-the banishment of ... 48, 191, 191, 196, 236, 268, 299, Conus imperialis L. 416, 416 (fig. 112b) 300, 302, 306, ... waiting for Abraham 132, portrayal HOMER 134, 318, 378, 378 of ... 192, figure identified as ... 132, 191, 192 -Aristotle contemplating the bust of... 27, 28, 134, 171, HAID, Johann Gottfried 134 378, ... as painted by A. de Gelder 38, figure identified -prints by... as ... teaching his pupils 134, ... dictating to scribes Man in Armour (after Rembrandt) 134, 134 (fig. 15a), 318, 319, 378, 379,... reciting versus 326, 327, Portrait 136 of ... copy after late Hellinistic original, Boston 378, 378 Hairy War 128 (fig. 97a) HALL, Bernard 18 -books by... HALS, Frans (also Francis)18, 44, 149, 150, 153, 187, Odyssey 340, 440 200, 286, 322 HONTHORST, Gerrit van 126, 160, 214, 222, 284 -broad manner of ... 184 -paintings by... -paintings by... Violinist with a Glass Amsterdam 214, 214 (fig. 33a) The Evangelist Luke Odessa 162 HONTHORST, Willem van 284 The Evangelist Matthew Odessa 161, 162, 162 (fig. HOOCH, Carel de 110, 114 22b), 286 HOOCH, Pieter de 146, 279 Corporalship of Captain Reynier Reael and Lieutenant HOOFT, Pieter Cornelisz Cornelis Michiels Blaeuw (with Pieter Codde) -plays by... Amsterdam 150, 152 (fig. 19c), 153 Geeraerdt van Velsen 170 Married Couple in a Garden ( Isaac Massa and Beatrix HOOFT, W D van der Laan ) Haarlem 240 -plays by... Portrait of a Man Cambridge 183, 184, 184 (fig. 28c) Heden-daeghsche Verlooren Soon 396 Portrait of a Standing Man Edinburgh 150, 152 (fig. HOOGEWERFF G J 134, 378 19b), 153 HOOGH, de Portrait of a Woman Edinburgh 153 -collection of ... 313 HAMAN HOOGSTRATEN, Samuel van 18, 40, 60, 63, 64, 64, -Ahasuerus condemning ... 313, 313, 314, 315 66, 67, 68, 207, 212, 279, 292, 294, 308, 312, 322, HAMMER, Armand 325, 326, 380 -collection of .. 180 -self-portrait of ... 64, 178, 291, ... pupil of Rembrandt HANNAH 209, trompe l•oeil of ... 209, 211, 291, 292, 294, -... mother of Samuel 257, 257, 258, 258, 259 biography of ... 291 HANNAH (see EDNA) -paintings by... HARNETT, W H Adoration of the Shepherds Dordrecht cat. no. 61, 209, -paintings by... 292, 293, 308 The Faithful Colt Hartford 209, 209 (fig. 15) The Resurrection of Christ Chicago 209, 210 (fig. 16) HARTOG, Dirck 14 Vision of St Benedict (with Nicolaes Roosendael) 64 HASSELT, Heltge van 279 Self-Portrait Dordrecht 178, 291 HEEL, S A C DUDOK VAN 22, 28 Still Life of a Letter-Rack Karlsruhe 294, 294 (fig. 62a) HEEM, Jan Davidsz de 17, 230 Still Life on a Cupboard Door Vienna cat. no. 62, 209, HEEMSKERCK, Maarten van 238, 313, 324, 396 291, 292, 294, 295 -prints by... -drawings by... The Return of the Prodigal Son 396, 396 (fig. 102a) Flight into Egypt Dresden 325 HEFFLEY, Scott A 178 (attr.) Young Artist Portraying a Man and a Woman, the HELEN 40 Man Inspecting the Result Paris 69, 71 (fig. 3) -..., most beautiful woman in the world 32, 33, 40 Recumbent Lion Amsterdam 326, 358, 358 (fig. 87a) HELM, Willem van der 283 -prints by... HELSDINGEN, Gerrit van 108 Self-Portrait at the Age of Fifty 64 (fig. 8) HELST, Bartholomeus van der 26, 73, 76, 234, 299, -books by... 309 Goude schalmeij 291 -paintings by... Inleyding tot de hooge schoole der schilderkonst 64, Portrait of Paulus Potter The Hague 187 279, 291, 292, 294 HENRIQUES, Beatriz Nunes 77 Schoone Rosaliin 291 HERACLITUS -designs by... -figure identified as weeping philosopher ... 42, 92 designs for the prints illustrating Beschrijving der stad Herauslösung Dordrecht 291 -... in the work of Rembrandt 46, 48, 49, 132 HORST, Gerrit Willemsz 236 HERCULES 340, 341 HOUBRAKEN, Arnold 22, 27, 45, 62, 76, 77, 95, 150, HEUSLER 410 203, 207, 227, 234, 238, 267, 276, 291, 294, 296, 299, HIND, A M 392, 394 312, 320, 328 HIPPOCRATES -books by... -figure identified as ... 92 Groote Schouburgh 264 HOET, Gerard 41, 51, 52 Houding ( hauding ) 67, 68 HOFSTEDE DE GROOT, Cornelis 17, 22, 41, 44, 46, HOUTMAN, Frederick de 14 52, 52, 53, 58, 93, 124, 148, 149, 153, 157, 158, 164, HUMBER, Robert Lee 396 171, 178, 184, 190, 200, 212, 230, 238, 324, 328 HUMPHREY, William -books by... -prints by... Die Urkunden über Rembrandt 22 Man in a Red Cap (after Rembrandt) 200, 200 (fig. 32a) A Catalogue Raisonné 52 HUYGENS, Christiaan 113 HOLBEIN the Younger, Hans 42, 84 HUYGENS (the Elder), Constantijn 16, 23, 24, 33, 60, -drawings by... 61, 62, 71, 77, 99, 108, 113, 114, 213, 216, 219, 220, Two Lansquenets Basel 84, 84 (fig. 1c) 222, 240 HOLLAR, Wenceslaus 36, 384, 390 -books by... -prints by... Momenta desultoria 114 Naked Woman Seated on a Mound (after Rembrandt) HUYGENS (the Younger), Constantijn 60 36 (fig. 6), 390 next page HUYGENS, Maurits 61, 113, 114 -presumed portrait of ... 45 -portrait of ... 112, 113, 346 JORDAENS, Jacob 28, 71 HUYSKENS, Wim 171 -paintings by... Four Evangelists Paris 95 ISAAC 244, 272 JOSEPH 132, 204, 306, 307, 308, 308 -... blessing Jacob 51, 54, 235, 235, 236, 237, sacrifice - ... in the temple 86, 87, 88, 89, ...•s flight into Egypt of ... 208, 299, 300, 300, 301, 302, 306, 332, 332, 333, 204, ...•s search for twelve-year-old Christ 276, 277, bride of ... 268, 270 278, dream of ... 389 ISHMAEL JOSEPH of ARIMATHEA -figure identified as ..., son of Abraham 191, 191, 192, -... disciple of Jesus 428 196, Abraham dismissing ... 299, 300, 302, 306 JOSEPH, son of Jacob ISSELBURG, Peter - ... accused by Potiphar•s wife 138, 138, 139, 140, -prints by... 140, 141, 141, ... sold by his brothers 368, 368, 369 The Apostle Bartholomew (after Gabriel Weyer, after JOSEPHUS, Flavius 140, 238 Rubens) 142, 142 (fig. 17a) -books by... ITALIA, Salom Of the Antiquities of the Jews 140 -prints by... JOUDERVILLE, Isack Menasseh ben Israel 174, 176 (fig. 25c) -... pupil of Rembrandt 203 -paintings by... JACOB Tronie Dublin 202 (fig. 1), 203 -Isaac blessing ... 51, 54, 235, 235, 236, 237, Joseph, JUDAS 170 son of ... 138, 368, ...•s dream 244, 244, 245, 246, 246, -...repentant 16, 23, 23, 102, ... at the Last Supper 326, 272, 272, 273, 274, 274, 275, Joseph•s robe shown 327 to ... 368, 368 JUNO 340, 340, 341 JACOBS, Trijn 28 -attribute of ... 253 JACOBSZ, Lambert 105, 106, 203, 234 JUPITER 340, 340, 341 -paintings by... -... abducting Ganymede 34, 34, 35, 120, 120, ... and The Apostle Paul Leeuwarden 106, 106 (fig. 7c) Antiope 384, 440, 440, 441 The Apostle Andrew (or by Jacob Backer) York 106, 106 (fig. 7d) KAHR, M 222 JAHAN, shah 370 KAMP, N van der 235 -... as a horse man 370, 371, ... and a study of Indian KATE, Lambert ten 350 footwear 370, 370 KAUFMANN, Hans 170 JAMES MAJOR, apostle 171, 178 KEIL, Bernard 77, 211 -portrayal of ... 158, 159, 160, ... as pilgrim with scallop KESSEL, Jan van 364 shell 158 KEYSER, Thomas de 266 JANS, Catharina 380 -paintings by... JANSEN, Guido 240, 257, 290, 316 Portrait of the Artist David Bailly (and by David Bailly?) JANSENIUS Paris 230, 230 (fig. 39a) -figure identified as ... 42 KILIAN, Philipp JANSZ, Volckert -paintings by... -portrait of ... 380 Portrait of Joachim von Sandrart (after Johan Ulrich JANSZ, Willem 14 Mayr) 64 (fig. 9) JASPERS, Styntje 256 •KLEIN JAN• JEAN, Auguste 396 -song sheet sold by... 168, 170 JEREMIAH 96, 102, 104 KOEDYCK, Isaack 303, 304 - ... lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem 99, 99, 100, KONINCK, Jacob 420 101, figure identified as ... 99 KONINCK, Philips 326 JEROME, saint 358, 426 KONINCK, Salomon -... in his study 85, 86, figure identified as ... 156, -paintings by... 157, ... reading 356, 385, 388, 423, 426, 426, 427, Joseph Accused by Potiphar•s Wife Whereabouts attributes of ... 426, 426, 427, ... kneeling 426 unknown 140, 140 (fig. 16b) JESUS ( see CHRIST ) Jews LAAN, Beatrix van der 240 -Jewish immigrants in the Netherlands 174, 176, ... as LABAN depicted by Rembrandt 173, 174, 176, 177, 410, -... uncle of Jacob 244, 246, 272 representation of Christ on a Jewish model 177, 197, LAMB, Paschal 418, 420 198, ancient ... 432 LAQUY, Willem Joseph JOACIM -watercolours by... -... husband of Susanna 118 Eavesdropper (after Isaack Koedyck) Amsterdam 304, JOB 304 (fig. 65b) -wife of ... 220, ... in misery 220 LASTMAN, Pieter 22, 23, 42, 100, 118, 190, 213, 238, JOHN, evangelist 162 267, 268, 313, 332, 340, 344, 368, 383, 414 -revelation of ... 161, eagle of ... 161, figure identified -...teacher of Rembrandt 22, 192, 362, ... inspiration of as saint ... 200, ... with the dying Virgin 400, 401, ... in Eeckhout 211, 268, 274, ... influence upon Victors despair 422, 424, 425 211, ... teacher of Lievens 214, ... corrected by JOHN, the baptist Rembrandt 326, 338, ... as Pre-Rembrandtist 192 -... preaching 67, 414 -paintings by... JOHNSON, John G 188 Abraham•s Sacrifice Paris 332, 332 (fig. 74b) -collection of ... 188 Balaam and the Ass New York 41 (fig. 12), 42 JONGH, E de 242 Expulsion of Hagar Hamburg 268 JONGHE, Clement de 45, 46, 220, 396, 436 next page Susanna and the Elders Berlin 118, 118 (fig. 10a), 338, -portrait of ... 380 338 (fig. 77a) LOOTEN, Marten The Shunamite Woman Pleads with the Prophet Elisha -portrait of ... 114, 124 on Mount Carmel Moscow 192, 192 (fig. 30b) LOPEZ, Alphonso 127, 398 The Wedding Night of Tobias and Sarah Boston 132, LOT 132 (fig. 14c) -figure identified as ... 99, ... and his daughters 288 Pastoral Scene Private collection 406, 406 (fig. 107a) LOTH, Johan Carel ( called CARLOTTO ) 296 LAZARUS LOUIJS, Jacob 226 -the raising of ... 211, 211, 224, 224, 225, 226, 226, LOUIS XIV, king 42 274, 383, 385, 387, 392, 392, 393 LUDICK, Lodewijck van 78 LE BRUN, Charles 17 LUGT, Frits 329 LE BRUN, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre 306 LUKE, evangelist 162, 276 LE BRUN, Pierre 60 -ox of ..
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