雪域行 Snow Land Travel Tel: 012-5064008 Website: snowlandtravel.com WeChat/WhatsApp: SnowLandTravel Email: [email protected] "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Zi 千里之行始于足下 – 老子 13 Days Nyingchi - Lhasa - EBC - Namtso Lake 林芝+探秘西藏经典路线 13 日游 Day 01 Chengdu 第一天 抵达成都 Day 02 Chengdu ~ Nyingchi (2,950m) 第二天 成都 – 林芝 Day 03 Lulang Forest, Sekyim la Pass, view of Namcha Barwa 第三天 鲁朗林海,色季拉山口,南迦巴瓦峰 Day 04 Nyingchi – Pagsum Tso 第四天 林芝 – 巴松措 Day 05 Pagsum Tso – Lhasa (3,650m) 第五天 巴松措 – 拉萨 Day 06 Drak Yerpa Hermitage, Sera Monastery 第六天 扎叶巴寺 – 色拉寺 Day 07 Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street 第七天 布达拉宫,大昭寺,八廓街 Day 08 Lhasa ~Yamdrok Lake (4,400m) ~ Shigatse 第八天 拉萨 - 羊卓雍错 - 日喀则 Day 09 Shigatse (3,900m) ~ Everest Base Camp (5,200m) 第九天 日喀则 - 珠峰大本营 Day 10 Everest Base Camp to Shigatse 第十天 珠峰大本营 - 日喀则 Day 11 Shigatse ~ Namtso Lake (4,720m) 第十一天 日喀则 - 纳木措 Day 12 Namtso Lake ~ Lhasa 第十二天 纳木措 - 拉萨 Day 13 Depart from Lhasa 第十三天 拉萨送机/火车 Day 01 Arrival in Chengdu All participants must arrive and gather in Chengdu. Stay overnight in Chengdu hotel. 所有团员于抵达成都,免费接机送达酒店。 Day 02 Arrival in Nyingchi Airport (2,950m) In the morning, you will fly to Nyingchi Mainling Airport. Your local Tibetan guide and driver will bring you to hotel and rest at hotel for the acclimatization. Stay overnight in Nyingchi hotel. 乘搭早上的飞机从成都双流机场飛往林芝米林机场,飞行时间约 2 小时。抵达林芝(海拔 2,950 米)后,当 地的藏族导游和司机將帶您到酒店休息,适应高原。夜宿林芝。 Day 03 Visit Lulang Forest After breakfast, you will then head forward to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Lulang Forest Sea, elevation of 3,700m, is a particularly beautiful place with Snow Mountains, glaciers, primitive forest, villages and rivers, ranked No.1 on Trip Advisor among 21 attractions in Nyingchi County. Lulang Forest is a typical plateau-mountain-meadow, known as a fairyland where gods live in. It has special breath-taking scenery in every season. Then we will drive to Sekyim la Pass 4,720m and enjoy the great Mt. Namjia Bawa 7,700m in the distance. Mt.Namjia Bawa is the highest mountain in Nyingchi area. Stay overnight in Nyingchi. 早餐后,驱车前往座落在深山老林之中的鲁朗林海。鲁朗林海是一处云山雾海里的森林,海拔 3,700 米,四 季风景如画,有雪山,冰川,原始森林,村庄和河流,整个景区如诗如画, 被称为仙境,神仙居住的地方。 尔后驱车登临海拔 4,720 米的色季拉山口。从这里可观云海,无际的林海和远眺南迦巴瓦峰峻美的雄姿。南 迦巴瓦峰是林芝地区最高的山,为西藏最古老的佛教“雍仲本教”的圣地。夜宿林芝。 Page 1 of 6 雪域行 Snow Land Travel Tel: 012-5064008 Website: snowlandtravel.com WeChat/WhatsApp: SnowLandTravel Email: [email protected] "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Zi 千里之行始于足下 – 老子 Day 04 Nyingchi – Pagsum Tso, 120km 2 hours After breakfast, we start the journey to Pagsum Tso. Pagsum Tso ( Dragsum Tso in Tibetan) means 'three rocks', is the largest fresh water lake in Eastern Tibet. Pagsum Tso is one of the tourist’s attractions, lies in a deep valley at an altitude of 3,538 m, also the holy lake of Nyingmapa (Red Sect). The water in Pagsum Tso is very clean and clear and you can see the reflection of the snow mountain in the water. Near the south bank 3 kilometers to the lower part of the lake is Tashi Island, a small island covering an area of about 2,000 square meters. Tsozong Gongba Monastery is located on the Tashi Island in the middle of the Pagsum Tso, has four buildings situated around a small yard. The monastery is now home of few nuns. Stay overnight in Pagsum Tso. 早餐后,前往红教著名的神湖和圣地‘巴松措’。巴松措位于高峡深谷里,海拔 3538 米,是藏东最大堰塞湖之 一,是中国 4A 级景区。巴松措湖水清澈见底,四周环绕的雪山倒影在碧蓝的湖面,景色美不胜收。岸边有一座小 岛,名为扎西岛,岛上有唐代的建筑“错宗工巴寺”,是西藏有名的红教宁玛派寺庙,建于唐代末年,距今已有 1500 多年的历史了。寺南有一株桃和松的连理树。夜宿巴松措。 Day 05 Pagsum Tso to Lhasa Today we will drive back to Lhasa along the beautiful Niyang River, the longest tributary of Yarlung Tsangpo River. You can enjoy the specific landscape of Niyang River along the way. Stay overnight in Lhasa. 今天我们将沿着美丽的尼洋河(雅鲁藏布江支流)驶回拉萨。沿途可以看到河两岸的植被完好,景色迷人, 风光旖旎。夜宿拉萨。 Page 2 of 6 雪域行 Snow Land Travel Tel: 012-5064008 Website: snowlandtravel.com WeChat/WhatsApp: SnowLandTravel Email: [email protected] "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Zi 千里之行始于足下 – 老子 Day 06 Visit Drak Yerpa and Sera Monastery Today, you will begin the half-day excursion with a beautiful drive along the Lhasa River, passing through several lovely village, and head to Drak Yerpa hermitage, which is about 30km northeast of central Lhasa, built on a hillside of the mountain at altitude of 4,885m. Drak Yerpa consists of a monastery and a number of ancient meditation caves that used to house about 300 monks. In the afternoon, after you take lunch, you will head to Sera Monastery, approximately 5km north of central Lhasa, which was one of the ‘three great’ Gelugpa monasteries. The highlight is the Monks debate around 3-5 in the afternoon. Stay overnight in Lhasa. 早餐后,驱车前往拉萨东北约 30 公里处,车程大约 1 个小时多,位于拉日宁布山间的扎叶巴寺。扎叶巴寺, 海拔 4885 米,是宁玛派(红教)寺院,建于公元 7 世纪,距今已有 1500 年的历史,是西藏四大隐修地之 一。它是松赞干布为其爱妃所建的修行庙之一, 以岩洞和寺院一体成名。扎叶巴寺大约有 108 个修行洞,松 赞干布和莲花生大师等都曾在此苦修过。午餐后,前往色拉寺看辩经。色拉寺是格鲁派三大寺庙之一。辩经 则是一种佛学知识的辩论,也可以说是喇嘛们的一种学习方式。色拉寺的僧人们每天下午有一次辨经活动 (除了周末),是一项非常有特色的活动。夜宿拉萨。 Day 07 Visit Potala Palace, Barkhor Street and Jokhang temple In the morning, you will exploring Tibet’s most iconic building, the Potala Palace, which is also the winter residence of the Dalai Lama’s for hundreds of years. It is now a museum and World Heritage Site. Potala Palace was at an altitude of 3,700 m (12,100 ft) on the side of Marpo Ri ('Red Mountain') in the center of Lhasa Valley. After lunch, we will bring you to Jokhang temple, spiritual heart of Tibet on the Barkhor Street. Jokhang temple was founded by King Songtsen Gampo (the 33rd great king of Tibet in the 7th century. Inside the temple, you can see the most venerated object in Tibet Buddhism, statue of Jowo Sakyamuni, depicting Buddha at the age of twelve. Jokhang temple, surrounded by the Kora, a holy path of prayer around which pilgrims circulate throughout the day in clockwise direction to earn spiritual merit. Each day, thousands of Tibetan Buddhist pilgrims work their way through this nearly 1400 year old temple. Stay overnight in Lhasa. Page 3 of 6 雪域行 Snow Land Travel Tel: 012-5064008 Website: snowlandtravel.com WeChat/WhatsApp: SnowLandTravel Email: [email protected] "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Zi 千里之行始于足下 – 老子 Note: Visitors are not allowed to wear hat and taking photos in the Potala Palace. Don’t bring knives, cigar lighters and water into the Palace too. The travel time in Potala Palace is limited within 1 hour. Pre-sale tickets for Potala Palace for the following day are sold every day. We will adjust the itinerary based on the tickets we obtained. 早上参观西藏最具标志性的建筑,也是西藏的象征: 布达拉 宫。登上布宫大约有 1000 级阶梯,从这里可以俯瞰拉萨市容。布宫,由白宮和紅宮及其附屬建築所組成,建 于公元 7 世纪藏王松赞干布时期,是世界上海拔最高,集宫殿、城堡和寺院于一体的宏伟建筑,也是藏传佛 教的圣地。此建筑群在 1994 年被登录为世界遗产。游览大昭寺。大昭寺,又名“祖拉康”,是藏王松赞干布 建造,西藏现存最辉煌的吐蕃时期的建筑,也是西藏最早的土木结构建筑,已有 1400 多年的历史,内有释 迦牟尼十二岁等身像。每一天,成千上万的藏传佛教朝圣者绕着大昭寺转经。藏族有个说法‘不到大昭寺, 等于没有到过拉萨’,可见大昭寺在藏族心中的地位。尔后,漫步于八廓街。八廓街又名‘八角街’,代表西 藏民风民俗的千年古街,因其古朴的文化底蕴、悠久的历史传统,被列为中国历史文化十大名街,它也是拉 萨最著名的转经道和商业中心。夜宿拉萨。 温馨提醒:布达拉宫内不允许拍照和带水。门票是前一天预订的,写有游客的护照号码和名字,过期了无 效。参观的时间从通过验票点后进入白宫开始算起的 1 个小时(冬天例外)。我们会根据参观的时间调整行 程顺序。 Day 08 Lhasa - Yamdrok Lake (4,441m)- Shigatse (3,900m), 350km After few days of acclimatization in Lhasa, you will depart from Lhasa and drive to Shigatse (3,900m) in the morning. On the way, you will pass over the Gambala Pass at the elevation of 4,790m, you will have the first sight of one of the three scared lakes in Tibet, Yamdrok Lake. You will amaze by the Yamdrok Lake with its turquoise color and snowcapped Mt.Nyenchen Khangsar in the distance. You will then continue drive along the lake for few kilometers before get to the lunch stop. On your way to Gyantse, you will see many magnificent valleys and small villages. You have time to taking photo and enjoining the amazing and spectacular scenery of holy Mt. Nyenchen Khangsar. At Gyantse, we will visit the famous Pelkor Chode monastery, main monastery in Gyantse. It is well known for its beautiful architecture, old sculptures and paintings around its inner walls. Stay overnight in Shigatse. 在拉萨适应了高原后,出发前往日喀则(海拔 3900m)。途中,必经西藏三大圣湖之一羊卓雍措和四大神山 之一乃钦康桑雪山。翻越了海拔 4790 米的岗巴拉山口后,羊湖就在望了。从这里可以俯瞰羊卓雍措。羊卓雍 措,湖面海拔 4441m,藏语意为‘天鹅之湖’,是喜马拉雅山北麓最大的内陆淡水湖泊,与纳木错和玛旁雍 措称为西藏三大圣湖,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。在羊卓雍错的西南方向,就是乃钦康桑雪山。尔后途经雪 峰之下的卡若拉冰川。午餐后,往江孜出发,途中会经过许多美丽的山谷和的小村庄。在江孜,我们将参观 著名的白居寺。白居寺又称吉祥轮寺,建于十五世纪初,是一座塔寺,同时也是藏传佛教的萨迦派,噶当派 和格鲁派 3 大教派共存的一座寺庙,以美丽的建筑,古老的雕塑和绘画而著名。夜宿日喀则。 Page 4 of 6 雪域行 Snow Land Travel Tel: 012-5064008 Website: snowlandtravel.com WeChat/WhatsApp: SnowLandTravel Email: [email protected] "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Zi 千里之行始于足下 – 老子 Day 09 Shigatse to Everest Base Camp (5,200m), 350km Shigatse, second largest city in Tibet, is home to Tashilhunpo Monastery and its 600+ monks. This monastery, founded in 1447 by the 1st Dalai Lama, is a historic and culturally important monastery in Shigatse. The monastery is the traditional seat of successive Panchen Lamas, Tibet's second highest incarnation. On the way to Mt Everest, you will cross the high mountain passes, Gyatso La Pass (5,248m) and Pang La Pass (5,205m). In clear days, you are able to view a stunning panoramic view of the Himalaya’s. You can see four 8,000m peaks from this pass including Cho Oyu, Makalu, Lhotse and Everest. The journey will continue on to Rongphu monastery, the highest monastery in the world. Stay overnight in Everest Base Camp's tent. 办好边防证后,前往扎什伦布寺。扎寺是历代班禅喇嘛的駐錫地的,与拉萨的哲蚌寺,色拉寺和甘丹寺以及 青海的塔尔寺和甘肃南部的拉卜楞寺并列为格鲁派的六大寺庙。由宗喀巴弟子根敦主在 1447 年兴建。尔后, 前往珠峰大本营。途中,将翻越海拔 5248 米的嘉措拉山口。天气晴朗时,能看到的喜马拉雅山脉的壮丽的全 景,和几座 8000 米以上的山峰,包括卓奥友峰,马卡鲁峰,洛子峰和珠峰。车子将继续行程至绒布寺,世界 上最高的寺庙。绒布寺是北坡攀登珠穆朗玛峰的大本营,从此处可眺望珠穆朗玛峰。该寺是藏传佛教宁玛派 寺院,僧尼合住之寺。夜宿珠峰帐篷旅馆。 Day 10 Everest Base Camp to Shigatse In the morning, you can witness the unforgettable sunrise when the golden light hit on the top of Mt.Everest.
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