TENTH ANNUAL MARTINI & ROSSI CHALLENGE photo by Gradkowski Rolando Rigol! of Italy wins the Tenth Annual Martini & Rossi Saber Challenge in a Super-Finol with Pawlowski of Poland, Kalmar of Hungary ond Alex Orban of tho USA. (SEE PAGE 3) ( Volume 21 Number 5 TENTH ANNUAL MARTINI &. ROSSI CHALLENGE J1JJ1El1JtilJl f EJ]tJl]!) BIGGEST AND BEST EVER Official Organ of the Amateur Fencers League of America Dedicated to the Memory of Record 2200 Spectators Attend Over Three Day Period; JOSE R. DeCAPRILES, 1912-1969. Management Young fencers Create Upsets in foil But Europeans Dominate W. L. Osborn, Publisher Ralph M. Goldstein, Editor THE MARTINI ROSSI 5 Great Oak Lane 397 Concord Rd. Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Yonkers, N. Y. 10710 A HAPPENING Assoc. Editor: I rwin Bernstein Asst. Editor: Richard Gradkowski by Dan Lyons Feature Editors: Don Lyons, Mary Gehant Editorial Staff: Marilyn Masiero. Historian: Alex Solomon Yes, fencing hod 0 happening. Our young Advertising Correspondence: 5 Great Oak Lane, Pleasantville, N. Y. 10510 college and just-out-of-school crowd really Advertising Plates: P. O. Box 144, Terre Haute, Ind. 41808 Come through in the Martini, the United Policy Board States' premier international event. A. Ruben, Chairman; R. M. Goldstein, W. J. Latzko. Let's look ot the foil-The round of 16 W. L. Osborn, P. Tishman, N. L. Lewis saw Neal Cohen (Big Ten Champion), Marty Subscriptions for non-members of the AFLA is $3.00 in tl>le U.S. and, $4.00 elsewhere. Lang), (Salle Santelli), Bert Freeman (Naval Published Septemberl November, January, March, May and July. Opinions expressed in signed articles reflect the persona I views of the writers and not necessarily Academy), Ed Ballinger (NYU), John Nonna of American Fencing or the AFLA. No anonymous: articles oocepted. (Princeton), Marty Davis, (the old man at Second Class Postoge Paid in Terre Hcute, Ind. 41808 32) of Csiszar, Jeff Checkes (1968 Olym­ pian), and Wally Krause (NYU), AFLA Addresses: DEADLINE FOR 1970 lSSUES That they were no flukes was attested by President: Alan Miles Ruben, P. O. Box 4344 Closing Date Mailing !law the fact that Freeman beat J. Kamuti of Issue Date for Copy Cleveland, Ohio 44132 Hungary to get to the round of 8. Then JULY-AUGUST June 9 July 31 Secretory: William J. Latzko, 33-62nd St. SEPT.-OCTOBER Aug. 4 Sept. 30 Nonna took On and eliminated the 1969 West New Yark, N.J. 07093. World Champion F. Wessel. These were CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE NOTE: Items for publication in AMERICAN FENCING are cor­ events to cheer abaut. photo by Gradkowski dially solicited. ArtiCles, results of competitions, letters to the editor, photos and Car­ toons should be sent to RALPH GOLDSTEIN, 397 CONCORD ROAD, YONKERS, N. Y., But the end of the line wos at hand John Nonna rests between his direct elimination 10110. All manuscripts should be complete, typewritten double spaced, on one side of the when Freemon Was beaten by Woyda of bouts in the semi finals of the foil, while Csobo paper only. Photos should be glossy finish, and accompanied by a complete caption. Un­ Poland, and Nanna by Granieri of Italy. Pal!aghy discusses the tactical situation. After solicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless submitted with a stamped self addressed Though fighting hard, they just didn't have defeating Wessel of Germany, Nonna lost to envelope. No anonymous articles will be accepted. Granieri of [tory. the resources to make it really close. Beaten handily we were left with 4 foreigners to final bout. The unbelievable semed to oc­ REMINDER PROF. R. BEHMBER contest for our top prizes. Entries for the U. S. Nationals must be It is with deep regret that we announce cur. Losert slowed, Wayda came to life. posted to: the passing of Prof. Reggie Behmber, Presi­ Noel, France, lost to Woyda in two of Everything changed-quick, light, daring, Robert Dow dent of the British Academy of Fencing, the three dull bouts. Then we sow what the Wodo beat the tor out of Losert 5-1 ond 327 Mountain Avenue organization of professional fencing Masters. big crowd come for. Gronieri handily took Woyda had his 4th Martini-Rossi crown. Westwood, New Jersey, 07675 A well loved teocher, he was active for Over Losert of Austria in the first of three bouts Our youth movement stayed on in the It is eoch individual fencer's responsi­ forty years, turning out both top ranked and took a 4-0 lead in the second. The epee. The round of 16 had Wayne Krause bility to make sure that his entry is filled amateur and professional fencers. amazing comeback started. Fencing like a (NYU), George Masin (NYAc), Paul Pes­ out correctly and mailed in no later than different man, Losert attacked, defended, thy (4 times U.S. Champion) (NYAC), June 8. CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE NOTE beat his opponent in close, and won, 5-4. James Melcher (FC, Gerry Esponda, Steve We are still receiving items for Americon The third bout wos for Losert by 5-3. So Netburn unattached <Current U. S. Cham­ UNDERARM PROTECTOR Fencing in incorrect form. Pleose note the the first ploce bout came to Woyda, three pion) and Todd Makler, Csiszar (Med. stu­ All fencers are reminded (especially Na­ instructions in the lost issue of our magazine time winner of the Martini-Rossi. Start­ dent). Only Lorry Anastasi (Csiszar) and tionals entrants) that on underarm protector in Marilyn Masiero's article "How To Pre­ ing out great, Woyda took the first baut Joy Powell (NYAC) were "old" men ond is now required in 011 weapons. Ladies, this pare Copy For American Fencing" (page 2 J). 5-2. Losert eked out a 5-4 win in the neither quite fit that class yet. They being means you, too. Your cooperation will be truly appreciated. second and all the marbles were up on the slightly over 30. The round of 8 saw us Page Two AMERICAN FENCING AMERICAN FENCING Page Three a 5-3 win and we had our man fencing for first place. FOil ROUND OF EiGHT There were sixty starters in the fail event. Bout No. 1 Noel d. Stricker, 5-1, 5-1 The tension didn't last long. Losert was on After twa rounds ()f p()ols, a direct elimina­ Bout No. 2 Woyda d. Freeman, 5-3, 5-1 a tremendous upward swing. His timing was Bout No. 3 Granieri, d. Nonna, 5-2, 5-1 tion round of sixteen produced some upsets fantastic. Any wrong move or delay by Net­ Bout No.4 Losert d. Paru!ski, 5-3, 1-5, 5-2 as Frederich Wessel of Germany and Jen() burn and a touch was scored. In two straight ROUND OF FOUR Kamuti ()f Hungary were eliminated by same bouts 5-0 and 5-3 we had Losert as our Bout No.1 Woyda d. Noel, 5-4, 4-5, 5-4 Martini winner in epee. Thus Losert copped of ()ur aggressive youngsters. The fali()wing Bout No.2 losert d. Granieri, 3-5, 5-4, 5-3 direct elimination rounds of eight and of four two days of fencing by a second in foil and THIRD PLACE MATCH winnowed dawn the field rapidly. In the a sensation undefeated route to the epee Noe! d. 'Granieri, 5-1 direct eliminationsl two out of a possible championship. FIRST PLACE MATCH three b()uts were fenced. A single bout decid­ Woyda d. Losert, 5-2, 4-5, 5-1 The sober event, while hotly contested, ed third place. went mare or less according to farm. By the time the dust had cleared we found in the FIRST ROUND EPEE round of sixteen only the old reliables with Pool No. 1 I. Stricker, 6/0; 2. Borack, 4/2; 3. The largest field was in epee, with sixty nary an upset in sight. The saber was fenced N. Cahen, 3/3; 4. Berger, 3/3; 5. Devito, 3/3; 6. J. Cohen, 2/4; 7. Fajardo, 0/7. One c()ntenders. As in the foil, after tW() off by an eight man round rabin final which photo by Gradkowski Pool No. 2 1. Loserr, 7/1; 2. M. Davis, 5/2; 3. rounds of pools, the round of sixteen saw found three of our qualifiers in the bottom Russell, 5/2;4. Zomba las, 4/2; 5. Bodner, 3/; 6. the el iminatian by tW() ()f a p()ssible three John Nonna of Princeton (ond the Bronx) and Burt Sasek, 3/4; Canvin, 1/6; 8. Gall, 1/6 of the heap, and Alex Orban and three bouts begin, and continue all the way to the Freeman of the U.S. Naval Academy of Annapolis Europeans in a tie for first place. A super­ Pool No.3 1. Granieri, 5/1; 3. Schmatolla, 5/1; after their brilliant performances in the foil event. 3. Lott, 4/2; 4. Axelrod, 3/3; 5. P. Gaylor, 2/4; 6. ultimate winner. final rciund was then run off, and the lively Esponda, 1/5; 7. Fajardo, 1-5 Nonna's daring attacks overwhelmed World Foil FIRST ROUND Champion Friedrich Wessel of Germany and Free­ Rigoli of Italy took the gold medal. Paw­ Pool No. 4 1. Bozek, 6/1; 2. Conyd, 6/1; 3. Pool No. 1 Kulcsar, 6/1; 2. Esponda, 5/2; 3. man's agressive moves and sharp counter attacks lowski, fencing brilliantly at times, didn't Parulski, 5/2; 4. Keller, 4/3; 5. Mannino. 3/4; 6. stopped Olympic Silver medalist Jeno Kamuti of P_ Gaylor, 2/5; 7. B. Lyons, 1/6; 8.
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