Furnace IPTV Media System: EPG Support For Furnace customers who are subscribed to a Haivision support program, Haivision provides Electronic Program Guide (EPG) services for the following channels. If you need additional EPG channel support, please contact [email protected]. Station ID Time Zone Long Name FCC Code Station ID Time Zone Long Name FCC Code 10021 Eastern D.S. AMC AMC 10035 Eastern D.S. A & E Network AETV 10051 Eastern D.S. BET BET 10057 Eastern D.S. Bravo BRAVO 10084 Eastern D.S. CBC CBC 10093 Eastern D.S. ABC Family ABCF 10138 Eastern D.S. Country Music Television CMTV 10139 Eastern D.S. CNBC CNBC 10142 Eastern D.S. Cable News Network CNN 10145 Eastern D.S. HLN (Formerly Headline News) HLN 10146 Eastern D.S. CNN International CNNI 10149 Eastern D.S. Comedy Central COMEDY 10153 Eastern D.S. truTV TRUTV 10161 Eastern D.S. CSPAN CSPAN 10162 Eastern D.S. CSPAN2 CSPAN2 10171 Eastern D.S. Disney Channel DISN 10178 Eastern D.S. Encore ENCORE 10179 Eastern D.S. ESPN ESPN 10183 Eastern D.S. Eternal Word Television Network EWTN 10188 Eastern D.S. FamilyNet FAMNET 10222 Eastern D.S. Galavision Cable Network GALA 10240 Eastern D.S. HBO HBO 10243 Eastern D.S. HBO Signature HBOSIG 10244 Pacific D.S. HBO (Pacific) HBOP 10262 Central D.S. Fox Sports Southwest (Main Feed) FSS 10269 Eastern D.S. Home Shopping Network HSN 10309 Pacific D.S. KABC ABC7 KABC 10317 Pacific D.S. KINC KINC 10328 Central D.S. KARE KARE 10330 Central D.S. KARK KARK 10335 Central D.S. KATV KATV [email protected] D.S. KBCW KBCW haivision.com Copyright10350 © 2014 Haivision.Pacific All rights D.S.reserved. KBLR KBLR 10359 Central D.S. KEYE KEYE 10361 Mountain D.S. KBYU KBYU 10362 Pacific D.S. KCAL KCAL 10365 Pacific D.S. KCBA KCBA 10367 Pacific D.S. KCBS KCBS 10383 Pacific D.S. KCOP UPN 13 KCOP 10387 Pacific D.S. KCPQ KCPQ 10388 Pacific D.S. KCRA KCRA 10391 Pacific D.S. KUVS KUVS 10392 Pacific D.S. KCTS KCTS 10393 Central D.S. KCTV KCTV 10398 Central D.S. KDAF KDAF 10402 Central D.S. KDFW KDFW Station ID Time Zone Long Name FCC Code 10021 Eastern D.S. AMC AMC 10035 Eastern D.S. A & E Network AETV 10051 Eastern D.S. BET BET 10057 Eastern D.S. Bravo BRAVO 10084 Eastern D.S. CBC CBC 10093 Eastern D.S. ABC Family ABCF 10138 Eastern D.S. Country Music Television CMTV 10139 Eastern D.S. CNBC CNBC 10142 Eastern D.S. Cable News Network CNN 10145 Eastern D.S. HLN (Formerly Headline News) HLN 10146 Eastern D.S. CNN International CNNI 10149 Eastern D.S. Comedy Central COMEDY 10153 Eastern D.S. truTV TRUTV 10161 Eastern D.S. CSPAN CSPAN 10162 Eastern D.S. CSPAN2 CSPAN2 10171 Eastern D.S. Disney Channel DISN 10178 Eastern D.S. Encore ENCORE 10179 Eastern D.S. ESPN ESPN 10183 Eastern D.S. Eternal Word Television Network EWTN 10188 Eastern D.S. FamilyNet FAMNET 10222 Eastern D.S. Galavision Cable Network GALA 10240 Eastern D.S. HBO HBO 10243 Eastern D.S. HBO Signature HBOSIG 10244 Pacific D.S. HBO (Pacific) HBOP 10262 Central D.S. Fox Sports Southwest (Main Feed) FSS 10269 Eastern D.S. Home Shopping Network HSN 10309 Pacific D.S. KABC ABC7 KABC 10317 Pacific D.S. KINC KINC 10328 Central D.S. KARE KARE Station ID Time Zone Long Name FCC Code 10330 Central D.S. KARK KARK 10335 Central D.S. KATV KATV 10345 Pacific D.S. KBCW KBCW 10350 Pacific D.S. KBLR KBLR 10359 Central D.S. KEYE KEYE 10361 Mountain D.S. KBYU KBYU 10362 Pacific D.S. KCAL KCAL 10365 Pacific D.S. KCBA KCBA 10367 Pacific D.S. KCBS KCBS 10383 Pacific D.S. KCOP UPN 13 KCOP 10387 Pacific D.S. KCPQ KCPQ 10388 Pacific D.S. KCRA KCRA 10391 Pacific D.S. KUVS KUVS 10392 Pacific D.S. KCTS KCTS 10393 Central D.S. KCTV KCTV 10398 Central D.S. KDAF KDAF 1040910402 Central D.S. KDNLKDFW KDNLKDFW 10436 Central D.S. KERA KERA 10443 Central D.S. KETC KETC 10467 Pacific D.S. KEMO KEMO 10469 Central D.S. KFWD KFWD 10496 Central D.S. KHOU KHOU 10497 Pacific D.S. KHQ KHQ 10504 Central D.S. KSTR KSTR 10507 Pacific D.S. KICU KICU 10518 Pacific D.S. KING KING 10520 Pacific D.S. KIRO KIRO 10536 Pacific D.S. KLAS KLAS 10540 Pacific D.S. KLEW KLEW 10549 Central D.S. KLRT KLRT 10561 Pacific D.S. KLVX KLVX 10562 Pacific D.S. KKPX KKPX 10563 Central D.S. KMBC KMBC 10575 Central D.S. KMOV KMOV 10579 Central D.S. KMSP KMSP 10581 Pacific D.S. KION KION 10590 Pacific D.S. KNBC KNBC [email protected] D.S. KOMO KOMO haivision.com 10634Copyright © 2014 Haivision.Pacific All rights D.S.reserved. KOVR KOVR 10641 Pacific D.S. KPIX KPIX 10643 Central D.S. KPLR KPLR 10647 Central D.S. KPRC KPRC 10653 Pacific D.S. KQED KQED 10656 Pacific D.S. KMAX (Formerly KPWB) KMAX 10661 Pacific D.S. KREM KREM 10667 Central D.S. KRIV KRIV 10672 Pacific D.S. KRON KRON 10680 Pacific D.S. KSBW KSBW 10683 Pacific D.S. KQCA KQCA 10685 Central D.S. KSDK KSDK 10689 Central D.S. KSHB KSHB 10691 Mountain D.S. KSL KSL 10694 Pacific D.S. KSMS KSMS 10699 Pacific D.S. KSPS KSPS 10702 Central D.S. KSTP KSTP 10703 Pacific D.S. KSTS KSTS 10704 Mountain D.S. KSTU KSTU 10709 Central D.S. KTBC KTBC 10717 Pacific D.S. KQEH KQEH 10719 Central D.S. KPXB KPXB 10720 Central D.S. KTHV KTHV 10724 Pacific D.S. KTLA KTLA 10725 Central D.S. KTMD KTMD 10409 Central D.S. KDNL KDNL 10436 Central D.S. KERA KERA 10443 Central D.S. KETC KETC 10467 Pacific D.S. KEMO KEMO 10469 Central D.S. KFWD KFWD 10496 Central D.S. KHOU KHOU 10497 Pacific D.S. KHQ KHQ 10504 Central D.S. KSTR KSTR 10507 Pacific D.S. KICU KICU 10518 Pacific D.S. KING KING 10520 Pacific D.S. KIRO KIRO 10536 Pacific D.S. KLAS KLAS 10540 Pacific D.S. KLEW KLEW 10549 Central D.S. KLRT KLRT 10561 Pacific D.S. KLVX KLVX 10562 Pacific D.S. KKPX KKPX 10563 Central D.S. KMBC KMBC 10575 Central D.S. KMOV KMOV 10579Station ID CentralTime Zone D.S. KMSPLong Name KMSP FCC Code 10581 Pacific D.S. KION KION 10590 Pacific D.S. KNBC KNBC 10626 Pacific D.S. KOMO KOMO 10634 Pacific D.S. KOVR KOVR 10641 Pacific D.S. KPIX KPIX 10643 Central D.S. KPLR KPLR 10647 Central D.S. KPRC KPRC 10653 Pacific D.S. KQED KQED 10656 Pacific D.S. KMAX (Formerly KPWB) KMAX 10661 Pacific D.S. KREM KREM 10667 Central D.S. KRIV KRIV 10672 Pacific D.S. KRON KRON 10680 Pacific D.S. KSBW KSBW 10683 Pacific D.S. KQCA KQCA 10685 Central D.S. KSDK KSDK 10689 Central D.S. KSHB KSHB 10691 Mountain D.S. KSL KSL 10694 Pacific D.S. KSMS KSMS 10699 Pacific D.S. KSPS KSPS 10702 Central D.S. KSTP KSTP 10703 Pacific D.S. KSTS KSTS 10704 Mountain D.S. KSTU KSTU 10709 Central D.S. KTBC KTBC 10717 Pacific D.S. KQEH KQEH 10719 Central D.S. KPXB KPXB 10720 Central D.S. KTHV KTHV 10724 Pacific D.S. KTLA KTLA 10725 Central D.S. KTMD KTMD 10726 Pacific D.S. KTNV KTNV 10731 Central D.S. KTRK KTRK 10736 Pacific D.S. KTSF KTSF 10741 Pacific D.S. KTTV KTTV 10750 Central D.S. KTVI KTVI 10759 Central D.S. KTVT KTVT 10760 Pacific D.S. KTVU KTVU 10762 Mountain D.S. KTVX KTVX 10767 Pacific D.S. KTXL KTXL [email protected] D.S. KUED KUED haivision.com 10773Copyright © 2014 Haivision.Central All rights reserved.D.S. Houston PBS KUHT 10786 Mountain D.S. KUTV KUTV 10787 Central D.S. KUVN KUVN 10790 Pacific D.S. KSNV KSNV 10799 Pacific D.S. KVIE KVIE 10809 Central D.S. KVUE KVUE 10811 Pacific D.S. KVVU KVVU 10825 Pacific D.S. KWSU KWSU 10829 Central D.S. KXAN KXAN 10830 Central D.S. KXAS KXAS 10832 Mountain D.S. KJZZ KJZZ 10835 Central D.S. KXLN KXLN 10836 Pacific D.S. KXLY KXLY 10840 Pacific D.S. KXTV KXTV 10853 Eastern D.S. KYW KYW 10918 Eastern D.S. Lifetime LIFE 10986 Eastern D.S. MTV - Music Television MTV 10989 Eastern D.S. E! Entertainment Television E 10996 Eastern D.S. New England Sports Network NESN 11000 Eastern D.S. New England Cable News NECN 11006 Eastern D.S. Nickelodeon NIK 11007 Pacific D.S. Nickelodeon (Pacific) NIKP 11062 Pacific D.S. ROOT Sports Northwest RTNW 11069 Eastern D.S. QVC QVC 11095 Eastern D.S. Fox Sports Florida FSNFL 11097 Eastern D.S. Syfy SYFY 11104 Eastern D.S. Comcast SportsNet New England CSNNE 11107 Central D.S. Scola/News of All Nations SCOLA 11109 Pacific D.S. Comcast SportsNet Bay Area CSNBA 11112 Pacific D.S. Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium SECC 11118 Eastern D.S. Univision Network UNI 11150 Eastern D.S. The Discovery Channel DSC 11158 Eastern D.S. The Learning Channel TLC 11163 Eastern D.S. Spike TV SPIKETV 11164 Eastern D.S. Turner Network TV TNT 11180 Eastern D.S. The Travel Channel TRAV 11182 Eastern D.S. The Sports Network TSN 10726 Pacific D.S.
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