Kwashiorkor in Patients With AIDS Murad Alam, MD, New York, New York Marc E. Grossman, MD, New York, New York B. Jack Longley, MD, New York, New York Paul Ira Schneiderman, MD, New York, New York Kwashiorkor, a form of severe protein-energy malnu- trition that entails loss of lean body weight, occurs endemically among children in many parts of the world but also has been documented in adults. We report a case of kwashiorkor in an HIV-positive adult male. Cutaneous findings are striking, and skin, hair, and nails are affected. Although kwashiorkor occurs in patients with HIV-AIDS, the skin manifestations have not been emphasized in the dermatologic liter- ature. Indeed, dermatologists may play a vital role in diagnosing this treatable condition. evere malnutrition is commonly seen in socially and economically deprived countries but occurs S less frequently in the developed nations. Nutri- tional deprivation in developed urban areas is often considered of secondary importance compared with the patient’s other medical problems. However, severe Figure 1. The upper left arm shows peeling and ero- malnutrition can be a life-threatening illness. We re- sions resembling “flaky paint.” port a case of kwashiorkor in an HIV-positive adult male presenting to a tertiary care center in a major with well-demarcated, hyperpigmented shiny patches urban area. This case illustrates the need for vigilance and plaques. Confluent areas of superficial desquama- in identifying and treating potentially fatal nutritional tion were present on the trunk, extremities, and face deficiencies, which can occur in populations not his- (Figures 1 and 2). Desquamation was accentuated in torically described as high risk. Early diagnosis of kwa- the weight-bearing regions. Linear fissuring was shiorkor can be made by dermatologists because of the observed in flexures, most prominently over the ante- characteristic constellation of skin findings. cubital and popliteal fossae. Mild tender edema of the lower extremities was noted in the context of overall Case Report muscle wasting. The patient displayed perioral A 40-year-old black male was admitted for shortness hypopigmentation and cheilitis, as well as reddish of breath associated with Pneumocystis carinii pneumo- brown hypopigmentation of the scalp hair, which he nia. His medical history included documented HIV reported to be thinner and straighter than before infection for 10 years and multiple opportunistic (Figure 3). Oral candidiasis and inguinal lym- infections, including pulmonary Mycobacterium phadenopathy were present. tuberculosis. He was receiving chronic trimethoprim- The patient was alternately agitated and noncom- sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis. This bedridden, cachectic municative on admission. Lumbar puncture results patient admitted alcohol and crack cocaine use. were normal. Computed tomography of the head Skin examination revealed dry, thin, flaccid skin revealed moderate cerebral atrophy. Psychiatric eval- uation documented a lack of attention and thought Drs. Alam, Grossman, Longley, and Schneiderman are from the disorganization consistent with delirium, which was Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York. also confirmed by neurologic evaluation. Reprints: Marc E. Grossman, MD, 12 Greenridge Ave, White Laboratory studies revealed a white blood cell count Plains, NY 10605. of 8900 cells/mL, with a hematocrit level of 25.5%. VOLUME 67, APRIL 2001 321 KWASHIORKOR IN AIDS Figure not available online Figure 2. The posterior right thigh shows “crazy pave- Figure 3. The face is wasted, with hyperpigmented ment” dermatosis, with linear fissuring over weight- patches and plaques suggesting “enamel paint.” The bearing areas. hair shows loss of natural curl. 5 Thyroid function tests were T4 of 4.46 g/dL (normal, to 80% of expected levels. Marasmic kwashiorkor is 5.41–11.66 g/dL), T3 of 14 ng/dL (normal, an intermediate stage with edema, accompanied by 76.91–134.7 ng/dL), and thyroid-stimulating hormone subcutaneous fat and muscle wasting.2 of 7.76 IU/mL (normal, 0.34–4.25 IU/mL). Morn- Recent research suggests that kwashiorkor may ing cortisol was 34 g/dL (normal, 5.0–25 g/dL); zinc result not from protein deficiency but rather from a level was 62 g/dL (normal, 60–130 g/dL); and albu- failure of adaptation to metabolic stresses.6,7 Proposed min was 3.0 g/dL. Fasting blood glucose was within nor- mechanisms include the action of excess free radicals mal limits, as were other chemistries and liver function or of dietary toxins, particularly cyanogens and afla- tests. Urine toxin screen was positive for cocaine. toxins.8-11 Efforts are under way to reclassify protein- Biopsies were obtained from desquamated and energy malnutrition as kwashiorkor, marasmus, or nondesquamated areas on the upper and lower various subtypes.10 extremities and the trunk. Results of 2 of the 4 biop- Several tests have been used for the early detec- sies showed psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia, with tion of kwashiorkor. Protein-energy malnutrition can faint pallor of the upper epidermis (Figure 4A). Scat- be estimated in a height-to-arm circumference ratio; tered necrotic keratinocytes, confluent parakeratosis, decreased number of anagen bulbs on the scalp; and incontinence of melanin were found (Figure 4B). increased proportion of old cells on mucous mem- Analysis of plucked hair from the scalp revealed branes; and decreased levels of prealbumin, serum decreased anagen bulbs, which were atrophic, with transferrin, and hydroxyproline.12 reduced pigment, shaft diameter, and root sheath A major skin finding2,4,13-15 in kwashiorkor is depig- thickness (Figure 5). mentation, which is more obvious in individuals who The patient received liberal lubrication with have darker skin. Perioral pallor, pretibial hypopig- bland emollients. His nutritional intake remained mentation, postinflammatory and postinjury depig- low, his neurologic status deteriorated, and he died mentation, and hypopigmentation preceded by 2 weeks after admission. The family declined autopsy. erythema can occur. Another characteristic skin manifestation of kwa- Comment shiorkor is the so-called enamel paint appearance, Kwashiorkor was first described in 1935 by Cecily which consists of hyperpigmented patches and Williams, who also introduced the term.1-3 Within the plaques at skin sites prone to pressure and exposure to general category of protein-energy malnutrition, secretions or moisture. Thus, shoulders, elbows, kwashiorkor is characterized by hypoalbuminemia knees, ankles, buttocks, and the trunk are commonly and edema rather than the carbohydrate depletion affected. The lesions of kwashiorkor usually spare and severe cachexia of marasmus. Kwashiorkor usu- those areas that are exposed to the sun, such as neck, ally occurs in children aged 1 through 3 years, whose dorsum of the hands, and forearms—areas that are diet is deficient in protein4 and whose weight is 60% typically involved in pellagra. 322 CUTIS® KWASHIORKOR IN AIDS A B Figure 4. (A) All biopsies showed psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia. Two of 4 biopsies showed faint pallor of upper epidermis (compare upper epidermis on left with that on right (H&E, original magnification ϫ40). (B) All biop- sies showed scattered necrotic keratinocytes, confluent parakeratosis, and incontinence of melanin in addition to psoriasiform hyperplasia, features similar to those seen in pellagra (H&E, original magnification ϫ250). Desquamation in kwashiorkor can be merely Histopathologic changes in kwashiorkor are poorly superficial or consist of severe peeling and erosions, described, but both skin and hair are affected. On the with bulla formation over pressure points. Referred to scalp, anagen bulbs are decreased in number; they are as flaky paint or crazy pavement dermatosis, the desqua- severely atrophic, with reduction in shaft diameter, pig- mation can be accompanied by linear fissuring in the ment, and internal and external root sheath thickness. flexures. Fissuring is commonly seen at the base of the Skin changes in kwashiorkor are less well-defined. pinna, over the popliteal and antecubital fossae, in Psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia can be seen occa- the axilla, between toes, at the foreskin edge, or at sionally, with a pallor of the upper epidermis that is the centers or angles of the lips. similar to changes that can be observed in glucagon- Hair changes16 are characteristic and include dif- oma and other nutritional deficiencies. Necrotic ke- fuse hypopigmentation, reddish discoloration called ratinocytes, confluent parakeratosis, and incontinence hypochromotrichia, and the “flag sign” of alternating of pigment are features described for kwashiorkor but light and dark bands corresponding to periods of ade- also may be seen in pellagra. quate and inadequate nutrition. Sparseness of hair; Extradermatologic changes in kwashiorkor alopecia; loss of natural curl; and a dull, dry, and brit- include growth failure, muscle wasting, diarrhea, tle hair texture are seen. The hair is easily plucked. edema of the legs and other areas, and an enlarged, Since hair changes occur before changes in serum fatty liver. Neurologic alterations18, such as apathy protein and albumin, they may allow early diagnosis.17 and irritability, are frequent but partially reversible. Nails in kwashiorkor are thin and soft. The endocrine glands modify their function in Mucous membrane changes in kwashiorkor response to amino acid deficiencies.5,7,19 Cortisol
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