www.ukrweekly.com Штб by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekl V VoiL ШNo.4ii THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1982 25 cents Volodymyr Andrushko, 600 attend women's conference by George B. Zarycky Discussions touched on a host of veteran dissident problems and issues, both personal and KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Over 600 social, confronting Ukrainian women in gets 10-year sentence women from across the United States the diaspora, among them divorce, and Canada converged on the Soyu- widowhood, violence in the home, child LONDON - Volodymyr Andrushko, zivka resort here during the October 2-3 abuse, changing sexual mores, and the a Ukrainian patriot who had been weekend for the "Ukrainian Woman in preservation of the Ukrainian language imprisoned in the 1960s on charges of Two Worlds" conference. and identity. "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda," was sentenced by a Ternopil Oblast The conclave, sponsored by the Although most of the participants Court to a 10-year term for "anti- Ukrainian National Women's League appeared to be middle-aged, there were Soviet" activity. of America, was billed by organizers as a considerable number between 30 and a conference to explore the vital issues 45, but a few were in their 20s. News of the trial recently reached the facing the new generation of Ukrainian Participants began streaming into West and was reported by the Ukrai­ women in North America. Soyuzivka's Main House on Friday nian Central Information Service head­ Although organizers were anticipat­ evening. By nightfall, 134 had been quartered here. ing a large turnout, with some 375 registered and the resort's parking lots women pre-registered, the unexpectedly were filled with cars bearing license Mr. Andrushko, a native of Sad- large number of interested participants plates from several states and Canadian zhavka in the Ivano-Frankivske region, and the orderliness of the proceedings provinces, including Maine, Massachu­ was a marine engineer. came as a pleasant surprise to both setts, Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, During the 1960s, he was arrested for conference officials and guests. California, Ontario and Quebec. Parti­ anti-Soviet agitprop and received a ftve- "The purpose of this conference is to. cipants continued to arrive well after year term that he served in Mordovian increase an awareness of the Ukrainian midnight. prison camps along with Ukrainian woman's valuable input into the Ukrai­ A busload of women arrived from lawyer Lev Lukianenko and other nian community, both presently and in Rochester, N. Y., and identification tags nationally conscious Ukrainians re­ the past," said Anise Handzia Sawy- worn by the women after registration pressed during the 1960s. ckyj, chairman of the conference Or­ displayed Atlanta, Washington, Detroit ganizing Committee. and New York addresses. Some came After his release Mr. Andrushko The weekend event featured an exten­ from as far away as Argentina to attend worked as an instructor of the Ukrai­ sive agenda, including 13 panel dis­ the conference. Since Soyuzivka was nian language in the Ternopil region, cussions, several presentations, three booked to capacity, most participants but he was constantly harassed by the separate art exhibits and a concert had to find accommodations in neigh­ KGB. program. boring Ellenville and Kerhonkson and other area towns. His friends and acquaintances were The panels, which were held in continually warned to keep away from several locations around Soyuzivka, Registration continued on Saturday him, and as a result, Mr. Andrushko dealt with issues ranging from inter­ morning beginning at 8:30 in the Main often had difficulties finding an apart­ marriage to the working woman, and House lobby. Participants were pro­ ment in which to live. such diverse topics as the sociological vided with a schedule of panels, UNWLA aspects of Ukrainian identity and brochures, a map of Soyuzivka and The Ukrainian Central Information women in crisis. Most panels were other materials. Many drifted into the Service reported that he was finally conducted in Ukrainian. (СОІИІЧІІ oo ptft 5) Dr. Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiai arrested after years of harassment and sentenced without cause to 10 years' imprisonment. NOTICE TO OUR READERS Providence Association quits UCCA This issue of The Ukrainian Weekly is being mailed to all Svoboda sub­ PHILADELPHIA - The Provi­ he was acting in accordance with the scribers in order to reacquaint them dence Association of Ukrainian Catho­ September 8 appeal of U.S. Ukrainian with our newspaper. Catholic hierarchs (published in The lics in America, a fraternal Ukrainian As our readers may recall, before Weekly on September 26) in which they Catholic organization headquartered in June 1, 1980, The Weekly was mailed stated that the Church cannot be party Philadelphia, has withdrawn its repre­ automatically to all Svoboda sub­ to the divisiveness in the Ukrainian sentatives from the Ukrainian Congress scribers at no additional charge. community and said that if unity is not Committee of America. However, rapidly rising costs of achieved the Church would be forced to News of the withdrawal was released newsprint and postage forced the .withdraw the representatives of all here on September 27 in an official Ukrainian National Association, our organizations operating under the aegis communique from the president of publisher, to stop this giveaway of of the Ukrainian Catholic Church from Providence, Msgr. Stephen Chomko. The Weekly and to charge Svoboda "those central and local organizations In the communique Msgr. Chomko subscribers an additional fee for a that do not adhere to the principle of stated: "Effective September 29,1982,1 Weekly subscription. hereby temporarily withdraw the repre­ Christian love and do battle with one another." Many Svoboda readers chose to sentatives of the headquarters and local subscribe to The Weekly, others did branches of the Providence Association not. This issue of The Weekly is being Msgr. Chomko went on to say that he of Ukrainian Catholics from the central mailed to the latter with the hope that and local UCCA bodies. made the decision to recall Providence they will see what they're missing by "I also call on all representatives of representatives from the UCCA "with a not reading The Weekly and will the Providence headquarters and its heavy nearT and that he was aware of become Weekly subscribers. the fact that the great majority of branches not to take part in the activity We should also note that those of of the Committee for Law and Order in Providence Association members wish to see the UCCA unite all and serve as you who subscribe to both The the UCCA or any other organization Weekly and Svoboda will receive two an organization of organizations. He that promotes the divisiveness and copies of this issue. May we suggest disunity of our community." appealed to all members of Providence that you pass one copy on to a friend? Volodymyr Andrushko The Providence president noted that (Continued oo pap в) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1982 No. 41 characterized Ukrainian intellectual Since his imprisonment, Mr. Неї Dissident profile life in the 1960s. He become involved has been the author of many appeals with the group of dissident intellec­ both to the Soviet government and to Ivan Неї: tuals that became known as the the West. In 1976, he went on a "Shestydesiatnyky." hunger strike to protest his treatment When Soviet authorities launched and the illegality of his imprison­ serving second sentence their crackdown on these men and ment. women, Mr. Неї was caught in the In 1979, he wrote a letter to the JERSEY CITY, NJ. - This year, web. He was arrested in Lviv on Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in Ukrainian dissident Ivan Неї is August 24, 1965. Two days later, the which he described the Soviet system scheduled to complete the last year of KGB searched his apartment on as "a dictatorship." He demanded the a 10-year labor-camp term. But his Chorny Street. release of all Ukrainian political ordeal will by no means be over. The On March 24-25, 1966, he was prisoners, the institution of civil and 45-year-old former tool-maker still convicted at a closed trial of dissemi­ political rights in the USSR and the faces a five-year exile sentence. Mr. nating anti-Soviet samvydav mate­ secession of Ukraine from the Soviet Hel's only "crime" was that he, like rials, and sentenced to three years in Union. his father, insisted that the Soviet a strict-regimen labor camp in In January 1980 Mr. Неї was government guarantee civil, national Mordovia. transferred from Mordovia to Perm. and human rights in Ukraine. Released in 1968 with a report Seven months later, on August 5, he Ivan Неї was born on July 17, from the camp officials which said was moved again, this time to Lviv. 1937, in the village of Kletsko in the that he refused to renounce his views, Although Mr. Неї is imprisoned, Horodenka region of the Lvivoblast. he returned to Lviv but was unable to and is not due to be released from His father Andrij was a peasant. find permanent employment. Once exile until 1987, the Soviet press Mr. Hel's early life was normal again, he became involved with continues to attack him. In an August enough. He started elementary school dissident intellectuals and human- 18 article accusing Ukrainian dissi­ in his native village in 1944. In 1932, rights activists working for the U- dent Olena Krasivska of stealing however, he was ejected from middle krainian cause. from the Russian Social Fund, the school at age 15 for not joining the In 1970, Mr. Неї spoke at the Lviv newspaper Vilna Ukraine ma­ Komsomol, the Communist youth funeral of Alia Horska, a Ukrainian naged a backhanded attack on Mr.
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