f£< * . / w i, . •• -Wv, J V I rw\ mri tfj \«..JJJ LZTJ * / M 1 r E&t^* VOL. L.No. 45. NAKUSP, B. C, AUGUST 91894. PRICE TEN CENTS. THE COLUMBIA BURNED. W. S. Jones, tlie customs officer, THE RICH LARDEAU Prospect lost a watch and oUv- ,"iV : /^.., but The Prize Steamer of the Arrow saved his red' hat, /r v/ek he is Will he a Heavy Producer Some Day. *t«. truly thankful. < Lakes a Total Less. Net«.n 5'«>. B. C. Captain Troup, who is quite an en­ John D. Macdonald, who lias been thusiast on photography,'lost a //;• M » AULT, • " The steamer Columbia,' running be­ Mr??voting iii the Kootenay district camera. When last seen alive. -.'- J!ETOR. tween Kevclstoke and . Northport ''•• i've years, was in Nakusp this was trying to make a snap-she/!, w. was burned at 1.30 a. m., last jChurs- -. •'/•;. /Macdonald is one of the men The Bar is .icvVi ^.M« f. -ilnest braiirts of the local and thrilling surreiv:.'.ia«;., Wines , Lirju'j"-, ..-•!•' '.I-::, i -• day. At the time of the, disaster she \v'-.() ioe.-i ted the town of Bear Lake,'"- MI., i jilt misled hnding the, Lucky. was tied up for the .night,* 'at the Capt. Gore, -Pursei Ander- .-:- , v ,th> . i/x io interested in five claims; wood-pile, across the river jfixmi Say- Steward Tompkins have been •; in the i ifirdeau, known as the Sir ward. All hands, except tlie-watch­ ferred to the Lytton. This hon ha-< - NAKUSP, J3. T3., • .h,ii,j ar.d Glengarv groups, and has man were in bed at the time. The been the bread-winner of the line. cwiu/h.i'-d tlie assessment work on fire broke out from what cause couldjnot and will, no daubt, keep up her re­ tlie i.:u:ir.:,uTy. ,11c has two tons of Corning &, Rodd, Props, be learned,' in one of the aft cabins on cord, this season.. o>v, on r.he liuinp, and expects to make the engine room floor, generally oc­ LIFE ON CARIBOO CREEK. a slirpjneui" as souu as the wagon road . cupied by deck hands. The watch reaclies Ttout lake. The ledge from - man had visited that part of the boat which the/ere is taken is 15feet wide, The bar is stocked with the .finest a few minutes before the flames made Or the Ups and Downs of the Yellow Metal Hunters. carrying a .-.J inch vein of ore. The. brands of wines, liquors • ! their appearance and noticed nothing as.say,4ru.H as high as 1003 ounces/ and ci°f»»v ' ' wrong. Ben Edington, the cook, was ;,i.e fve.rago for silver being 315 ozs., _ !/ aroused by the fire in - his room-. He About 75 men are working at tiro v/ijli a sl-roug tracing of gold and LilOiaJ^Jl' (endeavored to smother- It with a diggings. ^s'av i:opper. Those claims arc on ! blanket but his efforts; -were - of no t!ic o])positc divide, from the Black aYail Billy Pyer is packing lumber to NAKUSP B. C. " [ - The alarm sounded through Prince, where ab >nt a dozen men are : the diggings. He receives in the j the steamer, and everybody had all neighborhood of §60 a thousand feet working. The f) ~i\iation in that sec-' $^tlie,wprk^ •tioii ;J:s,contact.osl^ii,e,-and lime,--^bluish :white/:;gmhite;^and- ;;pcrphyrry.-. It • >r managed to pick up; ih their hur- ;/The mbsquit^ at Burton City/ and it is possible to seeni/tod3e;a cornitry :of.large;bodies Beautifully situated on the Lnko <->hore .>• • thVs en • » LSCI ; filglltv •El ve- passengers were take;a; <i™k out of the creek, with­ of ore,' with -numerous, stringers lead- trance to the best and shortest road to iho Sloc-.-n ' -boaTdy ahd One bf them^.a lady,:;had ing'irom tlie leau'rer lodes. j0 out having them shove you in the mines and New Denver.' Tl* bo=i fiMuy: ^l\ Carry;her, clothes dllvher armS,^S0 1 The;wagon i\)ne ;s. being pushed to .stream .' V. ••;•//' ; ^ . „ ,_ . ... .. .. /speedily did the fire^•consume 'the Trot/:;! a-ke. as fVist as possible: About hunting m the district, wjih pml li rt:\\^ an.'i s t . v •:'.^_. : . '. ' -, •> The Bridge company, are very sketching facilities for tourists sii'l f.Hifi 75-'meii. divideik /to fivev,ga,ngs a,rc : sinp. There; was; no; panic,; and if plucky to tackle the many boulders •wovking ov> it. 'I' be cost will be about; bar is supplied Avith the bef-t \\\\ • <I • f \ {.here had been the g-host^of a chance they have on their property. f20,COCt and;?fif:\n fiuished willbe a. liquors 9nd cigars. The :vcon •iio 11.-: of \ :he officers and crew/ could have Thefire lias made it unpleasant first ''cla?sVti.ior*oiighfare.; • 'If.no delays Hotel are tlie best. j saved the beautiful Cblumbiav In along the trad, and in some places occur the •voacl..;s.h!ocld,i be 'completed' j oen minutes; the boat; was destroyed, fallen trees slightly•• hinder travel. by Se/tjeinber. ; '/ will end at Trout r-j| A K^y/^, Sand nothing left but the boiler :and It is reported that the Waneta Co., iiiiKc'.City, a,Uihoagh";the city would L made a clean-up and got an ounce of JtlLA.1^ b.y ' 1 engine,; One sackrof mail ^^ be of uiore advantage" to miners if it yellow dust a day Out of the gravel. ' \va a'.ieciit-e d. w 1;ere".the'• trail turns to- 9 ! kaiie for Nelson, and; one from Wan- bed-rock not being in sight yet. i/J 1 eta were lost, as-well as, ail t-ie; ex- •ward.;rid.]3ie forks: bf the Lardeau river. S. S^ '•'. Fowler, a mining engineer .; Tiui men working .on the:road are NAKUSP, B.- C. li-^ ! press matter. "I-he;freight was light j consisting principally of hay and pro­ fronL(jolden has^spenr several days pa/i,;S2.5Q. a day. .;/ /, : D. A. McDo"*ig"aid duce tor Nakusp.: All the officers upon the grounds of the Calgary Gp.\ k /ssesssnient work is being done on ! and crew lost what they had in their haying been engaged by Geo, Al e £: al JOlit CO cla inis in the Lardeau. On j room's, money, witches, wearing ap- ander to examine the 17 claims this. the north.and south fork of the.-Lar | parel and other articles The Lytton company propose working. His re­ dean fiver about 50 men are placer came down from Revelstoke, with port was favorable. He states that mining, although high water still _, . , . , : j lion. J. A. Mara on board, and trans- the mountains are not precipitous. bothers /'them.; Some are working Choicmande s locatioa beantifan anl d^iew com- fe^edtrip bein thge lostpasson-ers. The , losonls yi soneroun |45,000d, which is a good sign for rich-placer. fcr wages, £3' 50 a day, but most ot of the surroiiiicliixg and the insurance, '?15,000. grounds. The colors found are evi­ them are hoisting the gravel entirely in their own interests.' country. Pete Wilson, has charge of the dently this year's wash. As far as ——— "[wreck.,;:;./.' Blue Grouse canyon it looks as though there would have to be .considerable Siocn-a Easily Reached. THE'BAH is supplied witil tlie | The Columbia will be re-built, in deep digging to read] bec/rock. tf^st brands OI all kinds of jail probability, if her machinery can There is quite a large, amount of wines, liquors and .cigars: be utilized- wide ground above Mineral creek. Since t.iie .Nakasp & Slocan railway The formation iscuppy and syenitic. reached Slocan lake, nearly all the Steward Tompkins, had to borrow travel that formerly went to the Slo­ Engineer Hatherley's coat until he A miner is liable to be on bed-rock THE DINING ROOM is supplied one hour, and off it the nexr..' • There can via Nelson and Kaslo is nowdi reached his wardrobe at Revelstoke. veiled to the new route. An average with all the delicacies of Purser Anderson, lost his sleep, be­ are traces of platinum here and there- and some irridium. After receiving of four- people leave Bon ners Ferry, sides nearly everything he had on the season. Mr. Fowler's report, Mr Alexander and two from Nelson every time the board. Charges "Moderate.. ••/'. •'•..• returned to Calgary, where he will str. Nelson runs to Kaslo. They are Ben Edington, the brunette cook, make arrangements with his part principally strangers, who have not A Call Solicited. lost about $4C0 worth of clothes and ners for the thorough development heard of the new, fast, easy and cheap route to the Slocan. Slocan Ave. other valuables, including currency. of their .property.» mumtrnmaanas T"^ ?;&• -"•#: .& •w ZENITH / ^r~iAw^ locan iwis..-.,of tuicies. CGaJra =rassi»rau!eB=roe1 tlie.'completion ore. will fee brought to NaJaisi Slocan Railroad, Thousandsof tons of steamer for Revelstoke, mines of the Slocan, and loMect OH the Gold and Silver'JLeclges -have The town -.already contains.- Si miles of with otels,. welling IJ a capacity»/ of '30^000^-^ ^>- Q t^> %_f ^J ' feet peSd^-pr» '-^H- onses, Stores > a; m Shop and many other buil lug's- :Oiises,;'B aqksxnith ••*,; disease auo xieatn;. FOSTER & WINTER'S It takes a long time for a well-known The l 0. .'Jini nwar< fact to pass from the tahles and statistics RESTAURANT of a board of health through the imagin­ B^a'icrs in WHOLESALE KETAIL ation to the conscience of the people.
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