FRANCE-ALDERNEY- BRITAIN (FAB) LINK INTERCONNECTOR: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Volume 1 - Text December 2016 Co-financed by the European Union - Connecting Europe Facility FRANCE-ALDERNEY-BRITAIN (FAB) LINK INTERCONNECTOR: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Volume 1 - Text December 2016 On behalf of FAB Link Ltd Our Ref: OXF 7729 RPS 20 Western Avenue Abingdon Oxon OX14 4SH Tel: 01235 821888 Email: [email protected] FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Contents and Glossary Contents Volume 1 - Text 1 Introduction 2 Project Description 3 Ecology and Nature Conservation 4 Landscape and Visual Impact 5 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 6 Air Quality and Health 7 Noise and Vibration 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk 9 Geology, Hydrogeology, Ground Conditions and Contamination 10 Land Use, Agriculture and Soils 11 Draft Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) Definition of Terms ‘Proposed The development of the HVDC converter station at land at to the east of Exeter development’ Airport, for which a planning application will be made to East Devon District Council. ‘Project’ The FAB Link Interconnector Project in its entirety, including all onshore and offshore works in the UK, Alderney and France. ‘Cable route’ The footprint of the temporary land take for the installation of the interconnector cable. ‘Easement’ The permanent 12 metre land take required for the cable to service the cable. ‘Application site’ The area encircled by a red line on the location plan for which planning permission will be sought. December 2016 i FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Contents and Glossary Glossary AADT: Annual Average Daily Traffic AIL: Abnormal Indivisible Load ALC: Agricultural Land Classification AOD: Above Ordnance Datum AONB: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty AQMA: Air Quality Management Area ARE: Alderney Renewable Energy Ltd AURN: Automatic Urban and Rural Network BAP: Biodiversity Action Plan BGS: British Geological Survey BPM: Best Practicable Means Bq m-3: Becquerels per cubic metre BS: British Standard BSI: British Standard Institution CEH: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology CEMP: Construction Environmental Management Plan CFMP: Catchment Flood Management Plan CHSR: Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations CIEEM: Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management CMS: Construction Management System CoCP: Code of Construction Practice CSM: Conceptual Site Model CRoW: Countryside and Rights of Way Act CWS: County Wildlife Site dBA: A-weighted decibel DBRC: Devon Biodiversity Records Centre DBG: Devon Bat Group DCC: Devon County Council DCLG: Department for Communities and Local Government DECC: Department for Energy and Climate Change December 2016 ii FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Contents and Glossary Defra: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DMP: Dust Management Plan DMRB: Design Manual for Roads and Bridges DTS: Desk Top Study DWT: Devon Wildlife Trust EA: Environment Agency EDDC: East Devon District Council EDLP: East Devon Local Plan EHO: Environmental Health Officer EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment EMF: Electric and Magnetic Fields EPUK: Environmental Protection UK ES: Environmental Statement FAB: France-Alderney-Britain FRA: Flood Risk Assessment GLVIA: Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment GPDO: Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Ha: Hectare HDV: Heavy Duty Vehicle HER: Historic Environment Record HGV: Heavy Goods Vehicle HLC: Historic Landscape Characterisation HR: Hedgerows Regulations HSI: Habitat Suitability Index HVAC: High Voltage Alternating Current HVDC: High Voltage Direct Current IAQM: Institute of Air Quality Management LA: Local Authority LCA: Landscape Character Area LCT: Landscape Character Type LDV: Light Duty Vehicle December 2016 iii FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Contents and Glossary LLFA: Lead Local Flood Authority LOAEL: Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level LNR: Local Nature Reserve MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food MAGIC: Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside Mg/l: Milligrams per litre MMO: Marine Management Organisation MW: Megawatt NCA: National Character Area NETS: National Electricity Transmission System NERC: Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act NJUG: National Joint Utilities Group NNR: National Nature Reserve NO2: Nitrogen dioxide NOEL: No Observed Adverse Effect Level NPPF: National Planning Policy Framework NPPG: National Planning Practice Guidance NPS: National Policy Statement NPSE: Noise Policy Statement for England NSIP: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project NSR: Noise Sensitive Receptor NTS: Non-Technical Summary NVZ: Nitrate Vulnerable Zone Ofgem: The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets OFTO: Offshore Transmission Operator OS: Ordnance Survey OSD: Ordnance Survey Drawing OSWI: Other Site of Wildlife Interest PBA: Protection of Badgers Act PCI: Project of Common Interest PM10: Particulate matter with a mean aerodynamic diameter up to 10 µm December 2016 iv FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Contents and Glossary PPG-N: Planning Practice Guidance on Noise PRA: Preliminary Risk Assessment PRoW: Public Right of Way RSPB: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RTE: Réseau de Transport d’Électricité SAC: Special Conservation Area SFRA: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment SGT: Super Grid Transformers SLM: Sound Level Meters SOAEL: Significant Observed Adverse Effect Level SPA: Special Protection Area SPZ: Source Protection Zone SSSI: Site of Special Scientific Interest SuDS: Sustainable Drainage Systems T&CPA: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TEN-E: Trans-European energy networks UK BAP: United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan UWS: Unconfirmed Wildlife Site UXO: Unexploded Ordnance VCR: Valve Cooling Radiators VSC: Voltage Source Converter WCA: Wildlife and Countryside Act WFD: Water Framework Directive WHO: World Health Organisation ZTV: Zone of Theoretical Visibility December 2016 v FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Introduction Purpose of This Document 1.1 This Environmental Report has been prepared by RPS on behalf of FAB Link Ltd (the Applicant). The findings of this Environmental Report support an outline planning application to East Devon District Council (EDDC) for the construction and operation of a converter station on land to the east of Exeter Airport in association with the FAB Link Interconnector. Introduction to the FAB Link Interconnector 1.2 FAB Link is a proposed interconnector which will allow the exchange and trading of up to 1400MW of electricity between France, Alderney and Britain. The cable will cross the channel island of Alderney in order to connect future renewable tidal stream generation in the seas around Alderney. 1.3 The main components of the FAB Link Interconnector are shown on Figure 1.1 and comprise: • High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electricity cables buried in or placed (and protected) upon the sea bed between the Contentin (or Cherbourg) Peninsula, Normandy, France and the South Devon coast of Britain – the Offshore Cable Route; • HVDC electricity cable landing and traverse (as underground cables) of the Channel Island of Alderney; • HVDC onshore and offshore cable ‘transitions’ at the shorelines of all three territories; • HVDC to High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) converter stations in both Normandy and Devon; and • HVDC onshore cables from the transition points to the converter stations and HVAC onshore cables from the converter stations to substations in both territories –– the Onshore Cable Route. • Connection to the electricity system in Great Britain via the high voltage National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) substation near Exeter, operated by National Grid Electricity Transmission (‘National Grid’). 1.4 The FAB Link Interconnector is designated as a Project of Common Interest (PCI) under the Connecting Europe Facility and has received financial support for its development under that programme. It has been granted an Interconnector Licence by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority and has been granted Interim Project Approval under the interconnector “cap and floor” regime by The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem). 1.5 FAB Link Ltd is developing the applications for the UK onshore, UK offshore and Alderney elements of the FAB Link Interconnector (as shown on Figure 1.1). December 2016 1-1 FAB Link Interconnector: UK Converter Station Environmental Report Chapter 1: Introduction Selection of the HVDC Converter Station Site 1.6 The selection of the connection point to the UK National Grid is described in the UK Connection Point Selection Report (Transmission Investment, 2016). 1.7 Factors such as land availability, proximity to the NGET substation, access, planning and environmental constraints led to the selection of the preferred converter station site near to Exeter Airport in 2015, which overall was determined to be most consistent with the project’s efficiency and cost requirements. The detail of the selection process is provided in the HVDC Converter Station Site Selection Process Report (RPS, 2015). Statutory Framework and Planning Approach EIA Screening 1.8 Electricity infrastructure projects that are classed as nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) under Sections 14 to 16 of the Planning Act 2008 may require
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