dine Series Emission Standards and Engineering Division Office of ~ir,.~ofp,and Radiation Office of Air Qualify P!anning and Standards Research Triangle Park: .North Carolina 2771 1 November 1 983 I GUIDELINE SERIES I The guideline series of reports is issued by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) to provide information to state and local air pollution control agencies; for example, to provide guidance on the acquisition and processing of air qualitydata and on the planning and analysis requisite for the maintenance of air quality. Reports published in this series will be available - as supplies permit - from the Library Services Office (MD-35), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 2771 1, orfor a nominal fee, from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 221 61. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................ PROCESS,AND POLLUTANT EMISSIONS ..... INTRODUCTION ............ POLYPROPYLENE ............ 2.2.1 General Industry Description . 2.2.2 Model Plant ......... HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE ...... 2.3 .I General Industry Description . 2.3.2 Model Plant. ......... POLYSTYRENE . 2.4.1 General Industry Description . 2,4,2 Model Plant ....... REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER 2. .... EMISSION CONTROL TECHNIQUES. ..... 3.1 CONTROL BY COMBUSTION TECHNIQUES. 3.1.1 Flares .......... 3.1.2 Thermal Incinerators ... 3.1.3 Catalytic Incinerators . 3.1.4 Industrial Boilers .... 3.2 CONTROL BY RECOVERY TECHNIQUES . 3.2.1 Condensers ........ 3.2.2 Adsorbers ........ 3.2.3 Absorbers ........ 3.3 REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER 3. .... ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF RACT .... 4.1 INTRODUCTION. .......... 4.2 AIR POLLUTION .......... 4.3 WATER POLLUTION ......... 4.4 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL. 0.0 . 4.5 ENERGY. ....*........ iii 5.0 CONTROL COST ANALYSIS OF RACT ............ 5.1 BASES OF COST ANALYSES ............. 5.1.1 Thermal Incinerator Design and Cost Basis ............ 5.1.2 Flare Design and Cost Basis ....... 5.1.3 Catalytic Incinerator Design and Cost Basis ............ 5.1.4 Condenser Design and Cost Basis ..... 5.2 EMISSION CONTROL COSTS ............. 5.2.1 Polypropylene (PP) ........... 5.2.2 High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) .... 5.2.3 Polystyrene ( PS) ............ 5.3 COST EFFECTIVENESS OF RACT ........... 5.4 REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER 5 ............ APPENDIX A .LIST OF COMMENTERS ............. APPENDIX B .COMMENTS ON MAY 1982 DRAFT CTG DOCUMENT ... APPENDIX C .MAJOR ISSUES AND RESPONSES ......... C.l THE INCLUSION OF FLARES AS RACT ........ C.2 ACCEPTABILITY OF CONDENSERS. CATALYTIC INCINERATORS. ABSORBERS. AND PROCESS HEATERS AS RACT ........... C.3 STRINGENCY OF RACT. .............. C.4 BASIS OF COST ANALYSIS ............. C.4.1 Origin of costs (GARD vs Enviroscience ............. C.4.2 Cost Effectiveness Calculations ..... C.4.3 Miscellaneous .............. C.5 SCOPE OF CTG: POLYSTYRENE CONTINUOUS PROCESS .................... C.6 SCOPE OF THE CTG: HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE. LIQUID PHASE SOLUTION PROCESS AND OTHER PROCESSES NOT CURRENTLY INCLUDED ........ APPENDIX D .EMISSION SOURCE TEST DATA .......... D.l FLARE VOC EMISSION TEST DATA .......... D.l.l Control Device ............ D.1.2 Sampling and Analytical Techniques ... 0.1.3 Test Results .............. D.2 THERMAL INCINERATOR VOC EMISSION TEST DATA. D.2.1 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Polymers Test Data . D.2.2 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Oxidation Unit Test Data . D.2.3 Chemi cal Company Ai r Oxidation Unit Test Data . D.2.4 Union Carbide Lab-Scale Test Data. D.3 VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM VOC EMISSION TEST DATA. D.4 DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS AND THE TECHNICAL BASIS OF THE POLYMERS AND RESINS VOC EMISSIONS REDUCTION REQUIREMENT . D.4.1 Discussion of Flare Emission Test Results. D.4.2 Discussion of Thermal Incineration Test Results . , . D.5 REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX D . APPENDIX E - DETAILED DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATION PROCEDURES . E.l GENERAL............. ..... .. E.2 FLARE DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATION PROCEDURE. E.2.1 Flare Design Procedure . E.2.2 Flare Cost Estimation Procedure. E.3 THERMAL INCINERATOR DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATION PROCEDURE . E.3.1 Thermal Incinerator Design Procedure . E.3.2 Thermal Incinerator Cost Estimation Procedure, , . .' . E.4 CATALYTIC INCINERATOR DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATION PROCEDURE. E.4.1 Catalytic Incinerator Design Procedure . E.4.2 Catalytic Incinerator Cost Estimation Procedure. , . E.5 SURFACE CONDENSER DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATION PROCEDURE.... ............... E.5.1 Surface Condenser Design . E.5.2 Surface Condenser Cost Estimation Procedure. E.6 PIPING AND DUCTING DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATION PROCEDURE .................... E.6.1 Piping and Ducting Design Procedure. .. E.6.2 Piping and Ducting Cost Estimation Procedure. .............. E.7 REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX E ........... APPENDIX F - CALCULATION OF UNCONTROLLED EMISSION RATES AT SPECIFIC COST EFFECTIVENESSES ... F.l PROCEDURE FOR INCINERATION DEVICES. ....... F.l.l General Procedure. ........... F.2 PROCEDURES FOR CONDENSERS ........... F -2.1 Styrene-i n-Steam Emi ssions ....... F.2.2 Styrene-in-Air Emissions ........ LIST OF TABLES Page End Uses of Polypropylene. ............. Polypropyl ene (PP) Pl ants in Ozone Nonattainment Areas. ............... Characteristics of Vent Streams from the Polypropylene Continuous Liquid Phase Sl urry Process.. .................... Components of Polypropylene Vent Streams ...... ~i~h-~ensity Pol yethyl ene (HDPE) Plants in Ozone Nonattainment Areas. ............... Characteristics of Vent Streams from the High Density Polyethylene Low-Pressure, Liquid Phase Sl urry Process. ..................... Polystyrene (PS) Plants in Ozone Nonattainment Areas. ............... Characteristics of Vent Streams from the Polystyrene Continuous Process ................ Flare Emissions Studies .............. Uncontrolled Emission Rates Versus Cost Effectiveness for Polypropylene Plants Based on Model Plant Parameters, by Process Section. .. Uncontrolled Emi ssion Rates Versus Cost Effectiveness for Hi gh-Densi ty Polyethylene Plants Based on Model Plant Parameters, by Process Section ................ Uncontrolled Emission Rates versus Cost Effectiveness for Polystyrene Plants Based on Model Plant Parameters, by Process Section ................ Model Pl ant Envi ronmental Ana:ysi s Based on Recommendations for RACT ............. Additional Energy Requi red for Control with RACT in Polypropylene Plants. ........ Additional Energy Requi red for Control with RACT in High-Densi ty Polyethylene Plants. Additional Energy Requi red for Control with RACT in Polystyrene Plants. ........ CostAdjustments ................ Installation Cost Factors ............ Annualized Cost Factors for Polymers and Resins CTG ............... .. Polypropylene Model Plant Parameters and Emission Control Costs ........... High-Densi ty Pol yethyl ene Model Pl ant Parameters and Emission Control Costs. ..... Polystyrene Mode1 Plant Parameters and Emission Control Costs ........... Cost Analysis for Polypropylene Model Plant. ... Cost Analysis for Polypropyl ene Process Sections Across Process Lines. ......... Cost Analysis for Polypropylene Process Sections Within a Process Line ......... Cost Analysis for High-Density Polyethylene ... Cost Analysis for Hi gh-Densi ty Polyethylene Process Sections ................ Cost Analysis for Polystyrene Model Plant. .... Cost Analysis for Polystyrene Process Sections Within a Process Line ......... Cost Effectiveness of RACT Applied to Continuous Streams in the Polymers and Resins Industry, by Model Plant. ........ Cost Effectiveness of RACT Applied to Continuous Streams in the Polymers and Resins Industry, by Process Section Across Lines .................. Cost Effectiveness of RACT Applied to Continuous Streams in the Polymers and Resins Industry, by Process Section Within a Line. ................. Emission .Analyzers and Instrumentation Uti1 i 2:ed for Joint EPAICMA Flare Testing. ........ Steam-Assisted Flare Testing Summary ....... Summary of Thermal Incinerator Emi ssi on Test Results ..................... viii Typical Incinerator Parameters for ARCO Polymers Emission Testing Based on Data From August1981.. .................. ARCO Polymers Incinerator Destruct ion Efficiencies for Each Set of Conditions ............ Ai r Oxidation Unit Thermal Incinerator Fie1d Test Data....................... Destruct ion Efficiency Under Stated Conditions Based on Results of Union Carbide Laboratory Tests ......&.......... Comparisons of Emi ssion Test Results for Union Carbide Lab Incinerator and Rohm & Haas Field Incinerator ........... Procedure to Design 98 Percent Efficient Elevated Steam-Assisted Smokeless Flares. ......... Flare Budget Purchase Cost Estimates Provided by National Air Oil Burner, Inc., in October 1982 Dollars. ............. Capital and Annual Operating Cost Estimation Procedures for Steam-Assisted Smokeless Flares . Worksheet for Calculation of Waste Gas Characteri stics. ................. Generalized Waste Gas Combustion Calculations. ... Procedure to Design Thermal Incinerators Combusti ng Streams with Lower Heati ng Values Greater than 60 Btu/scf .......... Capital and Annual Operating Cost Estimates for Retrofi t Thermal Incinerators Without Heat Recovery. .................. Operati ng Parameters and Fuel Requi rements of Catalytic Incinerator Systems ......... Gas Parameters used for Estimating Capital and Operating Costs of Catalytic Incinerators. .... Catalytic Incinerator Vendor Cost Data ....... Capital and Operating Cost Estimation for Catalytic
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