Status of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project in 4th ICFA Mini-Workshop on Space Charge 2019, 4-6 November, CERN, Geneva Hannes Bartosik, Malika Meddahi, Giovanni Rumolo R. Alemany, G. Bellodi, J. Coupard, H. Damerau, G.P. Di Giovanni, A. Funken, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, A. Huschauer, V. Kain, A. Lombardi, B. Mikulec, F. Pedrosa, S. Prodon, R. Scrivens, E. Shaposhnikova https://indico.cern.ch/event/828559/ 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 2 Outline • LHC beam performance of the injectors complex and upgrade • LIU project timelines • Relevance of space charge within LIU • Conclusions 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 3 Outline • LHC beam performance of the injectors complex and upgrade • Pre-LIU performance • Definition of the LIU goals and baseline upgrades • LIU project timelines • Relevance of space charge within LIU • Conclusions 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 4 The CERN injector complex: protons Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) C = 6.9 km 퐸표푢푡 = 450 GeV 푘푖푛 The CERN injector complex is used to feed LHC as well as to serve a number of fixed target PS-Booster (PSB) 4 rings of C =157 m Proton Synchrotron (PS) experiments 표푢푡 C = 628 m 퐸푘푖푛 = 1.4 GeV 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 25 GeV Linac 2 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 5 Production scheme of LHC beams Number of Bunch Beam transfer bunches spacing (ns) Linac2 PSB Multi-turn 표푢푡 injection of – 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV coasting beam Super Proton Synchrotron PSB PS (SPS) 4 272 퐸표푢푡 = 1.4 GeV C = 6.9 km 푘푖푛 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 450 GeV PS-Booster (PSB) 4 rings of C =157 m Proton Synchrotron (PS) 표푢푡 C = 628 m 퐸푘푖푛 = 1.4 GeV 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 25 GeV Linac 2 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 6 Production scheme of LHC beams Number of Bunch Beam transfer bunches spacing (ns) Linac2 PSB Multi-turn 표푢푡 injection of – 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV coasting beam Super Proton Synchrotron PSB PS (SPS) 4 272 퐸표푢푡 = 1.4 GeV C = 6.9 km 푘푖푛 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 450 GeV PS-Booster (PSB) 4 rings of C =157 m Proton Synchrotron (PS) 표푢푡 C = 628 m 퐸푘푖푛 = 1.4 GeV 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 25 GeV Linac 2 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 7 Production scheme of LHC beams Number of Bunch Beam transfer bunches spacing (ns) Linac2 PSB Multi-turn 표푢푡 injection of – 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV coasting beam Super Proton Synchrotron PSB PS (SPS) 4 + 2 272 퐸표푢푡 = 1.4 GeV C = 6.9 km 푘푖푛 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 450 GeV PSOne SPStriple bunch splitting and two 표푢푡 72 25 퐸푘푖푛double= 25 GeV bunch splittings in the PS PS-Booster (PSB) 4 rings of C =157 m Proton Synchrotron (PS) 표푢푡 C = 628 m 퐸푘푖푛 = 1.4 GeV 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 25 GeV Linac 2 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 8 Production scheme of LHC beams Number of Bunch Beam transfer bunches spacing (ns) Linac2 PSB Multi-turn 표푢푡 injection of – 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV coasting beam Super Proton Synchrotron PSB PS (SPS) 4 + 2 272 퐸표푢푡 = 1.4 GeV C = 6.9 km 푘푖푛 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 450 GeV PS SPS 표푢푡 72 25 퐸푘푖푛 = 25 GeV PS-Booster (PSB) SPS LHC Proton Synchrotron (PS) 표푢푡 Four injections4 x 72 into the SPS25 / 200 4 rings of C =157 m 퐸푘푖푛 = 450 GeV 표푢푡 C = 628 m 퐸푘푖푛 = 1.4 GeV 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 25 GeV Linac 2 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 50 MeV 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 9 LHC beam performance before upgrade • LHC beam parameters at the SPS extraction (450 GeV) result from intensity and brightness limitations of all injectors in the chain • Brightness Measured points: • PSB brightness determined by space charge at N = 1.1 – 1.3 x 1011 p/b b injection ex,y = 2.5 – 3.0 mm • Limit for PS space charge at injection DQy < 0.31 • Intensity • SPS is limited by beam loading and longitudinal instabilities on the ramp and flat top • PS is limited by longitudinal coupled bunch instability on the ramp and flat top 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 10 LHC beam performance before upgrade • LHC beam parameters at the SPS extraction (450 GeV) result from intensity and brightness limitations of all injectors in the chain • Brightness • PSB brightness determined by space charge at injection • Limit for PS space charge at injection DQy < 0.31 Space charge in SPS not a limit for LHC beams • Intensity • SPS is limited by beam loading and longitudinal instabilities on the ramp and flat top • PS is limited by longitudinal coupled bunch instability on the ramp and flat top PSB intensity limit well above displayed range 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 11 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Performance goal Match the beam parameters at SPS extraction to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) target 11 Nb (x 10 p/b) ex,y, (mm) HL-LHC target 2.3 2.1 Before upgrades 1.3 2.7 • LIU strategy →Identify the sources of the performance limitations in each of the injectors impeding the achievement of the HL-LHC target parameters →Define and deploy the necessary upgrade items to overcome these limitations 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 12 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 13 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline • Connection of PSB to Linac4 o Charge exchange H- injection at 160 MeV into PSB Linac4 25 mA, 0.4 um 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 14 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline Connection of PSB to Linac4 • PSB acceleration to 2 GeV o Reduced bg2 at PS injection by 40% o Updated longitudinal parameters at PSB-PS transfer to further reduce PS space charge tune spread 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 15 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline Connection of PSB to Linac4 PSB acceleration to 2 GeV • PS RF upgrades, e.g. o New Finemet cavity for longitudinal feedback system o Impedance reduction of RF systems 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 16 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline Connection of PSB to Linac4 PSB acceleration to 2 GeV PS RF upgrades • SPS upgrade o Power and LLRF upgrade of 200 MHz RF system o Longitudinal impedance reduction o a-C coating of focusing quadrupole chambers o Deployment of low gt optics o Upgrade of beam dump and protection devices 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 17 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline Connection of PSB to Linac4 PSB acceleration to 2 GeV PS RF upgrades • SPS upgrade o Power and LLRF upgrade of 200 MHz RF system o Longitudinal impedance reduction o a-C coating of focusing quadrupole chambers o Deployment of low gt optics o Upgrade of beam dump and protection devices 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 18 The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project • Effect on beam parameter reach at SPS extraction of the upgrade items in the LIU project baseline Connection of PSB to Linac4 PSB acceleration to 2 GeV PS RF upgrades SPS upgrade ⇒LIU parameter reach for proton beams matches the HL-LHC target within baseline 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 19 Not only protons … • CERN injector complex also accelerates heavy ions (Pb) N e # of (x 108 ions/b) (mm) bunches Super Proton Synchrotron HL-LHC target 1.9 1.5 1248 (SPS) (7x 8 bunches, 50 ns) C = 6.9 km Achieved 2018 표푢푡 2.0 1.5 648 퐸푘푖푛 = 176.4 GeV/u (9x 4 bunches, 100 ns) Proton Synchrotron (PS) Relies on SPS C = 628 m 표푢푡 Single bunch parameters slip stacking 퐸푘푖푛 = 5.9 GeV/u already achieved Linac 3 Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 4.2 MeV/u C = 78 m 표푢푡 퐸푘푖푛 = 72.2 MeV/u 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 20 Outline • LHC beam performance of the injectors complex • LIU project timelines • Project evolution • Current status and future steps • Relevance of space charge within LIU • Conclusions 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 21 2010 Run 1 + LS1 + Run 2 (2010 – 2018) Preparing, defining, testing, executing • Start of LIU project • Studies, advanced installation and testing, new buildings • Linac4 commissioning and quality/reliability runs Long Shutdown 2 (2018 – 2020) 2018 Peak of LIU execution phase 2020 • End of LIU equipment production • LIU equipment installation across all injectors 2024 Run 3 (2020 – 2024) • Recommissioning of upgraded injectors • End of LIU project in 2021! → Beam commissioning to LIU specifications throughout Run 3 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 22 2010 Run 1 + LS1 + Run 2 (2010 – 2018) Preparing, defining, testing, executing • Start of LIU project • Studies, advanced installation and testing, new buildings • Linac4 commissioning and quality/reliability runs Long Shutdown 2 (2018 – 2020) 2018 Peak of LIU execution phase 2020 • End of LIU equipment production • LIU equipment installation across all injectors 2024 Run 3 (2020 – 2024) • Recommissioning of upgraded injectors • End of LIU project in 2021! → Beam commissioning to LIU specifications throughout Run 3 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 23 Time lapse Emptying part of PSB injection area, before installing the new H- charge exchange injection system 4/11/2019 Space Charge 2019, CERN, 4-6 November 2019 Giovanni Rumolo 24 Hardware and beam commissioning in 2020 J.
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