Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices 44695 37, 52, 65, and 66 of U.S. Patent No. Pacific Flooring Manufacture, Inc., 391 submitted by the named respondents in 6,006,486, claims 1, 2, 10, 13, 18, 19, 22, Foster City Blvd., Foster City, CA accordance with section 210.13 of the 23, 24, and 27 of U.S. Patent No. 94404. Commission’s Rules of Practice and 6,490,836, and claims 1–6 of U.S. Patent P.J. Flooring Distributor, 1455 Monterey Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to No. 6,874,292, and whether an industry Pass Rd., Suite 105, Monterey Park, 19 CFR 201.16(d) and 210.13(a), such in the United States exists as required CA 91754. responses will be considered by the by subsection (a)(2) of section 337. Power Dekor Group Co., Ltd., 3/F Commission if received not later than 20 (2) For the purpose of the Byfond Hotel, No. 1587, Zhangyang days after the date of service by the investigation so instituted, the following Rd, Shanghai 200135 China. Commission of the complaint and the are hereby named as parties upon which Quality Craft, Ltd., #301, 17750–65A notice of investigation. Extensions of this notice of investigation shall be Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 5N4, Canada. time for submitting responses to the served: R.A.H. Carpet Supplies, Inc., 551 Main complaint and the notice of (a) The complainants are—Unilin Avenue, Wallington, NJ 07057. investigation will not be granted unless Beheer B.V., Hoogeveenenweg 28, Salvage Building Material, Inc., 951 N. good cause therefor is shown. Postbus 135, 2910 AC, Nieuwerkerk Liberty Street, Winston Salem, NC Failure of a respondent to file a timely ann den Ijssel, The Netherlands. 27101. response to each allegation in the Flooring Industries Ltd., Westblock Shanghai Dekorman Flooring Co., Ltd., complaint and in this notice may be I.F.S.C., Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland. No. 198 Zhongxin Road, Tianma, deemed to constitute a waiver of the Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC, 3284 Denton Songjian District, Shanghai, 201600 right to appear and contest the Road, Thomasville, NC 27360. China. allegations of the complaint and this (b) The respondents are the following Shanghai Zhengrun Industry, notice, and to authorize the entities alleged to be in violation of Development Co., Ltd., No. 7735 administrative law judge and the section 337, and are the parties upon Fanghuang Road, Shanghai 200000, Commission, without further notice to which the complaint is to be served: China. the respondent, to find the facts to be as Shengda Flooring Corp., 26–27/F alleged in the complaint and this notice 3E Business Enterprises Ltd., 5041 Spectar Building, #42 Donghua Manor St., Vancouver, BC V5R 3Y4, and to enter a final determination Zhengjie Street, Chengdu City, China containing such findings, and may Canada. 610016. AMZ (Ghangzhou) Wooden Industrial result in the issuance of a limited Stalheim Industries Sdn Bhd, Lot 2994, Co., Ltd., Amazon Industrial Garden, exclusion order or cease and desist Jalan Bukit Badong, 45600 Batang Pingbu Road Huadu, Guangzhou, order or both directed against the Berjuntai, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Guangdong 510800 China. respondent. Malaysia. Changzhou Dongjia Decorative Materials Stalheim (USA), Inc., 17360 Colima By order of the Commission. Co., Ltd., South Cuiqiao Industrial Road #332, Rowland Heights, CA Issued: July 28, 2005. Zone, Henglin, Changzhou, Jiangsu 91748. Marilyn R. Abbott, 213103, China. Tsailin Floorings, Inc., 283, Building 3, Changzhou Saili Wood Co., Ltd., Furong Secretary to the Commission. #402 Siping Road, Hongkou Qu, Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu [FR Doc. 05–15260 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am] Shanghai 200081 China. 213118, China. BILLING CODE 7020–02–P Universal Floor Covering, Inc., 4500 Changzhou Wujin Zhongxin Wood Co., Automall Parkway, Fremont, CA Ltd., #711 Building C, AnZhen- 94538. Foreign Trade Plaza, Hepingli INTERNATIONAL TRADE Vegas Laminate Hardwood Floors LLC, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100013, COMMISSION 4059 Renate Drive, Las Vegas, NV China. [Investigation No. 731–TA–282 (Second China Floors Co. Ltd., No. 188 Bao Yuan 89103. Vo¨hringer Wood Product (Shanghai) Review)] 4th Road, Huoxian Village JiangQiao Co., Ltd., 1950 Huhang Road, Town, Jinbao Industrial Park, Jia Ding Petroleum Wax Candles From Cina Fengxian District, Shanghai 201415, District, Shanghai 201812 China. Dalton Carpet Liquidators, Inc., d/b/a China. Determination Yekalon Industry, Inc., Suite 16A, Flat Dalton Flooring Liquidators, 804 East 1 A, Jinxiu Building, Wenjin Middle On the basis of the record developed Broad Street, Gadsden, AL 35903. in the subject five-year review, the Fujian Yongan Forestry (Group) Joint, Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518003, China. United States International Trade Stock Co., Ltd., No. 13 Nige, Yongan Commission (Commission) determines, City, Fujian Province, China 366000. Yingbin (Shunde-Foshan) Wood Industry Co., Ltd., No. 163, Qichong pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff HFC Horizon Flooring Ltd., 305 Holly Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)) (the Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212. Road, Dachong Town Zhongshan, Guangdong, 528403, China. Act), that revocation of the antidumping Huzhou Yongji Wooden Co., Ltd., No. duty order on petroleum wax candles (c) David H. Hollander, Jr., Esq., 18 Nianfeng Road, Nanxun, Huzhou, from China would be likely to lead to Office of Unfair Import Investigations, Zhejiang 313009, China. continuation or recurrence of material U.S. International Trade Commission, Inter Source Trading Corporation, 10F- injury to an industry in the United 500 E Street, SW., Suite 401, N, Hongqiao Shijia Garden, No. 179, States within a reasonably foreseeable Washington, DC 20436, who shall be the Zhongshan Road (W), Shanghai, time. China, and 201–3785 Myrtle St., Commission investigative attorney, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5C 4E7. party to this investigation; and Background Jiangsu Lodgi Wood Industry Co. Ltd., (3) For the investigation so instituted, The Commission instituted this 7/F, Furi Building, 169 Wuyi North the Honorable Paul J. Luckern is review on August 2, 2004 (69 FR 46182) Road, Fuzhou, China. designated as the presiding Lodgi North America, Inc., 11131 Bird administrative law judge. 1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the Road, Richmond, BC V6X IN7, Responses to the complaint and the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 Canada. notice of investigation must be CFR 207.2(f)). VerDate jul<14>2003 15:22 Aug 02, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00143 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1 44696 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices and determined on November 5, 2004 Membership in this group research Announcement Type: New. Notice of that it would conduct a full review (69 project remains open, and USW Project Intent to Fund Sole Source Award. FR 68175, November 23, 2004). Notice intends to file additional written Catalog of Federal Domestic of the scheduling of the Commission’s notification disclosing all changes in Assistance (CFDA) Number: Not review and of a public hearing to be membership. applicable. held in connection therewith was given On August 6, 2003, USW Project filed SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Labor by posting copies of the notice in the its original notification pursuant to (USDOL), Bureau of International Labor Office of the Secretary, U.S. section 6(a) of the Act. The Department Affairs (ILAB), intends to award U.S. International Trade Commission, of Justice published a notice in the $750,000 through a sole source Washington, DC, and by publishing the Federal Register pursuant to section cooperative agreement to Jesus Cares notice in the Federal Register on 6(b) of the Act on September 8, 2003 (68 Ministries (JCM), a local, Zambian, January 21, 2005 (70 FR 3224). The FR 52959). faith-based organization. This funding hearing was held in Washington, DC, on Dorothy B. Fountain, will be used to support a three-year May 25, 2005, and all persons who Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust second phase of the JCM project requested the opportunity were Division. ‘‘Combating Child Labor Through permitted to appear in person or by [FR Doc. 05–15300 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am] Education’’. counsel. Funding for this award is based on the BILLING CODE 4410–11–M The Commission transmitted its FY 2005 appropriation to USDOL for determination in this review to the improving ‘‘access to basic education in Secretary of Commerce on July 28, 2005. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE international areas with a high rate of The views of the Commission are abusive and exploitative child labor’’ contained in USITC Publication 3790 Parole Commission through the Child Labor Education (July 2005), entitled Petroleum Wax Initiative grant program. Since 1995, Candles from China: Investigation No. Pursuant To The Government In The USDOL has awarded grants to 731–TA–282 (Second Review). Sunshine Act (Public Law 94–409) (5 international and non-governmental Issued: July 28, 2005. U.S.C. 552b) organizations working to eliminate the worst forms of child labor through the By order of the Commission. AGENCY HOLDING MEETING: Department of provision of basic education. Marilyn R. Abbott, Justice, United States Parole Secretary to the Commission. ILAB is authorized to award and Commission. administer this program by the [FR Doc. 05–15263 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am] TIME AND DATE: 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005, BILLING CODE 7020–02–P August 2, 2005. Pub. L. 108–447, 118 Stat. 2809 (2004). PLACE: 5550 Friendship Blvd., Fourth The cooperative agreement awarded Floor, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. under this initiative will be managed by DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE STATUS: Open. ILAB’s International Child Labor MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The Program (ICLP) to assure achievement of Antitrust Division following matter has been placed on the the stated goals.
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