March 12, 1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5371 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 12, 1980 The House met at 1 p.m. s. 1454. An act to amend the Act of Au­ several dozen lower ranking officers, sev­ gust 10, 1956, as amended; section 716 of eral dozen noncommissioned officers, and The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ford, title 10, United States Code; section 1006 of D.D., offered the following prayer: hundreds of enlisted personnel. title 37, United States Code; and sections Of all those I visited with only the Create in me a clean heart, 0 God, 8501(1) (B) and 8521(a) (1) of title 5, United three general officers felt that the All­ and put a new and right spirit within me. States Code. Volunteer Force is now attracting ade­ Cast me not away from Thy presence, The message also announced that the quately qualified personnel to serve the and take not thy holy spirit from me.­ Senate had passed a bill of the following military manpower needs of the Nation. Psalms 51: 10, 11. title, in which the concurrence of the Without exception, the lower ranking O Lord, incline Your ear to our prayer House is requested: officers, the NCO's, and enlisted person­ and hear our supplications. In all times S. 2018. An act to transfer unexpended nel felt that the quality of people who of worry or crisis You have bestowed balances of funds appropriated for salaries we are now attracting into our military Your grace and favor upon Your people. of Senate committee employees, and for forces is not of an adequate level to meet We look to You 0 Lord, as our guardian other purposes. our defense needs. and guide and as our protector along I think that each Member of the Con­ life's way. When the pressures of life DRAFT 18-YEAR-OLD DOCTORS gress would be well served to spend some overwhelm, grant us release, when the time personally observing the current burdens and responsibilities are intense, <Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was status of our forces and the quality and give us patience, and ever allow us to given permission to address the House number of personnel who we are cur­ know Your glory and experience Your for 1 minute and to revise and extend rently attracting. It is clearly inadequate. love, this day and every day. Amen. her remarks.) Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, it is difficult today to figure out what the ad­ D 1310 THE JOURNAL ministration's personnel practices to­ UNITED STATES LEFT WITH WORST The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ ward the Pentagon really are. I am very OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS amined the Journal of the last day's sorry the President vetoed the military (Mr. FINDLEY asked and was given proceedings and announces to the House doctors' bill. Nothing is more important permission to address the House for 1 his approval thereof. to the uniformed personnel of this coun­ minute and to revise and extend his Pursuant to clause l, rule I, the Jour­ try than signaling that we really care remarks.) nal stands approved. enough about them to pay for good mil­ Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, as U.N. itary care. This signal has been shot Ambassador Donald McHenry has stated, down. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT the Carter administration's handling of Registering 18-year-olds is not going the U.N. resolution on Israeli settlements A message in writing from the Presi­ to provide us with doctors for our people and its subsequent repudiation of its vote dent of the United States was communi­ in uniform, yet that appears to be the has left the United States with the cated to the House by Mr. Saunders, one President's sole personnel proposal. worst of all possible worlds. U.S. for­ of his secretaries, who also informed the This was really not a fiscally sound eign policy has again flip-flopped, House that on the following dates the move, and a very foolish one. alienating Israel, the Arab world, and President approved and signed bills and More confusing signals come from the allies around the globe. It is tragic when a joint resolution of the House of the personnel actions of the Pentagon who NATO members are so concerned about following titles: penalized the young woman Marine for the constancy of U.S. conduct of foreign On March 6, 1980: moonlighting by appearing in Playboy policy that they openly express dismay. H.R. 6374. An act to authorize the Presi­ magazine. At the same time the Defense The behavior of the Carter adminis­ dent of the United States to present on be­ Department, with taxpayers' money sent tration in this episode as in the case of half of the Congress a specially struck gold out the February 1980 SAM about the neutron bomb, the Soviet brigade in medal to Ambassador Kenneth Taylor. women in combat, with a devastating On March 11, 1.980: Cuba, and the imposition of economic cover and article. The picture on the sanctions against Iran demonstrates H.R. 891. An act for the relief of Barbara front is in many colors, very objection­ Laws Smith; that, under our current leadership, the H.R. 1559. An act for the relief of Nelia able to women, and taxpayers' money United States is vacillating, unpredicta­ Ruiz Hedlund; and was used to purchase copyrights from ble, and even unprincipled. This will H.J. Res. 434. Joint resolution to authorize Marvel Comics to print it. harm the U.S. ability to pursue its in­ and request the President to issue a procla­ What does this say to women in uni­ ternational objectives. mation designating April 6 through 12, 1980, form? They cannot pose off hours but We are now facing a situation in which "National Medic Alert Week." during work hours taxpayers' money can the prospects for peace in the Middle force upon them very objectionable East are today much dimmer than they stereotypes of women. Awful. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE were 2 weeks ago. President Carter has A message from the Senate, by Mr. destroyed his credibility and influence Sparrow, one of its cierks, announced ALL-VOLUNTEER FORCE DOES NOT in the Middle East. He has the contempt that the Senate had passed with amend­ COME UP TO STANDARDS of all parties. The Israeli response to the ments in which the concurrence of the U.S. vote-the seizure of 1,000 acres of <Mr. CAVANAUGH asked and was land on the northern outskirts of Jeru­ House is requested a bill of the House of given permission to address the House the following title: salem-will heighten tensions between for 1 minute and to revise and extend his Israelis and Palestinians and may con­ H.R. 4996. An act to restore to the Shivwits, remarks.) vince its Arab neighbors that Israel Kanosh Koosharem, and Indian Peaks Bands Mr. CAVANAUGH. Mr. Speaker, on of Paiute Indians of Utah, and with re!'pect does not want peace. to the Cedar City Band of Paiute Indians Monday, I spent the day at Fort Jackson, The Middle East time bomb sputters of Utah to restore or confirm, the Federal S.C., and on Tuesday I spent the day at anew, thanks to White House bungling. trust relationship and to restore to mem­ Fort Bragg, N.C., with the purpose of This imbroglio must rank as one of the bers of such bands those Federal services observing the status of our military most devastating in the history of U.S. and benefits furnished to American Indian forces and particularly trying to deter­ diplomacy. tribes by reason of such trust relationship, mine why young Americans are now and for other purposes. serving in the military and whether or The message also announced that the not we are attracting adequate and qual­ WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR Senate agrees to the amendments of the ified personnel. COUNTRY? House to a bill of the Senate of the fol­ During that time, I had the opportu­ (Mrs. FENWICK asked and was given lowing title: nity to speak to three general officers, permission to address the House for 1 D This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 5372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 12, 1980 minute and to revise and extend her re­ minute and to revise and extend his re­ way they might react if the historic wa­ marks.) marks.) ter tower were to be moved out of Chi­ Mrs. FENWICK. Mr. Speaker, I do not Mr. SCHULZE. Mr. Speaker, I would cago. The same thing would happen if often rise to speak in a partisan spirit, like to share with my colleagues the the Redskins attempted to move. but I think it is time to speak to this plight of my constituent Dave Clark of If the NFL acts forcefully to bring House and as far as my voice may reach Clark Construction in Concordville, Pa., Davis under control, it will have the to the people of the country. and I quote: backing of American sports fans and What is happening to our country I've worked hard • * * raised a good Congress. and under what current conditions? How family * * * I've done everything by the did we arrive at the place we are today? book. But this time, I've had it. I'm tired LACK OF LANGUAGE TRAINING IN I do not think there is a Member of this of being in an industry that is selected to be the scapegoat for inflation every five OUR SCHOOLS House on either side of the aisle that years.
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