Glossary of Symbols a1 ≡ a2(modb) a1 congruent to a2, modulo b; a1 − a2 divisible by b C the field of complex number d(n) the number of (positive) divisors of n; σo(n) d|nddivides n; n is a multiple of d; there is an integer q such that dq = n d | nddoes not divide n e base of natural logarithms; 2.718281828459045... exp{} exponential function 2n Fn Fermat numbers: 2 + 1 Or Fibonacci numbers f (x)=0(g(x)) f (x)/g(x) → 0asx → ∞ f (x)=0(g(x)) there is a constant c such that | f (x)| < cg(x) i square root of −1; i2 = −1 lnx natural logarithm of x (m,n) GCD (greatest common divisor) of m and n; highest common factor of m and n 405 406 Glossary of Symbols [m,n] LCM (least common multiple) of m and n.Also, the block of consecutive integers, m,m + 1,...n p Mp Mersenne numbers: 2 − 1 n! factorial n; 1 × 2 × 3 × ...× n n k n choose k; the binomial coefficient n!/k!(n − k)! p or (p/q) Legendre symbol, also fraction q panpa divides n,butpa+1 does not divide n pn the nth prime, p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3 = 5,... 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