╬ MARCH 21, 2021 ╬ THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Priests, Clergy, & Religious Rev. Jose Magaña, V.F. Pastor In Residence Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus Rev. Msgr. James Halley, Vicar for Clergy Rev. Msgr. Peter Nugent, Retired, Sacramental Supply Deacon Augustine DiFiore Deacon Louis Roche Sister Jeanette Kong, V.D.M.F One Mission, One Faith, One Parish Coordinator LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Liturgical celebrations are limited due to COVID-19. Please check our website for details. Sunday Mass 8:00 am - English (Drive-in) Tune in to FM 96.7 for Audio 11:00 am - English (Live-stream) “Be at peace. God will provide.” 1:00 pm - Spanish (Live-stream) (Distribution of Communion Sundays, 9:30 to 10:15 am - (Drive-in) To watch online, live-stream Mass, St. Charles Borromeo Church please visit our website, 10800 Moorpark Street North Hollywood, CA 91602 http://www.youtube.com/stcharlesnorthhollywood Sacrament of Reconciliation Parish Office 5:00 to 6:00 pm, Mondays (or by appointment) 10834 Moorpark Street North Hollywood, CA 91602 FIND US ONLINE TEL 818-766-3838 Website - https://stcharlesborromeochurch.org Office Hours: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/stcharlesnorthhollywood Monday - Wednesday & Friday Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/stcharlesnorthhollywood 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/stcharlesnoho Thursday, Saturday & Sunday - Closed Page Two St. Charles Borromeo Church The 5th Sunday of Lent From the Desk of Father José….. Today as I write this bulletin it is St. Patrick’s Day, and in two days we have St. Joseph’s Day. Both men are so different in their approach to the Gospels and yet we can learn something very intentional about following the Lord and sharing it with others. At the same time, I would like to inform you of the sched- ule for the next couple of weeks for our Palm Sunday and Holy Week, and Easter. There is lots of chatter about different color tiers for our community. We have seen how things are changing. Even just today for the first time in a year we welcomed Tk, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade present in our campus Of course distance learning continues for our kids at home for our parochial school. As your parish team, we are listening to the guidelines and protocols put forth by the county, as well as the Arch- diocese. We received the Archdiocesan guidelines last week, and they really do not change anything from what we are doing now (the only new recommendation is to use gloves when we distribute the Palms on Palm Sunday). It is kind of miraculous that everything they are encouraging us to do is what we are already doing now. During Holy Week and Easter, we expect many more people to come, and we hope to be able to safely accommodate as many as we can with the following schedule: March 28, Palm Sunday 8:00am Drive-In Mass and Distribution of Palms 9:30am - 12:00 Noon Drive-In Communion and Distribution of Palms 11:00am Livestream English Mass - no congregation present 1:00pm Livestream Spanish Mass - no congregation present Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week: Mass at 8:00am Piazza TRIDUUM April 1, Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lords Supper: Livestream 5:00PM no congregation present April 2, Good Friday Stations of the Cross: Livestream 12:00Noon followed by The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, no congregation present 3:00pm - 4:00 pm Drive-In Adoration of the Cross April 3, Holy Saturday The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, 5:00pm Livestream - no congregation present April 4, Easter Sunday 7:00am Easter Mass, Drive-In 9:00am Easter Mass, Drive-In 10:00-11:30am Drive-In Communion 11:00am Easter English Mass, Livestream - no congregation present 1:00pm Easter Spanish Mass, Livestream- no congregation present We are very hopeful in the near future to go back inside our St. Charles Church with all the safety protocols and using the latest technology we have to secure our safety from disinfecting to air filters already in place. We are also looking at the real- ity that it doesn’t seem like the six feet distancing is going away anytime soon. (Although chatter is changing, but as before, we will be diligent following CDC protocols and being safe) Presently in our church, using proper social distancing, we can only hold 98 people. This is why I am investing some parish resources to create a dual space where we can have the Mass streamed simultaneously to the Piazza outside. This will allow an additional 60 plus new spaces out there available for our community. I know that many people are still hesitant about going inside the church and hopefully this will help us all meet in the middle. Got to be creative. Got to be alive! Our Centennial celebration continues full steam. Vince is doing a wonderful job. This week, I was interviewed for the nar- rative film about our centennial. You are welcome to contact Vince and add to the narrative story, please give him a call and share your story and pictures. We have been engaged as leaders and ministers with close to 200 volunteers and parish and school staff with One Mission, One Faith and One Parish. We are looking ahead to see what the Lord will grant us in new opportunities to be Intentional Disciples of Jesus Christ in our Church. The Flocknote platform has really been helpful for us to continue virtually our evangelization, sign up for groups especially during Lent to grow in our faith and practice our faith. Let us continue looking ahead to new horizons full of hope with the Lord. For the near future, we will continue to do the Livestream of Mass and they will remain in our Stcharlesborromeochurch.org website and our Youtube channel. Lord, grant us the wisdom to continue listening and being prudent and trusting in YOU. Let us prepare for the coming Palm Sunday and Holy Week and Easter. Please be assured of my prayers for each of you. Fr. José Magaña, V.F. Be at peace, God will provide Page Three St. Charles Borromeo Church March 21, 2021 Del Escritorio del Padre José….. Hoy, mientras escribo este boletín, es el Día de San Patricio y en dos días tenemos el Día de San José. Ambos hombres son muy diferentes en su enfoque de los Evangelios y, sin embargo, podemos aprender algo muy intencional sobre seguir al Señor y compartirlo con los demás. Al mismo tiempo, me gustaría informarles del calendario de las próximas semanas para nuestro Domingo de Ramos, Semana Santa y Pascua. Hay mucha charla sobre los diferentes niveles de color para nuestra comunidad. Hemos visto cómo van cambiando las cosas. Incluso hoy, por primera vez en un año, dimos la bienvenida a Tk, K, 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º grado presentes en nuestro campus. Por supuesto, el aprendizaje a distancia continúa para nuestros niños en casa para nuestra escuela parroquial. Como su equipo parroquial, estamos escuchando las pautas y protocolos presentados por el con- dado, así como por la Arquidiócesis. Recibimos las pautas de la Arquidiócesis la semana pasada, y realmente no cambian nada de lo que estamos haciendo ahora (la única recomendación nueva es usar guantes cuando distribuimos las Palmas el Domingo de Ramos). Es un milagro que todo lo que nos están animando a hacer sea lo que ya estamos haciendo ahora. Du- rante la Semana Santa y Pascua, esperamos que venga mucha más gente, y esperamos poder acomodar con seguridad a la mayor cantidad posible con el siguiente horario: 28 de marzo, Domingo de Ramos 8:00 am Misa en autoservicio y distribución de palmas 9:30 am - 12:00 mediodía Comunión en el auto y distribución de palmas 11:00 am Misa en inglés en vivo - no hay congregación presente 1:00 pm Misa en español en vivo - no hay congregación presente Lunes, martes y miércoles de Semana Santa: Misa a las 8:00 am Piazza TRIDUO 1 de abril, Jueves Santo Misa vespertina de la Cena de los Lores: Transmisión en vivo 5:00 PM sin congregación presente 2 de abril, Viernes Santo Estaciones de la Cruz: Transmisión en vivo a las 12:00 del mediodía seguida de La Celebración de la Pasión del Señor, no hay congregación presente. 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Adoración de la cruz en autocine 3 de abril, Sábado Santo La Vigilia Pascual en la Noche Santa, 5:00 pm Transmisión en vivo - no hay congregación presente 4 de abril, Domingo de Resurrección 7:00 am Misa de Pascua, Drive-In 9:00 am Misa de Pascua, Drive-In 10: 00-11: 30am Comunión al aire libre 11:00 am Misa de Pascua en inglés, transmisión en vivo - no hay congregación presente 1:00 pm Misa de Pascua en español, transmisión en vivo, no hay congregación presente Tenemos muchas esperanzas en el futuro cercano de regresar a nuestra Iglesia de St. Charles con todos los protocolos de seguridad y utilizando la última tecnología que tenemos para garantizar nuestra seguridad desde la desinfección hasta los filtros de aire que ya están en su lugar. También estamos viendo la realidad de que no parece que el distanciamiento de seis pies vaya a desaparecer pronto. (Aunque la charla está cambiando, pero como antes, seremos diligentes siguiendo los proto- colos de los CDC y estando seguros) Actualmente, en nuestra iglesia, utilizando el distanciamiento social adecuado, solo po- demos contener a 98 personas. Es por eso que estoy invirtiendo algunos recursos parroquiales para crear un espacio dual donde podamos transmitir la Misa simultáneamente a la Piazza afuera.
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