LABOR CANDIDATES WIN TWO SUPREME COURT SEATS ELECTION RESULTS BIG SUCCESS FOR WV WORKING FAMILIES lection results to elect Supreme Court republi- Obama has pledged to pro- didates, Orphy Klempa in Ohio for key West Vir- can candidate Beth Walker. tect and strengthen wage laws, County, Dan Poling in Wood EginiaE races were an Other state wide and federal tackle the health care crisis with- County and David Walker in overwhelming suc- candidates endorsed by Labor, out taxing benefits, remove re- Clay County, won their election cess for working with the exception of Anne strictions on workers ability to to the House of Delegates. families. Barth’s race for Congress in the organize, support project labor However Poling only had a two The most significant contested Second District, easily won. agreements, and most impor- vote lead after election day. (See race on the state level was for Of course the big national tantly address the current eco- related story on page 3). two seats on the West Virginia news was the election of Labor nomic crisis the country is fac- Overall the WV AFL-CIO Supreme Court of Appeals. backed Barack Obama for ing. figured 83% of endorsed candi- Both Labor endorsed candi- President. All three building trades can- dates won. dates, Menis Ketchum and Mar- garet Workman, won a twelve year term. The five person court has been very business oriented with VOLUME 17 NUMBER 11 Judges Elliot ‘Spike’ Maynard NOVEMBER 2008 and Brent Benjamin having close ties to the coal industry and busi- ness groups. “We now have two solid in- dividuals we can count on, in addition to Judge Joe Albright, to be fair to working families” said Steve Burton, President of the WV State Building Trades. A PUBLICATION OF In addition, Attorney General THE AFFILIATED Darrell McGraw held off a well CONSTRUCTION financed and dirty attack by out- TRADES FOUNDATION of-state corporations and re- tained his position. The ACT Foundation is a division With a week before the elec- of The West Virginia State tion business groups disclosed Building and Construction SENATOR JOE BIDEN addressed a Charleston crowd at a rally prior to the election Trades Council. Steve Burton, they were spending $700,000 to along with Senators Jay Rockefeller and Robert C. Byrd as well as Governor Joe President; Dave Efaw, Secretary- defeat McGraw and $400,000 Manchin. Treasurer; Steve White, Director. Charleston - (304) 345-7570 BIG MONEY TRIES TO BUY VOTES Toll Free - (800) 930-9675 www.actwv.org huge amount of defeat Attorney General Darrell U.S. Chamber of Commerce, tacking Presidential Candidate AA undisclosed, McGraw and the remainder to WV CALA, and the American John Kerry in the 2004 election. out-of-state money elect Republican candidate Beth Tort Reform Association. In addition, a Washington DC tried to buy the At- Walker to the Supreme Court. Apparently the funding could area group called Center for In- torney General and The West Virginia Chamber have come from any individual dividual Freedom spent an un- INSIDE Supreme Court of Commerce put their names on or corporation as a contribution disclosed amount estimated in Beech Ridge Pg. 2 elections in West the ads but the majority of fund- to each group with no disclosure the hundreds of thousands of Every Vote Counts Pg. 3 Virginia - but nar- ing came from out of state busi- to the public as to the real source. dollars to mail postcards and run Election Results Pg. 3 rowly failed. ness groups. The groups hired Mentzer statewide newspaper ads at- Apprenticeship Pg. 4 In the final week of the elec- In state filings the Chamber Media Services, Inc. from tacking McGraw. NCCCO Pg. 4 tion a combined force of busi- states it would not disclose spe- Maryland, a company perhaps “McGraw has caught many Credit Union Pg. 4 ness groups reported spending cifically where they got their best known for producing the companies cheating citizens of more than $1 million, most to money but listed sums from the “Swift Boat Veterans” ads at- Continued on p. 3 PAGE 2 THE ACT REPORT NOVEMBER 2008 BEECH RIDGE WIND PROJECT ADVANCES evelopers of the of the project. DBeech Ridge Developers have signed a Windmill project Memorandum of Understanding went before state with the Charleston Building regulators last Trades that commits to using lo- month to show they cal union construction workers were in compliance to build the project. with a number of Once in operation the wind pre-construction farm will have a 178 megawatt permit require- capacity with each turbine ca- ments. pable of producing 1.5 mega- In a 900 page document the watts of electricity. developer, Invenergy LLC, Project developer Invenergy painstaking showed how they LLC says they are looking to complied with all 18 require- select a general contractor by the ments imposed by the State Pub- end of the year and start the lic Service Commission. project next spring. Included in the documentation Phase one of construction will were details on permits from a be up to 98 turbines, followed number of state and federal by the remainder at later date. agencies, property tax informa- “They are building in two SHOWING SUPPORT AT the Beech Ridge hearing before the PSC are (from left) tion, coordination with local phases because they need to get Craig Harvey, Laborers Local 1353; Scott Brewer, Carpenters Local 1207; Henry emergency responders, and the project up and running by the Neal, Laborers District Council; Wayne Rebich, ACT; Donnie Huff and Robbie agreements to connect into the end of 2009 to use federal tax Church, Operating Engineers Local 132; and Dave Efaw, WV State Building Trades. power grid. credits,” said Wayne Rebich, The PSC granted conditional ACT Representative. approval of the 119 turbine, A 14 mile transmission line West Virginian’s for Reliable Power $300 million project to be built will be built to an Allegheny En- in Greenbrier and Nicholas ergy sub-station in Nicholas Counties in December of 2006. County. However the case was chal- American Electric Power has lenged and went to the WV Su- already signed a long-term preme Court. power purchase agreement for In June of 2008 the Supreme wind energy with Beech Ridge Court ruled the PSC acted Energy LLC. properly when it approved the Through the 20-year agree- project. ment AEP will purchase all of the The ACT division of the West output, between 100 and 147 Virginia State Building Trades has megawatts, from the first phase intervened in the case in support of the project. HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM THE ACT FOUNDATION SPEAKING AT A meeting of West Virginian’s for Reliable Power is Roy Smith, former Secretary-Treasurer of the WV State Building Trades. The meeting, November 10 in Bridgeport, focused on the positive impact on the state from the production of electricity and the need for improving our electric transmission infrastructure. NOVEMBER 2008 THE ACT REPORT PAGE 3 EVERY VOTE COUNTS - POLING UP BY TWO f you don’t think election day. sentee ballots received since vember 10. If the recount changes the I every vote mat- But the narrow lead may not election day, and review chal- According to the Secretary of election results the candidate gets ters talk with Dan be enough. lenged ballots. States office approximately 1.4 their money back. Poling, candidate On Monday, November 10 Absentee ballots without a percent of ballots cast statewide But if the outcome stays the for the WV House of the Wood County Commission- postmark are accepted if deliv- in the primary were provisional same, their money goes to the Delegates in Wood ers, acting as a board of can- ered by the post office no later or challenged ballots. County. County. vassers, met to start the review than November 5. The reason usually is a per- As the ACT Report goes to Poling, who is a representa- called a canvas. Absentee ballots with a post- son who is not on the voting rolls press the canvas process was tive for the Painters Union, was After the election each County mark no later than election day shows up to vote. They may underway. ahead by only two votes when conducts a canvas to double and any military and overseas have recently moved or changed Two votes behind Poling is all the ballots were counted on check vote numbers, open ab- ballots are accepted until No- their name (when married for another Labor endorsed candi- example). date, Brenda Brum. About 64 percent of chal- “Obviously we would like to WV AFL-CIO Endorsed Candidates lenged ballots were counted in see Dan win this election,” said Barack Obama - President the primary. Bill Hutchison, Business Man- 3 After the canvas is complete ager of the Parkersburg Marietta Menis Ketchum3, Margaret Workman3 – WV Supreme Court the results are declared. Building Trades. Joe Manchin3 – Governor Jay Rockefeller 3– U.S. Senate Any candidate can ask for a “But if Brenda Brum wins we Alan Mollahan3, Anne Barth, Nick Joe Rahall3 – U.S. Congress recount but must post a $300 know we will still have a friend bond. in the House of Delegates.” Darrell McGraw3 – Attorney General Natalie Tennant3 – Secretary of State John Perdue3 – Treasurer Glen Gainer3 - Auditor BIG MONEY ruled against the disclosure law. The Secretary of States office State Senate 14th Karen Coria, Jeff Martin Mark Hunt3, Sharon CONTINUED FROM P. 1 filed a request to block the or- 15th Carl Eastham, Jim Spencer3, Danny Wells3 this state and made them repay der stating the Judges action “will 1st Jack Yost3 Morgan3 31st Carrie Webster3 billions of dollars during his undoubtedly result in a free-for- 2nd Jeffrey Kessler3 16th Amy Martin Herrenkohl, 32nd Jon Cain Sr, Carmela term,” said Dave Efaw, Secre- all of mudslinging campaign at- 4th Rocky D.
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