Georges Commeinhes: A Very Discreet Pioneer ßy Commandant PhiUppe Rousseau Circa lare J930'!... The presidefl' 01 fhe Frem:h Repllblic. Le Bmll, (center, \\Illire Iw;r) eil/ring (I v;sir TO rlle COlllmeillhes company. Slighrly hidt/ell by fhe person w{!arillg l/te Commeil/ hes (lpparall/~' is Mr. Relle CQII/Illeillhes, GeorgesJather. Georges is rhe solirary Jig/lre aTlhe/ar left 01 file piCfllre. COllrtesy Dalliel David Archive. Introduction by Leslic Lcaney: Thank you, Leslie. Let me fi rst say that this paper is 11 is my pril';lege {O illlrodllce Commandalll Philippe also based on much research done by Daniel Dav id, nO l ROlisselill. Commolldalll ROllsseau started his profes­ just myself. sional diving career;/I 197/, Jws worked as a submers­ Georges Commeinhcs was born on November 9, ible pilor for Hallos, ami is a certified commercial mixed 19 11 , in the 12th district of Pari s. He was the eldest of the gas diver. For /5 years he Iws served os an expert ;11- Ih ree children. His sis ters Jacqucline and Charlotlc wcre lIe!ifigaror Jor Ihe FreI/eh COl/r,s oJ lustice, coverillg is­ born in 1919 and 192 1, respectively. From the beginni ng .mes;1I fhe mililOry, eo",,,,ercial, and recrearional divillg of the 20th Cenlury Ihe Commeinhes fami ly business was areal'. He il' currelltly olle o! ollly 60 National Diving based at number 21, Avenue Carnot, in SI. Maur. L1ter IlIl'truetors !or the French Diving Federatioll, and ;s a the factory was transferred to 137, Bou levard de Creleil , regular eOlll'ulwllI !or several FreI/eh media out/eis Oll St. Maur. divillg (///(/ divillg hisfory. His writtell research into Ihe Rcne Commei nhes, Gcorgcs' fmher, had on ly a gram­ his/ory o! dilling lIas appeared in oller 50 differelll (lf· mar school certi fica te but hc nevertheless foundcd an tiele:.' ill burfl ,he FreI/eh amI EIIg!i.\'f, ICII/gllages. Co",· automoli ve proeluclion anel boel ywork company, mainly II/(II/(Ialll ROltsseall \Vas rhe cltie! diver !or fhe MI/sie manufacturing trucks and coaches from that period, and Espaliolf and a key eompol/ em in brillging fhe I1IllSe· also the first fire engines. RenC's mechanical precision did I/m's RouCjllayrol Denayrollze equipmem 10 America ill not exelude a Li ttle marketi ng imagi nation, and his "Com­ 1998. Ne il' CIlrrelll/y employed as fhe Commallda1l1 Jor mei nhes Coaches" were introd uced wilh a piano and pia­ fh e Frem:h Fron /ier cmd Immigm/ioll Police Air Force. nist on board. Nobody had thought of this bcfore! CommandclIIl ROllsseaulws beeil ,he FreIIch represeuw­ Georges was a very qu iet boy, but this did not stop lilie !or The Historieal Dillil/g Sociely U.S. A. Jor eight him from be ing a daredcvil. His sister Jacqueli ne teils years ami i,\' a co-foll/ufer al/d C/l rrent Vice Presidellt o! a story of Georges being involvcd in a serious accident UDS Fra/lee. Please we(come oll e oJ fhe wor/d's fmding while driving a motorboat 100 fast. He also became in­ divillg historia/ls, COII/mallda /it Philippe Rotlsseau. lerested in underwater hu nti ng and we know that he met Yves Le Prieur, and thc young marinc offi ccr Jacques­ Yves Cousteau, on several occasions prior 10 Ihe out­ break of World War 11 . According to Phi lippe Taill iez, HI STO RICAL DI VER Volume 13, Issue 3, Number 44 21 Circa 1952. A :o."ide ami back view 0/ a G.C 42 .w;/lballilil. We belive the IIlI it ill the backgrolllld is 1I DC-52 (see !)(lge 3 1). We have 110 olher details 0/ these photos. Commeinhes was thought of by his family as fearJess The First UnderwaterTcsls. In 1937, Georges Corn­ but also totally unaware of danger. Georges worked for meinhes gOI the idea to modify the R.C 35 breathing ap­ tbc family business in the workshop along witb hi s sister paratus that his fa ther had invenled. Georges' idea was Charlotte. In 1935 the Commeinhes firm orientated itself to adapt it into an amphibious di ving appara lU s. Georges in a new directioll. equipped il wilh a face-mask very similar to that ofCom­ On September 9, 1935 Rene Commeinhes registered a mandant Yves Le Prieur's diving apparatus. The proto­ patent fo r an uutonomous self-contained breath ing appa­ type of Georges' first diving equipment worked with an ratus, which was 10 be marketed to the fi.re brigade. It was open demand circuit, and was ca lied simply the "R.C35 a portable apparatus with two metal cylinder compressed Amphibious." It was shown to the French War Minislry air reservoi rs at ]50 bar. The cyli nders were interchange­ and was granted approval number 2701 on June 20th able, and Ihe unit worked on an open circuit wjth a mask 1937. We have very little information about the tests thai that was equipped with an ex haust valve. The two cylin­ Georges Commeinhes carried out. We only know thai he dcrs were fastcned vertically in u light alloy square sup­ tested and demonstrated the amphibious unit in the swim­ port, with the cylinder valves at the bottom. They were ming pool at Pontoise Road, Paris. This is the sa me pool connected 10 a regulator with a quick connection non-re­ where the Commander Yves Le Prieur and Jean Pa inleve turn valve. Each boule was joined to the breathing bag, founded the Club des Scaphandriers ct de [a Vie Sous which in turn was bound to the mask by a hose. An artic­ l'Eau (Thc Di ving Club of Life Underwatcr) wh ich was ul ated palette fo llowed the inflating and defl ating, of the the very first diving sports club in the world . There is 110 breathing bag. As the breathing bag dcftated the palette trace of Georges Commeinhes ever bei ng a member of aclivated the regulator by means of a rod, and supplied the club. as much air as was needed. This new Commeinhes appa­ In 1939 when wa r was declared, Georges was drafted ratus perfor med very weil and it was quickly adopted by to the 507t11 Tank Regiment, lead by Cl certain Colonel the fire brigade. It was so good that the Frencb army, navy Charles de Gaulle. This regiment stopped the progress of and several official authorities also adopted it. Even the the German Panzer tanks near the village Montcorne in President of the French Republique was personally show n l'Aisne region at the end of May 1940. It was a short-lived the working of thc apparatus. lt was designated R.C 35, victory du ring the general struggle against the invasion, which stood for Rene Commeinhes 1935. but this victory won Georges Commeinhes a lot of pres- 22 HISTORICAL DIVER Vo lume 13, Iss uc 3, Numbcr 44 A (/iver eq//ipped willl a G.c. 42. The air IIose s//ppl)' 10 lire feft side oflhe mask ca" be c/early seeII. Tlre mall ill Ihe sl/il is Georges COlllmeillhes. H1STOR1CA L D1VER Volume 13, Iss lI e 3, Number 44 23 Close-up vieh' oJrhe cylinder cOllllectiOIlS 01 a G.C. 42 G.c. 42 IIlIir (md mask (II/e! submersible press ure gauge. A G.c. 42 IlIIit with fhe CO\'er remo\!ed. D(lIliel David specu­ lates fhal fhis is perha!Js fhe acwal apparalifs IIsed ill fhe 53 mefer divc 01 ll/Iy 1943. Ir is kefJf by fhe Marille Na/iOllale in fhe Divillg School ;1/ Toulon. Sailll-Mallgrier, al/d presellfed by Dr. Pcny, II'ho II'(IS olle 01 fhe doclOrs Oll tlte Naval base. tige and popularity from his fe llow comrades of the 2nd Armored Di vision. After the armistice, Georges ret urned to his workshop in 51. Maur, and was vcry bitter about the French defeat Now back at horne, he set about perfecting his divi ng eq uipment and regulators. On the 29th of Apr il , 1942, Georges Commeinhes reg istered a patent for one of his many versions of his self-contained autonomous diving breathing apparalus. He called his equipment "G.c. 42 ," fo r Georges Com­ meinhes 1942, and was granted patent number 976,590. The follow ing is part of the text of the G.C. 42 patent specificat ion: A sailor wearil/S a COlllmeinhesjacell/{/sk. "A n automatie breat hing apparatus to be used in liq­ (photo /rom fhe Marine Nmiollale) uid under a certain exterior pressure ...w hich wou ld en- 24 HI STORICAL DIVER Volume 13, Issue 3, Number 44 Original sllippinc cOlllai/Jer lIIilil !he G.C. 42 /lni! and mask. C/ose-II/) ofrhe G.c. 42mask SIIOIII;IIC rlle adjllsrllble ex/uillsr "ah'e. HI STORI CAL DI VER Volume 13, Issue 3, Number 44 25 able work to be carried oul underwater, ensuring complete eylinder pressure and a warning whistle in the scrvicing liberty of actions ami movement, replacing the ex ist ing cyli nder. diving equipment al ready in use. The flexible membrane ARecord Depth of 53 Meters is Reached on 30th of the regulator enables the opening of the air when the July 1943. On Ju ly 30, 1943, aI 10.57 a.m., Georges Com· pressure of the regu lator becomes in ferior 10 a pre-deler­ meinhes submerged with his G.c. 42 in the bay of Mar­ mined level , equal to a few grammes.
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