General Election Ballots Carry Six Party Columns THE. INGHAM COUNT-r··~·~1~'EWS Bullntl! fur lite gmwrnl clecllon M!'Cjnln of Hlcwl,brlclgc fell' cor· N' Th d Nove Ill h c r •l lilt VI! U party oner unci for columnH, vcyor. Thr.PuuLI~ PrnhlhltioniHlH l(ybut~ have~ur· -~~~n~QJ~Y~·~~~~Y~ea~r~,~~~o~·~3~5-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~so~n~,~~~ic~hi~g~a~n,~Th~u~r~sd~a~y~,~~~~~~g~u~s~t~2~8~,~1~9~5~2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The lt~puhllt·Hns comtl flr~t. no cuncllclutr.li fn1· prnsem1tor, tlll!n tim Dcmol!t'allt! mnrllclates. Hhcrltf or rlraln t!mnmlsslnner. The PI'(Jitlhltlon t•arty hns the '!'he l'l'ngr·e:;slveH ami SndnllHI ' '/' ' tltlrcl t•nlumn. Then In orclor come Wnrlwt•s hnve only 2 c•nndl<lntr.s ' I the ProgresslvcH, Sol'iallst Lrthur enc:h, The lonely nnmeH In thr. /I nnrl Sodallst Wnt·lwrs, Pt·og-rCHHlvr. column are VIrginia ProhlbltlnnlsiH have 11 I!OIIl(llclc Glrnn for sr.m·etury of state unci lilute tldwt with I'HIHilrlulcH for Rlt:hurd Fox fot• slnle trrnsut•er. mngi'CHS, state Hcnutc, leglslntlll'l! llowni'Cl Lct·ner for govehwr and and most 1~ounty offices, On the Genol'il Dollinger tor U. S. sen· eounty tll'lwt Hut h Stanley is nlor are the only names In the l!HIIIIirlatr. fur· eleri<',· Clnil' C. Cru·· Sor:iullsl Worltr.rH mlumn. pcntcr for lrr.Hsur·er, A. V. Hath· 'l'hr. Snclallsl Lai)[)r ]mrty of· hun for rcJ.:lslct• nf rlr•cds, WiJ•I fm·s 11 full slate of slate cundl· rlute:;, ln~llfllll VOICt'S Will ilC offerc!rl •I hullols. Tltere nre separulr. pHI'· Ingham ;:Wins .. : tlsan hulloiH for presidential nnrl for stale HJI(I county eandldalcs, unol,lwr fnr non-partisan juclldal Major Honors r:andldalcs ami a fourth contain· ' . lng lltn :J state JH'opositions. No. l pt·oposal Is 11 protwscrl mnslllulional amrmrlmcnl ehang· At State Show lng JH'ovlslons in I he enforcement of na•·eolle laws. In~-:ham boys nml girls arc far· Pruposal Nn. :.! Is the CIO rc· lng wcllnt the stale 1-11 shoW he· appoJ·tlonmcnl plan. No., 3 Is the In go held nn I he Michigan Slate fa r m cr. sprmsorcd l'Citpporllon· campus this wcclt. menl pmpnsal. ;rom Ber~lly of the Vnnlown For a jtorllon of LHnslng town· .. club won the boys speech contest. ship !here will also he a proposal Uls prize wns a watch. to irwrn•pn•·atc an arcn us West RIDS WILL BI~ 'rAimN 1'111S FALL Pntrkla Monroe, Vanlnwn club, Lansing, a llflh elass clly. Next lVeclc Is oml Dennis Avr!ry, Ol<cmos, wnn Pmof ballots went to all can· In the vegetable jurt~-:lng contest. rllrlates nnd to lhe secretary of One Day Short stale last week. '!'he presses are Artist Sketches West Side School The rewa rrl is a trip to New Yorlt '• L:tiJOr J);,y 1111 il'lflnrlay will Clly In Deccmher. schcrtulert to start on the paper Mason's new West Side elemenlnt·y will 1111 etttruuee at the south nncl anot!H•t' Shop 1;1~ Fire Destroys mal\!' lltP lnghnm County Clark Phelps of the While Oak ballots Saturday. The delivery sc 1100 1 WI'II 1oo 1 { 1'11 w t 111s, · 1·r· Jt· can 1Je 1Jlll ·1 t 1· 11 tJJ t. I 1e, eot'I'IC· lOJ '· f rom t I1e cen t t'a I f oyet·. '1'1 1e Nr•ws staff labor alltlw liai'Cier dale is September 17. '!'he early 11 · j ' 11 1 tl [ n•• f 1 club plat~cd sceond In el·op judg· date wns set so' ballols can be within the estimate of $210,000. sou 1 Wlllg' las an overa eng 1 o "'' ee. III'XI \VI'I~il, in!! and will net a trip La Chicago. ".'Cllt to votCI'S CJVer".·e,"t". Tl w s II I c r I ' . and a wirll h ,or s:J feet. The llOI'I.h wing is Coi'J I'SJlOIIIh~nls and nrlvr.r· . .. " ,, , o 1c arrcn . · o mes o. o .ans1ng Js • ·r 1 1 1 Max Bet111c, Ol<cmos, •won In · . 72x 10 1 I t le. P ayroom is buill. That's an tiSPI'S iH'f iiSI<Pd !o C'OOfJ(!I'Hie now comp1 ct.mg t. 11e p1 ans 1m· I1 1e JWOflDSr!c 1 It 1 1· · 1 • as w;ual hy IIaving llieir items poultry judging, and will be sent building. Plans will be placed before the a 1lel'llale. ,can lC e unmatec If the cost. At Jewett Airport 111111 wl l'opy in early, to Chicago. ~··:.se· execeds •the money availahle. Candt'd·a·te·: eks bom·d of education fot· the final 0. K. Scp- 1 · · All IFinks anrl ptiblit· offii:P~ llah ·B1il~cr of the Crossroads t.cmber 27, with the taking of bicls scheduled T 1e roye~: IS at. 1he center of lite 2 wings. and most slorP:; Will he dos!'d 4-H eluh, plar·ed at the lop In ean· With:.Jr.la, wa· I ''from for October 15. There arc enthtnees to the 1101'( h wing ri'Uill lot• SIIIJIIJIC!I''S liiSI iDIIJ: wec•l( nlng and will get a trip lo Chi· U hot h 1he nor I h' and west as well as through f'llli. 'I'IH•rr• will he no mail de· cago. Mason school dislt·icl has $1 52,000 on 1he foye1·. liveries Monday. WitH:$50 ,000 Loss Alfricrla Fmst of the Wheal· El t" ·8 II t hand in its building fund with another $:J~.- There is no hasr•mcnl. An ait• ehambcr is flelr! club won a $1!i0 scholarship ec IOn a 0 000 cxpeetcd within the school year. That ]li'OVirled ilcneat:h 1he kindergarten room so Flames consumed the Jewett ait·pmt shop al :~ o'elock for oulslanding achievement wllh will permit the district to ct·eet the new build- the flom· will be warm. - (l'tt'er and Towns Tuesday afternoon. her horse projects. Mrs. Jennie l{al?., East Lan· ing without issuing bonds. Const.ruelion-will be of cinde1· block ;,~ Mclvl·11 Sllo\verm·,trl of tile sing, has requested that her name Tl 'ld' . , , , . • 'd OQQ Besides the tiOxlOO building the Sycamore Flying club I l I 0 ff II I · b 11 1e proposec1 new 1JUJ mg WJ 11 [JI'OVJC 1e 1acec1 Wll 11 1me{, 1 11w r1 es1gn of 1he building D $ Whcatflelrl dub ciUn" to his lC fl (f!ll IC c ectlon a ots. lVI e ' plane went up in smoke. A J-3 Cub owned by Arlhtll' w. Jew- " Dcmoemls nominated her as their 6 grade rooms in the south wing and a kin- calls fot• li l.l.le steel, I he an:hil eels explained. 275 1 8.h~ep-s~t~arlng ch~m.plonshlp \~on candidate for county treasurer. dergarten room and perhaps a play mom in Bi-latcrnl lighting is provided J'ot· hoi h d ell was but'll0.d ll[l. Four other planes close to tile Ilam- ln::;t. ye,•!· llc wns cwllterl wllh· She defeated Melvin Oesterle of the north wing. It will also include a hoilet· wings, with big windows on the east. and west ing building we1·e wheeled to safety. 81.7.1 points, Runner-up was Rol· Wcbbet·v!llc ff' . · 1 1 1 · 1 t 1 · d 1 In D1'verte TaX lin Blossey, Wlrtiamston club. · room, 0 Ice, c 1Jmc mom anc wor' room. am "'11 1 o · JCI' W111 ows as ant at. the t.op or A 11ew Clett·ac tractor with bulldozer and lmckfillet·, 2 Judges ~-:ave him 81.70. Because of In_ her lctler to the board of As piettll'ed in I he arl.isl's slwt.ch, I he Uw rooms. There will be a valley above the WIIPllit•r o1· not IIJC stale is· i11 automobiles, a farm t.railct·, a hay eleva( ., tons of baled the close finish between the 2 clccllon commJsstoners Mrs. building faces cast on Ccdm· street extended COI'l'irlm· separating t.he gmde t•ooms. llu• rcrl, tom! units arc gPilin~;: 01 80 Illgll'·tm ,"I tea rei·~ the juti"e~ l{atz sc.t Jorth '.ter lntcntlo. n to. south from Ash. An extension or Bush sf reeL The huildin." jc; so designed that f!ilher sales Iax diversion nionc.v. hay st m·erl in the loft over I he --- --- - -· ·- . -· . --- ·- '" ·• " ·• f 11 t 'I 1 "' - against llic lire. Smith , agreed lo send both contestants to move. rom lc coun y, r Cl IUS· will also provide for entrance from the west. win." OJ' both wings can bf! extendnd 1o · • 'l'ilut·sday rnominp; County 1langat·, PaneI parts, ·$"' '::>, OOO incff•~etivc hand I' p 10· fc t Ml 1 I , " 111 0 dragged .Jewell frrun under the the International contest In Chi· s a Hsor a Cl gan Ash street itself may be extended ira right- vide additional room if the need arises. 'l'n•astlll'l' LyiP H. AI lSI in received \VOl'!h or welding equipment plane where he was ll~;:hting the c·•~o Stale. lie was granted a year's of-way can be secut•ed. There are 7 acres in If con1mets are let. in Oct.ohet·, the archi- a state warrant ror $27'i,fl7ti.tfl 10 1 · · 1 d blaze.
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