Showers likely High: 60 | Low: 44 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Monday, June 6, 2016 75 cents A.D. JOHNSTON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2016 Bessemer graduates ready for next step By RICHARD JENKINS [email protected] BESSEMER — Bessemer’s Class of 2016 members are now alumni after the district cele- brated its commencement cere- mony Sunday at A.D. Johnston High School. The ceremony featured per- formances of “Pomp and Circum- stance,” and “The Star Spangled Banner,” before principal Dan VanderVelden delivered opening remarks. He urged the graduates to reflect on lessons learned from the valuable people in their lives, sharing some lessons he learned from his parents. One of Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe BESSEMER’S GRADUATING Class of 2016 flip their tassels to the other side of their caps, symbolizing their graduation, Sunday during the district’s commencement ceremony. BESSEMER — page 5 City sewer main Skin Deep cops first place at repairs planned Saxon Harbor fishing contest IRONWOOD — City utilities director Bob Tervonen on Friday By RALPH ANSAMI Tommy Hicks. detailed plans to repair a col- [email protected] The forecast called for rain lapsed sewer main on Ironwood’s SAXON, Wis. — Fishermen and lightning for all three days main street. participating in the 25th annual of the contest, but Sunday pro- The 100 block of East Aurora Saxon Harbor Spring Classic vided good weather until the Street will be closed Tuesday, fishing contest sailed into the storm blew in. Wednesday and Thursday for harbor on Sunday just before yet It was a rough day of fishing, the repairs. another lightning storm struck weather-wise, on Saturday, end- Tervonen said it will be an the area. ing with heavy fog. extensive job, with Ross Peter- The coolers of fish were quick- Wisconsin’s new lake trout son Construction, of Hurley, ly measured and weighed under rules weren’t popular with the called in to dig up the street and a tent near the boat landing by 2 fishing teams. The new bag limit put in replacement sewer parts. p.m. Then the competitors from allows two lake trout between 20 Cement must then be poured 32 boats and spectators scram- and 25 inches per angler and one and a blacktop patch laid on top bled to get out of the rain from fish longer than 40 inches. of that to complete the job, he the storm, while the results were Since there were no 40-plus said. being tabulated. lakers caught during the week- Tervonen was hopeful that Skin Deep, skippered by Dan end, that meant the longest lake the street might be opened part (Jumbo) Talkowski, Ironwood, trout measured could only be 25 of the day on Thursday. won first place, followed in sec- inches. Most of the fish mea- The entire block will be shut ond by The Clipper, with skipper sured were around the same size, down for the repairs. Mike Hegewald. with an occasional salmon, —Ralph Ansami The skies brightened for the brown trout or rainbow mixed in. awards presentation, with third On Saturday, Howie Fish going to Black Dawg, Jim Cox; landed the heaviest laker, a 25- followed by Howie Fish of Jody inch, seven-pounder. Ewen-Trout Ralph Ansami/Daily Globe Moore; Star-Kissed, Charlie MITCH KOSKI measures a lake trout during the Sunday Saxon Harbor Boating Club fishing contest. All of Maslanka; O Sea D, Byron Creek building to the lakers had to be between 20 to 25 inches to be kept. Anderson, and On the Spot, FISHING — page 5 temporarily close for construction By TOM STANKARD [email protected] GRRRR raises funds for area trails EWEN — The Ewen-Trout Creek Board of Education decid- By RICHARD JENKINS ed May 18 to close the school [email protected] building for part of the summer IRONWOOD — With dark because of construction. storm clouds looming, bike rid- The building will be closed to ers from across the area took the public and students from part in the seventh annual Go June 11 through July 3. Superin- Ride R Range Ride Sunday. tendent Alan Tulppo said the Organizers estimate 87 riders roof will be torn off and there participated in the event, which will be electrical wires hanging. began at Ironwood’s Depot Park In November, district voters and went to the Erwin Township approved a $4.49 million bond Hall before returning to Depot for many upgrades to the build- Park. ing. “One of the cool things was ... Beginning June 9, Tulppo the fine people out there at the said the district will replace the Erwin Township Hall had leaky roof and heating and cool- lemonade and cookies for us,” ing system, install energy-effi- said organizer Jim Mildren. cient lighting both outside and The route began on the con- inside, and install new flooring. structed section of the Iron Belle Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe RIDERS CATCH their breathe Sunday at the Erwin Township Hall during the Go Ride R Range Ride. E-TC — page 5 GRRRR — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY ALI HONORED Classifieds . .12-13 Daily Globe Inc. Sunday Today’s records High 72 High 90 (1925) Comics . .11 Vol. 97, Ed. 133 118 E. McLeod Ave. Showers likely Former heavyweight Low 50 Low 32 (1954) Community . .3 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 champion remem- Ironwood, MI 49938 bered by world Education . .6 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .7 High 65 48 hours to 7 a.m. — Nation yourdailyglobe.com Low 40 Sunday .84 in. Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 page 8 Sports . .9, 10, 14 5 Miles West Of Ashland on Hwy. 2 Sales Hours: 8-7 Mon.-Thur.; 8-6 Fri.; 8-5 Sat. 1-715-682-8400 • 800-296-3819 FIVE STAR www.ashlandfordchrysler.com • 5stardealers.com/ashland 2 l MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Showers Likely Mostly Sunny Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny 60º 44º 61º 41º 66º 47º 74º 56º 75º 57º Winds: 10-15 mph NW Winds: 3-7 mph NW Winds: 5-7 mph N Winds: 5-10 mph N Winds: 5-7 mph NW Ontonagon LOCAL OUTLOOK 59/45 .*/01%+2%+"33%422%53*6/1%47"24%+"8$%0%9-:% 5$0;52%*<%4$*+2=4>%$"#$%82?@2=086=2%*<%9-A>% Bergland $6?"/"81% *<% 9':&% B*=8$+248% +";/% C-% 8*% C,% 61/44 ?@$&%.$2%=25*=/%$"#$%82?@2=086=2%<*=%8*/01% :DNHÀHOG "4%D-A%428%";%CD(,& Ironwood 60/44 45 Saxon 60/44 60/45 Marenisco SUN AND MOON Bessemer 60/44 Watersmeet Hurley 60/44 2 Upson 60/44 59/44 59/44 F6;="42%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%,G-H%0&?& 51 F6;428& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & HG,-%@&?& Mercer I**;="42% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 9G,H%0&?& 59/44 I**;428%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%C-GC'%@&?& Manitowish 60/44 Minocqua NATIONAL WEATHER 61/45 %.*/01%.62& J$"50#*% ''K,H% 4% 9DK,L% @5 M03304% H'K9'% 4% HHK9D% 4 N0;404%J"81% H,K,H% 4% 'DK,D% 4 )*4%O;#2324% '9K9-% 4% ',K9-% 4 B2+%E*=7% HCK'-% 4% H-K9(% 8 ALMANAC REGIONAL WEATHER P=30;/*% HCK'Q% 8% HHK',% 8 !"#$"%&'(%" % .*/01% .62& R$*2;"S% CCCK'H% 4% C-9K'H% 4 !"#$%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&'( O4$30;/% 9-KL,% 4$% 9,KL(% 4 F208832% H(K,'% 4% 'DK,9% 4 )*+% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,- M6368$% 9CKL,% 4$% 9,KLL% 4 *"&'+"%,-*./FOFORXG\ÀÀXUULHVSFSDUWO\FORXG\ =0K=0";[%=4K=0";%\%4;*+[%4K46;;1[%4$K4$*+2=4[% Associated Press E2482=/01Precipitation & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .84& in. T06%J30"=2% 9HKLD% 8% 9HKL'% 4 4;K4;*+[%8K8$6;/2=48*=?4[%+K+";/1 T450;0U0% 9,KL'% 8% 9CKLL% @5 CATTLE ARE herded through floodwaters toward higher ground, Saturday, near Chenango, Texas. Parts of V=0;/%W0@"/4% ',K,L% 4% 9HKL'% 4$ WEATHER TRIVIA Texas have been inundated with rain in the last week, and more than half of the state has been under flood MOON PHASES V=22;%X01% 'CK,C% 8% 9'KL9% 4 watches or warnings. Who may issue severe weather First Full Last New I0/"4*;% 'LK,(% 8% 9HKLD% @5 I0=Y62882% ,DKL'% 4$% ,LKL9% 4 watches and warnings in the United W$";230;/2=% 9(KL9% 8% 9QKL(% 4 States? ) Only the National Weather Service. Weather National the Only F8&%R063% 9DK,C% 8% 'CK,(% 4 Answer: Z06406% 9,KLH% 8% 99KL,% 4 Tropical Storm Colin forms in 6/12 6/20 6/27 7/4 Gulf, speeds toward Florida GIOVANONI’S TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — will be to the east and west of it. Sterling, Virginia-based mete- Tropical Storm Colin formed in The National Weather Service orologist Chris Strong says the Research Our Products On Line! the Gulf of Mexico Sunday and in Mobile issued a flood warning primary threat in the Baltimore- was speeding on a course to hit for the Shoal River near Washington metropolitan area is Florida on Monday with rains Crestview and warned of possi- from damaging wind gusts, and Go To TrueValue.com that forecasters said could cause ble widespread flooding in there’s a lesser threat for torna- serious flooding along much of streams, creeks, and canals. dos. FREE SHIPPING TO OUR STORE ON YOUR TRUEVALUE.COM ORDERS the state’s Gulf coast. Wind gusts threatened to bring Wakefield, Virginia-based 303 Silver St., Hurley, Wisconsin 715-561-4141 A large portion of Florida’s down trees and branches and meteorologist Lyle Alexander western and Panhandle coast cause power outages. says the threat on the Eastern was already under a tropical The Georgia coast and the Shore is from winds and more storm warning when the Nation- north Florida Atlantic coast were localized heavy rain.
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