OSeptembcrRECORD 2 6 1 9 9 8 • • NET '98: It's the biggest evangelistic effort ever In this issue • Signs numbers up with last year's The Search goes global Alone and lost in a strange city 5 5. 56. 19- The TAUC reports U8 N b W editorial DRAWING A LINE IN THE SAND -1- t isn't often you'll find a state- Christianity Today (June 15). "The tion; the other has us doing good ment of theology in Time maga- joint declaration," he added, "shows works to help God save us. Only Jzine, but recently (July 6) it pub- that since there has been such great one position is biblical. lished: "By grace alone, in faith in agreement [on justification), existing This kind of discussion should Christ's saving work and not doctrinal differences should no cause us to reconfirm our own view; because of any merit on our part, longer warrant church divisions." to take another look at the biblical we are accepted by God and receive A group of 165 German Lutheran text (an excellent idea in a year the Holy Spirit, who renews our scholars disagreed and signed a letter nominated to "Experience the Power hearts while equipping and calling of protest (shades of Martin Luther?). of His Word") to be certain of our us to good works." They argue there has been no con- position. The statement is significant sensus reached on justification by Even in theological sands, there because it comes from the Joint faith alone and the importance of are times to draw the line, to define Declaration on the Doctrine of good works for salvation. where we belong. In the case of jus- Justification, a paper produced by a Time reports that while the Vatican tification, the catchcry of the Refor- Lutheran—Catholic working party. does not deny "that salvation always mers, "by grace alone, through faith 1 (Scholars from the Lutheran World begins with God's grace, the church alone," still stands. By going further Federation and the Vatican have refuses to relinquish some coopera- (calling for our own works and been working since 1967 to resolve tive agency on humanity's part merit), we not only reject the major almost 500 years of differences on tenet of the Reformation, we cross the doctrine of justification.) But it Sorry, Pastor the line into unbiblical territory. sounds incredibly Protestant. And, really, this is the aim of any While the Vatican is critical Kietzig, there's a theological position (or doctrine, if ("shockingly critical," says Time) of vast gulf between you prefer that title): to draw a line much of the declaration, it has not in the sand so we know what is objected to this particular statement. the two positions. God's tenitory—His purpose. The issue of justification was at the Occasionally the line needs to be core of the Protestant Reformation. through, say, penance or charity." redrawn as our understanding deep- Martin Luther, in the 16th century, This reaction was enough for ens, but only on the basis of God's challenged the Catholic Church on Harding Meyer, one of the joint dec- leading, and intense study and con- selling credits (indulgences) to help laration's Lutheran drafters to declare, firmation from His Word. (Adventists people gain entrance to heaven. The "This is the worst news I've received would still worship on Sunday if that Bible, he said, taught that salvation during my whole career. This is not line had not been redrawn.) cannot be bought or earned; it is "by a basis for continuing the dialogue." One time, when Martin Luther grace alone, through faith alone." Munich pastor Otto Kietzig takes was challenged to change his posi- That became the catchcry of issue with this kind of attitude and tion, he is reported to have said, Reformation Protestants, and the calls for protesting Lutherans to see "Here I stand. I can do no other." basis of all Protestant theology since. the broad picture and get away from The Joint Declaration on the The Catholic position maintained theological "nitpicking." Doctrine of Justification 1 good works were an essential part of Theological nitpicking? Sorry, has nothing in it to salvation. Pastor Kietzig, there's a vast gulf make us want to do Reaction to the declaration has between the two positions: either anything other than been mixed. Luther would be "filled we're justified by God's grace alone, stand with him. with joy," Bishop Horst Hirschler of or we aid God in our justification. Hanover, president of the United One position has us doing good Evangelical Lutheran Church, told works in response to God's salva- Bruce Manners • Next week Official Paper Manuscripts Should be sent to The Editor, REcoito, South Pacific Division Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. ACN 000 003 930 Manuscripts or computer disks will only be returned if Attendance at this Sh-vEgni-DAy accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Editor Bruce Manners ADVENTIST Phone: (03) 5966 9111 youth Sabbath Senior Assistant Editor Lee Dunstan CHURCH Fax: (03) 5966 9019 Editorial Assistant Brenton Stacey E-mail: [email protected] Copy Editor Graeme Brown school increased Editorial Secretary Meryl McDonald Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A40.00 Senior Consulting Editor Barry Oliver $NZ73.00. All other regions, $A70.00. Air mail rates on from 10 to 100. application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Vol 103 No 37 Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed weekly by Cover photo: Signs Publishing Company. page 2 September 26, 1 9 98 adventist life ALONE AND LOST IN A STRANGE CITY Ostring After one-and-a-half hours I he said; and he was totally unwill- liousness and so on. But we need to I had to face the aching reality ing to give me any estimate of what see them as sins of a vacuum of of my fear. Fifteen hundred it would cost to get to the hotel. painful human aloneness—and it is kilometres from home, and I was At that stage I remembered God, possible to be very alone in a alone—completely, utterly alone. really remembered Him. So I went respectable marriage. Even a loving Once more I pushed the luggage to a secluded seat and had a chat family may not provide a struggling trolley the length of Baltimore- with Him: Please, Lord, guide me to teenager with the perceived neces- Washington International Airport, the right person. sary peer support. And emotional scanning the few left of the earlier I went back to the taxi stand. This damage may make the hunger to crowd for someone holding a card time, while the bored young man connect so ravenous that nothing with my name. But it was as futile was trying seems to as before. No-one had come to to get rid of help. i meet me. me, an older Connecting A suited stranger, smiling charm- man came with the ingly, stopped beside me. up, gave me wrong peo- "Lady," he said, "you look as clear infor- ple adds though you're in trouble. May I mation and further help?" helped me damage to I froze. It was one thing to be to a taxi. the already alone. Quite another to be advertis- For 45 min- disconnect- ing the fact. utes I trav- ed person, "No thank you," I said as stiffly as elled on which is possible. "I'm waiting for friends." trust in that what makes His angry reaction rather confirmed stranger, sexual sin my suspicions that he was more and my so tragic. interested in his welfare than mine. fears only eased when I arrived at Sexual sins begin with loneliness Being alone causes a strange cas- the hotel and found I was indeed and end with worse loneliness— cade of emotions, mostly irrational. booked in. with an even heightened urgency to Caught up in the pain of my Over the next few days I got on connect. predicament, I never thought of the with my reason for being in Sadly, the church often has done fact that I'd just spent a week over- Washington, although I was some- little to offer the necessary human whelmed with friendship from what self-conscious and embar- support. We tend to disconnect our- dozens of friends from earlier days. rassed. I hadn't told many people I selves from these hurting people, And the love of my husband and was going to the General and coldly tell them they should ik children back home did nothing to Conference as a member of the remain disconnected. It's like telling ' relieve my fear. All I felt was an World Commission on Human me I should have hired a car to get overwhelming urgency to connect Sexuality. I'd agreed to the appoint- myself to the hotel. The problem with another human being I knew I ment because I know, as a doctor, was I didn't know where to go—nei- could trust. how much pain people experience ther do disconnected people. There were numerous hire-car in the area of sexuality; and I agree Alone at the airport, I already had services at the airport, but when that the church urgently needs to a good connection with God. But you're alone, really alone, you need address the problems. But I wasn't how many lonely people either a guide. So I rejected the option of very sure what I could do. don't know God, or feel alienated trying to drive myself interstate and Now I knew. from Him, because they think He'll went instead to the shuttle-bus ser- Right in the beginning, before sin, disconnect from them in the same vice—the one transportation stand God had declared, "It is not good way "good" people do? staffed by a woman.
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