Film• Rock Performing Arts

Film• Rock Performing Arts

GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. THE TRUST Film• Rock THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATlil:E TRUST FLIGHT DECK Performing Arts Shirleyl'alemln~ flla r3-31 ARTSCAADS18.e0,0'==== NEW ZEALAND THE COURT THEATRE 81Spmlue Wed.F11. sat • snso 0 20\VorcnterSt, Cnr,stthurch 6.JOpmMon. Thu.11,mTueMar13 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NATIONAL FRONT ROW NATIONAL TOU S Mar 31•5May ARTSCARD$15·525 WHALE NATION and HEINZ WALLBERG Cm,duc/OT I/tin, \\Ollbcr1 8pm Mon-Wed. Fri. ~1: 6pm Thu: 2pm + 518-$28 l'ia•o. PnrrD,;n,,J,nr SHEPPARTON EnltrUinmt<l!Centre TANGO Sa1Apr7. t~~.::-;:,~:i:::: OFFERS AU AKBAR KHAN CAIRNS S1~r.1: RoJll"1t i ,~, P1ogr1ml-M1rch17 0 . CMc:Theil:re f10mfdU F,omJu118 ARTSC~RO S18 THE PHILADELPHIA •Prelerentialticketbookingsfor MELBOURNE Award-wonning one man •huw LJUJURN AJ"rm, a/ OwTl~,r MELBOURIJE Aptlfi OallasBrooksHilll $10 Pl.lyriotise ALBURY AOELAIOE STORY fmmf.ngland-mc,mcri~ing TCIUII/OVSKY:C,,,,,m Fantasoa u ,. ' pertormmgartsfromoperatorock From Fe~2Z Fesllvallheaue P1aoaConcmoNoJ R , ,. l/it1011inArtsCen1,e DARWIN ~~;~:,: ~~.:,';, Du~n,~ re,·da1iun,abou1"halcs. •Exclustveseatmgunavaifabletolhe Ptrlorm.ngAflsCenlre FrornSep122 CO NJUGAL RIGHTS HEET/10\'/!N 'Sp•Jf'~""JNc S GR IFFITH $YONEY l>)R,,gr,·1/ali NATIQtJAL LIBRARY Progr1mll•Ma,cn20 s gene,alpublic Ap,20.21 FrornMar1 VorkTheatre,Seymour Thcmusical.ll1,:hSMlr1).was T. /)otultlt,Col,nM.-Cnll MELBOURNE bas(,don lhisplay.Ontheevcnf AUOITORIUM1Veh1gton HEtT/10\'F.N. f·tmnnl 0,.,,,,,,.,. ADELAIDE Voc!omnAn~Cemre Cernre S1ar1:C/n,,sU,·;,1a~1 Marcll20·24 545p,n •Easeofbooking-ticketscanbe To,..nHill OUEEUSLAND WAGGA her ~ccom! m.,rriagc. Tr.1cy i~ S)mp/,m,>N,, 6 1Hf:R0tAl. lifWU~I..M"D ma1leddirect toyourdoor· PERFORMING ARTS from Mara Apr2 •7 Liv1ngtogc1hcrisfrJughtwi1h unc~pe,:1cdly vi~i1ed by her CA- ARTS CAR0$\3 /0/AIKO\'SKY· 1'10~0 Coru: mcNo l B~un CEtHRE problcm,. A21·ycarold mnrriugc hu, b.and. a gu»ip rnlumnis1. and l'fogn1mlll· M1rth23 Ci,,,r,~~'~f>hr•:Mar-,··Joot WOLLONGONG o·t-,11_.. PERTH Apr2,,2s GEORGIAN STATE 1s1hcfocusofRogcrl!all",ncw hc1philan1kringfa1her. 8tl:.TIIUr1:.N·U,,,:n,.,Q.,,,.,,. ConurtHall F1omM1r15 play.l'rcm,crc Mh>i<·: }MJU/han8~JStr OANCE COMPANY THE COURT THEATRE CRESSWELL. liucr>OfOa<1.,WmJ, BLOSSOM OEARIE ORANGE CENTREPDIIHTHEATRE ANO 20Won:ester S!Christcnuich 1ClfAIKO\'SKY· P101MCoru:1,ro,\ol Jcan BJllen, the famou< How to use FromMu22 SYDNEY New 7..o::~landaviatnxofthe SYO/JEY ADELAIDE Erlert.JinmentCentre RESTAURANT MICHAELFOWLERCEtHRE Wellington "JO,.my,tcri.ously YortTlleaue TneSp.ace OUBBD FromFeb2fi CnrChurch.'P,nSts PalmerstooNonh 8pm Moo. Tu~. Wed Fn.Sa1. 6p11Thu d11alppcarcdm l982ncver FRONT ROW From M1129 FebH·M1117 2omS..1Feb17 8~Mar17, 20.23 tobeheardfromagam CAIIBERRA 74SpmWe!l·S..1;630J)mMon.Tue ARTSCAR0$18 ARTSCARDS33 Recrealin~ che~raof Jean Look in the FRONT ROW Guide to find CANBERRA PERTH TAMWORTH Canbeuarneaue ea,titrraSChoolDIMus,c f1omAprS lpmWtdMay2 Baucn.lho<; lyncalbalkt theshowyouwishtobookthendialthe .lal.lS<x1ety ~o c~plore;thc intngue that Ma,12 AATSCARD BOO~l~GSUSS... Milt19 NEWCASTLE CoftttondStiow $19 $21 ($.at) ~· ,urround, her still. numberatthefootofthepage. LAUNCESTON ARTSCARO S30 Ffom/lj)r12 THE SHADOW OF A Be ready to quote details of your Flight CANBERRA PMcessTte,me O.nnerandShow $39 S43 i5.J1.) A CH ILO OF OUR TIME PETER DONOHOE Bookmo~eiails. (114)843 668 • S31 Cantierllllhe11re GUNMAN COfFSHARBOUR flcmMa,8 ~ySNn o ·cau,· Comro,rr,S,r \11<l,ar/Trpp,t1 s ,,lol',a"'·" AUCKLANDAOTEAWHRE OeckorArtsCardandyourcreditcard Ffom/lj)r20 OON JUAN f'/a"". E~[(tM-4/h-,/;scu 'ALLO 'ALLO l>JMr,/i,,,. AMtyThro1" ConceM I-March 19 Ma,24.26.27 llpm MELBOURNE LISMORE Grorg1<1nFi/,., A,111rs"I1•1lm Ireland'~ naoooal theatre Tippet·<,nJjor work rc~tahni:his US'Cr Smui1f11n 8M,n,w M1,2s. 28 6pm h1J,,,m,.Um,i.D,mJ ;nungfetlingsabou1 inJust1Ct, FRONT ROW operales in Sydney, Cooctr!Hil FromApr26 D1ft'crM: M,lha1/T•m,,nish,·ili companyw,1haverylrishand Hl:fl)/0\ EN· D,ul..-11, \ur1at10nS HASTINGS MUNICIPAL l't1trfa1a~o andinhumanit). Melbourne. Adelaide, Bnsbaneand g~:::,o, Marz, TOOl'/OOMBA Thcdefin,uveVo,rJuan"'hcrc ,·erypowcri11l p1cceofthca1rc COtlctrt ll- Marth22 THEATRE ~IQfJ GordrnKa." ourheroi,ajaded&ml Flynn. WELLINGTON TOWN HALL RAC/1\fMi/NOFF Pertha11d New Zealand Cam,;oS,/•·,,a. H,cf.LJrJ SYDNEY FromM1,3 STATE OPERA HOUSE MarJO 8pm; Mar31 6pm STATE OPERA THEATRE Wel'ngton Ma,14 8pm Prrludr OpJ.\,,l Marn" TownHall BUNDABERG PALMERSTON NORTH AFTER DINNER Wtlhng!on Mir14-17 8prn; Ma1 Mar14.172pm AATSCAR0$3J (ARts)S25t8Res) Prrludt~OplJ Weareproudtoolferth1sexcluslve SYDNEY FromMay11 Tll'f'ElT ~·,,,,a10 NoJ OPERA HOUSE 815pm M1r20·2'. a1so2pm Mar24 ARTSCAADS35(AR1.'S) $30(8Ae;) .._ $35 S25 DEBUSSY M<1sq,,;s Ap,2 8pm Apr3 6pm S1.!1e 11"1ut,e BRISBANE serviceinadditiontopri"Jilegesalready ROCKHAMPTON ARTSCARDS35 (ARes)$30iBResJ D",m Cah,,rd"~.>4um ~s Concert HaM FromM1y11 f.:;;i~~" ~:~J;:: i;-::;s S40 $30 NEW PLYMOUTH OPERA enjoyed 1hrough FLIGHT DECK and The S40 (ARes) $30(BRes) /"1,1,Jmn,r HOUSE BRISBANE Se1in11bi,1rubar.officeworktrs AN EVENING WITH MEL Spm Mar19,815pm 22 Australian ElizabethanThealreTrusfs MACKAY let theirhairdownas drink Apr5 Bpm L~nc Thea1,e PRIC(STOIECO,,flFUIED fromM ay24 DOUBLE ACT SHIRLEY VALENTINE TORME and GEORGE loosens their tongues.NZ b, w;11, R,m,II TOWN HALL ROTORUACIVICTIIEATRE ARTS CARO. We encourage all F1bZO-M1r10 l>)& rryC"'>'°" SHEARI NG LEO KOITKE CAIRNS prem1ereofthisblockrnmedy 0 1r,c1,,, l'a~/Mm1fi; A,..7Bpm memberstotakelulladvantageolthis Drt~Nm: Camp/J,r/1 Thom,,, Twnjaugreac,freshfromihe MELBOURNE PERTH F,omMay31 FORTUNE THEATRE Stws: 1/ana Rt>d/(rrs tttrMa1esty"sThe.1tra S•ar.1·1/ilury/',"mri,.J,mWai1e prcs1ig1ou,Newpo11Jaa Fc,,t1val STEPHANE GRAPPELU HAMtLTOIJFOUNDERS exclusive association RegalTheatre U~~rStuartS1.Dunedn DrearylifeforaL ..erpudllan TOWNSVILLE WiuylikcCnwar.t',P,fra1eli,·e, THEATRE fromJunB Apr6·29 hcUS<'w1fctums1oromantic MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE fazzvioliniste,rraordin:ure Ad1vurcedcouplelaunch intoa Welhng!on Apr 10 8pm;Apr11 6pm ADELAIDE Sarod \'irt~oso/ro"' 1n,1;.,, Ali ,U~11, 8pmWed-Sat, 4pmSun advemure in1htCrccki<lcs. accompan,t,d by Mamn Ta)lm Best Seats Guaranteed. ADELAIDE secondauemptattrnppmcs~. Mat19 8pm {gu11ar)and Jon Rurr(bas<). CHRISTCHURCH THEATRE Fest,valThutre HOBART AATSCAA0$1650 You will be guaranteed the best seats ElderHl'.I SESAME STREET l(h11n.Bl'la.,: RirhardMarn,r (l1ft)and MERCURY THEATRE ROYAL A,rl-18 FORTUNE THEATRE 9france S1, Aucklarid ARISCAA0$70 fARes) S65(8Re!i) WELLINGTOtJTOWUHALL Mtrn ''"~ + $22.50 Ma,11 9pm ,\jlr19.218cm,Apr20 6pm availableatthetimeolbooking ARTSCARO $35.90 PERTH Upper S1u~r1 St. Ouned,n Apr7- May 5 + !75 S65 EntertalnmentCen1,e G"1'dtnKaJrarthrrtinp,r,onloSl<lrin DUNEOINAEGEtJTTHEATRE However, we need to remind you that S3990 SYDNEY PERTH BIG MACHINE Feb7-25 ARf5CAAOS3S(AR!S)$30(8Al.'S) ro,..nHall FromApr16 8 \5prnTue.Wed.Fri.Sat.630Mon. A,r24 8pm theea11ieryoubook,thebetterthe Con&ertHII 1·fcron l/"""'1n 8DmWed-Si!, 4pmSl1rl Thu. 11am.lueA;lr17 + S40 SJO ARCATA CHAMBER WElllNGTONSTATE seats BILLY CONNOLLY AUCKLAND fromMu12 D,mwr: Pau/SrJru" ARTSCAROS16.50 Al'ITS CAROSlS-$25 !00KIHGS81.SS CANBERRA Aote.1Cen1re Abrillianrfu, ORCHESTRA OPERA HOUSE ADELAIDE GERALOTON + $2250 +- $18 -$:!8 Co~duc1"r: S""h CanberraSChoolo!Mus1c fromMJy7 1hcatreandmu,ic.FrurnCanada P~,,,.~ STEVE REICH Apr28,M~1. 2 6pm Fe11iva1Cenlre FfomMarl& Violm.Uritr-Am111a 'lta1/,; Apr29. 30 6pm Phone linesforbookingsareopen UNIVERSITY MEMORIAL HAM LET AND THE MUSICIANS Feb1J CANBERRA MELBOURNE TEECHERS Highly acdaimcd young German business hours only. THEATAEwe11,no1on l>J l\1//1amShi,i,,~,pror; byJc~n G~, SYDNEY MELBOURNE Thea?ra Ro~al ConcertllaR orchh1rnwi1houtstandingviohn Minimaliitcompo:.e, whu,e Concertllan M•r13·17 Bpm Diru1or· 1/a)"''"'d 1/a»lhorne mu,ic i>trulyc~ptivaung. 'Pleaseal/owoneweeklorcollection OpelllHOOie FromMay23 FfomMu2D f,;;;;~:n';;;:;mF,an 1akn1. linke-Amma Mathe Mu11 AATSCARDS23 S,owPau/(;111/M,El,=al>nh anddeliveryott1ckets M11tl.25 WOLLONGONG MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE WELLINGTO N TOWN HALL ADELAIDE 0 Comcdy wichabice. Within this ARTSCARO m ;;,~.~~ Wcirr1gton Mar20 8pm 'limitoftwodiscountlicketsper CAflBERRA Performing Ans Centre resll\'lllTheotre . z::~z;,.t;,,~p~;:,~~~: 11lay, ktdsfromadeadendschoo! Mare 8pm ARTSCARD$33(ARest S2S (6Res) member.Fullpricetickelsunlimiled. C1ntieuaTheatre FromMayln FfomM•r28 Theprinceof Dnmark is dnvcn stagelheirown rc~cahngplay A,,6 BLOOD BROTHERS tos,·cngehisfathcr'srlemh. ARTSCAROS23 (ARes) 52D(8Aes) + S3S S25 ~· NEWCASTLE COOLANGAnA fORTUNETHEATRE OOOKl'IGSUSS • No retundorretumsaccepted. MOSCOW CIRCUS cw,crhewe &,•W1ll)•Rus,;I/ UpperSl1131T S1.0unedin .... $25 $20 NEWCASTLE JUl)1te~ D11rno,: £/nci/oop;, BENOIGO F,omJun6 MERCURY THEATRE Ma,2-25 C11icTl>eatre Fromftb8 FromAp,3 Aclnermu,ical wrinenby the A MATIER OF CHANCE Pleistclleckses.s,onindpe,1o,m~nredei,~~•n A,,e 9Fmx::eSt.Aocl<.land 8pmWed· Sat. 4pmSun t,oot,ngwn,1ee,e,yeltorthast>eenm1Je1oens~1eltljl BRISBANE au1horof Educam,J/ HIia nn.d KRONOS QUARTET Co,,1p,.,n,-. Th,Km~ ,n'o1R'OMn111fRONTROIV•scorreet.no1~•,1yw,lbe Sanl-rnne1~0-based,1uar1c1",ch :: :;:;,:,~'Z;:t!:"m" ,hnrr S'<•'] accep1ed~y1heputil,she,s !or1ny,~urwes ------------ ,1unningcon1cmp(11:ary ipprwch conta,fl!!l!!he,e ..1 loblue,.ruckarid chambermusic fu.hilar:mng1/Jtatre-dmccfrom Bnlam m, powerful <lmnM WELLINGTOtJTOWll HALL TRUST MEMBERSHIP GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. MJr , 2pm:MarS8.15CJm UNIVERSIT't'MEMOA IAL ARTSCARDS3l(AR!!$)S25(8Res) THEATREWel'wl!llOn PleasecontactyournearestTrustOfticei Titc Arts Australia Card is no more. Thanks to mult,rudmous other Art.~ Carel perk~ For lhe worel""Australian"·fromtl1eArbCanltag 8pm Mar20-24. also2pm Mar24 SJS $25 OIE MEISTERSINGER insismice from ~ e,... Zealand. it ha,, been comfort ol \IL Art.~ Carel member, anrl their •11,e introduction of a pn:-femitial booking AR TSCAROS23 NE\-'ISOUTHWALES 1" R"~arJl\AG.\ £11 frD1'1ft! , Dn"a/,J <fdn1>·r~. l,~M CarolMartin- renamed ~imply the Arti. Card guests. Art.~Cluh Rooms ha,eopened in servicewith anatiooalreachhasprovedtobc SHOW STOPPERS 11,.,,~h. ka.,•Crif/tl.G~,:,rJI 1;,../(,r. "Through the efforts of The Trost in Au~!ralia LINDSAY STRING ...

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