INSTITUTUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU JESUIT HISTORICAL INSTITUTE (ROME) Founded by Father General Led6chowski on 11 February 1930, the Jesuit Historical Institute (IHSI) promotes research on the history of the Society of Jesus. Its members in Rome, with the assistance of other Jesuits ("corresponding fellows") throughout the world, oversee the publication of the Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu (MHSI) and the monograph series Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Iesu (BII-ISI). Giovanni Sale, S.J. Director Thomas M. McCoog, S.J. Editor-in-Chief Robert Danieluk, S.J. Paul Oberholzer, S.J. James F.X. Pratt, S.J. Jose Antonio Yoldi, S.J. Permanent Members Francisco de Borja Medina, S.J., emeritus Laszlo Szilas, S.J., emeritus VOL. LXXVII FASC. 154 JULY-DECEMBER 2008 ARCHIVUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU Thomas M. McCoog, SJ. Editor Advisory Editors Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke (Munich) Julius Oswald, S.J. (Augsburg) Paul Begheyn, S.J. (Amsterdam) Ulderico Parente (N a pies) Robert L. Bireley, S.J. (Chicago) Antonella Romano (Florence) Francesco Cesareo (Worcester, Ma.) Flavia Rurale (Udine) Kathleen M. Comerford (Statesboro) Lydia Salviucci-Insolera (Rome) Marek lnglot, S.J. (Rome) Nuno da Silva Gom;:alves, S.J. (lisbon) Jeffrey Klaiber, S.J. (Lima) Nicolas Standaert, S.J. (Leuven) Mark A Lewis, S.J. (New Orleans) Robert Trisco (Washington, D.C.) Antonio Maldonado, S.J. (Cordoba) M. Antoni). Oc;erler, SJ. (Oxford) Martin M. Morales, S.J. (Rome) Agustin Udias, S.J. (Madrid) TABLE OF CONTENTS Disillusioned Go-betweens: The Politics of Mediation and the Transformation of the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise in Sixteenth-Century Brazil Alida C. Metcalf 283 tEscritura de Polanco o de S. Ignacio? Manuel Rlliz]urado, S.J. 321 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus Paul Beghryn, S.J. 347 Reviews 497 Jesuit Historiographical Notes 537 Books Received 557 Index 565 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS (2008) Paul Begheyn, S.J. I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Roma), Geza Bikfalvi SJ (Budapest), Bernard Deprez (Louvain),Juan Francisco Dominguez Dominguez (Leon), Ad Dudink (Leuven),Jean-Pascal Gay (Strasbourg), Robert Godding SJ (Brussels), Luis Gonz:ilez-Quevedo SJ (Brazil), Bernd Hagenkord SJ (Hamburg), Miroslav Herold SJ (Rome), Geoffrey Holt SJ (London), Charles Libois SJ (Cairo), Matteo Nicolini-Zani (Magnano), Fergus O'Donoghue SJ (Dublin), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), Gabor Tiiskes (Budapest), Gabriel Maria Verd SJ (Granada) and Guus Ziggelaar SJ (Copenhagen). In the bibliography of 2007 two persons were erroneously included who were not Jesuits: Balmes (nr. 769) and Perez Embid (nr. 1146). In AHSI 77 (2008) 213-19, titles omitted from the latest edition of the Bibliography for 2007, were provided. For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please tum to the annual bibliography in the Spanish Jesuit journal Manresa. You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Paul Begheyn, SJ. Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies Singel448 1017 AV Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected] 347 348 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE JESUITS GENERAL INDEX I. THE ENTIRE SOCIETY A. General History 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-6 2. Historical works 7-35 B. Special History 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 36-72 2. Institute 73-88 3. Spiritual Exercises 89-103 4. Spirituality 104-129 5. Pastoral Activities 130-144 6. Cultural Activities 145-213 7. Polemical Writings 214-224 II. COUNTRIES A. Africa 225-236 B. America 237-393 c. Asia 394-453 D. Europe 454-723 III. PERSONS Persons in alphabetical order 724-1491 Complementary list of persons pp. 447-48 Index of authors pp. 448-67 I. THE ENTIRE SOCIETY A. GENERAL HISTORY 1. Auxiliary Sciences 1.]. Fejer &J. De Cock, Defuncti tertii saeculi Societatis lesu 1140-1773 (1774-1815), 2 v., Roma, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, 2001, [no page numbers]. PAUL BEGHEYN, S.J. 349 2. A. Dudink, 'The Japonica-Sinica collections I-IV in the Roman archives of the Society of Jesus', Sino-Western Cullllral Relations Journal24 (2002), 38-50. 3. N. Standaert & A. Dudink (eds.), Chinese Christian texts from the Roman archives of the Society ofjesus, Taipei, Ricci Institute, 2002, 12 vols. 4. E. Lamalle, 'L'Archivio Romano della Compagnia di Gesu', in M.Mozzati a.o. (eds.), Arrhivi di Roma, Roma, Herder, 2004, 239-244. 5. P. Begheyn, 'Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus', AHSI 76 (2007), 361-484. 6. 'Bibliografia Ignaciana 2006', Manresa 79 (2007), 273-313. 2. Historical Works 7. B. Plongeron,'Die Unterdriickung der Jesuiten', in his Die Geschichte des Christenlllms. 10. Alljk/arung, Revolution, Restauration (1750-1830), Freiburg i.Br. [etc.], Herder, 2000, 165-173. 8. JJ. Lozano-Navarro, 'La Compaiiia de Jesus y el poder en Ia epoca de Carlos V', in F. Sanchez-Montes Gonzliles & J. L. Castellano Castellano (eds.), Carlos V, europeismo y universalidad, Vol. 5, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal par Ia Conmemoraci6n de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, 2001,417-428. 9. J.C. Olin, Erasmus, utopia and the Jesuits: eSSt!JS on the outreach ofhumanism, New York, Fordham University Press, 2002, 105 p. 10. F. Rurale, 'Una identita forte? A proposito di tre studi recenti sulla Compagnia di Gesu', in F. Motta (ed.), Anatomia di un corpo religioso: l'identitd deigesuiti in eta moderna, Bologna, Dehoniane, 2002, 357-367. 11. B. Thelliez, 'Des coupables tout designes: les Jesuites', in her L'homme qui poignarda Louis XV· Robert-FranfOis Damien (1715-1757), Paris, Tallandier, 2002, 105-110. 12. J. Andres-Gallego, 'Por que los jesuitas. La expulsion de los jesuitas', in his El motin de Esquilache, Americay Europa, Madrid, Fundaci6n Mapfre Tavera, 2003, 491-528, 569-594. 13. P. Millefiorini, 'Una "nuova" storia dei gesuiti', La Civilta cattolica (2003/3), 145-154. 14. P. Foresta, 'I primi gesuiti e Ia corte. Alcune considerazioni a proposito di un luogo comune storiografico', Schifanoia 26/27 (2004), 169-177. 15. G. Petracchi, 'I Gesuiti e il comunismo tra le due guerre', in V. Ferrone (ed.), Lo Chiesa cattolica e il totalitarismo, Firenze, LeoS. Olschki, 2004, 123-152. 16. A. Ravier, Died compagni, Roma, Apostolato della Preghiera, 2004, 101 p. 350 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE JESUITS 17. H. Didier, 'Acheter, vendre et produire, dans la Compagnie de Jesus, aux 16•-18• siecles', in J. Pirotte (ed.), Les conditions materielles de Ia mission. Contraintes, depassements et imaginaires XVIIe-XXe siecles, Paris, Karthala, 2005, 305-317. 18. D. van den Akker, 'Naam en faam', in M. Lindeijer (red.), Dew~ van de pelgrim. Jezui'eten en hun spiritualiteit, Kampen, Ten Have, 2006, 135-154. 19. J. Bots, 'Geschiedenis van de jezui:eten 1540-1965', in M. Lindeijer (red.), De weg van de pelgrim. Jezuieten en hun spiritualiteit, Kampen, Ten Have, 2006, 34-51. 20. M.C. Durkin, "Ours". Jesuit portraits, Strasbourg, Editions du Signe, 2006, 120 P· 21. E. Echaniz, Paixiio e gloria. HistrJria da Companhia de Jesus em corpo e alma, Sao Paulo, Edi<;:oes Loyola, 2006,215 p. 22. J. Garcia de Castro, 'Los primeros de Paris: amistad, carisma y pauta', Manresa 78 (2006), 253-275. 23. H. Imberechts, 'Geschiedenis van de jezui:eten vanaf 1965', in M. Lindeijer (red.), De weg van de pelgrim. Jezuieten en hun spiritualiteit, Kampen, Ten Have, 2006, 52-60. 24. M. Lindeijer (red.), De weg van de pelgrim. Jezuieten en hun spiritualiteit, Kampen, Ten Have, 2006, 224 p. 25. C.M. Martini, 'El servicio de la Compaiiia de Jesus ala Iglesia actual', Razon y Fe 254 (2006), 179-184. 26. J. O'Malley, 'The Society of Jesus', in R Po-chia Hsia (ed.), A companion to the R4iJrmation World, Malden MA I Melbourne, Blackwell Publishing, 2006, 223-236. 27. J.L. Orella Unzue, 'Liderazgo jesuitico en el nacimiento y ocaso de la Contrarreforma', Anuario del Istituto Ignacio de Loyola 13 (2006), 27-56. 28. J. Plazaola (ed.),Jesuitas exploradores, pionerosygeografos, San Sebastian, Instituto Ignacio de Loyola I Bilbao, Ediciones Mensajero, 2006, 243 p. 29. M. Rastoin, 'Les chretiens d'origine juive dans la Compagnie naissante', Christus 53 (2006), 357-362. 30. M. Revuelta Gonzalez, Once calas en Ia historia de Ia Compania de Jesus. "Servir a todos en el Senor'', Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2006, 335 p. 31. J. Burrieza Sanchez, 'Los dias de la Compaiiia de Jesus. U n retrato hist6rico de sus origines', Estudios Eclesidsticos 82 (2007), 201-234. 32. H. Didier, 'Entre l'Europe et les missions lointaines, les jesuites premiers PAUL BEGHEYN, S.J. 351 mondialisateurs', in A. Molinie a.o., Les jisuites en Espagne et en Amirique:jeNX et enjeux du pouvoir (XVIe-XVIIIe siecles), Paris, Universite Sorbonne, 2007, 355-367. 33. R. Haub, Die Geschichte der ]esuiten, Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2007, 144 p. 34. P.H. Kolvenbach, 'As origenes universais da Companhia de Jesus', in M.C. Luchetti Bingemer a.o. (eds.), A globaiizafiio e os ]esuitas: origens, histriria e impactos, I, Sao Paulo, 2007, 23-34. 35. P. Nelles, 'Du savant au rnissionnaire: La doctrine, les moeurs et l'ecriture de l'histoire chez les Jesuites', XVIIe siecle 59 (2007), 669-689. B. SPECIAL HISTORY 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 787, 1473. 36. J. Garda de Castro, 'Semantica y mistica: el Diario spiritual de Ignacio de Loyola', Misceltinea Comillas 59 (2001), 211-254. 37. L.A. Bonacci, The Marian presence in the life and works of Saint Ignatius Loyola: .from private revelation to spiritual exercises the cloth of Loyola's allegjance, Dayton, University of Dayton, 2002,419 p. 38. P. Emonet, 'Ignace sur le divan. Portrait psychanalytique d'une saint', Choisir (octobre 2002), 9-12. 39. J .E. Gonzalez Magana, Inigo LOpez de Loyola, ~Una historia de fracasos?, Puebla, Pue., Mexico, Universidad lberoamericana, 2002, 690 p.
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