The Translation of Advertising Texts A Study of English-Language Printed Advertisements and their Translations in Russian Volume 2 Bibliography Plates Appendices Karen Louise Smith July 2002 Thesis submittedfor the degreeof Doctor of Philosophy Departmentof Russianand Slavonic Studies Supervisor University of Sheffield Mr Nigel Gotten, MA FTCL Best Copy Available 1Y",ýoýqý2S Y`r`ý-i Hast Bibliography Bibliography The bibliography is divided into four sections. The first is a list of the books and articles used in this research(including Internet articles); the second,dictionaries consulted; the third, websites used for reference; and the fourth, the publicity material received from advertising agencies,companies and publishers. The following abbreviations are used in this bibliography: EnT English Today JCR Journal of ConsumerResearch RRe RusskajaRecY' VMU VestnikMoskovskogo universiteta VSPU Vestnik Sankt Peterburgskovo universiteta GeneralBibliography Abdul-Ghani, A. 2000. `The Language of Advertising: A Contrastive Study of Advertising Texts in British English, Malaysian English and Malay', Unpublished doctoral thesis: University of Surrey Adab, B. 1997. `Translation Strategiesand cross cultural constraints: a case study of the translation of advertising texts', Unpublished doctoral thesis: Aston University 2000. `Towards More Systematic Approach to Translation . a of Advertising Texts' in Beeby 2000,223-35 Akyuz, Y and Rayment, P. 1998. The Russian Crisis of 1998 [online]. Penang: Third World Network. Available at: <URL: http://www. twnside.org. sg/title/1998- cn.htm. > [Accessed 13 December 2001] Alatis, J. E. and Tucker, G. R. eds. 1979. Language in Public Life, Washington: Georgetown University Press Al-Shehari, K. S. 2001. `The Semiotics and Translation of Advertising Texts: Conventions, Constraints, and Translation Strategieswith Particular Reference to English and Arabic', Unpublished doctoral thesis: Uv IST Alvarez, R and Vidal, M. C-A. eds. 1996. Translation, Power, Subversion, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Anderson, R. D. 2000. Glossary of Greek Rhetorical Terms Connected to Methods of Argumentation, Figures and tropes from Anaximenes to Quintilian, Leuven: Peeters Anikst, M. ed. 1987. Soviet Commercial Design of the Twenties,trans. by Cooke, C., London: Thames and Hudson Ltd. 270 Bibliography Appadurai, A. 1994. `Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy' in Williams and Chrisman 1994,324-39 Arens, W. F. and Bovee, C. L. 1994. Contemporary Advertising - Fifth Edition, Burr Ridge, Illinois: Irwin Aristotle. 1991 [384-322 BC]. The Art of Rhetoric, trans. by. Lawson-Tancred, H. C. [Greek title: TehneRetorikis], London: Penguin Books Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G. and Tiffin, H. 1998. Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, London: Routledge Au, K-L. K. 1999. `Cultural Transfer in Advertisement Translation', Babel, 45:2, 97-106 Baker, M. 1992. In Other Words -A Coursebook on Translation, London: Routledge 1995. `Corpora in Translation Studies: An Overview Some . and Suggestionsfor Future Research', Target, 7:2,223-43 1998. Encyclopedia Translation Studies, London: Routledge . ed. of Bakhtin, M. M. 1992. `Discourse and the Novel', trans. by Emerson, C. and Holquist, M., in Holquist 1992,259-422 Barker, A. M. ed. 1999. Consuming Russia: Popular Culture, Sex and Society since Gorbachev, Durham [N. C.], London: Duke University Press Barker, C. 2000. Cultural Studies - Theory and Practice, London: Sage Barnbrook, G. 1996. Language and Computers. A Practical Introduction to the Computer Analysis of Language, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press by Barthes, R. 1977. `Rhetoric and the Image' in Image - Music - Text, trans. Heath, S., London: Fontana, 32-51 Bassnett, S. 1996. `The Meek or the Mighty: Reappraising the Role of the Translators', in Alvarez 1996,10-24 and Trivedi, H. 1999. Post-colonial Translation - Theory and Practice, London: Routledge Beeby, A., Ensiger, D., and Presas, M. eds. 2000. Investigating Translation, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Belousov, V. N. 2001. Novyj 'Pigmalion, iii Russkaja rec'v rossyskix sredstvax Eleks-al'fa. massovoj informacii, [online]. Russia: Available at: <URL: http://www. gramota.ru/mag_pew. html? id=67> [Accessed21 June 2001] 271 Bibliography Berger, J. P. 1972. Waysof Seeing, London: British Broadcasting Corporation Beylard-Ozeroff, A., Krälovä, J. and Moser-Mercer, B. eds. 1998. Translators' Strategies and Creativity, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Bhabha, H. K. 2000 [1994]. 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G-L. 1999. `Linguistic imperialism, globalism, and the English language', in Graddol and Meinhof 1999,37-47 Childs, P. and Williams, R. J. P. 1997. An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theory, London: Prentice Hall Clifton, R 1997. `International Account Planning', in Cooper 1997,137-60 Coleman, E. ed. 1967. Poems of Byron, Keats and Shelley, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. Comrie, B. and Corbett, G. G. eds. 1993. The Slavonic Languages, London: Routledge Stone, G. Polinsky M. 1996. The Russian Language in the ., and Twentieth Century, Oxford: Clarendon Press Cook, G. 2001. The Discourse of Advertising - Second Edition, London: Routledge Cooper, A. ed. 1997. How to Plan Advertising - SecondEdition, London: Cassell Corbett,. E. P. L. 1990 [1965]. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, Oxford: Oxford University Press Coulthard, M. and Odber de Baubeta, P. A. 1996. Theoretical Issues and Practical Cases in Portuguese-English Translations, Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press Crompton, P. 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