LIPDIDIET FACTSHEET Project Full Title The project title endorsed by the European Commission is “Therapeutic and preventive impact of nutritional lipids on neuronal and cognitive performance in aging, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia” Framework Programme FP7-COOPERATION-KBBE (Large Collaborative Project) LipiDiDiet is funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. Coordinator Prof. Dr. Tobias Hartmann Universität des Saarlandes Neurodegeneration und Neurobiologie Kirrberger Straße Gebäude 90 66421 Homburg (Germany) Tel. +49 68 41 / 16241-30 E-Mail: [email protected] Coordinating Institution Saarland University (USAAR) Campus 66123 Saarbruecken Germany Abstract The European LipiDiDiet project addresses the Impact of Nutritional Lipids on Neuronal and Cognitive Performance in Aging, Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular dementia. This is based on previous observations that lipids change the risk for dementia. Especially some omega-3 lipids appear to lower the Alzheimer risk. It is our major aim to complement the currently existing medical therapy of Alzheimer’s disease with nutrition, especially at the very first stages of Alzheimer’s disease. But we do not stop at Alzheimer’s, we also develop dietary products that maintain and support the normal cognitive function in healthy aging in general and help reduce cerebrovascular risks. In addition to dietary products we also develop diet and life-style based health care advice for the elderly. LipiDiDiet Consortium 2008 page 1 of 8 The project is based on two elements; one is applied research documenting the value of nutritional support in persons at risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. The other element is basic research generating more knowledge about the possible therapeutic and preventive effects of dietary lipids in model systems of Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular dementia. Aim It is our aim to develop a lipid based diet that reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and related diseases and has a stabilizing effect on cognitive performance in aging. Furthermore, we will provide diet and life-style based health care advice for the elderly. Project Reference No FP7- 211696 Start Date 1-8-2008 End Date 31-7-2013 Duration 60 months Project Funding 5,899,843.00 EURO Participants Saarland University (USAAR) Prof. Dr. Tobias Hartmann Saarland University Department of Neurodegeneration and Neurobiology Deutsches Institut für Demenzprävention Kirrberger Straße Gebaeude 90 66421 Homburg (Germany) Tel: +49-6841-16-4791-8 (lab) Tel: +49-6841-16-2410-9 (secretary) Mobile: +49-172-6256-049 Fax: +49-6841-16-2413-7 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.neuro-saarland.de LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 2 of 8 Prof. Dr. Klaus Fassbender Saarland University Department of Neurology Kirrberger Straße Gebaeude 90 66421 Homburg (Germany) Tel: +49-6841-1624-130 Fax: +49-6841-1624-1373-7 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.uniklinikum-saarland.de/de/einrichtungen/kliniken_institute/neurologie Prof. Dr. Matthias Riemenschneider Saarland University Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Kirrberger Straße Gebaeude 90 66421 Homburg (Germany) Tel: +49-6841-1624-202 Fax: +49-6841-1624-270 E-Mail: [email protected] URL:http://www.uniklinikum-saarland.de/einrichtungen/kliniken-und-institute/neurologie-und- psychiatrie/psychiatrie/ University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Prof. Heikki Tanila Department of Neurobiolology A. I. Virtanen Institute University of Eastern Finland P.O. Box 1627 Neulaniementie 2 70211 Kuopio (Finland) Tel: +358-40-3552084 Fax: +358-17-1630-30 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: www.uef.fi/aivi Prof. Hilkka Soininen Department of Neurology School of Medicine University of Eastern Finland P.O.Box 1627 LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 3 of 8 70211 Kuopio (Finland) Tel: +358-17-1730-12 Mobile: +358-40-573-5749 Fax: +358-17-1730-19 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.uef.fi/neuro URL: http://www.uef.fi/ktk/eng/ University of Szeged (USZEG) Prof. Botond Penke Department of Medical Chemistry University of Szeged Dóm tér 8. 6720 Szeged (Hungary) Tel: +36-62-5451-35 Mobile: +36-30-4920-24 Fax: +36-62-5459-71 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.mdche.u-szeged.hu/indexeng.html Tel Aviv University (TAU) Prof. Daniel M. Michaelson The Faculty of Life sciences Tel Aviv University 69978 Tel Aviv (Israel) Tel: +972-3-6409-624 Fax: +972-3-6407-643 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.tau.ac.il/ Stichting Katholieke Universiteit - Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC) Prof. Amanda J Kiliaan Department of Anatomy and Department of Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty of Medicine, Donders Centre for Neuroscience Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre Room M245/0.24 PO Box 9101 6500 HB Nijmegen (The Netherlands) LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 4 of 8 Tel: +31-2436-1437-8 Fax: +31-2436-1378-9 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.ru.nl/english/ University of Gothenburg (UGOT) Prof. Ingmar Skoog University of Gothenburg Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology Section for Psychiatry and Neurochemistry Unit of Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology Wallinsgatan 6, Hus B, Plan 3 431 41 Moelndal (Sweden) Tel: +46-31-343-8640 Mobile: +46-709-433-681 Fax: +46-31-776-0403 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.epinep.gu.se Prof. Deborah Gustafson University of Gothenburg Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology Section for Neuroscience and Psychiatry Wallinsgatan 6, Hus B, Plan 3 431 41 Moelndal (Sweden) Tel: +46-31-343-8646 Mobile: +46-768-8088-65 Fax: +46-31-776-0403 E-Mail: [email protected] Prof. Kaj Blennow University of Gothenburg Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology Section for Neuroscience and Psychiatry SU/Moelndal, V-huset 431 80 Moelndal (Sweden) Tel: +46-31-343-1791 Mobile: +46-704-9727-30 Fax: +46-31-343-2426 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.gu.se/ LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 5 of 8 Danone Research (DANONE) Dr. Ladislaus Maria Broersen Danone Research Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition PO Box 7005 6700 CA Wageningen (The Netherlands) Tel: +31-317-467-854 Fax: +31-317-466-500 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.danone.com/ Karolinska Institutet (KI) Prof. Lars-Olof Wahlund Karolinska Institutet Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Division of clinical geriatrics Novum 5th floor 141 86 Stockholm (Sweden) Tel: +46-8-585-8541-9 Fax: +46-8-585-8547-0 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly.jsp?l=en&d=7877 Dr. Miia Kivipelto Karolinska Institutet Division of geriatric epidemiology Novum 5th floor 141 86 Stockholm (Sweden) Tel: +46-73-994-0922 Fax: +46-8-585-8547-0 E-Mail: [email protected] Dr. Yvonne Freund-Levi Lic. Cognitive Psycotherapist Karolinska Institutet Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Department of Geriatrics; Division of Clinical Geriatrics Novum 5th floor Karolinska University Hospital 114 86 Stockholm (Sweden) Tel: +46-8-585-8547-2 LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 6 of 8 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly.jsp?a=39615&d=7877&l=sv Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Institute of Physiology (ASCR) Dr. Vladimír Doležal Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. Department of Neurochemistry Videnska 1083 14220 Prague 4 (Czech Republic) Tel: +420-2964-4228-7 Fax: +420-2964-4248-8 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu/en/index.php?jistota=15022008135327 VU University Medical Center (VUMC) Prof. Philip Scheltens VU University Medical Center Department of Neurology and Alzheimer Center De Boelelaan 1117 1081HV Amsterdam (The Netherlands) Tel: +31-2044-4074-2 Fax: +31-2044-4071-5 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.english.vumc.nl/patientcare/ University of Bonn (UKB) Prof. Dieter Luetjohann Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology University Clinics Bonn, Center Internal Medicine/Lipid Lab/UG68 Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25 53105 Bonn (Germany) Tel: +49-228-2871-4027 (office) Tel: +49-228-2871-5272 (lab) Fax: +49-228-2871-6047 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.klinpharm.ukb.uni-bonn.de/ LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 7 of 8 European Research and Project Office GmbH (EUR) Claudia Giehl Stuhlsatzenhausweg 69 Science Park 1 66123 Saarbruecken (Germany) Tel. +49-681-959233-78 Fax. +49-681-959233-70 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: www.eurice.eu University Hospital Aachen (UKAACHEN) Prof. Jörg B. Schulz University Aachen Department of Neurology Pauwelstraße 30 52074 Aachen (Germany) Tel: +49-241-808-9600 Fax: +49-241-808-2582 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.neurologie.ukaachen.de Heidelberg University Hospital (UKL-HD) Prof. Johannes Schröder Heidelberg University Hospital Department of General Psychiatry Section of Geriatric Psychiatry Vossstraße 4 69115 Heidelberg (Germany) Tel. +49-6221-565468 Fax. +49-6221-565327 E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de LIPIDIDIET CONSORTIUM 2010 page 8 of 8 .
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