AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY JOURNAL OF NORTH AMERICA ISSN Print: 2151-7517, ISSN Online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2014. © 2014, ScienceHuβ, http://www.scihub.org/ABJNA The effect of spacing of Egg Plant (Solanum melongena L.) (Solanaceae) on Shoot and Fruitborer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guen.) Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) Infestation in the Dry Savanna zone of Nigeria. Degri, M. M. Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University, Kashere, PMB 0182 Gombe, Gombe State Nigeria Corresponding Author: Email: [email protected];[email protected] Gsm:+2348033622910; +2348152875841 ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri orchard during 2010 and 2011 cropping Seasons. The aim of the Study was to evaluate the effect of eggplant spacing on shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) infestations. The experiments were laid out in a randomized complete block design replicated three times. The results showed that close spaced plants(60cmx20cm and 60cmx30cm) had significantly higher pest population, higher shoot and fruit damaged , lower fruit number and fruit yield than wide spaced plants (60cmx40cm and 60cmx50cm).Eggplant farmers can therefore adopt the practice of spacing their eggplant at 60cmx40cm to minimize eggplant infestations by shoot and fruit borer and improve the production of safe quantitative and qualitative eggplant fruit in the dry savanna region of Nigeria. Keywords: Spacing, eggplant, shoot and fruit borer, fruit Yield, damage, dry Savanna, Nigeria INTRODUCTION (Lepidoptera: pyralidae).It is regarded as the most damaging insect pest of the crop (Rashid et al, 2008 Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a short-lived Raju et al, 2007, Onekutu, 2011).It is a cosmopolitan Perennial herb that belongs to the family Solanaceae. field pest of eggplant causing more than 80% It is grown as an annual plant and is one of the most damage from nursery stage to harvest (Ali et al, Consumed fruit vegetables in tropical Africa; probably 1994, Chakraborti and Sarkar, 2011).Damage the third after tomato and onion, and before okra caused by this pest can both be direct and indirect (Grubben and Denton, 2004). Although excessive resulting in broad based problems. The caterpillar rainfall affects both vegetative growth and flower tunnels into the mesocarp of the fruit and stem where formation, the plant is well adapted to both wet and they develop. It can cause severe losses in hot, dry season cultivation. In west Africa, the eggfruits damp conditions. The very high damage potential are eaten raw, cooked or fried with spices in stews, attributed to Leucinodes orbonalis is owed to its high or dried and pound as condiments (Fayemi, 1999, reproductive capacity and rapid turnover of AVRDC, 2008). generations (Onekutu, 2011).It is also very difficult to The fruit is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It control since it feeds inside the shoot and fruit contains 89.0g water, 1.4g protein,1.0g fat,8.0g mesocarp. Synthetic insecticides have over time carbohydrate,1.5g celloluse,130mg calcium,105mg proved effective in the control of this pest. However, vitamin c and 1.6 mg Iron (Romain,2001).In their environmental hazards and residual effect on particular, eggplant is a good source of Calcium, fruits has been the major problems (Rahman et al, Phosphorus and Iron salts for bone and blood cell 2006,Raju et al,2007,Naik et al,2008,Ghosh and formation in the body, as well as a reasonable source Senapati,2009). of vitamin A (Carotene), Vitamin B-complex and This makes it necessary to explore control measures vitamin C, all essential for good health that are safe, cheap, easy to adopt and effective. (Fayemi,1999,Schippers,2000,Romain,2001). Is spite Different cultural control practices such as planting of the economic and nutritional value of the crop, date, plant spacing, fertilizer application and inter production is however hampered by the eggfruit and cropping have been found effective in the shoot borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) management of Leucinodes orbonalis 10 Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2014, 5(1): 10-14 (Onekutu,2011). Losses caused by L.orbonolis varies plants after they were dissected with sharp table knife with location, season, climate reaching its peak and recorded. The number of stems and fruits that during high temperature and relative humidity. The showed sign of tunneling by the pest were also biology of the pest like other insect is affected by collected from the tagged plants and recorded as location, altitude, agro ecological factors and host damaged shoots and fruits. The number of fruits per status infestation of the pest is much during rainy plant and total fresh fruits yield were collected during season than dry season (Chakraborti and Sarkar harvest and after harvest at WAT at the stage of 2011, Owusu – Ansah et al, 2001) ripening. The harvesting continued for 10 WAT due to proper watering of the crops in the field. There is a dearth of knowledge on the management of Leucinodes orbonalis using plant spacing in the The data collected from the pest count from shoots study area. Moreover poor resource farmers who and fruits, damaged shoots and fruits yield were grow egg plant in the dry savanna region of Nigeria subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and their find it difficult to cope with the frequent hikes in the means compared and separated using fisher least cost of pesticides. This study therefore evaluates the significant difference (F- LSD) and the means of the effectiveness of plant spacing for the management of total fruit yield was separated using Duncan multiple Leucinodes orbonalis in the area. test range (DMRT) at 5% level of probability. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Field experiments were conducted at the Faculty of The number of shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes Agriculture orchard, University of Maiduguri situated orbonalis) on the plant shoot was low in eggplant at Latitude 11º 51’N and Longitude 13º 05’ E with an spaced 60cm x 40cm during the two–years study annual rain fall of 520 mm. The experiments were period (Table 1). conducted during 2010 and 2011 cropping seasons Eggplant spaced at 60 cm × 50 cm also had lower to assess the effect of plant spacing on Leucinodes number of L. orbonalis while plants spaced 60cm x orbonalis Guenee of egg plant. The soil in the study 20cm had significantly (P<0.05) higher number of the area was sandy loam. The experimental land was pest. The higher number of the borer on the shoot harrowed, manually ridged at 75 cm apart using a during the study period indicates that close spacing hoe. The net plot size was 4. 0 m x 3. 5 m spaced at of the eggplant encourages the build up and 1. 5 m between plots separated by an ally of 2. 0 m subsequent infestation of the plants by the shoot and wide. The experimental design was a randomized fruit borer. However, moderate and wide eggplant complete block design with four treatments replicated spacing which had significantly lower number of the three times. borer indicates that moderate and wide plant spacing Egg plant seeds were purchased from Borno State discourages the pyralidae moths from building up and Agricultural Development programme (BOSADP) infest ting the plants’ shoot (Owusu- Ansah et input store, Maiduguri. The seeds were planted in al,2001, Naik et al, 2008, Ghosh and Senapati, 2009, Nursery beds and watered for 4 weeks. The Chakraborti and Sarkar, 2011). seedlings were carefully watered before removing Results of eggplant shoot and fruit borer counts taken with ball of earth and as deep as possible to minimize on the fruits at fruiting stage are presented in table 2. damage to the root system. The results showed that the number of Leucinodes Transplanting was done under cool evening weather orbonalis on plants spaced at 60cm x 50cm and after 30 days when they were about 10 cm in height, 60cm x 40cm were Lower that plants spaced at 60cm with 6 true leaves at 60 cm x20cm; 60cm x30cm, x 20cm and 60cm by 30cm in both the two years. The 60cmx 40am and 60cmx50cm. After transplanting, lowest number of the borer on plant spaced wider the seedlings were irrigated twice daily and shaded to implies that the moth larvae do not stay in open reduce excessive light intensity and transpiration. canopy than closer or shaded areas.It also suggest NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer was applied to the seedlings that L. orbonalis larvae prefer to hide and breed after establishment at 3, 6 and 9 weeks after under closed canopy hence the large number of the transplanting (WAT). larvae under plants spaced closer. The lower number of the pest recorded under plants spaced wider Data were collected from ten randomly selected (60cm x40cm and 60 cm x50cm) during the study plants. Number of Leucinodes orbonalis larvae was period implies that the pest does not like staying and collected from the shoots and fruits of the tagged breeding under opened space. This could be due to 11 Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2014, 5(1): 10-14 the general habit of insect of avoiding open spaces Sarkar (2011) indicating that closed spaced crops and preferring hidden or shaded areas. suffer serious infestations by pests than some wide spaced crops in the tropics and subtropics. The crops This is usually common with Lepidopterans, need to be spaced correctly as recommended Homopterous, Dipterans and some Coleopterans. otherwise their infestations, growth and yield This view agrees with the report of Rashid et al performance will be hampered (Onekuku and (2008) Ghosh and Senapati (2009), Chakraborti and Omolaye, 2012). Table 1. Effect of spacing on the number of Leucinodes orbonalis on plant shoot Treatment No.
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