- MDA Dancers . Net $8,750 -;4 -Sta tesma-n Yjisil*f ^ Omw^^--- wfc- Monday, February 20, 1 984 i . I MW- »* -l- lid \ - iPage 5 [ Volume 27, Number 49 Marburger lStudents Discuss Dorm Cooking By Raymond Fazzi questions from students for about an plan was a violation of students' rights to troyed from it." Students filled the H-Quad Cafeteria hour. They were consistently presented decide on what they want to eat and The first question of the evening was last Thursday night to join in a "Teach- with complaints about the quality of the where they want to live, Gamberg ac- the first of many targeted on the quality in" concerning University President campus meal plan service and food, and cused the university administration of of the Dining and Kitchen Administra- John Marburger's proposed dorm the conditions of existing dorm cooking giving up on dorm cooking without put- tion (DAKA), the campus food service. cooking plan, which would have cooking facilities. ting effort into making it work. "You do A female student asked Marburger how eliminated from up to two quads by next The three administrators responded not work to abolish a popular program he expected to get more students on a year. to such complaints with claims that nu- because it has problems," he said. "You meal plan which serves food "I wouldn't Although he made it clear during the -merous reports have found dorm fix them." 7feed to my dog." Marburger answered teach-in that student input in the imple- cooking to be harmful to dormitories Before the teach-in, Marburger said that campus cafeterias have been al- mentation stage of the plan was wel- and that state funds haven't been the strong student opposition to the plan lowed to "erode into a state of serious -comed, Marburger made it clear that he enough to support the program. They stems "mainly from a misunder- degradation over a period of time." He was committed to reducing the number also repeatedly emphasized that the im- standing. They seem to think that a de- said "They're going to need a lot of work of students on the&Dorm Cooking Pro- plementation of the plan has yet to be finitive program has been decided on before you're going to get a state of the gram. "I've made a policy decision," he worked out by a committee, which when in reality, the details haven't been art, high-technology food," but added said, "and I've not about to change it." Preston will appoint sometime this worked out." However, he said the deci- that this could be done if a contractor Polity President David Gamberg said month. sion to close some buildings to cooking is were given the guarantee of a large after the teach-in that he was unsatis- The teach-in was moderated by as of now final, adding that Kelly Quad number of students being on the plan. fied by Marburger's argument for insti- WUSB staff member David Goodman, is the worst suited for cooking of all the Also admitting the need for improve- tuting the policy, and that Polity was fand also included as panelists Gamburg, campus quads. ment was Preston. "I've eaten in this still committed to having no buildings Polity Secretary Belina Anderson and At the teach-in, Marburger stressed cafeteria," he said, "and I'll be the first designated cooking-free. "The answers FSA President Chris Fairhall. It was his conviction to his plan, telling stu- to admit that we have a long way to to why we're moving in this particular organized by Polity after they decided dents, "There's got to be a reduction in go...But there should be any number of direction are still not satisfying," he said last week in a meeting with campus le- the number of dorm cooking partici- options available for us to come up with yesterday. "He gave us the documents gislature chairmen that Marburger pants relative to the number of meal a good meal plan." he used to base his decision on the night should "justify" his plan in a public plan participants" He said that the cur- However, after the meeting Charles of the teach-in, but they lacked substan- forum. Polity then took the official posi- rent level of 70 percent of campus resi- Thrasher, DAKA resident district man- tial evidence as to why dorm cooking tion that they would fight the designa- dents on dorm cooking and 30 percent on ager, expressed some doubt over should be reduced." tion of any campus buildings as non meal plan it too high, and has had a whether or not DAKA would be able to Marburger, along with Robert cooking until such justification was damaging effect on dormitory facilities. accomodate 3,500 students by the fall, a Francis, vice president for Campus Op- made. ."I'm not sure of the balance we need, but number Marburger had set for thie erations and Fred Preston, vice presi- The opening speech of the evening I know the one we have now is too much," year. "I'd say that the most we could dent for Student Affairs, answered was made by Gamberg. Stating that the he said. "Our buildings are being des- (amstuod on page 1S) Poo r, 'I PrfSek - otpnmn- evw By E ba Wser been made, however, it will be made within Citing an inappropriate climate for his the next month. scheduled tenure re , Africana Studies A native of South Africa, Dube taught a Assistant Professor Ernest Dube- the sub- course called TU Politics ofRace AFS/POL jectof contov last semester for teahinga 319 for the past five years The course became course involving race and politics- has the subject of controversy last semster for requested that the decision be at labing some Zionit as racist and e least a year. one. out of a number of su sted term paper "The climate itself is not ap ropiate," Atopics, proposed a link between Zionism and Dube said ladt week There can be no guarm- :N Dube maintains that students could tee of a fair p ding." ' , « choose any topic and side of which to argue in The request for _ tp mnt has been eom- their papers. Word of the course material plicated so far by the existing SUNY Board of prompted condemnation from Jewish lead. Trustees and the United University Proes- ers and even Gov. Mario Cuomo. sinals' union contract. 'In this perticular caeor in any came of this type, if one were to What Neal termed a charged time, easy for renain an a nt prfessor next year, the m isu-_snding" began last summer when tenure review would have to be this year," a stedent in Dube's sumer corse wrote a Provst Hoer N said ysrda. Faculty letr of complaint over the subject matter members anr signed to t conscve three being tumht. The fallout has not subsided. In year contat and then are up for tenure December, the Political Science Department wreiew by the per poliy commitee an eeed to drop the course from its croselist- appointed faulty body. Oe can not remain ing with that department, inciting numero at the uniVemsit d st be s et raies of opposition. During the own being g e e ,Nea s d mont plaps we u way moWe the Woingw within the afem d con- .administrae dutiesofteArao tde aints. Dbe bee a optf Dube cam D rltmet fhm the Desn at Social and jtokla 11rdtini in hig f a ist 'Beaior}al Si FensEgWo NUbqrg, tohe toI*a sil and on w De Humanii sd Pine Ar% Robert he at the univerty uni"pOng fotra e Newille Ths mvewye e s bi both the A A t _ ebalty aN N f . I -tryinae Ywi Heis alslo ON a Afa* Studio Asstent Profeswor Ernest Dube is pursuing a postpone- b d-_ Xfr a ye, udrw man Neld SIs t" sawid it w to mm of hsmsum decision that was scheduld for this spring. He sks to the siddine debf it fmorn. yer Ned I tiso sa b e lre Eo d W i|"lbWfi led onez* VW I p e N (Compiled from Associated -"News Digest Press Reprts) -WHY WAIT?: :X :Fighting Continues; U.S.: START A CAREER WITH A FUTURE NOW!i Marines Shipped Off Coast Beirut, Lebanon-Israeli warplanes ports said. BECOME A bombed and strafed rebel-held positions The planes made a second run at the on the coast and in the Syrian-controlled targets only minutes after the first at- SUFFOLK COUNTY POLICE OFFICER! central mountains yesterday, while tack, according to the radio reports, * ARE YOU AN AMERICAN radio reports said Lebanese troops which said the villages of Aley, Migh- CITIZEN? fought off a three-pronged Druse attack eyteh, Doha and Aramoun also were hit * ARE YOU A HIGH SCHOOL at Souk el-Gharb. The Israeli announcement did not men- GRADUATE OR ITS The U.S. Marines were being trans- tion them. - ferred out of Beirut to ships off the coast, The Israeli command said its targets EQUIVALENT? presidential adviser Robert McFarlane were "terrorist" positions. And in Jer- * ARE YOU BETWEEN 19 said in New York, and the Italian con- sualem before the air raids were an- AND 28 YEARS OF AGE? tingent of the Multinational Peace- nounced, Cabinet Secretary Dan AND keeping Force began moving its Meridor warned Israel would not 'let * DO YOU CARE ABOUT equipment to freighters in preparation them the Palestinians build bases from PEOPLE? for withdrawal of most of the 1,400 men within their Druse lines.
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