FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2019 Home&Garden STAR BEACON A7 Time to get outdoors -IZTaJTWWUQVO[XZQVOÆW_MZ[ he arrival of spring is a The arrival of spring is a welcome DOVRFDOOHGWKH/HQWHQ welcome occurrence for URVHRU&KULVWPDVURVHFDQ many people. Budding occurrence for many people. WROHUDWHOLJKWIURVWV7KHVH TÁRZHUVDUHDPRQJWKH Budding flowers are among the EORRPVJHWWKHLUQDPHIURP harbingers of spring. Spring WKHWLPHRI\HDUZKHQWKH\ ÁRZHUVFDQUHYLWDOL]HZLQ- harbingers of spring. Spring flowers EORRPZKLFKLVW\SLFDOO\DURXQG WHUZHDU\SHRSOHMXVWZKHQWKH\ can revitalize winter-weary people just WKH&KULVWLDQ/HQWHQVHDVRQ QHHGLWPRVW³DQGSURYLGHUH- 'HVSLWHWKHLUQDPHWKHVH DVVXUDQFHWKDWEULJKWHUZDUPHU when they need it most GHOLFDWHÁRZHUVDUHQRW DQGORQJHUKRXUVRIVXQOLJKWDUH DFWXDOO\UHODWHGWRURVHVKRZ- MXVWDURXQGWKHFRUQHU ever. &ROGWROHUDQWÁRZHUVDUH ZKLWHRU\HOORZÁRZHUVFDQEH IDPLOLDUVKDSHDQGIUDJUDQW (DUO\EORRPLQJÁRZHUVJLYH KDUG\HQRXJKWRVWDUWEORRPLQJ HQMR\HGGXULQJWKHHDUOLHVWGD\V aroma. ZLQWHUZHDU\JDUGHQHUVKRSH EHIRUHWKHODVWIURVWVKDYH of spring. • LENTEN ROSE:+HOOHERUHV WKDWVSULQJKDVDUULYHG GLVVLSDWHG2WKHUÁRZHUVZLOOEH- • DAFFODIL: Daffodil JLQWRÀOOLQDVGD\VZDUPDOLWWOH EXOEVSURGXFHFKHHUIXO\HOORZ ELWPRUHDFFRUGLQJWR%HWWHU ÁRZHUVLQHDUO\VSULQJ Homes and Gardens. Home 7KH\·UHRQHRIWKHPRVWUHFRJ- JDUGHQHUVORRNLQJWRZDUPXS QL]DEOHÁRZHUVWKDQNVWRWKHLU WKHLUJDUGHQVZLWKHDUO\EORRPV FDQXVHWKHVHÁRZHUV in WKHLUHDUO\VHDVRQFRQ- WDLQHUVZLQGRZER[HV DQGSODQWLQJEHGV POWERFUL, • PANSY: Pansies SUHIHUFRROZHDWKHU ZKLFKFDQPDNHWKHP PREMIUM, RQHRIWKH EHVW ÁRZ- HUVWR PERFORMANCE! SODQW in early spring DQGODWH fall. Pansies SPECIAL FRPHLQDYDULHW\ FINANCING RIFRORUVVR * WKHUH·VERXQG AVAILABLE WREHDQRIIHU- LQJWKDWZLOO EOHQGZLWKDQ\ KRPHRZQHUV· land- scape design. • CREEPING PHLOX: $OVRNQRZQ´PRVVSKOR[µ FUHHSLQJSKOR[LVDVKRUW JURXQGFRYHUWKDWLVDKHUED- FHRXVSHUHQQLDO3KOR[SURGXFHV VPDOOIUDJUDQWÁRZHUVLQGHQVH ™ ™ FOXVWHUVZKLFKFDQDWWUDFWZLOG- Broadmoor Lawn Tractor Courier Zero Turn Mower OLIHVXFKDVEXWWHUÁLHVWRWKHLU • BriggsBriggs & Stratton Professional Professional Series Series™™ • BriggsBriggs & Stratton Professional Professional Series Series™™ V-TwinV-Twin EngineEngine with with ReadyStart ReadyStart®® V-TwinV-Twin EngineEngine with with ReadyStart ReadyStart®® or or PDWVDFURVVWKHVRLOVXUIDFH Kawasaki® FR651 V-Twin Engine ® • SNOWDROPS: Snowdrops • Exclusive Suspension Comfort System™™ Kawasaki FR651 V-Twin Engine • Exclusive Suspension Comfort System • Front or Front & Rear Suspension for (SCS™)™ for a Smoother Ride**** • Front or Front & Rear Suspension for FDQSHHNRXWHYHQZKHQWKHUH (SCS ) for a Smoother Ride a Smooth Ride LVVQRZVWLOORQWKHJURXQG³ a Smooth Ride • FreeFree Floating™Floating™ Mower Mower Deck Deck for for • Integrated Rear Cargo Bed† for Added • Integrated Rear Cargo Bed† for Added VRPHWLPHVDVHDUO\DV-DQXDU\ BallparkBallpark StripesStripes Versatility in Your Yard DQG)HEUXDU\%XWWKHLUQDPH Versatility in Your Yard ™ • Easy-to-Use 13-Position Height-of-Cut LVDFWXDOO\DUHIHUHQFHWRWKHLU • AutomaticAutomatic ControlledControlled Traction Traction™ for for • Easy-to-Use 13-Position Height-of-Cut SuperiorSuperior TractionTraction Adjustment DSSHDUDQFHDVVQRZGURSVKDYH Adjustment • Durable Fabricated Mower Deck with • ElectricElectric Height-of-Cut for for Easy Easy • Durable Fabricated Mower Deck with WKUHHZKLWHSHWDOVWKDWKDQJ Limited Lifetime Warranty‡ GRZQOLNHGURSVGULSSLQJRIIWKH AdjustmentAdjustment Limited Lifetime Warranty‡ • Ergonomic Mesh Seat Keeps You Cool VWHP • LEDLED Headlights • andErgonomic Comfortable Mesh Seat Keeps You Cool • VIOLETS:7KHVHÁRZHUV and Comfortable DUHFORVHO\UHODWHGWRSDQVLHV DQGDVDUHVXOWSUHIHUFRRO STOP IN TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SIMPLICITY® VHDVRQV9LROHWVDUHJHQHUDO- O\VOLJKWO\VPDOOHUWKDQSDQV\ DEALER TO TEST DRIVE A SIMPLICITY TRACTOR EORRPVEXWWKH\FDQEHMXVWDV OR ZERO TURN MOWER TODAY! EHDXWLIXO%XWDVZLWKSDQVLHV YLROHWVZLOOVWDUWWRIDGHZKHQ WKHKHDWDUULYHV LOUDERMILK TRACTOR & CYCLE • CROCUS:&URFXVSODQWV DUHUHODWLYHO\VPDOORQO\ RT 45, ASHTABULA, OHIO 44004 UHDFKLQJWKUHHWRVL[LQFKHVLQ www.loudermilks.net KHLJKW+RZHYHUWKHLUJUDVV OLNHOHDYHVDUHVRPHRIWKHÀUVW 440-969-1211 VSURXWVWKDWFDQEHVHHQDPRQJ EXOEDQGFRUPSODQWLQJV Family Owned & Operated since 1965 3UHIHUULQJIXOOWRSDUWLDOVXQ Note: features vary by model. * Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See dealer for details. **Results of Suspension Comfort System™ depend on grass/yard conditions. WKHVHJROGSXUSOHODYHQGHU †50 lb. capacity, do not overload; do not carry passengers. Standard on most models. See operator’s manual for details. ‡See operator’s manual or www.simplicitymfg.com for complete warranty details. www.simplicitymfg.com 180011C Sports FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2019 STAR BEACON B1 Conneaut’s Applebee to attend Siena Heights for school, football BY MICHAEL GRECO HGXFDWLRQFKHPLVWU\ The Saints were 6-4, 5-5 or [email protected] “I think it’s a great decision IURPEHIRUH to give college football a VHFXULQJDPDUNODVW John Applebee decided VKRWµ6SDUWDQVFRDFK5RFFR season. he wanted to continue Dobran said. “He really ,WZDVWKHÀUVWVHY playing football at the col- ORYHGWKHJDPHDQGDOOWKDW HQZLQVHDVRQLQSURJUDP lege level. went in to it his senior year. history. He went on a search for the I also think he went through Siena Heights also record- ULJKWÀWLQERWKDFDGHPLFV the process the correct way. HGLWVÀUVWVWDUWDVDSUR and on the gridirion and in “He visited several col- JUDPDQGÀQLVKHGDVKLJK the end, Siena Heights won leges that he was interested as 20th in the NAIA Football out. in playing football at and &RDFKHV·7RSSROOLQWKH ´:KHQ,JRWRQFDPSXV, talked to several coaches 2018 season. IHOWFRPIRUWDEOHµWKH&RQ EHIRUHPDNLQJKLVGHFLVLRQ “It will be fun to play in neaut senior said of the I feel his decision was well FROOHJHµVDLG$SSOHEHH NAIA school located in Adri- thought out and will be a who is listed at 6-foot, 280 an, Michigan. JRRGÀWIRUKLPµ pounds. “My life will be Applebee, voted the county Applebee, who will play PRUHVWUXFWXUHGEHFDXVHRI WARREN DILLAWAY | STAR BEACON OLQHPDQRIWKH\HDUWKHODVW on the offensive line, IRRWEDOOµ &RQQHDXW·V-RKQ$SSOHEHHVKRZQUHFHLYLQJWKH-RKQ'%XVNLUN two seasons, also looked at will join a Siena Heights Siena Heights joined the 0HPRULDO6FKRODUVKLSGXULQJWKH$VKWDEXOD&RXQW\7RXFK Wooster, Allegheny, Roches- SURJUDPWKDWVWDUWHGLQ Mid-States Football As- GRZQ&OXE%DQTXHWDWWKH6D\EURRN%DQTXHW&HQWHULQ'HFHPEHU WHUDQG.HQWXFN\&KULVWLDQ DVDFOXEWHDPÀQLVK KDVGHFLGHGWRDWWHQG6LHQD+HLJKWVLQ$GULDQ0LFKLJDQIRUDFD He said he wants to study ing 8-1. SEE APPLEBEE, B2 GHPLFVDQGWRSOD\IRRWEDOOVWDUWLQJQH[WVFKRRO\HDU Lakers’ Lonzo Ball sues Big Baller co-founder BY CHRISTOPHER WEBER Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles Lakers point guard Lonzo Ball and his FRPSDQ\%LJ%DOOHU Brand are suing co-founder Alan Foster, alleging he conspired to steal PLOOLRQVRIGROODUV IURPWKHVKRHDQG clothing line. Foster concoct- ed “a fraudulent VFKHPHµWRHQULFK KLPVHOIZLWKFRP SDQ\PRQH\DQG also buy property in Ethiopia, accord- ing to the lawsuit ÀOHG7XHVGD\LQ/RV Angeles Superior &RXUW ,WVHHNVPRUH WKDQPLOOLRQLQ GDPDJHV AP $QXPEHUIRU)RV &OHYHODQG,QGLDQVVWDUWLQJSLWFKHU7UHYRU%DXHUGHOLYHUVLQWKHÀUVWLQQLQJDJDLQVWWKH7RURQWR%OXH-D\V7KXUVGD\LQ&OHYHODQG WHUDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ about his attorneys could not be found Wednesday. )RVWHUPLVKDQ GOHGWD[ÀOLQJVDQG failed to distribute The ‘right decision’ SURÀWVWR%DOOWKH FRPSODLQWDOOHJHV Ball, who owns 51% of Big Baller Brand, Indians’ Bauer pulled in seventh, no-hitter denied KDVUHPRYHG)RVWHU DVDPDQDJHURIWKH BY TOM WITHERS ninth inning of the Indians’ worked out of a bases-loaded season — but on a chilly FRPSDQ\ Associated Press 4-1 win Thursday night. MDP+DQGKRZHYHUJDYH QLJKWDQGZLWKVRPXFKVHD The lawsuit accus- %DXHUZDVDWWHPSWLQJ up a hard single to center son left, Francona played it HV)RVWHURIPDNLQJ &/(9(/$1'³7UHYRU%DX WRWKURZ&OHYHODQG·VÀUVW E\*DOYLV0RPHQWVODWHU cautiously. unexplained cash HUQHYHUEDFNVGRZQIURP QRKLWWHULQ\HDUV³RQ Alen Hansen followed with ´,GLGQ·WZDQWWRWDNHKLP withdrawals total- any challenge or debate. He the 25th anniversary of Pro- Toronto’s second hit and the RXWµ)UDQFRQDVDLG´+H ing at least $1.5 accepted this call. gressive Field’s opening — Blue Jays scored before Hand said he knew it was the right PLOOLRQEHWZHHQ +HDOWKPDWWHUHGPRUHWKDQ but was taken out when his struck out two for his third WKLQJ,WROGKLP,KDWHLW 2016 and 2018. The history. SLWFKFRXQWFOLPEHGWRRKLJK save. He goes, ‘I hate it, too, but suit says when con- %DXHUZDVSXOOHGE\PDQDJ for Francona. Bauer (1-0) was six outs I know it’s the right thing.’ fronted, Foster was er Terry Francona after seven Bauer understood the DZD\IURPFRPSOHWLQJKLV ,FDUHWRRPXFKDERXWKLP unable to account KLWOHVVLQQLQJVDQGSLWFK PRYH no-hitter, when Francona and this organization to hurt IRUWKHPLVVLQJ es, and sat in the dugout ´,WZDVWKHULJKWGHFLVLRQµ UHPRYHGKLPDVDSUHFDX VRPHERG\,ZRXOGKDYH funds and threat- watching as Toronto’s Freddy he said. WLRQDU\PHDVXUH7KHULJKW loved to have seen it because ened “to publicly *DOYLVEURNHXS&OHYHODQG·V Once Bauer was out, Jon KDQGHUPD\KDYHEHHQDEOH I don’t doubt that he would GLVVHPLQDWHIDOVH ELGIRUDFRPELQHGQRKLWWHU (GZDUGVFDPHLQDQGJRWWZR to go farther — he threw a with a leadoff single in the outs before closer Brad Hand FDUHHUKLJKSLWFKHVODVW SEE BAUER, B3 SEE LONZO, B3 Studrawa rebuilds Ohio MV[Q^MTQVMٺI\M¼[W\; BY KYLE ROWLAND Bowling Green hired pudding that the Toledo Blade %RVWRQ&ROOHJHRIIHQ guy wants you on sive coordinator Scot KLVVWDIIµ6WXGUDZD &2/80%86³6WDQG /RHIÁHU said. ing at the foothills $WWKHVDPHWLPH On Jan. 14, reports of the San Gabriel 8UEDQ0H\HUDQ indicated Ryan Day Mountains, in the nounced his retire- would retain
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