April 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2435 watching your continued growth and MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS ∑ success. At 12:44 p.m., a message from the The following petitions and memo- f House of Representatives, delivered by rials were laid before the Senate and RECOGNIZING DAIRY QUEEN OF Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- were referred or ordered to lie on the MADISON, SOUTH DAKOTA nounced that the House has passed the table as indicated: following bill, without amendment: POM–205. A concurrent memorial adopted ∑ Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, each S. 447. An act to require reporting on acts by the Legislature of the State of Arizona year, a proclamation is issued desig- of certain foreign countries on Holocaust era petitioning the United States Congress to nating National Small Business Week, assets and related issues. award a Congressional Gold Medal to the a time to recognize the important con- members of the 23rd Headquarters Special The message further announced that tributions America’s small business Troops and the 3133rd Signal Service Com- the House has passed the following owners make to our economy and our pany to honor their unique and distinguished bills, in which it requests the concur- local communities. South Dakota is service with the Ghost Army during World rence of the Senate: War II; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- home to many small businesses with a ing, and Urban Affairs. strong commitment to producing qual- H.R. 2809. An act to amend title 51, United States Code, to provide for the authorization HOUSE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 2008 ity products while serving their com- and supervision of nongovernmental space Whereas, during World War II in the Euro- munity. Today it is my honor to recog- activities, and for other purposes. pean Theater of Operations, the American nize the Dairy Queen of Madison, SD, H.R. 4681. An act to limit assistance for GIs of the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops which serves as a testament as to what areas of Syria controlled by the Government and the 3133rd Signal Service Company makes South Dakota’s small business of Syria or associated forces, and for other wielded creativity and illusion to fool the owners exemplary. purposes. German Army on the battlefield; and In 1964, the Mork family acquired the H.R. 5086. An act to require the Director of Whereas, using inflatable tanks and artil- lery, sound equipment and impersonation, franchise license for the Madison Dairy the National Science Foundation to develop an I-Corps course to support commercializa- Ghost Army soldiers contrived to confuse Queen and continues to operate it suc- tion-ready innovation companies, and for the enemy about where the real Allied fight- cessfully. Today DeLon Mork con- other purposes. ing units were located; and tinues his family’s business as the cur- Whereas, in so doing, these unsung heroes The message also announced that the rent owner of the restaurant. DeLon risked their own lives to draw fire away from House has agreed to the following con- and his family are passionate about American troops on the battlefields of Eu- current resolution, in which it requests providing excellent service to their rope; and the concurrence of the Senate: Whereas, these soldiers carried out more customers while giving back to the than 20 deception missions on or near the community that supports them. Each H. Con. Res. 111. Concurrent resolution rec- ognizing and supporting the efforts of the front lines in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, year, many Dairy Queens participate in United Bid Committee to bring the 2026 Fed- Germany and Italy, which cost them dozens Miracle Treat Day, to raise money for eration Internationale de Football Associa- of casualties, including the loss of three the Children’s Miracle Network. For tion (FIFA) World Cup competition to Can- lives; and the past 11 years, DeLon and his team ada, Mexico, and the United States. Whereas, the men of these United States at the Madison Dairy Queen have Army units are credited with saving thou- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED sands of American GIs and helping win World worked to sell the most Blizzards of The President pro tempore (Mr. War II; and any Dairy Queen in North America on HATCH) announced that on today, April Whereas, their daring battlefield decep- Miracle Treat Day. Their hard work on 25, 2018, he had signed the following en- tions were kept secret for more than fifty behalf of the Children’s Miracle Net- rolled bill, which was previously signed years after the war, and, because of that se- work exemplifies the commitment to by the Speaker of the House: crecy, they never received public recognition for their valor; and community service shared by the Mork H.R. 4300. An act to authorize Pacific His- family and the entire team at the Whereas, the veterans of the 23rd Head- toric Parks to establish a commemorative quarters Special Troops and the 3133rd Sig- Madison Dairy Queen. I commend the display to honor members of the United nal Service Company made significant con- entire organization for their contribu- States Armed Forces who served in the Pa- tributions to our nation but never sought tions to this great cause. cific Theater of World War II, and for other praise or honors for themselves for their Small businesses like DeLon’s play purposes. wartime exploits; and an important role in South Dakota’s f Whereas, these men literally serve as an inspiration to the latest generation of sol- economy, and with this recognition, I MEASURES REFERRED hope to shine a light on his great work. diers serving in intelligence roles as the United States Army uses the story of the His dedication to producing a quality The following bills were read the first and the second times by unanimous Ghost Army in the Intelligence School at product and serving his community Fort Huachuca; and makes all of South Dakota proud. I consent, and referred as indicated: Whereas, several soldiers who called Ari- want to congratulate and thank DeLon H.R. 2809. An act to amend title 51, United zona home before or after the war served in and the entire Mork family for their States Code, to provide for the authorization these deception units, including Glenn Uhles, outstanding devotion to our commu- and supervision of nongovernmental space who is buried in the National Memorial Cen- activities, and for other purposes; to the nity. I send them best wishes as they ter of Arizona, and painter Hal Laynor; and Committee on Commerce, Science, and Whereas, this state is deeply grateful for continue to serve the community of Transportation. the extraordinary courage and remarkable Madison, SD.∑ H.R. 4681. An act to limit assistance for ingenuity of the Ghost Soldiers in facing the f areas of Syria controlled by the Government enemy, and the people of Arizona laud these of Syria or associated forces, and for other veterans for their proficient use of innova- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- tive tactics during World War II, which saved RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT tions. lives and made significant contributions to H.R. 5086. An act to require the Director of ENROLLED BILL SIGNED the defeat of the Axis powers; and the National Science Foundation to develop Whereas, the extraordinary accomplish- Under the authority of the order of an I–Corps course to support commercializa- ments of the 23rd Headquarters Special the Senate of January 3, 2017, the Sec- tion-ready innovation companies, and for Troops and the 3133rd Signal Service Com- retary of the Senate, on April 25, 2018, other purposes; to the Committee on Health, pany deserve belated official recognition during the adjournment of the Senate, Education, Labor, and Pensions. now, while some of the soldiers are still liv- received a message from the House of The following concurrent resolution ing. Wherefore your memorialist, the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, Representatives announcing that the was read, and referred as indicated: Speaker had signed the following en- the Senate concurring, prays: H. Con. Res. 111. Concurrent resolution rec- 1. That the United States Congress award a rolled bill: ognizing and supporting the efforts of the Congressional Gold Medal to the members of H.R. 4300. An act to authorize Pacific His- United Bid Committee to bring the 2026 Fed- the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops and toric Parks to establish a commemorative eration Internationale de Football Associa- the 3133rd Signal Service Company to honor display to honor members of the United tion (FIFA) World Cup competition to Can- their unique and distinguished service with States Armed Forces who served in the Pa- ada, Mexico, and the United States; to the the Ghost Army during World War II. cific Theater of World War II, and for other Committee on Commerce, Science, and 2. That the Members of the United States purposes. Transportation. Congress enact H.R. 2701 and S. 1256 to honor VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Apr 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G25AP6.048 S25APPT1 S2436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 25, 2018 the achievements of the Ghost Army in con- to allow second-in-command commercial air- relied on a share of receipts from timber har- ducting deception operations in Europe dur- line pilots the flexibility to serve EAS com- vests to support education services and ing World War II. munities. roads; and 3. That the Secretary of State of the State 2. That the Secretary of State of the State Whereas, in the 1980s, federal restrictions of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial substantially diminished the revenue-gener- to the President of the United States Senate, to the President of the United States Senate, ating timber harvests permitted in these for- the Speaker of the United States House of the Speaker of the United States House of ests; and Representatives and each Member of Con- Representatives and each Member of Con- Whereas, the Secure Rural Schools and gress from the State of Arizona.
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