State UniveTlt of Ion LIBRARY .... ,On tlte Inside Tl1e Weather Ruaala Hedqea on Peace Tennl Clou~ Wday with POI­ . , Paqe 2 sible 1Il0W nurries• Mlchiqan Beall Purdue. 61-60 Thunclay cloudy and colder foUowed by snow• . .. Paqe ( Hleh today. 30; low, Z5. An\i·S\o\ Machme !ill Slqned owan Weh Tuesda" 31; low • • • • Paqe S I •. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, January 3, 1951 - Vol. 85 No. 75 Chinese Reds Break Th{ough To Outskirts Of Seou '. lu.a.; * * * ~~. II Deferme sfromPre-lnductionPhysicals Russia Agrees World Situation / NORTH Government at a Glance Flees Imperiled FIGHTING FRONT -Battle tor For Iowa Students Halted by New Policy T~ Preliminary Seoul begins as Reds surge Beginning today students whd ed the school year or fails to re- 1950, who were awarded deferred Big 4 Talks through gap in UN line to city. Capital City are residents of Iowa no longer main in good standing at the classification because of mar- WASHINGTON - 81 st con- .' will be deferred from taking pre- college or university. l'iage. gress, in last minute rush, sends TOKYO (WEDNESDAY) (fP) induction physicals for the armed The Johnson county draft However, such persons may LONDON (II') - Russia agreed $20-blllion military fund and cJvil The battle for Seow began forces. board also received orders Tues- still receive deferment on other Tuesday to meet the Western defense bill to Truman; 82nd C41n­ Chinese Red hordes Johnson county's draft board day to reclassify as 1-A any per- grounds such as dependent minor Allies fo;' preliminary talks on gress opens today, most to city's outskirts a gap ripped in UN defenses received • orders Tuesday from sons married on or after July 1, children or university student. the world situation, but left the WASIIINGTON - Russia does state headquarters to start pre- question of a possible Big Foul' have A-bomb, Atomic Chairman * * * * * * foreign ministers' conference up Dean confirms. BULLETIN Notice of Physical in the ail'. \ WASIUNGTON General SEOUL (WEDNESDAY) (\Pi­ 51 Lea've SUI for Service A vaguely-worded note broad- Walker buricd neal' Generals Per­ The Korean RepubUcan ~ov­ Ends Chance to Enlist cast by Radio Moscow declared shing li nd Arnold. ernment ler, Seoul today. Fifty-one men dropped from grades by their instructors at the that the proposed rearmament of LONDON - Moscow agrees to SUI students who have re­ miles north of the ceived orders to repoct tllr SUI Tuesday to report for duty end of the semester. Western Germany is thc biggest preliminary meeting on four-pow­ with the armed forces, Registrar Interviews with men dropping obstacle to world peace. It ap- cr conference, contends rearma­ South Korean capital. armed forces pre-Incluction The big attack quickly Ted McCarrel announced. school because of enlistment re­ pea red to offer little hope of a ment of Germany "foremost" physicals may not enl~t In the ed its breakthrough at a tolt armed services, the Johnaon Campus gossip had boosted the vealed that most of them were negotiated settlement of the Ko- i question. tAr Wlr.,IoeI.) between British and America number of drops to lS high as 300 trying to avoid being drafted. rean war. LONDON - Britain formally PENETRATION OF N LINES by Reds is Indicated by black counb draft board remmded arrows in the areas south of Korea's 38th parallel where the forces. students Tuesday. men. Many said they had been re­ Diplomatic Sources here said com~i ts all her troops in West Eu­ AP Correspondent Stan McCarrel said the number of classified I-A and told by their Tuesday that the United Statcs, ;'opc to General Eisenhower's Communl.!lts opened their New Year's drive. Northwest and north The board said tbere was ton, in a fie ld d Ispa tch oancellations caused by enlistment draft boards that they would be Britain and France would demand com\Tland. of Seoul (A) two powerrul Red columns were reported wltbln 14 Jlothlll&' to the rumor that a front, said the enemy was expected to decrease rapidly called for pre-induction physicals an immediate ceasc-firc in KO :' ca PARIS - Premier Pleven will and 17 mUes of the South Korean capital in drives alon .. the maIn stm was in progress at 10 a.m. local board may grant .& per­ road and rail routes. A third Red force was reported In tbe hills in the next few days. early in J anuary. as a condition for any Big Foul' Cly to Was hington within next two p.m. Tue~day, IOwa time). son a waiver to enlist alter be He said men who enlist will get (After men get notices to re­ discussion of the sitllation in weeks to confer with Truman, of- nine miles northwest of Uljongbu. Northeast of Seoul (8) the Reds Amety In Seoul has received his or4ers, for credit for their schoolwork on port for pre-induction physicals Asia. ficial French SOUl'ces report. have advanced to Kapyong. The sawtooth line repre8~ntl the ap­ More than two hours later, physJcal examJnatJon. There Is they cannot enlist.) proximate ar~a of UN defenses. the same basis as if they were The Russian note app~arcd to vices to Tokyo said the no way to enUst after the exam drafted. Most of the men were going which began in two - regime orders, the board said. hint that the Soviets would de­ Men who leave before the end to the navy and the airforce. mand that Communist Ch ina be AEC Head Declares strength, had been stepped up I Tbe bOard pointed out that of this semester will get full credi t The dormitory assignment of­ represented at a oy conference on power. Anxiety was evident among If a. person falsifies his state­ for all the hours they are taking. fice reported thlt 35 students can­ the Far East. Freezing Rain Makes Walking, ment about pbyslcal noilce In They also will be given letter celed their room contracts Mon­ Russia 'Positive~y' sons still in Seoul. order to enlist, the armed ser­ day. Tuesday's note continued an ex­ "This Is a lllajor attack," vices automaUcally will dis­ * * * change of diplomatic communica­ American division officer charre blm to the selective ser­ Army Call Includes tions in which Russia had first Producing A-Bombs Driving Hazardous in Iowa Cil, Swinton. vice Iystem when tbe falslfl­ * * * proposed Big Four talks on Ger­ "They are moving ca tlon Is discovered. ROTC Reservists Business Manager many and the Western Bi g Three WASHINGTON (II') The Freezin g rain and sleet made torists were forced to inch their through the hole in our line, had replied by asking for a gen­ United States knows positively walking and driving hazardous in way along Tuesday, no injuries ing air attack in a way I paring notices for physicals to WASHINGTON (fP) The el'al conference on the world-wide that Russia is producing A­ the Iowa City area Tuesday, as a because ot the ice were reported rarely seen." Assault Thin SPOt send to all those college and uni­ army's Dec. 26 ca ll for 7,500 addi­ Of Iowan fnlists differences between East and thin la yer of ice covered the en­ at either Iowa City hospital. bombs, Chairman Gordon Dean of Two Chinese regiments versity students under its juris­ tional reserve and national guard West. tire eastern half of the sta teo Colder Weatber Exp~eted lieutenants and captains includes Robert Depew, A4 , Des Moines, the Atomic Energy commission The temperature is expected to ed a thin spot between "n""',,,,, diction who were automatically The weatherman warned oC and British forces as it they deferred when their names came commitsioned ROTC reservists resigned as busi ness manager of said Tuesday. range between highs of 27 to 35 The Daily Iowan and withdrew simila r conditions today and pre­ exactly where it was. up. who will graduate from colleges He told a news conference that dicted no relief from slippery and lows of 9 to 18 degrees at midterm of the 1950-51 aca­ from SUI Tuesday after '''JjU~LIIIl< Student's Condition They also protected their fla State headquarters said the the source of this country's in­ pavements until late tonight, when throughout this area. during the by driving British troops otf demic year. in the airtorce formation is "a tightly held next lour days. Colder weather move was made to eliminate ~he Friday. falling temperatures are expected nearby hill. The army said last week that sccreL" He refuscd to say whether to change ihe rain to snow. is expected by the weekend. advantage of enlisting which ]0- many men who were given reserve Marshall Reported '~xcellenf U.S. re ~ erves hurried up the United States also knows how Icy streets were blamed ror Stati stics compiled by Prof. J . effort to plug the hole. FiE!htl!r-1 wa residents in college had over commiSSIons after completing Nelson Jr., W. Howe, institute of hydraulio students in the rest or the na­ many bombs Russia has com­ three auto accidents reported to bombers strafed nnd their ROTC training were dcferred Iowa City, as- After Suicide Try pleted. rcsearch, s'how that the early and tion. College students with resi­ [Ium active duty until th"y c?uld sisf.l'n t business ( Iowa City police tuesday. Dam­ Chinese. His statement was dcslgnee! to ages ('aused by thE' mishaps wcre "Evcro wintet· has caused a sharp dence In other states are being finish their education. manager oC The David P.
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