Sports Illustrated * MAY 13, 1968 i'cmtq THE TURBINE INDIANAPOLIS INSURRECTION T\\^ introduces “Foreign Aeeent” flights inside USA Announcing the cml of routine air trawl : Now. w hen you fly non-stop from New \ork or Chicago to Caliloniia (or hack), you can fly one of otir new "foreign Accettt” fligl\t\ 1 I'hcy come in four styles with hostesses to match : I talian (see toga). I'rench (sec golil mini), ( )lile English (see w enchh And Manhattan I’enliiouse (see liostess pajamas—alter all. hostesses shoulil look like hostesses, right?) )ou’ll find a whole new atmosphere throughout the j>lane, lirst-class anil coach, l-'orcign nuisic. Foreign miiga/ines and new spapers. I''oreign touches all around. Atul the Iwst in foreign cuisine. (Ves. you may still enjoy a steak cooked to onler. That’s a T\\'.\ specialty). All in all. 'r\\’A’s new “Foreign .Accent" fliglits bring you • the best tlte world has to offer. -Anil if you’re as iiored with routine 1 lying as we think you are. y<iu’re ready for it. Call us, or Mr. Infortnation (your tra\ el agent). I le knows all about it. FS. (let ready in Philadelpltia, Washington, Ilaltitnore and Iloston. “I-'oreign Accent ” ^*^1 flights coming soon. AW *$(’n icr mark nnuril rxi'lii-i.rl, i'r.ii.. Wiirlil .Urliin v, lie, Our supreme achievement: a watch that doesn’t tick. Actually, it's not a watch. with a second that precisely. precision makes Accutron so It’s the Accutron timepiece. The best a ticking watch can nearly perfect that we can It doesn’t work like a do is divide a second into 5 or guarantee accuracy to within watch because it has no bal- 1 0 parts. 60 seconds a month.’ ance wheel, no mainspring, The tuning fork’s uncanny And many owners say they no hairspring. C<le''(iar"G": ISK sskd ao'd; wjlt'proo' don’t lose that in a year. .' out Chpns'.^i ft t2SO.OlK»rs l'0>r f I We left those parts out of If you look into an Accutron because they can Accutron timepiece, you make a watch run fast or slow. won’t see the same things We’ve replaced all that bal- going on in there that go on ance wheel business with a in your ticking watch. But tiny tuning fork that hums. don’t be alarmed. The tuning fork vibrates . It’s all part of our anti-tick 360 times a second. movement. No watch that ticks deals ACC LT RON b> BUTOVA itgoeshm-m-m-m. “You mean you buy any bourbon that’s on special sale? YOU BOUNDER!’’ BOURBON Insist on the elegant 8 year old WALKER’S Deluxe SIRAI6MI eOURBON WHfSutr • • WALKER INC PEORIA, lU. 86 PROOF HIRAM & SONS , Sports iLLcnnAirn » publivhcij weekly, ocepi one luue ai year Contents end. by Timv Inc.. 540 N Michi- gan Ave., Chicago. III. 6061 prin- MAY 13, 1968 Volume 28, \o. 19 : cipal office Rockefeller Center. New Cover phoIngiapH by Tony Tnoh >ork. N Y. 10020: Jame^ A. Linen. PreMdenl; n W Brumbaugh, llliitl'alion hr tjiwarJ Kasper Treasurer; John h, Harvey. Secre- tary. Second-claav poviage paid ai Chicago. Ill and at addiiiunal mailing oHicev. Aulhurired as second-class mail h> the Post Office Dcparimcni. Oitaua, Canada and lor payment of postage in cash. Continental U.S. subscriptions S9 a year: Alaska, Canada. Hawaii, Puerto Rico. Virgin Islands SIO a year, miliiary personnel anywhere 28 And ihe Last Was First in the world Sft a year; all others After trailing the fieltl in the early going, Peter Fuller s Dancer's Image won the Kentucky Derby CrntUs on post M 34 One That’s Worth Shouting About Because their coach learned his business and his aide became a superstar, the Celtics ore champions {igain 38 Karim’s Posh Port Sardinia has beauty, bandits and an Emerald Coast boasting a luxury resort run by the Aga Khun himself The Turbines Invade the 500 44 Andy Granaielli, the wizard of whoosh, strikes again 50 The turbine engine is explained for the acute layman Next week 54 A Fast Pitch for a Faster Game A WAR FOR SURVIVAL is The inventor 12-inning football — what’’ -has a new of Dick Tiger's description of his Idea, three-set baseball. And that's only the beginning native Hiafra's fight for inde- pendence Tiger's defense of his title against Bob Foster will What's the 80 Become of Big Bear? he the same kind of battle. One heavyweight contender nobody talks about is Sonny Liston, hut the Bear has big ideas still GOi^S NOBLE HERITAGE is evident in three stately and venerable cluhs on the South Shore of Long Island. Alfred WrighI traces their histones and describes their courses. STUDENTS AND SPORT have a different relaiionship than they did 30 years ago. A university professor eKplores the changes and. surprisingly, hnds they arc for ihc bcllcr. The departments I K Scorecard 95 Baseball's Week 63 Golf 96 For ihe Record 68 HiKkey 97 I9ih Hole 75 Baseball e i‘y wtritouT rKMISSIIIS IS SIHIC-tl' LETTER FROM THE PUBEISHER Adman Lee Wilson, whose refreshing and a timekeeper shoots a gun and [realise .4 Fust Fitch for u Faster Game the game is over?" appears in ihis issue, is the sporting Wilson's antipathy for game-ending world’s answer to industry's efficiency lime limits goes back to Nov. .3. 1951 experts. Give him a pitcher of mar- Michigan's football team had lost a tinis and half an hour and he will fig- 7-0 heartbreaker to Illinois after a ure a way to simplify a baseball bat. Michigan drive at the end of the first It IS inaccurate to call Wilson a half was stopped by the ck>ck -on sportsman. "1 am an observer.” he cor- the Illinois nine-yard line. Wilson, de- rect. "unlc.ss. of course, you care to spondent, decided the lime had come consider my performance on the golf to change the rules. He grabbed a c^Kk- course. My handicap in golf is the same lail napkin and Iwgan to doodle. He as It was in football— no guts. On a searched the bottoms of several high- good day I'll shoot 110. It takes nerve ball gla.s.scs for solutions. At last the to tee up." inspiration came. Henceforth, he de- creed. football should be played not in 15-minute quarters but in 12 in- nings. An inning would consist of one turn at offense for each team, Having once passed Fritz Crislcr. Michigan’s athletic director, in a hall- way when he was a student at Ann Arbor, the intrepid Wilson went right to the lop with his idea. Twelve years later, after Wilson had worn out ears all over Detroit and Ann Arbor, Cris- ler finally capitulated ("Did it really take that long?" asks Wilson), and in 1963 Michigan’s spring intrasquad game was played by innings— 12 of them. TV rights were sold to a hot- dog company, and 2.000 fans showed up to watch. The reaction? WILSOM THINKING "Nothing." says Wilson, "Two thousand fans, a dozen coaches. 60 Wilson, who is executive secretary players, a TV audience—and nothing. of Detroit's Adcraft Club and an ac- Look, they at least said something af- tive member of half a dozen public ter the Wright brothers flew that service groups, is nonethele.ss looked damned airplane 120 feet They at least upon as something of an enjoyable said ‘so what?' But after all my work " kook in Detroit advertising circles. nobody even said 'so what?' When he gets started on his favorite Having had his innings, so to speak, subject —how to lop dull minutes ofT with college football. Wilson turned a football or baseball game—he is al- to improving the sport of baseball (.pane ways running his ideas up the flag- 54). "That came right off the top of pole- The problem, he says, is getting my head, too.” he smiles. "I mean, people to salute. "My best friends.” some people have to think of these he laments, "turn away." things or life would be pretty dull." Wilson despises the tyranny of lime, Wilson has an answer for golf. too. clocks and deadlines. "Asking Johnny "Practice." he says. "And help. But ::K.v Unitas or Ban Starr to perform by you know what it lakes most of all?" the clock.” he says, "is like ordering He smiles again, sadly. "Time." Picasso to paint a masterpiece by 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Can you imagine the Yankees behind 3-2 in the bottom of the ninth with a man on third and Mickey Mantle at the plate 4 Howard Reed is a born loser. That’s v\'hy he always travels witii Bank of America Travelers Cheques. He may lose his car — hut never his money. Because he carries ourTravelers Chec]ues. If anything happens to them, he "ets a prompt refund. Anywhere in the world. And for the full amount. He can’t lose — the world’s largest hank '’uarantees it. hanks evcrywlKTc by LIFE O’ EASE A new dimension in comfort and fit. .a new look of eased-down elegance. That is yours to experience when you slide into a pair of patented SECUROSLAX' Trousers. The ingenious inner waistband g-i-v-e-s complete freedom of action plus just-right support for a slimmer, trimmer look. Tailored with bench-like care.
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