1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 DLR Group Dennis E. Bane (1992-) Amy M. Yurko (2000-2004) The Dobbins Group (1996-) Stephen Wierzbowski (2007-2008) W. Thomas Dobbins, Jr. (1996-) Alt Architecture & Research Associates The Aus n Company (2008-) Paul L. Alt (2008-) (1986-2005) Grant G. McCullagh (-1988) Juan G. Moreno (1999-2005) Aus n AECOM (2005-) CHICAGO ARCHITECTS: A GENEALOGY The McClier Corpora on AECOM/McClier Corpora on Juan G. Moreno (2005-2006) Cosmin Vrajitoru (2005-2007) A Work in Progress that built upon the “Chicago Architects: A Genealogy” published in the (1988-1996) (1996-2005) Jason Nu elman (2005-2007) Art Ins tute of Chicago’s exhibi on catalog tled Chicago Architecture and Design 1923- Grant G. McCullagh (1988-1996) Grant G. McCullagh (1996-2004) Paul L. Alt (2005-2007) Thomas (Gunny) Harboe (1988-1996) Thomas J. Rossiter (1996-2005) 1993: Reconfi guraƟ on of an American Metropolis in 1993. This project was funded through Thomas J. Rossiter (1988-1996) Douglas E. Gilbert (1997-2005) Ghafari Associates W. Thomas Dobbins, Jr. (1988-1996) Kevin M. Angell (1997-2002) a Driehaus Grant in 2012. JGMA (moreno architects) Howard M. Hirsch (1990-1994) Cosmin Vrajitoru (1999-2005) Juan G. Moreno (2006-2010) Jason Nu elman (1999-2005) Kevin M. Angell (2007-) (2010-) Project Directors: Pauline Saliga (Society of Architectural Historians) Paul L. Alt (2000-2005) Jason Nu elman (2007-2011) Juan G. Moreno (2010-) Stanley Tigerman (Tigerman-McCurry Architects) Thomas (Gunny) Harboe (1996-2005) Joseph A. Gonzalez (2010-) Cosmin Vrajitoru (2010-) Jason Nu elman (2011-) Commi ee Members: Harboe Architects Robert Bruegmann (University of Illinois at Chicago) (2006-) Hirsch Associates Kevin Harrington (Illinois Ins tute of Technology) Thomas (Gunny) Harboe (2006-) Douglas E. Gilbert (2006-2009) Douglas E. Gilbert, Architect Joclyn Oats (Columbia College) Eastlake Studio (1994-) David Van Zanten (Northwestern University) Howard M. Hirsch (1994-) (2010-) Zurich Esposito (AIA-Chicago) (1987-) Kevin Pound (1996-2011) Douglas E. Gilbert (2010-) Joan Pomaranc (AIA-Chicago) Tom Zurowski (1987-) Jon M. Salzmann (1989-) Kevin Pound Design Patrica Natke (UrbanWorks) Michael T. Henderson (1989-1992) Mary Woolever (Ryerson and Burnham Libraries) (2011-) Kara Elliot-Ortega (Society of Architectural Historians) Kevin Pound (2011-) Alexandra Markiewicz (Society of Architectural Historians) HO+K (Chicago Offi ce) Gary Miciunas (1988-1997) Maria A. Pellot (2005) Robin Ellerthorpe (2011-) Project Researcher and Document Designer: Christen Sundquist Mar n Erik K. Andersen Todd Halamka Ziolkowski Porter Damato & Associates (2002-) Vince Ziolkowski (2002-) Majewski/Damato & Associates Damato/Kapusta Associates James Michael Damato (2002-) (1985-1988) (1988-2000) James Michael Damato (1985-1988) James Michael Damato (1988-2000) Thomas Kapusta (1988-2000) TKA Architects + Partners Fred L. Brandstrader (1988-1990) (2000-) Thomas Kapusta (2000-) Fred L. Brandstrader, Consultant (2008-2010) Fred L. Brandstrader (2008-2010) Perkins Eastman (Chicago Offi ce) (1981-) Joseph P. Hassel (2002-) Jerry R. Walleck (1984-2001, 2002 -) Carlo Salvador (2002-2011) Daniel J. Cinelli (2002-) L. Ramu Ramachandran ( 2003-) Higgins Development Partners (1980-) Thomas R. Samuels (1990-2007) Thomas Samuels Enterprises (2007-) Meister and Volpe Architects Thomas R. Samuels (2007-) Eva L. Maddox Eva Maddox Associates (1975-2002) Tom Zurowski (1983-1987) Eva L. Maddox (1975-2002) Donald P. Maynard (1984-1986) Patrick Henry Grzybek Eileen Jones FGM Architects (1963-) John Ochoa (1986-) August F. Ba aglia (1998-) Albert M. Fitzpatrick (2000-2006, 2007-2010) AMF, Architecture Terrence M. Owens (2001-) John C. Dzarnowski (2007-) (2010-) Albert M. Fitzpatrick (2010-) Wiss, Janney, Elstner & Associates (1961-) Harry J. Hunderman (1986-) Teng & Associates exp US Services (1959-2012) Timothy D. Neumann (1984-2012) David D. Troszak (2000-2001) (2012-) Jefrey D. Jakalski (1988-1996) James C. Jankowski (2005-2007) Jerry J. Cibulka (2012-) Jerry J. Cibulka (-2012) Lindsey S. Peckinpaugh (2006-2008) Jefrey D. Jakalski (2012-) Timothy D. Neumann (2012-) Thomas F. Hoepf (2012-) O’Donnell, Wicklund & Pigozzi O’Donnell, Wicklund, Pigozzi & Peterson Cannon Design (1958-1987) Frank Christopher Lee (1977) Andrew D. Mendelson (1981-1987) (1987-2009) Deborah Sheehan (1990-2009) Anthony Belluschi (2000-2003) (2009-) Lawrence J. O’Donnell Daniel J. Cinelli (1982-1987) Lawrence J. O’Donnell (1987-) John Macsai (1991) Rand Ekman (2001-2009) Leonard Sigurd Wicklund (2009-) Leonard Sigurd Wicklund (1958-1987) Carlo Salvador (1985-1987) Leonard Sigurd Wicklund (1987-2009) John Syvertsen (1992-2009) Jerry R. Walleck (2001-2002) James C. Jankowski (2007-) Raymond A. Pigozzi (1958-1987) Andrew M. Koglin (1985-1987) Raymond A. Pigozzi (1987-) Angie Lee (1992-2005) George F. Beach (2001-2005) Cosmin Vrajitoru (2007-2010) Celine D. Coath (1985-1987) Leonard A. Peterson (1987-) Joseph P. Hassel (1993-2002) Albert M. Fitzpatrick (2006-2007) Gregory C. Suru a (2009-) Daniel J. Cinelli (1987-2002) Dina A. Griffi n (1995-1998) Gregory C. Suru a (-2009) Deborah Sheehan (2009-) Carlo Salvador (1987-2002) John (Jack) R. Lesniak (1995-2007) Rand Ekman (2009-) Andrew M. Koglin (1987-1989) Robin Ellerthorpe (1997-2004) Andrew D. Mendelson (2009-) Celine D. Coath (1987-1995) John Syvertsen (2009-) Ma hew J. Wylie (1987-1995) James M. Stevenson (2010-) Andrew D. Mendelson (1987-2009) Alan J. Armbrust Edward Lee Deam O s Associates, Inc. (1959-1995) James O s, Jr. (1959-1995) O s Koglin Wilson Architects (1992-) Koglin Wilson Architects Andrew M. Koglin (1992-) James O s, Jr. (1992-) (-1992) Michael Breclaw Andrew M. Koglin (1989-1992) Eileen M. Schoeb (1992-) Michael Fitzgerald Jon P. Talty Thornton Tomase (1956-) Joseph G. Burns (1995-) Anne T. Sullivan (2007-2008) Sullivan|Preserva on Mary B. Brush (1999-2001) (2008-) Frank Klein & Company Klein and Hoff man Anne T. Sullivan (2008-) (1953-1976) Philip Renouf (1969-1976) Edward S. Hoff man (1975-1976) (1976-) Peter Power (1996-) Mary B. Brush (2001-2008) Frank Klein (1953-1976) Frank Klein (1976-1998) Edward S. Hoff man (1976-) Philip Renouf (1976-2012) Allan J. Grant and Associates Mastro & Skylar (1987-) Allan J. Grant (1987-) (1979-) James Mastro (1979-) Claudia Miller Skylar (1979-) Greenberg & Finfer Aubrey J. Greenberg & Associates (1953-1966) (1966-2009) Aubrey Jack Greenberg (1953-1966) Aubrey Jack Greenberg (1966-2009) Mark I. Finfer (1953-1966) James Mastro Chipman Adams Architects Claudia Miller Skylar (1988-2011) A.J. Rosales (1992-1995) Ma hew J. Wylie (1995-1997) Louis C. Cordogan Cordogan, Clark & Associates (1951-1984) (1984-) Louis Chris Cordogan (1951-1984) John G. Cordogan (1984-) John G. Cordogan (1981-1984) John W. Clark (1984-) Sit Associates Site Design Group (1986-1990) (1990-) Robert K. Sit (1986-1990) Robert K. Sit (1990-) PACE Associates (1946-) John Donald Cordwell (1951-1952) David A. Hansen (1982-1986) Charles Booher Genther (1946-1968) Ezra Gordon (1951-1954) Robert K. Sit (1983-1986) Bruno Paul Conterato (1953) Garofalo Architects John W. Moutoussamy (1956-1965) John T. Black ( -1965) (1987-) Julie Flohr (2000-2004) Harold Benne Olin (1957) Douglas A. Garofalo (1987-2011) Andrew Moddrell (2006-2009) Sidney C. Finck, Architect Finck, Stowell & Associates (1929-1965) (1965-1977) Sidney Copeland Finck (1929-1965) Sidney Copeland Finck (1965-1977) Harold Thurber Stowell, Jr. (1951-1965) Harold Thurber Stowell, Jr. (1965- 1977) Wilbert R. Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Hunderman Hasbrouck, Peterson Associates Hasbrouck, Peterson, Zimoch & Sirira umrong Daniel Comm Associates (1976-1986) Wilbert R. Hasbrouck (-1986) (1986-1991) (1991-) Wilbert R. Hasbrouck (1976-1986) Harry J. Hunderman (-1986) Wilbert R. Hasbrouck (1986-1991) Wilbert R. Hasbrouck (1991-) (1962-) Carl P. Giegold (1984-1987) James Malcolm Peterson (1986-1991) James Malcolm Peterson (1991-) Daniel Comm Anne T. Sullivan (1984) Jay Sirira umrong Henry G. Zimoch (1991-) B. Albert Comm, Architect B. Albert Comm Associates Comm, Comm & Moses Jay Sirira umrong (1991-) (1924-1950) (1950-1954) (1954-1962) B. Albert Comm (1924-1950) B. Albert Comm (1950-1954) B. Albert Comm (1954-1962) Moses & Associates Moses Architecture Daniel Comm (1950-1954) Daniel Comm (1954-1962) Irving Byron Moses (1951-1954) Irving Byron Moses (1954-1962) (1962-1996) (1996-2005) Donald John Hackl (1958-1959) Irving Byron Moses (1962-1996) Irving Byron Moses (1996-2005) John W. Moutoussamy (1965) John W. Moutoussamy (1965) Dubin, Dubin, Black & Moutoussamy Dubin, Dubin & Moutoussamy (1965-1978) (1978-) FitzGerald Associates Architects Arthur Detmers Dubin (1966-1978) Arthur Detmers Dubin (1978-1993) Dubin & Eisenberg Dubin & Dubin Dubin, Dubin & Black Mar n David Dubin (1966-1978) Mar n David Dubin (1978-) Hora o R. Wilson (1986-) David L. Bradley (1994-1999) Randall S. Deutsch (2005-2010) John T. Black (1966-1978) John W. Moutoussamy (1978-) (1919-1932) (1932-1965) Arthur Detmers Dubin (1949-1965) Mar n David Dubin (1952-1965) (1965-1966) (1902-1917) John W. Moutoussamy (1965-1978) Henry G. Zimoch George H. Dubin (1919-1932) George H. Dubin (1932-1963) Arthur Detmers Dubin (1965-1966) Bradley Architects Hora o R. Wilson Marble & Wilson Wilson & Marshall Abraham Eisenberg (1919-1932) Henry Dubin (1932-1963) Mar n David Dubin (1965-1966) Henry Dubin (1919-1932) John T. Black (1965-1966) (1999-2008) (-1895) (1895-1902) David L. Bradley (1999-2008) Marble (-1895) Hora o R. Wilson
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