REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 12, 1999 7:00P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Minutes, Regular Council Meeting ofMarch 22, 1999 3, Minutes, Special Council Meeting of April 7, 1999 4. Retirement Presentation to George Piller 5. Stantec Leader Extension Program, David Yue to be in attendance 6, Central Alberta Development Corp, - Commercial Property 7. Stan Orlesky with TransAlta Utilities to be in attendance 8, By-Law No, 1183/99 to Amend Animal Control By-Law 9. By-Law No. 1185/99 to Amend Business License By-Law 10. By-Law No, 1188/99 to Amend Traffic By-Law 11. Recreation Department Update, Sean Barnes to be in attendance 12. Volunteer Week, Schedule ofEvents 13. By-Law Quarterly Report to Council 14, Request to Transfer Bailiff Services Fees to Taxroll 15. Sylvan Lake Sausage and Meats, Request for Loading Zone 16, Public Works, Road Closure Policy 17, Makin '8, Rodeo Red Deer Events, for information 18. Alberta Health, Bil1 37 Review Panel Report Released, for information 19. Minutes, Sigh Task Force Meeting ofMarch 29, 1999, for information 20, Workers Compensation Board, Day ofMourrung, for information 21. Alberta Municipal Financing Corp" Notice of General Meeting, for information 22, AUMA, Budget 99 Analysis, for information 23. AUMA, Notes to Council, for information 24. FCM, Community Leaders Partnership Program, for information 25, Kenny V's Press Kit, for information 26, Building Permit Report for March 1999, for information 27. Knutson's Ambulance Report for March 1999, for information 28. REPORTS 29, Town Accounts 30, Adjourn • UP COMING MEETINGS: April 29, 1999 5:30 p.m, Leader extension program Community Centre May 3,1999 7:00 p.m. Council & F.C.S.S. Joint Council Chambers May 27,1999 9:30 a,m. Facility Agreement Council Chambers REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1999 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present Mayor S. Bowey, Clrs. G. Knutson, T. Iverson, L. Sundgaard, 1. Wilson-Down. T. Parks. Also Present Town Mgr. L. Wack, Supt. ofP. W, F. Peck, Ret:. Sec. P. Johnson. Absent Clr. S. MacKinnon. Call to order Mayor S. Bowey called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Minutes Budget Meeting of March 2. 1999. MOVED by ClI". L. Sundgaard that the minutes ofthe Budget Meeting ofTuesday, March 2, 1999 be approved as presented. Regular Council Meeting of February 22. 1999. MOVED by Cle. T. Parks thai the minutes ofthe Regular Council Meeting ofMarch 8, 1999 be approved as presented. CARRlED By-Law Enforcement Report to Council Animal Control By-Law No. ]160/98, A request 10 have the By-Law Schedule "A" be amended whereby there would be a greatCf chance of obtaining compliance with the By­ Law if we have a flat rate for both categories of dogs MOVED by elr. T. Parks thai By-Law No. 1183/99 be given firn reading. CARRlED A request for a "No Parking Zonc" to be put adjacent to thc ccnter median on Wcstwood Coun. Whcn vehiclcs park adjacent to the median and also in front of the homes, it is impossible for passage. MOVED by Clr. T. Parks that "No Parking lone" signs be placed adjacent to lhe center median on Wcstwood Court. CARRlED A request has been received for direction to refund a portion ofBusincss License Fees if no business has been conducted. A recommendation was presented to Council whereby oto 1 month, a 100% refund aftcr I to 2 months a 50% refund after 2 months, no refund The amendments should require thc Compan~' that is ccasing operations to prmide written confirmation to the Town of their final business date and a fee of $25.00 for administrativc costs be retained. Staff to prepare By~Law No. 1185199 to amend thc Business Licensing By-Law No. 1173/98. M.P.C. Report to Council A proposed application by Central Alberta Development Corporation to have approximately 14.5 acres of land to be designated to Highway Commercial for the pUJ']XIse ofa Neighborhood Shopping Centre. An Open House is to be held for presentation of thc proposed project for public input on April R, 1999 at the Community Centre. Points of imerest, which should bc addressed by C.A.D.C arc; present to thc public for input proposed outline of shopping centre as located on the site access and egress to site sho~ing traffic patterns on 4f1' A\'cnue and Herder Dri"'e and impact of trnffic on lhe proposed Hinshaw Drivc impact on adjacent land owncrs landscaping on site signage traffic patterns willtin the site stann managcmcnt within the site:: proposed types of businesses economic impact on the ccntrn.1 core any other concerns and interests presentcd b)' Council new commercial site will require two accesses ofT of ~7 A',;enue and one offof Herder Drive this would require a re....ision to thc M.D.? Mayor S. Bowey thanked ~. Da....is for his presentation. 2 Pagel REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 22. 1999 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE 7:00P.M. COUNCIL CHA.\-lBERS Development Officer's Report to Council The De\'elopment Officer is requesting a Policy be put in place on refunding of Building Permit Fees. At present the following fees are taken for building permits; Building Permit SI.7.5/sq. meier Water Meter $1.50.00 Building Inspections $300.00 minimum Safety Codes Council 5.5.00 It is being recommended we refund; Building Pennit Fees (retain $60.00 for processing) Building Inspections Fees (retain money paid to inspector) Safety Codes Council (retain monies paid to Safety Codes Council) Clean up deposit fees MOVED by Clr. 1. Wilson-Down that Council accept the staff recommendations. CARRIED Hafso De\'elopments - Chcs Hafso was in attendance to present 10 Council a proposal for a Condominium Project on 50 Lh Street (Lots 4 & S Y, of Lot 5, Block 1. Plan 5732CL). He is requesting that Council accept the proposed plans for the de\'elopmenl ofa hL'mJy adult condominium of 50tn street. regarding building size and height, municipalities are making their dedsion based on site capability they consider parking, site coverage and landscaping as criteria they are allowing for additional landscaping areas on the side and rear of the property rezoning ~~ill be required MOVED by Gr. T. Parks that By-Law No. 1184/99 to rezone Lots 4 & S ';] of Lol .5, 810ck I. Plan 5732CL be given first reading and a Public Hearing be set for April 26, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. CARRIED M.P.C. Report to Council Clr. 1. Wilson-Do\'\"l1 excused herself from the meeting declaring a conflict of interest An application by lolpet Resources Ltd, for renovations and addition to the Sylvan Lake Hotel on Lots 7A & 78, Plan 912-3602 (5049 - 50 Street) as ",~Il as Findl<l}· Design for Lots I & 2, Block 10, Plan 2642AS the han! swfaced parking lot for use with the hotels increase in intensity of use. M.P.C. recommends approval. subject to the follo\\-'ing conditions; the applicant fulfill the follo""ing parking requirements: Retail Office - 316 sq. m. - 6.3 stalls Tavern - 2.50 seats - 41. 7 stalls HOlel- 8 rooms - 8.0 stalls Restaurant - 150 seals - 25.0 stalls Outdoor Patio -100 seats - 8.3 51.a.Ils Total required 89.3 stalls The Developer's intent is to lease the off·site parking space and will allow the necessary caveats to be registered on the title to ensure the parking requirements continue to be prm'ided through the leased land. Council approval is required for the use ofLots 1 & 2, Block 10, Plan 2642AS as parking lot in this RCS~DC zone. The lane on the south side of the propert}. to be developed as a one-wa}" entrance. MOVED by Clr. T. Iverson that Council approve Lots I & 2, Block 10. Plan 2642AS to be used as a parking lot and apprO\'al of the parking requirements. CARRIED A request by Parkland Community Planning Services on proposed subdivision application by Canadian National Railway Company to create one hea,,'y industrial parcel plus remainder on S. W. III 33 - J8 -I W5 {Block R1}' Plan 3932AP).• M.P.c. approved !.he application. subject to the foJlo\\-ing: an agreement ,,,ith and to the satisfaction of the Tonn of Sylvan Lake with respect 10 the provisions ofSection 655(1)(b) of the M.G.A. the payment ofany outstanding property taxes or the completion ofammgements satisfactory to the TO\'\"l1 ofSylvan Lake for the payment thereof the dedication as an addition to the road of that part oflhe: proposed 0.707 ha lot south west ofa line joining points on the south and west boundaries 5.0 m distance: from the south west comer of the lot the redesignation of the proposed 0.707 ha ]0110 a land use district that is consistent with the prO\'isions of the M.D,P. 2 Page 3 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY. MARCH 22. 1999 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE 7:00P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS no reser.·cs are required, pursuant 10 Section 663(c) ofthe M.G.A. (the land in the existing title is less than 0.812.0 ael.) MOVED by Clr. T. Parks that Council contact C.N.R and request the TOl'tn to redesignate the propeny from He3\')' Industrial (1·2) District to Urban Reserve (UR) District so the proposed subdh;sion can be registered. CARRIED Request by Parkland Community Planning Services for comments on proposed subdivision application b}. the Town of Sylvan Lake I Really World Endeavour to create one (I) parcel and one (1) public utility lot on S.
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