•^ 2 1904 THE-BAILY NEWS i, .^v TORI A- ®* VOL. 2 NELSON. B.C.. SATUKDAY, MARCH 20, 1904 NO. "1)5 with both hands, they clinch and break J sends left swing ovor head. Corbott keeps months. The railroad is too busy with Cambridge crey had a lend of two and a clean. Corbett takes care of his stomach on top of Brltt and tries hard to stop him. troop transportation to haul provisions. half lengths which was further increased now. Corbett rushes and swings right to Both vory tired. Corbett Is stronger ap­ The military trains are proceeding with to four lengths at the finish. Oxford seems neck. They come together with a rush parently, but Brltt is not giving nn inch. 0PP0SES0PEN clockwork regularity. to have been outrowed. The Cambridge JIMMY BRITT und Corbett drops to his knees. Corbett is Round 18.—Brltt hooks right lo ear and men won well within themselves, but the COMING WEST The Bourse Gazette in a leading art­ joshing Britt now. They spar a moment they clinch, Corbett wants this kind of Oxfords looked to be done. then Britt puts left on wind. Corbett londs fighting. Ho wails to clinch and fight at icle oa Japophiiism maintains that the bard left on. Jaw, They mix lt fiercely. close quarters. Thoy mix it. Britt has pro-Japanese sympathy among the com­ THEWINNER Ono of Britt's eyes is bleeding. Corbett not a knock out punch left'or the fight ALLIANCE mercial nations at the outbreak of the baa a bad loft eye also and his seems to would be his. Corbott clinches. Brltt war is not being sustained, owing to the STRIKE ON THE WILCOX LEISURELY bo tho worst. hooks loft to wind and ducks hard left fuller realization that the growth of Round 7— They como together like a swing. Brltt Jnbs left to jaw. Both very Japan into a great commercial country ANOTHER HIGH GRADE ORE SHOOT flash. Britt puts two lefts on head. Cor­ tired. Corbett swings loft to nock. They will mean the destruction of all. that HAS BEEN FOUND AT DEPTH bett works both hands to body. Brltt puts clinch and Brltt looks to Kellcy for In­ Empress-Dowager Rejects the Europeans have accomplished in. the Gets Decision Over Corbett left on wind. Corbett Is holding hla head structions. Brltt swings left to Jaw, makes far east. A correspondent at Port Railway Commission Will down and stalling. Brltt Is cnrrplng tho Corbett clinch and hang on. Thoy clinch, Arthur has interviewed a Russian offi­ ORE CARRIES J26C.03 IN GOLD AND from which Graney has a hnrd time sep­ Proposals of Military at End of 20th Round fight to Corbett. Brltt fights Corbett to cer who haB returned there from Shang­ SILVER. Visit Coast Points to ropes, makes him clinch, Corbett cuts arating; them. hai. He says the British there are re­ loose hard uppercut which misses. They Round 19.—They rush together and clinch. Advisers joicing at the news of tbe Japanese vic­ of Fast Fighting are fighting like demons. Clinches follow. Britt hooks two rights to head. Brltt A. H. Tuttle, secretary-treasurer of the Hear Complaints tories and that bulletins In English and Broken Hill Mining nnd Milling Co., la Brltt puts left on wind. Corbett sends swings left to jaw. Corbott swings loft Chinese are distributed iu the streets right to bond. Corbott put left on head and to head, Thoy clinch. When Graney pulls nt the Hume. The company operates tho i sent right to chin. Brltt sends left to thorn apart Brltt hooks left lo nock. Cor­ reporting the destruction of the Rus­ Wilcox mine near Ymlr In which an Im­ Corbett Proves to be the Better "Mixer" neck three times. Corbett breaking ground bett misses loft swing nnd gets both hands Who Want China to Join Hands With sian fleet and the fall of Port Arthur. portant strike has been made. Mr. Tuttle nt tho boll. mi his face. Brltt beats Corbclt to the Japan in the Present Struggle Against brought a bottlo of tbe siilphurcts from Lumbermen Will Then Have Opportunity -Both Men Are Badly Punished but Round 8,-Corbott did not talking. Brltt ropos and punches with both hands to JAPAN'S LEGISLATORS the new strike for J. Fred Hume's cabinet, of Disabusing Mind or Public Re­ Britt is Stronger at Finish lnnds left on face, then on wind and ham­ head. Corbolt Is a glutton for punishment Russian Aggression in Fur East nnd It was much ndmlred pestcrday. Mr. mers Corbett around tho ring, making and comes back with swing to cheok. Unanimously Adopt Vote of Thanks to Tuttle said that the ore from the strike garding Alleged High Prices his head rock with left. Corbott appears Brltt hooks left to wind, Thoy clinch. Bell, Vice-Admiral Togo. was black sulphurcts and pyrites, carry­ groggy and house is wild. Brltt sends right Round SO.They come up slowly and shako ing gold, silver and lend. Tbo gold values to head, Corbett swings right to hend. hands, Britt's left goes to jnw and Cor­ London, March 2(1.—The Telegraph Toklo, March 25.-r-The house of repre­ nre 12,1 ounces, silver 17.4 ounces and from San Francisco, March 25.—(Wood­ sentatives today listened to a significant 10 to 15 per cent lead, the values being tSpccial to Tho Dally NCWB.] ward's Pavilion)—San Francisco tonight Britt is tired from bis efforts. Corbett bett's right on ribs. Corbett rushes, Brltt prints a dispatch from its Shanghai cor­ sends hard right to neck. Britt sends light shows fast foot work, Brltt sends left to respondent which says that the empress speech by Yammato, the minister of $266.03, exclusive of the lead. The aver­ Vancouver, March 25.—So soon as it is fight mad. Not since tho good old marine, and passed with enthusiasm and ago sample taken for the purpose of as­ days when Jack Dompsey and Peter left to wind, then rains whirlwind of blows Corbett's jaw. They exchange lofts on dowager has rejected a proposal made has concluded its Blttlngs in eastern on Corbett'B bead, but Corbett does not wind. Brltt hooks left to chin, then Cor­ by general Yuan Shi Kai and general without a dissenting voice, a vote of saying, was not assayed for lead. Jackson battled for fame and fought in mind it. Britt's face covered with blood. bott sends right uppoiyut to chest, Brltt Ma that China conclude an open alli­ thanks to vice-admiral Togo and his "The find was made In the tunnel at a , Canada, the dominion railway commis­ this city has such intense and universal They clinch. Corbett sent an 'uppercut misses left swing. Corbett jumps In close. ance with Japan in view of tho Russian officers for their services to the country. vertical depth of 210 feet. The ore for the sion, of which hon. A. G. Blair, former interest'been displayed, nor lias the to mouth and Britt's loft finds the neck. Thoy clinch. Britt seems stronger of the repeated invasions of Chinese territory When the vote was taken, the members flrst 15 feet In the drift on the Icdgo wns minister of railways, is chairman, will pugilistic world witnessed such stir­ It was Britt's round, but he Is very tired. galena which averaged (75 to the ton. two. HJo hooks loft lo Jaw 'and has Cor­ west, of the Liao river. of tho house cheered the navy, make its way leisurely across the con­ ring scones as those which were enact­ Round U.—Britt leads again with left but bott hanging ou. They arc fighting for In the course of his remarks the min­ Then high grade sulphides were encoun­ ed at Woodward's pavilion tonight when Is blocked. Corbett fresh nnd smiling, every ounce thoy have left, Britt hooks London, March • 2U.—A Times Tokio tered. Tbe sulphides In the ledge are of tinent to this city, and hear at least a correspondent says that local officers of ister of marine said It was no new thing the same friable nature as those In the tho world's champion feather weight, Brltt puts left on wind and got Corbett's loft to chin, then Corbett sends right to to bo prepared for emergencies in time few chapters of the railway woes of this , "Young Corbett," of Denver, and Jimmy right on ear. They have slowed up some. chest Thoy clinch. Corbett works both Wiju have reported to the Korean gov­ bottlo-In Mr. Hume's mineral cabinet. Tho Corbett sent a hard left to eye. A moment ernment that Russian troops began of peace, but since last October the Jap­ ledge where tho high grade shoot hns been Pacific province. Britt fought each other to settle tho hands to wind. Britt hooks left to neck. anese navy had been under tlio neces­ question of fistic supremacy. The out­ later ho repeated It. Again Corbott sends No clean blows arc being struck. Its nil crossing tbe Yalu river on February found Is two and a half feet wide and the It Is not probable that the grievances straight left to face. They exchange lofts clinch. It will be n close thing, but Brltt 2nd. Thus, the correspondent says, it sity of Increasing its strength and had sulphides from 14 to 10 Inches wide, tbe of Price Ellison as to his side tracked come of this contest lias been the main on face. Brltt puts loft on wind.
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