§ 665.622 50 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–14 Edition) English common name Scientific name butterfly fishes ............................................................................. Chaetodontidae. Angelfishes .................................................................................. Pomacanthidae. Damselfishes ............................................................................... Pomacentridae. Scorpionfishes ............................................................................. Scorpaenidae. Blennies ....................................................................................... Blenniidae. barracudas (Those species not listed as CHCRT) ..................... Sphyraenidae. Sandperches ................................................................................ Pinguipedidae. rudderfishes (Those species not listed as CHCRT) ................... Kyphosidae. Fusiliers ....................................................................................... Caesionidae. hawkfishes (Those species not listed as CHCRT) ..................... Cirrhitidae. Frogfishes .................................................................................... Antennariidae. pipefishes, seahorses .................................................................. Syngnathidae. flounders, soles ........................................................................... Bothidae. Trunkfishes .................................................................................. Ostraciidae. puffer fishes, porcupine fishes .................................................... Tetradontidae. Trumpetfish .................................................................................. Aulostomus chinensis. Cornetfish .................................................................................... Fistularia commersoni. blue corals ................................................................................... Heliopora. organpipe corals .......................................................................... Tubipora. ahermatypic corals ...................................................................... Azooxanthellates. mushroom corals ......................................................................... Fungiidae. small and large coral polyps ....................................................... fire corals ..................................................................................... Millepora. soft corals, gorgonians ................................................................ Anemones .................................................................................... Actinaria. soft zoanthid corals ..................................................................... Zoanthinaria. Hydrozoans, Bryzoans. sea squirts ................................................................................... Tunicates. sea cucumbers and sea urchins ................................................. Echinoderms. Those species not listed as CHCRT ........................................... Mollusca. sea snails ..................................................................................... Gastropoda. Trochus. sea slugs ..................................................................................... Opistobranchs. black lipped pearl oyster ............................................................. Pinctada margaritifera. giant clam .................................................................................... Tridacnidae. other clams .................................................................................. Other Bivalves. Cephalopods. lobsters, shrimps/mantis shrimps, true crabs and hermit crabs Crustaceans. (Those species not listed as CMUS) .......................................... Sponges ....................................................................................... Porifera. lace corals ................................................................................... Stylasteridae. hydroid corals .............................................................................. Solanderidae. segmented worms ....................................................................... Annelids. Seaweed ...................................................................................... Algae. Live rock. All other PRIA coral reef ecosystem MUS that are marine plants, invertebrates, and fishes that are not listed in the PRIA CHCRT table or are not PRIA bottomfish, crustacean, precious coral, or western Pacific pelagic MUS. § 665.622 [Reserved] § 665.624 Permits and fees. (a) Unless otherwise § 665.623 Relation to other laws. Applicability. specified in this subpart, § 665.13 applies To ensure consistency between the to coral reef ecosystem permits. management regimes of different Fed- (1) Special permit. Any person of the eral agencies with shared management United States fishing for, taking or re- responsibilities of fishery resources taining PRIA coral reef ecosystem within the PRIA fishery management MUS must have a special permit if area, fishing for PRIA coral reef eco- they, or a vessel which they operate, is system MUS is not allowed within the used to fish for any: boundary of a National Wildlife Refuge (i) [Reserved] unless specifically authorized by the (ii) PRIA Potentially Harvested USFWS, regardless of whether that ref- Coral Reef Taxa in the PRIA coral reef uge was established by action of the ecosystem management area; or President or the Secretary of the Inte- rior. 430 Fishery Conservation and Management § 665.624 (iii) PRIA Coral reef ecosystem MUS a description of the planned fishing op- in the PRIA coral reef ecosystem man- eration, including location of fishing agement area with any gear not spe- and gear operation, amount and species cifically allowed in this subpart. (directed and incidental) expected to be (2) Transshipment permit. A receiving harvested and estimated habitat and vessel must be registered for use with a protected species impacts). transshipment permit if that vessel is (2) Incomplete applications. The Re- used in the PRIA coral reef ecosystem gional Administrator may request from management area to land or transship an applicant additional information PRIA PHCRT, or any PRIA coral reef necessary to make the determinations ecosystem MUS harvested within low- required under this section. An appli- use MPAs. cant will be notified of an incomplete (3) Exceptions. The following persons application within 10 working days of are not required to have a permit under receipt of the application. An incom- this section: plete application will not be considered (i) Any person issued a permit to fish until corrected and completed in writ- under any FEP who incidentally ing. catches PRIA coral reef ecosystem (3) Issuance. (i) If an application con- MUS while fishing for bottomfish MUS, tains all of the required information, crustacean MUS, western Pacific pe- the Regional Administrator will for- lagic MUS, precious coral, or seamount ward copies of the application within 30 groundfish. days to the Council, the USCG, the (ii) Any person fishing for PRIA fishery management agency of the af- CHCRT outside of an MPA, who does fected state, and other interested par- not retain any incidentally caught ties who have identified themselves to PRIA PHCRT. the Council, and the USFWS. (iii) Any person collecting marine or- (ii) Within 60 days following receipt ganisms for scientific research as de- of a complete application, the Regional scribed in § 665.17, or § 600.745 of this Administrator will consult with the chapter. Council through its Executive Direc- (b) Each permit will be valid Validity. tor, USFWS, and the Director of the af- for fishing only in the fishery manage- fected state fishery management agen- ment area specified on the permit. cy concerning the permit application (c) General re- General requirements. and will receive their recommenda- quirements governing application in- tions for approval or disapproval of the formation, issuance, fees, expiration, application based on: replacement, transfer, alteration, dis- play, sanctions, and appeals for per- (A) Information provided by the ap- mits are contained in § 665.13. plicant; (d) Special permit. The Regional Ad- (B) The current domestic annual har- ministrator shall issue a special permit vesting and processing capacity of the in accordance with the criteria and directed and incidental species for procedures specified in this section. which a special permit is being re- (1) Application. An applicant for a quested; special or transshipment permit issued (C) The current status of resources to under this section must complete and be harvested in relation to the over- submit to the Regional Administrator fishing definition in the FEP; a Special Coral Reef Ecosystem Fish- (D) Estimated ecosystem, habitat, ing Permit Application Form issued by and protected species impacts of the NMFS. Information in the application proposed activity; and form must include, but is not limited (E) Other biological and ecological to, a statement describing the objec- information relevant to the proposal. tives of the fishing activity for which a The applicant will be provided with an special permit is needed, including a opportunity to appear in support of the general description of the expected dis- application. position of the resources harvested (iii) Following a review of the Coun- under the permit (i.e., stored live, cil’s recommendation and supporting fresh, frozen, preserved; sold for food, rationale, the
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