A B u c h a n a n R ecord, School Books, PUBLISHED EYEBY THURSDAY, -AND- J O H N GS-„ HHOXjlvtES. R ecor School Supplies. T E R M S , SI.5 0 PER YEAR PAYABLE IK ADVANCE. 1MRTISIKII4TB M l KHQWH OH APPLIC&TIBH, VOLUME XXVI. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1892. NUMBER 33. S U O -M SCHOOL BOOKS, OFFICE—IttRocoidBnliains.Oa^Street TABLETS, PENCILS, DEACON SKINNER’S IDEE. sie ever openly coveted such frivolous gear. INK, SLATES, ETC., Business Directory. Rose & Ellsworth's BY NIXON WATERMAN. She was a thoroughly good girl, with serious views of life, was very devout, SABBATH SERVICES. They tell me there's presumin’ meurevlsiu’ of and engaged in prayer or sacred song G. W. NOBLE the Bible! -A T - SERVICES ate held every Sabbath at 10:80 O o'clock a . m., at the Church of the “ Larger Some folks is so alilred smart, or think they be, with an earnestness not unlike the Hope also, Sabbath School services inuneftiatc- stern conviction of a Covenanter, TSTo DRESS : GOODS they're lUble y after the morning meeting. Prayer and confer- D-PRIC member of the cathedral congregation -le e meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial WILT. SELL To hove the stars all painted green, an’ nen, Invitation Is extended to all. some future day, had a more exemplary record as child HARm BBftINS, and maiden. With unfailing precision ’-JUTEB BRETHREN CHURCH—Eev. It. H. Tliey’ll all conclude to make the sun go round n DEPARTMENT. tbo otlicr way. she walked up the aisle every Sunday, t 1 Fiorv, Pastor. Sabbath services: Sabbath 200 pair of Ladies’ Pongolia But­ School 9:13 a . m.; Preaching 10:3ft a. m.; Young and taking her place in a pew near by OPPOSITE HOTEL. People's Meeting lUOftr.M.; Preaching 7:00 p . ji tons, wortli §2.00 for §1.50. They'd like to keep on'ith their everlastin’ the pulpit, listened with rapt attention Praver Meeting and Bible Reading Thursday even­ tinkerin’ til e w e te r: ing 7:00. Everybody invited to all those services. 200 pair worth §2.50 for §2.00. to the rector’s severe homilies on sin ’They bust tip ever thiu’ an' make the rivers The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Something of Interest to Our 200 pair Men's Congress, worth and its everlasting punishment. Later O.O. F.—Bnchanan Lodge Iso. 75 bolds its run up hill. the man being given bis wages, in or­ , regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on on in'the day she strove to imitate him Used ia Millions of Homes— ao Years tlie Standard t Lady Friends. §2.00 for §1.50. An’ if we give 'em time enough, I ha’ n’t a hit der that he might immediately go and each Tuesday evening. o f doubt, by impressing on her Sunday school 200 pair Men’s Congress, worth class their ingrained wickedness and pay Ms dues aud become a member of TJ\ A A. 31.—Buchanan Lodge Iso. 6S holds a §2.50 for §2.00. They naclieily 'ill turn the hull creation inside faded before the urgent call to mis­ scoundrel or I’m an African 1 Jenkins, D • rte-nlar ir.ee ting Monday evening on or before out. sternly exhorting them to repent while the union. It was three days, howev­ the fall moon in each month. the grace was given them. sionary work. She would exhort you and Taylor stand by the lower er, before he could get himself into reg­ Now, jest as if tlie prophets an’ the 'postlcs an’ Her whole life was a stricture on them— door; Baker guard the stairway. Don’t ular standing, and during this time DF H.—Buchanan tl range No 40 meets on the rest worldly vanity; even her pretty brown A vigorous pounding on the Heavy be alarmed, young lady, they shall not none of the men were permitted to P • the second and fourth Saturday o f each or them as writ the Bible, warn't tho ones to aonth, at 2 o'clock r. at. hair, horribly screwed up, served as a door, accompanied by a still more vig­ injure you. Draw the bolt, Horner— work.” know tlie best * The Nicest Line of Oxfords protest against vain, weakly compli­ orous, “ Confound your monkey tricks! now!” And cocking a pistol, the alert This was by no means the end of O. I’ . W.—Buchanan Lodge Ko. 9Sholdsits Truly the most wonderful gather­ Wliat ortcr be put in it! An’ a man who lakes Open that door, I say!” interrupted the chief stood on guard. Haynes’ troubles with the walking A . reular meeting the 1st and 3d Tuesday even­ away ance with, fashion’s dictates, and an ing of eaeh month. ing of all the latest Parisian Styles apple-blossom complexion that would serious current of her thoughts. Horner drew the holt and cautiously delegate. lie had made a contract Or adds to it, ’ll ketch it on the final judgment “It’s—it’s—not—monkey tricks,” fal­ opened the door; the minions of the i t A. R. -ffm. Perrott Post No.22. Regular for Fall and Winter Wear. for Ladies, Misses and Children ever day. have been a fortune to a society belle with a Boston firm to put in some tered the moralist, “it’s—it’s my duty,” law, headed by the chief, moved for­ new marble, and on learning this the IT. meeting on the first and third Saturday You ean find novelties with us that shown. A full line of was regarded as necessary skin and ycnlng of each month. Visiting comrades al- You can't raise crops by settln' round an’ sim­ nothing more by its asture owner. “Your duty be—” ward to seize their prey, but fell hack delegate for the third time made the vay s welcome. are not to he found elsewhere, such as ply writin’ “corn," Bessie’s standard of life was high, “ Hush, Daere!” hastily exclaimed the suddenly, their alert expectant expres­ men quit work, though, upon Mr. VTTOM.VN'S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post An' folks as tries it 'll come out tho little end other prisoner, “It’s a woman.” sion giving way to one of extreme dis­ Haynes assurance that no marble from V elou r (Ie Uns.se, and she aimed at her ideal by rigidly W Iso. SI. Jleetings held regularly, in Grange ill’ horn. suppressing the weak longings and A low growl was the only answer, may. Boston was actually being laid at that Hall, first and third Saturday of each month. Changeable Epinglines. It ain't no trick to make a hook at says wc all With a muttered imprecation the Changeable Storm Serges. HATS, CAPS frivolous thoughts of youth. Firm­ followed by a horrible interval of si­ time, they were permitted to resume ORERI’ HENDERSON, M. I)., Pliysieinn and kin go chief lowered his weapon and stam­ work. Then Mr, Haynes learned that Surgeon. Office. Rough's Opera Rouse Block. Changeable Ottomans. ness was perhaps the strongest point lence, during which Bessie’s courage E A-glidin' into Heaven; but that don't make it wavered perceptibly, an uncanny sen­ mered out,— the delegates were going about among Reside,!, e, No. i d Front Street. Calls answered Changeable Ottoman Cords. so. in lier character. It seemed to break all hours of the day and night. Taffeta Veloute. -AND- out all over her figure, and even assert­ sation of being watched adding to her “ Why, Mr. Daere—I—” the men collecting §1 from each fox- “ You shall pay for this insult, sir!” / 1 L. BAILEY, Homeopathic Physician and Irish Frieze Suitings. They'll learn the way's es narrer an' cs difficult ed itself in the click of her substantial terror. Her glance was irresistably allowing them to work, "When the VT. Surgron. office and residence in Imlioil's Inverness Tweeds, to climb shoes and the uncompromising nod of drawn to a knot-hole in the upper panel thundered the enraged Daere. “ If one marble from Boston arrived, the dele­ block, Bm hanan, Mich. An' cs thorny es it used to ho in our gran’- the black plume that on state occasions of the door, and held there by some­ word of this scandalous farce finds its gates refused to allow it to be unloaded, x r s. MEAD, Manufacturer of Lumber. Cns And many other new things too nu­ fathers' time, showed the pretty brown hair. When thing strangely luminous that present­ way into the papers I’ll have you all and when Mr. Haynes sought the pro­ jVL. ton Sawing promptly attended to on short merous to mention. CLOTHING An" find too late the other place es easy of ad­ business reverses forced ber into the ly assumed the form of an eye, keen­ up for defamation of character! I’ll—’’ tection of the police, the delegates call­ notice. Bnchanan, Mich, mission, ranks of the bread-winners, she accept­ ly alert. “I assure you, Mr. Daere, this unfor­ ed out all the carpenters and painters. An’ jest as hot es T was before they writ their ed her new life with stern humility, “Pray allow me to explain,” request­ tunate affair shall be kept secret,” the Then the representatives of the steam H. M. Brodrick, 31. D., IN ALL GRADES. now edition. bearing tlie cross with a silent stoicism ed a voice from near the knot-hole.
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