NHS Orkney Board 24 October 2019 Purpose of Meeting NHS Orkney Board’s purpose is simple, as a Board we aim to optimise health, care and cost Our vision is to 'Be the best remote and rural care provider in the UK' Our Corporate Aims are: Improve the delivery of safe, effective patient centred care and our services; Optimise the health gain for the population through the best use of resources; Pioneer innovative ways of working to meet local health needs and reduce inequalities; Create an environment of service excellence and continuous improvement; and Be trusted at every level of engagement. Quorum: Five members of whom two are Non- Executive Members (one must be chair or vice-chair) and one Executive Member Orkney NHS Board There will be a meeting of Orkney NHS Board in the Brodgar Room, The Balfour, Kirkwall on Thursday, 24 October 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Ian Kinniburgh Chair Patient Story – Insulin pumps Item Topic Lead Paper Purpose Person Number 1 Apologies Chair Tonote apologies 2 Declaration of Chair To update the Board on interests new general or specific declarations of interest 3 Minutes of Chair To check for accuracy, previous meetings approve and signature by held on 22 August Chair 2019 4 Matters arising Chair To seek assurance that actions from the previous meeting have been progressed 5 Board action log Chief Executive To monitor progress against the actions due by the meeting date and to agree corrective action where required 6 Governance 6.1 Schedule of Chair OHB1920- To approve the schedule meeting dates 29 2020/21 6.2 The Government’s Chief Executive OHB1920- To note the publication Programme for 30 Scotland 2019-20 7 Strategy 7.1 Orkney Winter Plan Chief Officer OHB1920- To approve the Winter 2019/20 31 Plan 1 Item Topic Lead Paper Purpose Person Number 8 Clinical Quality and Safety 8.1 Infection Prevention Medical Director OHB1920- To review and seek and Control Report 32 assurance on performance 8.2 Clinical and Care Clinical and Care To note the Committee Governance Governance Chair’s Report and adopt Committee Chairs Committee Chair the approved minutes report and minute from meeting held on 10 July 2019 8.3 Area Clinical Forum Area Clinical To note the Committee Chairs report and Forum Chair Chair’s Report and adopt minute from the approved minutes meeting held on 6 September 2019 *Comfort Break* 9 Workforce 9.1 Chair’s Report – Staff To note the Committee Staff Governance Governance Chair’s Report and adopt Committee and Chair the approved minutes minute of meeting held on 28 August 2019 10 Person Centred 10.1 Leadership of Director of OHB1920- To note the report Volunteering and Nursing 33 Citizens Jury Midwifery and AHP 11 Organisational Performance 11.1 Financial Interim Director OHB1920- To review the in year Management of Finance 34 financial position and note Performance the year to date position Report 11.2 Performance Chief Executive OHB1920- To scrutinise report and Management 35 seek assurance on Report performance 2 Item Topic Lead Paper Purpose Person Number 12 Risk and Assurance 12.1 Withdrawal from the Chief Executive OHB1920- To note the update European Union 36 12.2 Chairs report Audit Audit Committee To note the Committee Committee and Chair Chair’s Report and adopt minutes of meeting the approved minutes held on 26 June 2019 13 Any other competent business 14 Items for Information 14.1 Key Legislation Chair To receive a list of key legislation issued since last Board meeting and local implementation / action 14.2 Orkney Partnership To note the minutes Board minute – 18 September 2019 14.3 Board Reporting To note the timetable for Timetable 2019/20 2019/20 14.4 Record of To note attendance record Attendance 14.5 Evaluation Reflectiononmeeting–ledbyChair 3 Open Forum – Public Questions and Answers Session A Press Briefing will follow the conclusion of Board Business By Standing Invitation: Sally Shaw, Chief Officer Christina Bichan, Head of Transformational Change and Improvement Ashley Catto, Human Resources Manager Malcolm Colquhoun, Head of Hospital and Support Services Julie Colquhoun, Head of Corporate Services 4 2 Declaring interests flowchart – Questions to ask yourself What matters are being discussed at the meeting? NO You can Do any relate to my participate in interests? the meeting Yes and vote Is a particular matter close to me? Does it affect: Me My partner NO My relatives My friends NO My job or my employer Companies where I am a director of where I have a shareholding of more than £25,000 (face value) or 1/100th Personal Interest Personal of the capital My partnerships My entries in the register of interests More than other people in the area? YES You may Declare have a your personal interest in interest the matter NO Would a member of the public – if he or You may she knew all the facts – reasonably think have a that the personal interest was so prejudicial important that my decision on the matter interest YES would be affected by it Prejudicial Interest Prejudicial YES Withdraw from the meeting by leaving the room. Do not try to improperly influence the decision 3 Orkney NHS Board Minute of meeting of Orkney NHS Board held in the Brodgar Room, The Balfour, Kirkwall on Thursday 22 August 2019 at 10:00am Present Ian Kinniburgh, Chair David Drever, Vice Chair Davie Campbell, Non Executive Board Member Caroline Evans, Non Executive Board Member Issy Grieve, Non Executive Board Member David McArthur, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Meghan McEwen, Non Executive Board Member Gerry O’Brien, Chief Executive Marthinus Roos, Medical Director James Stockan, Non Executive Board Member Louise Wilson, Director of Public Health In Attendance Christina Bichan, Head of Transformational Change and Improvement Ashley Catto, Human Resources Manager (via VC) Julie Colquhoun, Head of Corporate Services Malcolm Colquhoun, Head of Estates and Facilities Mark Doyle, Interim Director of Finance Sally Shaw, Chief Officer Emma West, Corporate Services Manager (minute taker) Apologies Apologies were noted from S Johnston and F MacKellar Declarations of interests No declarations of interest on agenda items or in general were made. Minute of previous meeting held on 26 June 2019 The minute of the meeting held on 26 June 2019 was accepted as an accurate record of the meeting and was approved. Matters Arising 225 - Sturrock review Members were advised that the response letter had been submitted as required and the actions would be progressed through the Staff Governance Committee with onward reporting to the Board. Board Action Log The action log was reviewed and corrective action agreed on outstanding issues (see action log for details). Governance 1 3 Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Report – OHB1920-21 The Chief Officer presented the Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Report 2018-19 advising that the report had been submitted to the Scottish Government in July 2019, as required. Performance was reported in respect of the core suite of indicators including the 9 National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes. Orkney Health and Care had outranked every other Health and Social Care Partnership in 8 of the 9 outcomes. Support for carers had achieved a ranking of 3rd in Scotland, but as this had only scored 49% and it was acknowledged that the survey didn’t take into account young carers, it was noted that improvements were required in this area. The Chair noted the positive performance and comparison to other areas and took assurance but questioned the format of the report as it was more a reflection of delivery rather than focused around primary functions, which would have been more helpful. The Chief Officer advised that the format was prescribed by the Scottish Government but would be reviewed going forward with discussions around local outcomes being included in the future. C Evans questioned the statement that carers were a vital part of workforce and if they were being relied on as unpaid workers, the Chief Officer confirmed that carers were vital partners and must be looked after as part of the workforce and supported. J Stockan updated on the islands bill which was now being planned and consulted across the highlands and islands, themes included fragile island communities and creating more integrated services which would be progressed through parliament in due course. Decision / Conclusion The Board noted the Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Report. Strategy Clinical Strategy Update – OHB1920-22 The Director of Public Health presented the report outlining progress with the development of the clinical strategy which covered four key priority areas - Mental Health, Long Term Conditions, Early years and Preventative approach. Members were advised that life expectancy in Scotland had stalled with national work being completed to understand this further; the same trends were being seen locally. It was acknowledged that work was needed to reshape services supporting Long Term Conditions, as 50% of over 50 year olds in Orkney had at least one Long Term Condition. Board members were given a presentation covering the key priorities areas and the work within each of these, early years had not been included as this was a broad spectrum topic and would be covered in more detail in its own right. The following were noted: 2 3 There was a need for wide clinical engagement across the whole organisation to help inform the commissioning process around priorities Cancer treatment was very complex with a number of ever progressing protocols and treatments, cancer care on island was provided by a very positive and supportive team, with chemotherapy provided locally under the review of oncologists in NHS Grampian. There was a need for resilience building in children and young adults to improve mental health across the population There was a need to improve the health aspect of the transition between Children and Adolescent and Adult mental Health services for better continuity of care.
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