tDrqtaq qqrrflq E"TrlBflO qtr;Iw tElil {l !l-! l r l. o nT l6lal uai<, 32,{ /1q ' 1 lirio. 6rrtr{ EErd. 'd. td :czt lin E, T.?I tl.r *i!..TiF. n r{r qrs.r. ,u.rlL{ ,t il 11]r.l ,)il.-s q trn'isr' .io l''lo. iilq.r .r'Tf( -{qr ili1ir l li l'li-l ;.r ' ,r s:: ',1'J ti].r{ql , f!!.;1 1r1,.i. iirrTn'r"r) "r--llr1r. irtrlla itiq;<s.l Ii,r-:,r 'i '.lr 'nl llnll i) qtdftal t:.1 r: lrrq qrti ia St.ltEIl iF Illll :ii I22'r" rlo i!.14n un {.t q; [].!r ,8r vrn r) , [:r r prrT ,i !]ln r1 lProposal No: F P I uP I Ap p rc ach/ s 1 a21/ 2a?-a) s,,t,j , r flf, tlql! L]rtii tI itf !.i .la.tt1 !lil. i.t ri:la, ,ll qa rF4Il 8d]/r1!{i0l00/ 31,/2t)21 / \:$aafra / P-l6 lirii., 2:,Nr , !-i T1 rF{slT sA,,/rp{)0./'06l'r7/2r?1/t:tt,al\a/i3lo 1l ii,., ?).):i. 11 !L.l 4l ri1t.{, /.i.t.l 3fistrft, J!!0. .1,11.,1, .7 qlo 24t6,/1',1 2.. ' , ',i UP/Approach/ r,EIt 51021/2020 A ii.i, 2403202T, aT ,ltEid,l ,ht F 3ll1ti,'r.l I 1.]'ii'l; ogil+zozl I , ili4. r:!r't;.'n l,I..t?t'li qliJri ,r,r'i ql +r ,t- i,mzrl:;ir !ri,.r. ;l r '];. ., r", r ;lq 1i,i!t '.i- ,Tf.l l:lrrta ;iiflFl i)*rl:r,:, r'r't,q1il d] itn l.3tiqt"t t nt, TilllL'l I Tr ' 'I', it.t'tn q, ii qrirq.r't llt oLrti.,tr ! urE. rii ,tll i ltql:i , .1. lil ,lr r,l :lil .t ri !1.{ni,F.t,l llftll{ 3llili.l J,lr-l.n i Sr. CONDITION Ca'lvlPllANCE No I The legal status of the land remain Lrnchanged 3rTflirr ri nitrriGitT lIqT"I lTaq (r4"r-+o r) Lakl]f Lrp by rr( fl qFjl .rr.R!r' 67 2 Corrpensalory alforcst.t on shirl br {ill "'l1rl'ltll lhe forcst dcp.rrtmelrL Ior p anlalicrr ol 229 lrees larnn $ 31{ftn i rrii .r} srfqraq i rqlffr eila,l\-f, qJfd${ qiff .rdl (in Dibair Forest B ock, Bhogan pur Tahs I & cfl "T a{r ig eFn]tar .iia €} trFE llinH., Distrlct l(anpur Drl)al) at thc cost ol !ser 3es1?.00 FiO ii-iiR{ {sR Tr:) Compensatory afforestation fund agcncy. A5 lar as practicable a rlr xlltre o' oar o\ IVlandgement and PlanninB Authority d {ari rdiScnols sp-"cies \\,il be p a rtcd and dd.r ar.IFl c !l sql fufl {rll nronoaultL.rre ol thc spacia,! [las to bc avo]dcil. I { a{ "{Fri tI ar.xc .r'l llt rirr i I ({clr{fi-2, 3 q 4) l]< 3 lhe co5t oI compensaLory irllori]s1-el on ! tllc it{ .rDlo ,,r,rl; .t;t 3r.lqrd;I II*IFLId prcvail fmg waSe ratcs irs per rcvscd fitqq rl er)litrl 'i :r.i .,i e4wcr t rrlmt qrff .r$ collrpcnsatoi y aflor(]5lalion schcrnc lbr orFiflsr eRT,efil{., liorrT iS qqsfil r',0 :gstzoc (ill lr<nlin frq ril plartation of 229 pLanls and thc tosl of survcy, o"rx qRE ql4) .r"'f Compbnsatory afforestation fund dcnra[callon and ercction of permanent p ]Lnrs iI l\,4anagemcnt and Planrring Authority d ern roq rired on tlrc CA lal1d sh.r I bc dcposil('d in qql ti { l'rdo u r r r itllo ,ri.n-r trl fAqI rql s q + advrnce with thc lorc5i departrnent by Lhc L EI'III €cr-q tt 6ioqo-2. prote.t aLrthority. The CA wil bi' malnta ned for 10 voars. I hc schem('\,!L I bc Ior planlation ot 229 trcrs irnd may include appropriate provlsion lor anticipated cost incrcase Ior work schedulc for sub:aquert ycars. Rcvlsed 5clremc lo bu !ubLrittcd to th 5 oflicc. q{a.E llz-taFl .qlqd.I 4 Tlre statc govcrnnront :ilrirl chil th. Nct E.{Fr ErrT ffi Ba F. t*-r .+- 02 gqr . cr-Fl Preicft ValuLr (NPV) for thc 0 22899 l1a. Forc!t .r'Qo1o,n ! , o rJ arcir lo divcrted undcr thc propos. from the -,0 *io-s 3/2007 \qjo{io fir"f.h 05.022009 A use agcncy as pcr thc order ol lhe llo'ble irdd Frdr r|{]r T*qrq ]Id (NPV) Suprcnre Court of indla dated 30.10 2002, ful ri -!l< +1 srrlr]tl r,o 8o3ooo oo qi d4{ 01 fl t 01.rtr8 2003, 28.03.2008, 24.04 7008, and 0.22899 X iJ0300c - 1[]3879.00 (so cfi dEr 0.-r 1i'i.2008 in lA No 566 in WP(C) No. 202/ 1995 1?Rnfi rr'flr *',i u-rr'4i Inr) g qrtd ar{T .i as pcr glr dclines l55ucd l)y lhc rrr 1l str\' vlde "r.o rc inFrn rrdrj .i .rtq-r t fu)Il 1lIr B I l.riLr:r no 5 3/2C07 FC datcd 05 02.2009 ir th s 4.ln d ,lli lro'.r i (ri"r'r+, z. e o +) 'a'qJrd. qrirq1iafl qillrl q-l Adrlir on.l amount ol lhc NPV ol lh. divcrtcd d eqq71 I (*i"r-i .F- lor( st l.rnd, if any, ng due ittcr final 7JL o I 5) ol tlre samc by Lhe Ho'b e SLlprcr|c aril rr ir n'lii on rccc pt sh.ll be chdrged l.ry lhc 5Lntc Cr)vr.rnmcnL lorm thc Ltsar JLI€ricy. ihe Uscr Alrllcy sha I tLrrrl sh . r ufdenaklng lo ih s i liect. i i;ti<rtT !.lrlP1 q'i 11€T{ 6 Grecnry Wil bc lr)air]ta nod bY r:r'r ailcnty 3rlqffi nrc rrd per phcry of thc pclrol p! rrrp. (nt{.{f,-6) ll-i rlar{ Tlre complcto complirncc ol lh(] l'Ri\ 2006, sh.1 6 nlinr: t ao-r.rcdI Trllvl (*id.-r.r--7 ir 8) br rnsurcd by way cf prescribed .crt ficate lornl thc conaurncd Distri.l Colll](:1or. (lntry 3rlll -,fi .rrFrr-rirr rrllot q,1 {id.r tl B Uscr Agcncy sh.rl Lrsc Lhe l,rnd batwecrl i (*Id,.tiF e) ancl cxit ol petro pLtrlrp lor PLantatorr and .onrr.rv.rt on c)l trees, the samr: sha Lre dcrri)rcat.d by 2 feet \./irll . -* ir.r=r+.unr"r-la'la 9 Pantation shall also bl: done alorrB lh. rrs de I :ryri.r.r i ffiEl (1]o, r o) boundary of Lhc fucl slat on. ro anTldol qTpT rl, \'li[q 10 Certificate of DFO carrying that no violation of FC ! I' (\4a.{ 1) act:1980 has taken plance in this proposed retail b i outlet has to be submitted 11 Ccrt lLcatc of DFO ccrtilying thal lhe proposed :ld a 3rTrnr ii oq.r{.d-r }Frt"t q-{ dd-{ i RO is not n cosc proxm ly oi nnyexsting llo n (ria.qo- r z) .(:(rrrdilncc r/iLh [lotl T H guide nes datcd 24 07.201:l has to be providod. 12 I h€ boundary of the divcrtcd forest land shil be 3I.JqIE= q-FlEdl qIIIDT q4 $Idrq sLritnby dernarcated on groun.l at the prolecl (l+.r*r.F 13) aos , as per the directions of thc conccrncd ll v i.rf. forcst Olficer. 13 Plr od ot d version slral br co Le.mif u! w th 35q[-d{ <.FqE-fl qrrrf qa $aq . .. o l,.rrrob. tdr.',.,.'o' .r (*t-ro r,L) iit.rcy or the prcject lfo, whichcver slcss. qr 14 An! othcr Condition that thc Ministry oJ 3Tlqldii d4 rq.ddr IUt rt7 {tilll Efv ri)Iln,.rnt, Forcsls & Clirnria Chang,:' nr;y ({{d.{fi 15) .t pu ate i_orrn time to t mr n thc intcrr5l ol fonjrrvatron, Protection and DrvC opmcrt ol For.rsrs & Wlldlile 15 All the Iunds rece ved iorm the user agency G5'I.ln unccr the project shall be transferrcd/dcposit..d lr+<rFr { q)do t rdF}o irdri iirtr qqr a1 ndl lo ( AM PA fufd only thru r'p.rrlii t (tra.+o ro) (h l) /,/v,,w\ r. pa rivesh. n lc. in ) 16 lfc Comp iance rcport sha bc Lp oadcd on c 3lJ.]Li:1 itit:lit,i]| qRlrf !-{ {fdrq pori i] i (rt-cl-.t.1, i7) ( rl ihl:iq{ -,drd ii] qqT.f ta' d cslT?fri, {dlffi, +Ta5{ aild {4 -u3n4, 4raT{ aEra R.cE' - saq{ araT a6ra d' C-ffilr-e@T }{rd qr srnd @FsE' +lctlrra ihB?< Ear{r aTzT €o -533 ft" a]Fr j?dt{, -{Sm ft'+;4{r Cdr fla:I iera m* i as_.ry qrdt .ret !T ftIa 3lrrc+c A{ qgarfda p"'a * mrq HFi d6 3lTdrrrffm S s?]T,?fr 0.22899 t0 rits-a aa sifi + ?t{ elfffi T$r"T ad Bar gtr cra;{ fr 3r".dHfi + €Fd;tr, l s-<"{ -.lqa tri.l, { Lrrijliq, $l In r-ql,l qfl,r,.i ,t': ro,r +Hr:-, ,rlz,.rel /, tll +t tma il! iiiii,/i1* /'t|.,,3i / 2121 /1:+' 1\l /' --r iinn 2a )22a21 ud cf r-g.- a.tr1,/-lrfi 2\:)21 .rynfil ttzo ii.i]'s, zz /')t,/':1 / ,1 l '::t't:2, S.No.
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