. ^ * A r t n g m Daflj Net PrcM Rim The Weather War tka Week Dniled r o n e u l of U. S. WeMher Were— Deeeilibee U , 1»M ' Fair, cidder tonight, low ih>-SS; 14,151 fair, HMIe temperature ehaiige to­ Memhnr at the Audit morrow, high in Ma. Poi ee u of ClreoUtion Manehe»ter^-^A CUy o f ViUage Charm VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 74 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1964 (Claaslfied Advertialng on Page tZ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Events In State Snow Blocks Rescuers State Denies Bus Request In West Coast Flood For Enfield --------- \ HARTFORD (A P )— The SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-*'n"t take off from Stead Alr^ Oregon reported 18 deaths<^day halted helicopter flights fa Stale has denied a bus Force Base in Nevada because from '1“flood '' action." " " — the area. The prediction was for — A heavy snowfall block of the storm. line’s request to serve En- ed flood relief flights in The Red Cross listed 16.300 contin\ied snow today. The turn to cold dropped the families as suffering major loss­ "W e’ll have to airlift supplies n iield commuters who work Northern California today snow level to 1,000 feet eleva­ es to homes, businesses or or evacuate soon.” Sowle said. in East Hartford but ap­ and prolonged the isolation tion. farms in Oregon, California, He called those isolated In the proved a similar request ordeal of sTOnded refugees The Columbia dropped enough Idaho and Washington, mountainous, heavily wooded from a competitor. into an eighth day. in Washington to permit start of No official estimate of dam­ country "a pretty hardy lot.” The Public Utilite!? Commis- The coider weatlier did put a cleanup work. The flood threat age was available, but rough About 100 passengers on two yj-] sibn approved the petition of the brake on rivers that had ram­ appeared over in Idaho but the guesses by leaders of relief and Greyhound buses found them­ Short Line of Connecticut Inc. paged from the mountains into Httle town of St. Joe. population rescue operations put it at close selvea stranded by highway Ijecau.se the company is already the Pacific and in the hardest 75, in the Panhandle, still was to $1 billion. washouts last Monday after a authorized to operate in Enfield hit area — Oregon and Northern without electricity. In Nevada Five hundred persons — min­ luneh stop at the Terrace an p roposed to serve a greater California. the Truckee River withdrew its ers, loggers and their families Gardens resort 10 miles south of part of the town. Nearly two feet of snow was threat to Reno. — were maj'ooned in several Garberville on U.S. 101 in Cali­ I In de ying the Arrow Line reported in the Siskiyou Moun­ California counted 19 flood communities along the Klamath fornia’s Humboldt County and Inc. petition, the commission tains, near the Oregon border, dead with the confirmation- Sun­ and Salmon rivers at the north­ about half of them still were said: ‘to introduce added com­ with continued snow forecast for day that four had drowned when ern tip of California. awaiting rescue today. petition into a field that is the next 24 hours. helicopter plunged into the "They’re beginning to run Some walked or were lifted by already operating on a marginal A force of 25 helicopters or­ Eel River 40 miles south of Eu­ .short of food," reported William helicopters to Garberville and basl.s could result in cessation dered to Yreka, relief opera­ reka Saturday. Seven died in Sowle, Civil Defense director at others were flown to Eureka ol operations by the carrier tions center for Klamath and another California 'copter crash Yreka. A storm that dropped presently serving this area.” Salmon River refugees, could last Tuesday north of Eureka. two feet of snow on Yreka Sun- (See Page Twentv-Threc) Both CO Jpanics were seeking to serve Enfield residents who woiat the Pratt & Whitney Division of the United Aircraft 80 Whites Cqrp. Tickets will be sold on a weekly basis for $3.75 with no refunds for unusued tickets. The In Congo PUC gave the run a 60-day trial period. The 10-mile run will be routed through the eastern part of Enfield. Found OK Branum Hired LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo WINSTED (AP)—Former town (APV, — Mercenary soldiers on manager Jack S. Branum today a reseba mi.ssion in the-nerthern was appointed executive secre­ Congo today radioed that about tary of the Greater Toledo half the 160 white hostages of Trooper Avery of the Colchester Troop is dragging the body of James Taylor (Ohio) Municipal League, a pri­ the rebels in the region between vately financed research organ­ Paulis and Wamba were still from the northwest corner of Center Springs Pond. (Herald photo by Pinto.) ization. believed to be alive. Branum will begin his new But the fate of 80 other mis­ duties Jan. 5, filling a position sionaries and merchants still which has been vacant since last was unknown, the radio mes­ July. sage said. A United Nations Last August, Branum, 48, was doctor was reported to have Divers Recover Body removed as town manager by been slaughtered by the rebels, the board of selectmen following who have butchered more than a public hearing. The selectmen 160 Europeans and Americans had filed a series of charges In the past two months. against Branum, many of them A column of Congolese Pre­ concerning the operation of the mier Moise Tshombe’s Belgian From Pond in Park police department. and South African mercenary Branum served as town man­ fighters is driving southeast ager in cities in Kansas, Texas By ROBERT Kn,PATBICK ■fewaded into the nearly freezing,fcattached themselvea together and Prescott, Ari*., before com ­ (See Page Sixteen) The body of 34-year-old waters shortly after 11. with a short section of rope, ing here in 1962 as Winsted’s then began to go out further James Taylor of 162 Eld- They gpoped through the muddy pond first in the area of toward the centertrf-the pond.' Pw>be Brewing ridge St. was dragged up the gate house where police sus­ However, they were unable to from the west end of Cen­ pected that the force of the walk a ntcaight path in the Area Weather inurky waters and requested WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — Over NASA’s ter Springs Pond by two water going over the control Five day forecast: gates might have dragged a ■‘the use of the police depart- state police SCUBA djvers Temperatures in Connecticut Patent Policy body. the next five days are expected at 11:28 this morning. The Avery and Winslow, who haul (See Page Sixteen) troopers had been groping to average much above normal. Temperature remaining on the WASHINGTON (AP) — A new on the muddy slopes of the cool side Tuesday, becoming investigation is brewing in the pond for about 20 minutes Senate on charges that the ■Na­ milder Wednesday and turning Downtown Klamath, Calif., is a mass o f wreckage after the total destruction before they found Taylor cool again Thursday. A warm­ tional Aeronautics and Space Foreign Policy Tops Administration is giving away wrought by the flooded Klamath River. The view looks south down, the town’* who had been missing since ing trend is indicated for the rest of the time. valuable patent rights which main thoroughfare—or rather, what’s left of it. (AP Photofax.) belong to the taxpayers. last night. Some normal high and low Medical Examiner Dr. Rob­ On LBJ’s Agenda temperatures during this period Ciomplaints by some Senate ert R. Keeney told police, after are Hartford, 36 and 18; New and House members picture New Snow Falls examining the body, death was Haven 38 and 22; and Bridge­ NASA as signing away to busi­ due to drowning. The police port, 88 and 23. ness firms the rights to patent.s JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)—President Johnson developed at public expense and U.N. Negotiations are presently continuing their investigation and no further de­ boosted foreign policy to a top priority spot on his sched­ (See Page Sixteen) worth untold millions of dollars. Ski Resorts tails were available at press ule today. They contend a recent policy time. Aji autopsy may be per­ He also planned to get in more work on the federal change made the situation formed. ^ Bulletin worse. May Recoup At Critical Stage budget and his State of the Union message. James E. Webb, NASA ad­ Events leading up to this Associates said Johnson in<i morning's search began early ministrator, has countered with tends, to devote considerable ster relations 'with various na­ Saraget Wins a claim that the agency is fol­ yesterday evening when a man time today and during the re­ Some Losses was reported to be standing at tions, the President is working ROME (AP)— Foreign lowing federal law «md guide­ UNITED NA-nONS, N. Y. (AP)—Negotiators at the mainder of the week to review­ on dates for visits from a large Minister Giuseppe Saragat lines laid down by President United Nations reach^ a crucial stage today in their the, edge of the gate house BOSTON (AP)—Heavy enow which controls the water flow ing U.S. relations with nations number of chiefs of state during tonight was elected fifth John F. Kennedy shortly before around the world, including pol­ his death. quilted northern New England efforts to head off a Soviet-U.S. showdown over Rus­ at the west end of the pohd. the coming months. The.se vi.siLs president a t Italy.
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