Meridian School Board Meeting Minutes June 14, 2012 Attendance: Board Members Present: Karalei Nunn, Renee Walker, Joe Burke, Board Members Absent: Juanita Stephens Head of School: Rick Fernandez Others in Attendance: Eileen Kuhn, Business Manager; Kelly McBride, Primary Principal Board was called to order with a quorum at 6:14 p.m. by Board President, Karalei Nunn. The meeting has been duly called, and the notice of the meeting has been posted for time and in the manner required by law. 1. Public Comment - There were no public comments 2. Acknowledgment and Disposition of Communication Addressed to the Board – No items to address Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Closed Session: This item was moved to the last item on the agenda. Personnel, legal, or real estate matters. a. Board entered into Closed Session at 8:21 b. Board reconvened at 9:04 4. Review of Previous Minutes – (Attached) Minutes from the May 24, 2012 board meeting were reviewed. a. EOC exams – Mr. Fernandez shared information with regard to EOC exams - grades are taken from first exam; student does have the option of continuing to take the exam as they will now be tied into the graduation plans that students choose. All of our returning students passed the first administration. b. Corrections to the minutes included spelling out of acronyms ADA (Average Daily Attendance), FAAN Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, and EOC (End of Course). c. J. Burke made a motion to approve the minutes with changes as discussed, seconded by R. Walker; Vote 3-0 in favor 5. Head of School Report – R. Fernandez a. Review of the inaugural year - 2011-2012 i. Meridian Stakeholders: Building Community, Positive School Culture 1. PYP Application for Candidacy accepted 2. DP Application for Candidacy accepted 3. Building construction 4. Original charter 5. Meridian teachers – passionate and committed group of people with high work ethic 6. Parents - Volunteering resulted in more funding for the school; ViP group resulted in great accomplishments 7. Meridian students – have come from all parts of the county and become a cohesive group of great students! ii. Curriculum 1. PYP - Completed Program of Inquiry and required six planners written, taught and reflected in each grade level. 2. Portfolio system which will follow the student through the career at Meridian 3. MYP curriculum - a blend of state TEKS and the MYP. We are not at this time a Middle Years Program candidate school – this was by design. Having one teacher doing two programs would not be advisable. 4. DP training will occur this month. 5. The Learner Profile attributes will be across programs 6. Service: Giving back to your school, your community and your world a. PALS – Peer Assistance Leadership and Support – between second grade and secondary students; b. Relay for Life – A team for the race on April 20 reached the goal of $1000; Green – Meridian students collect recycling every Friday; c. Reduce and Reuse – projects created website and designed and sold crafts made from reused materials – proceeds to assist with an organic garden, mentoring primary students as well 7. The Meridian Experience – There are many items outside of the rigor of academics a. Wellness Day – learning more than a traditional field day b. Exhibition for sixth grade students c. The Arts and Spanish Class; d. Secondary honor roll and awards day e. Student council and team sports opportunities f. Lockers g. Sixth grade social – the Lion Luau h. Meridian All School Picnic i. Meridian Day at the Round Rock Express j. Meridian Talent Show k. Theater Productions l. The Meridian Yearbook iii. Internationalism – Students in first grade skype with students in Tanzania; Third grade partnership with an organization in Malawi for a book drive, etc. iv. Intervention and support – Three Meet the Challenge opportunities for middle school students at different times v. Resources, Technology and Tools – Literacy library based on reading level and subjects tied to IB planners; school library; secondary use of GALE system vi. Communication – PYP student led conferences; middle school course survey results from students – teachers will use to make changes vii. Standardized Tests – Data from Stanford Achievement Test and communication shared with parents; STAAR results will be received in January viii. School Founders and the addition of Joe Burke to the board; A Founder as part of the leadership team. b. Look ahead to 2012-2013 i. Data – use of data to make analysis and decisions to assist with differentiation ii. Technology – good start; now a need for a technology committee with short and long term goals iii. Planning for the secondary library iv. Secondary – moving from a traditional to a block schedule; have hired a secondary AP; IB Coordinator is experienced and will also serve as librarian – will work with teachers to be sure MYP best practice is continued. Will work with 7th grade teachers and students to ensure that momentum is not lost from 6th grade v. Faculty Handbook will become an Employee Handbook vi. Building task forces as part of the charter vii. Mr. Fernandez will be working with two of three VISTA employees and E. Kuhn will work with the business development VISTA position viii. Will be working with architect to plan phase 2 – focusing on the library, technology and the science lab ix. Primary – Application for Authorization will be filed by October 1st with the goal of authorization; refining of PROGRAM OF INQUIRY; IB training in Category 1 and Category 2 this summer; language and assessment policies are on the website but will be refined; growth of lit library and purchase of math/science materials; connections will be made between library and PYP; specialists will prepare calendar proposal for showcase nights as well as IB Nights. x. K. Nunn requested a report on initial demographics at the beginning of the year in comparison of statistics for Williamson County xi. J. Burke – appreciates the passion and all of this – asked about student led conference c. K. Nunn requested the number of persons involved in ViPs 6. Review of 2012-2013 HoS Evaluation Process – K. Nunn a. Evaluation form is to be complete and presented at the July 2012 board meeting; information from the charter as well as related articles and information were given by K. Nunn to board b. Informal assessment will be completed in October c. January – HoS presents the state of the schools report and completes the evaluation d. February – Board completes form and shares the goals for the following year e. Board discussed requirements for the charter. R. Walker asked that there be something put in writing in August to be shared with the community – even if it is projections rather than current numbers not available until later. f. Board discussed the need to develop instruments to address charter self-evaluation and the need for a Campus Improvement Plan. g. J. Burke suggested that this exercise be considered as an internal board preparation meeting to look at future requirements. h. Mr. Fernandez suggested using other schools as models in which the HoS is also functioning as a building level administrator. i. The board scheduled a workshop to occur before the August 23 board meeting from 4-5:30 based on the 5G and 11Q sections of the Charter. Board took a break at 7:47 p.m. and reconvened at 7:54 7. Financial Review – E. Kuhn a. Review and Possible Action for Amendment to 2011-2012 Budget – (Attached) – Board was asked to amend the budget for a few items – cover page shows each item that has been listed for change. Added revenue from 9/1/11 through 8/30/12 and expense (projected). Having an amendment every board meeting is not unusual but hoping not to do each month. Some proposals for technology, salaries and building issues have caused slight changes – and in some cases it involves adding some cushion to those numbers. Donation fund is slightly over $22,000 and we have the quote for Promethean boards and are ready to order. Includes $3800 grant from Promethean. a. K. Nunn reviewed building renovations – 500 square foot renovation for clinic, AAA Program and offices – will start in late June; soundproofing in gym; offices for PE teachers within locker areas b. J. Burke moved to approve the amendment to the 2011-2012 budget, R. Walker seconded; Vote 3-0 in favor 8. Review of Development Calendar for 2012-2013 School Year - a. Prepared by development committee as a part of ViPs with regard to fundraisers; Board discussed individual events and capital campaign for the building renovations b. R. Walker made a motion to accept the timeline for the development calendar as written, seconded by J. Burke; Vote 3-0 in favor 9. Review of the Annual Board Calendar – Timelines and Date Specific Requirements – K. Nunn a. List showing board required activities by month was reviewed b. TCSA conference is Dec. 3-5 in Austin 10. Look ahead to July Board Meeting and submission requirements for policy enactment by August 8th; Anaphylactic Allergies, Employee Handbook, and Expulsion – K. Nunn a. Suggested guidelines for Meridian based on the policy document will be presented prior to the board meeting so that it can be discussed and voted on at the July board meeting b. Will need to look at insurance for the board and AAA budget at the July meeting c. Mr. Fernandez will present an expulsion policy that is updated to be more clearly outlined d. Need to review bullying policy – traditional districts are being required to have a new bully policy by the start of school this year. Charter schools were made exempt. R. Walker will share new instruments available.
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