N, Y. arisen so unifiedly to the crisis, and VICE PRESIDENTS INTERNATIONAL with moneyt , and devotion is Firtl Disrict E.> XL..S EXEC UTIVE COUt NCIL seeking to turn back the enemy at S. F. 3, London, Ont., Canada Ct'lts Al. PALSE,, Chatrmai hofie aind abroad. Second Distriet JoHN J. RItEAN 'V17W. Cuyler Axe., (hicago, IM. R.. 424, Park Sqtlare Bldg., BIosto, Mass. First Dislirit IlARN¥ VAN AtSDAlI}, JR. o:10E. 25th St., New York, N. Y. Third District wlILLIAM D. %VATKER The way to preserve trade unionism 2225 Rhawn St, Philadelphia, Pa. Secorld i'tkisit F. L,. Kr"v,[, Fourth Distrt ARThUl rENNET[ VI Beacon St., Hyde Park, Mass. is to beconle a devoted part of the all 117.ISoon N, B. C. ilde., (leveland. Ohio Third DTI t r WcIter LA I SitO[oh. out lovement to turn back totali- Fifth Distric t G X. 21!J4L ul & Finmace Mldg.,Pittsburgh. Pa. 301 W.od ard Bldg, Blirminghaom, Ala. I"ll Disfliet 1. F. PRLLER tlariatism. When this is successful, and Sixth District M. J. BonIn 2025 2id St.. N. E.. Washington. D. C. it is going to be successful, it is vo.' 3920 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, In. Fifth District IIIN IANNiNG likely that trade unionism will have a Seventh Distrlt W. L. INGRAM 1:T N o -Wlls St. Ch'ago, Il. 3641 Laughton St., Fnrt Worth. T'exas Sixth I)istriot D.. 'Vl TIAC¥ more i.iprtsat and more secure part Eighth District Apartments, Washington, D. C. I[ W. Bell in the futurc Even in the midst of this Bx 471, Denver, Cole, Seventh District Cii,,IIIt J. FoEHN Ninth District J. Scor MuirNf 240ol Iu;,Iro St. San Francisco. Calif. conflict linde unionists should get 910 Central Toer, San F}ranciso, Calif. Eighth Distrwit T1.L. MCBRIDnE ready for that date when trade unions Rai ro...s .J J, DIFFY i;5 Jamites St , LIahor Temple, 330 South WeIs St., Room 600, Chilago, IlL. Winnipeg. Man., Carlads are asked to shoulder bigge.responsi- bities in the new world of freedom. 2 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors A YOU When a crisis comes. You, you and you are America. When the bombs bite At skyscrapers, When screaming shrapnel Claws at brother flesh, You, you must decide The telling issue. Not Tom. your neighbor, Not brass hats, Not the other fellow. but you Must go down into the shadow Of the shuddering heart. Wrestle with the demon And make the awful decision. "I shall give, I shall pay off. I shall not retreat. I shall surrender that last ounce Of blood and sinew." After that, all is easy. After that you and America- Will stand erect with Victory in your eyes' John Gray Mullen. THE JOURnAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Afno OPERATORS OrFiCIAL oU8LI.CATION OF THE tNTERNATIOflAL BOTHERHNOODOF ELEtCTRICAL WOAI(RS "'" It Ad 4kI r vi ~ ~or, . M.I .c . I.~ SI~T,.L (vP E I "I C ISb . i Y'ok YtAIo, IN AI, 11J WA 1111137w. VITAMINS 244 Pl)l othet ra£ily II .... ilrs. I pill or dto TOMATOES, ORANRES, GRAPE- FRUIT, GREEN CABBAGE. lAI~ SALAD GREENS I or .. ore $u...zng. VICTORY LEAFY. GREEN, OR YELLOW GOAL VEGETABLES I Il morie servings, Tltpoor re tint hen thy. Unhealthy T nbernand wollln do not make good Campaign begun OTHER VEGETABLES Oft FRUIT soldiies. Thou.gb tilt Ar,,lel.... stan.- to put perfectly balanced diet 2 ilmore servings:. dard of living is as high an higher than the RLtndard of any other nation in the in every American kitchen. EGGS wmold, still great inl.r.vtnlenlt is Tpossibh Base of vitality for whole 1 (or at least 3or 4 a weelk). andi] that imp .oven.iit sho ITdbegin at the [presentt with a momlentous. anipaigr1 if nation LEAN MEAT, POULTRY. FISH education of those who must live simpiy ill'C]r sorevoings. atln] of those who contrtl SOlewhat the drew with undeniabe ,vid..nee the ine CEREALS AND BREAD) standard (If life foA it whole nation. Tools between health aid wags. Families (In Al. ietst 2 servings Illwhole-grain prod an( nlaterials lie aI hand. It is beleveud relief wet( shown to have 87 per cent ctis or' "'eriched"blreld. possibl that the vitality of the wbole TO- toltire diseases than faniilies hlaving an in- tion-l til be lreatly ]in1rcaserd by a eam- tunle of $3,000 or lote. The survey FATS palign for pripereat. il. shewed that relie Wlll,ke, r are ill three SWEETS Sulch a compaiiri is. re..dy to be days for every aon dlay nf illless siflfered ]auncehed through tbe 8.200 defense ontI- by the highr paod worker,. Once again WATER Oils of the iatijun. Trhis4 is ith. [eeision, Iabor's contention thbt dgihwages is the G o inor¢ gasse'.% rerltded at a ¢oltfet-,trie held with Paul V. basis fro national weIll-bLg was given MNuTt, whdoiiiititiitor, FeuleaI SecUrity Inut...rt fro, I new dieetion. THFlE S{'ENTIFIC PROGRAM Agecly, and a grout, of labolleaders in Use whole Washington i DI.ecemIber. The most itn- TO RTI[LD A HEALTH ¥ PEOPLE fluid or skim milk, butte,!+ m .ilk, .yapmoated. milk. dr milk. cheese Ibrtatit recoinu...elatio n. ude by the Ila- NoW on the table and in.. oking. bet leaders to Mr. McNntt was that uidh r the, It -r;,u il Tlta... ERro- ('ount I pint of umdiluteid demonstrations of the prolje diet be ef- hOllill, I[ S DIepa tollolt of Ari'culture, eva.o)ratd milk fortlle te wives or ,oikkio just us they the (hildhhn's Bureau, I. S. Doep.artmnent (a little io,re Thali I tall can), o r t tie inw afforded to wives of armers. of Labo-, the Offile oI Edutatiai aId the pound of dry milk, or t; pouolfn cheese through the uatlviu u- systenm of county Public Ieuabth Service, It new eampaign it ns hnving about the Salle fooid al' a",. tirit of fluid agnt't The caopoign for- t ,dti.ationin ha,,un to coniphlnent ,h theory and to ilk. + p.... for Ise gree, leafy vtgeiables often- lI....I&i e'tinl$ ih I] chat-ge of M.LL actual fullilhne..t of 'loper foo Wilsonr of the nititd Statts Depa.it for e,'ry niellhlt of he lpopulation. B]- stlinach, kale.
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