..nth Ser... , Vol. ru, No. 11 ...,. July 1., 200t , MMIW" 1. (8IIIra) LOK SABHA DEBATES (Engllah Version) Second Seulon (FourtMnth Lok Sabha) (;-. r r ' ':1" (Vol. III Nos. 11 to 20) .. contains il'- r .. .Ig A g r ~/1'~.~.~~: LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. MalhotrII Secretary-General Lok Sabha Anand B. Kulkllrnl Joint Secretary Sharda Prued Principal Chief Editor telran Sahnl Chief Editor Parmnh Kumar Sharma Senior Editor AJIt Singh Yed8v Editor (ORIOINAL ENOUSH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGUSH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION WILL BE.TREATED AS AUTHORITA11VE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF) CONTENTS ,.. (Fourteenth Serles. Vol. III. Second Session. 200411926 (Saka) No. 11. Monday. July 19. 2OO4IAudha, 28. 1121 CSU-) Sua.lECT OBITUARY REFERENCE ...... ...... .......... .... ..... ............................................ .......................... .................................... 1·2 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question No. 182-201 ................................................................. ................ ................... ...................... 2-36 Unstarred Question No. 1535-1735 .................... ..... ........ ........ ...... ........ ......... ................ ................. ........ ......... 36-364 ANNEXURE I Member-wise Index to Starred List of Ouestions ...... ............ .......... .... .......... ........................................ ........... 365 Member-wise Index to Unstarred Ust of Questions ......................................................................................... 366-310 ANNEXURE" ... Ministry-wise Index to Starred Ust of Questions .............................................................................................. 371-372 MInistry-wise Index to Unstarred Ust of Questions .......................................................................... \............... 371-372 .. I " OFFICERS OF LOK SABHA THE SPEAKER Shri Somnath Chatterjee THE DEPUTY-SPEAKER Shri Charnjit Singh Atwal PANEL OF CHAIRMEN Shrl Pawan Kumar Bansal Shrl Girldhar Gamang Shrlmati Sumitra Mahajan Shri Ajay Maken Dr. Laxm/narayan Pandey Shri Balasaheb Vlkhe Patil Shrl Varkala Radhakrlshnan Shrl Arjun Sethi Lt. Col. (Retd.) Manabendra Shah Shri Devendra Prasad Yadav SECRETARY·GENERAl G.C. Malhotra LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Shri Ramchandra Veerappa passed away on 18 July, 2004 at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh at the age of about 96. He was ailing for some time and I had Monday, July 19, 2OO4IAsadha 28, 1926 (Saka) occasion to visit him when he was undergoing treatment at a hospital In Deihl. We deeply mourn the loss of our colleague and I The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock am SUM the House would join me in conveying our (MR. SPEAKER in the Chait) condolences to the bereaved family. The House may now stand in silence for a short OBITUARY REFERENCE while as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed. [English] 11.02 h .... MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have to Infonn The Members then stood In silence for a short while. the House of the sad demise of one of our colleagues. Shri Ramchandra Veerappa. Shri Ramchandra Veerappa was a sitting Member WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS of the Lok Sabha representing the Bidar Parliamentary Constituency of Karnataka. Earlier, he was a Member [Translation] of the Third, Fourth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Lok Sabhas from 1962 to 1970, and from National Agricultural Insurance Scheme 1991 till date, representing the same Parliamentary *182. SHRI HARIKEWAL PRASAD: Will the Constituency. Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: A fearless freedom fighter, Shri Veerappa (a) wether the Government has taken steps to participated in the freedom struggle and underwent make National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) imprisonment. more effectlve and to facilitate participation of fanners An agriculturist by profession, Shri Veerappa was in the scheme; a member of the Municipal CounCil, Bidar, Karnataka (b) If the details thereof and the extent of from 1947 to 1948. He was a Member of the Kamataka so, Legislative Council from 1948 to 1952. He also served success achieved as a result thereof; as a Member of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly (c) the names of the States from which proposals from 1957 to 1962 and again from 1980 to 1985. for changes In NAIS have been received during the . An ideal parliamentarian, Shri Veerappa, during last three years; and 1998-1999, was a member of the Committee on Food, (d) the reaction of the Government therto? Civil Supplies and Public Distribution and Its Sub- Committee on Department of Sugar and Edible Oils; THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND and a member of the Consultative Committee, Ministry MINISTER OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD AND of Communications. During 1999-2000, he was again PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION (SHAI SHARAD PAWAR) : a member of the Committee on Food, Civil Supplies (a) and (b) National Agricultural Insurance Scheme and Public Distribution and from 2000 to Feburary, (NAIS) Introduced in Rabl 1999-2000 has been made 2004, a member of the Consultative Committee, more effective by enlarging Its coverage of farmers, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. crops and risk commitment compared to erstwhile Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS). A devoted social worker, Shrl Veerappa strove for removal of socJal and economic disparities In the Agriculture Insurance Company of· India (Ale) wu society and for Inculcating human values among the incorporated In December, 2002 for exclusive people. Implementation of NAIS. 3 Written AnswelS July 19, 2004 To Questions 4 As a result of these measures, at present, NAIS (e) by when the proposal is likely to be is being Implemented by 23 States and 2 Union implemented? Territories. During the last eight crop season i.e. rabi THE MINISTER OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT 1999-2000 to Kharif 2003, total of 4.18 crore farmers (SHAI SISH RAM OLA) : (a) to (e) The Govemment are coverad over an area of 6.50 crore hectare. Claims is formulating a National Employment Guarantee Act amounting to'Rs. 4472.85 crore have become payable to guarantee 100 days of employment in a year to as against the premium generated of Rs. 1178.82 one able bodied person in every poor household. crore. A..... ment of Water In Rivera (c) and (d) States like Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, *184. SHRI SHRINIWAS PATIL : Will the Minister Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala have of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state : given various suggestions to improve further the scope (a) whether the Government proposes to assess and content of the scheme. Some of the suggestions the quantum of water in basin of Krishna, Godavari given are as under :- and Narmada rivers before preparing the feasibility Reduction of the unit area for yield report of Interlinking of Rivers; assessment. (b) if so, whether the State Governments would Coverage of perennial horticultural crops. be allowed to Interlink rivers in these States; Speedy settlement of claims. (c) If so, whether any proposal in this regard is received from State Governments by the Union Making the scheme optional for loa nee Government; and farmers particulary in respect of commercial crops. (d) if so, the action taken by the Government in the matter? Restoration and continuation of 50% premium subsidy to small and marginal farmers. THE MINISTER OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI PRIVA RANJAN DASMUNSI) : (a) to (d) The Central Indemnity level should be eoo/r9()O/o. Water Commission has assessed the water resources Threshold yield should be calculated on the potential in the river basins of India. The annual basis of yield data of best/normal 3-5 years. average water resources potential in Krishna, Godavari and Narmada rivers is 78.12 Billion Cubic Metre The review prcess of NAIS has already been (BCM), 110.54 BCM and 45.64 BCM respectively. initiated. The suggestions given by the States are being However, due to topographical and other constraints, looked into for appropriate decision. the utilizable surface water in these 3 river basins has [English] been assessed as 58 BCM, 76.3 BCM and 34.S SCM respectively, National Water Development Agency National Employment Guarantee Law (NWDA) has also conducted water balance studies of sub-basins of Godavari and Krishna basins. Based ·183. DR. M. JAGANNATH: Will the Minister of upon its study, NWDA has carried out Pre-feasibility LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT be pleased to state : studies of 17 river link proposals under the Peninsular (a) whether the Government propose to ecact a Component of National Perspective Plan (NPP). National Employment Guarantee Law; The Central Government envisages a (b) if so, the salient features thereof; comprehensive review of the feasibility of linking all the rivers of the country starting with the southern (c) the number of jobs which are likely to be rivers in a futty conSUltative manner. The Central created_Specially in urban areas as a result thereof; Government also envlaages to explore the feasibility Cd) the criteria of eligibility to get these jobs; and of linking sub-basins of rivera In states like Bihar. 5 Asadha 28, 1926 (Saka) 6 Contaminated Water parts of which are affected by excess arseniclfluoride are given In the enclosed statement. *185. SHRI AJOY CHAKRABORTY : SHRI BRAJESH PATHAK : Water being a State subject, it is primarily the responsibility of concerned State Governments to take Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be preventive measures to fight out this problem.
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