1996 Dinner Program

1996 Dinner Program

'i..,) {} El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame Alst Annual Awards Banquet N T6mas Rivera Center University of Texas at El Paso Wednesday,May L5th, 1996 ,i; {;j PROGMM \7e1come.................... .......JohnMcFall NationalAnthem....... .........A1Capella Invocation.................. .......8.Bernard polk Introductionof Hall of FameCommittee.........president \fayne Thornton DINNER Presentation of 1995-96 Outstarding High School Athleter Districrl-AAAAA........................................Jery Millsapps District 2-AAAAA...... Ruth Meredith AreaSmall Schools.....................................!7ayne Thornton Recognition of Outstanding High School T€ams 1995-1996: Cathedral High School Swim Team Cathedra.lHigh School Tennis Tbam Cathedral High School Tiack Team CoronadoHigh SchoolState Champion Soccer Team Outstanding High School Athletes for 1995-1996 Districr I AAAAA Outstanding FemaleAthlete ChelseaDeMarte, Austin High School District 1 AAAAA Outstanding Male Athlete Marvin Switzer,Andress High School District 2 AAAAA Outstanding lemale Athlete Bernice Jua-rez,Bel Air High School District 2 AAAAA Ouatanding Male Athlete Jobr Solis,Bel Air High School Small SchoolsOutstanding Male Adrlete John Borrego,Clint High School Small SchoolsOutstanding FemaleAtblete JessikaMacias, Loretto Academy Presentationof 1996 El PasoAthletic Hall of Fame Inductees Living Adr1ete........... ...................Jesse Bulos Living Athlete............ .................AndyMora.les Living Ath1ete............ ...............\X4lson\faigwa CoachAward.............. .......................A1Franco CoachAward..,........... .............MarianBennm Oficialt Award.......... .......................Bi11Bridler PosthumousAward..... .................TomChisari ADJOURNMENT {!r El PasoAthletic Hall of Fame i:' ri: \,,!}' SalutesIts 1996 Sponsors 'r.,1 PUNNUM SPONSORS GOLD SPOMORS James& Luther,Inc. MillikenConstuction Co. GeneStogner fumandoGutierez Ifillirm B.Vhite/lirnsAmeria Life MontwoodNetional Bank RdphBanner Companies JackMcGrath E. BernardPol-k RobenM. Keller YvonneShin:ut in rnemoryof DickShinaut Georgr,Edna and Jennifer Kurira E.PT Management L.O.Page Al andMarjorie Villiamson JohnMcFall NorwestBanl< FrankPorth ScrippsHoward in memoryof BobIngran JostenvDavidCelani DerryEads GreenScene Inc. IrvinThacker sztzxsPo,vson$flPs Sound& SignalSlntems ofTexas Inc. HecrorCananza in memoryof Sun\forld SavingsBank TexrsCommerce Balk Lrc.Hector Caranza, Jr Jaxson'sRestaurants MoroccoClub/Red Mender HarryB. Greaves,Jr DonHaskins Basketball Carnp IGndrickElectric SterchElliott Insurance Agency L.O. Pagein mernoryof BobIngrarn Fanall- BlaotwellAgency,Inc. I 1!. ;,1 '! al l; HaIl of Fame Past Honorees '5lt 1955 Andy Cohen* 1972 ChuckHughes* 1978 Mugaret OsbornedLr?ont t955 N.A. Fetguson* 1972 C.D. Janis r979 D.\v: Conwal 1956 cliff Hill* 1972 PaulLopez 1980 'Iony Carvajal. 1956 Margaret Varner 1973 VayneHansen* 1980 Jack Curtice* r957 Luther Coblentz* 1973 BobbyGoldfarb 1980 Ernest L. Keily 1957 Ken Heineman 1973 Dolph Quijano 1981 Chris P Fox* 1958 Dr Sandy Esquivel* t973 Genelordan 1981 Roy Lo,'n 1958 1973 HanisonKohl* 1981 Ken George 1959 Jack Harden 1974 Nolan Richardson 1981 1959 Mack Saxon* 1974 Mary Hoover 1981 Lawrence "Sag" Shea* * 1960 Judge Ballard Coldwe 1974 Charles"Red" Harris* 1982 E. R. Bowman* 1960 E.E. "Mannie" Ponsford. 1974 SaulKlein€eld* 1982 Bill CLLmmins r 961 Bob Osborn* 1974 BobIngnm* 1982 Fred Kriss 196l \Tillie Shoemaker 1974 RaymondB. Vard, Sr.* t982 \4c Clark r962 Syd Cohen* t974 FredVendt 1983 RussellE. Ball* 1962 Carlos Mwards- Lvl) Lee rtevrno 1983 lohn C. Bnkhead- 1963 Mike Brumbelow* 1975 LeeFloyt 1983 Janis BladesPrieto 1963 1975 KarenLinron 1983 lim Bowden 1964 A L. "Doc" Holm* 1975 Dr JohnEdwin 1983 Tee Casper* 1964 Bob Laraba* 197t RobercCarson* r984 PeggieRobertson Birlhead 1965 \VlI. 'Chule" Milner* 1975 JohnPhelan. 1984 Larry lessee 1965 Javier Montes 1976 C.M. Hendricla* 1984 Charles R. Smith 1966 A.S. Valdespino' 1976 Billy Stevens r984 Jack McNutt* 1966 CJydelfafel 1976 ThadSteele* 1984 Albert C. Messer* 1967 Frank Redman* 1976 Jim DeGroaC 1985 Bobbyloe Hill 1967 ChadesH. Leavell,Sr.* 1976 JohnMcFall r985 Torn Chavez 1967 RossMoore. 1976 Jim Paul 1985 SamuelL. lenkins 1967 Jesse ittenton 1976 Chuck\fhido& 1985 cene odell 1968 Don Mal,nard 1977 OscaIVillare,l r985 Fenton E. Slaughter' 1968 Harry Phillips* 1977 Dick Shinaut* 1985 Camile Whitfield 1968 Nemo Herrera* 1977 PeteMelendez 1986 C.B. "Str€rdi' Elliott 1969 GeoreeBall 1977 BobbyDobbs* r986 Roben E. Kolliner* 1969 Mike Izquierdo* 1977 DaltonHill* 1986 Jack P Morris 1969 fuatha Lee 1977 Jud Milton 1986 L.O. Page 1970 D:le \?'aters 1978 BobArnold 1986 Franl<Porth r970 Ben Collins 1978 Haris Cantrell 1986 Gene Stogner l97l Paul Barry 1978 David L. Carrasco* r987 J.D. Panridge r97r vernus carel 1978 \ri'ayneVardenburg 1987 \i'alter Driver l97r Don Haskns 1978 RaySanchez 1987 loe Hague. 1987 LarryStubing 1990 TedU. Kepple 1993 Hectot C$anza 1987 K.C. Brown 1990 Joel. Valencia 1993 BillEschenbrenner 1987 JamesMalone 1990 NormanLee Phillips 1993 BobSarage 1987 Bill Macatee 1990 ClayCox* 1993 Dr. JoeGalatzan* 1988 lohn Oack)Parks 1991 BuzzKendrick 1994 Don Riederer 1988 Santos"Kiyo" Perez 1991 LanceTaylot 1994 lon sanders 1988 Dr. RJ. "Buddl'Shaetrer 1991 BertWilliams 1994 Fraacisco"Kiko" Martins* 1988 Dr. JarnesG. Mason 1991 D,nnl' McKillip 1994 PusGabrel 1988 MissLydia Sieffa 1991 ArmardoGutierrez 1994 KristiAlbers 1988 Mrs.Marjori€ l?illiaJmon 1991 RobertLee Garnel 1994 DavidBinder 1989 SuleirnanNyambui 1992 Bill Chesak 1994 LeoCancellare 1989 GusBailqr 1992 SethJoyner 1995 JosePalafox 1989 G€org€Kurita 1992 Ross\t'alker 1995 MannyMorales 1989 MaryJane McCutcheon 1992 RuthMeredith 1995 JerryBailey 1989 GentdC,mpbell 1992 GeorgeMcCarty 1995 Johnwedel 1989 lamesE. Rosers,lr 1992 RalphJ. B,nner 1995 WayneThornton 1989 JarnesFotbes 1992 GeraldLamar Boykin* 1995 Mmny Pacillx 1990 BertCameron 1993 Yran A Rechy 1995 EddieMullens 1990 Don O'Neill 1993 RichardOcha 1995 Jimmy\(alkeC 1990 BobOsborne 1993 JakeManinez ti: { Hall of Fame Past Presidents * 1956 JohnPhelan- 1970 Bill Woodul 1984 SreveDeGroat 1957 lohn Phelan* 1971 Bert\flilliams 1985 KenGeorge 1958 lohn Phelaa- 1972 Dick deBruyn 1986 RichatdFritz 1959 BobIngram* 1973 FrankPorth 1987 VinceCarafano* 1960 Chuck ido& 1974 BenCollins 1988 LuisFlores, Jr. 1961 Hary Phillips* 1975 Don O'Neill 1989 PeggieBirkhead 1962 VernusCarey* 1976 JohnThompson 1990 Tim Crenshaw 1963 ThadSteeie* 1977 MaynardHaddad 1991 TedKepple 1964 john McFall 1978 Haris Hatfield 1992 YvanRechy 1965 FrankRedrn,n* 1979 Billy Stevens 1993 Vic Clark 1966 G.M. (Bill)Green 1980 Dr. John"Pinlql Edwin 1994 Ruth Meredith 1967 JirnBowden 1981 TeeCasped 1995 E. B. Polk 1968 Jim Decrorc 1982 C.Vl "Lucky" Leverect* 1969 BobGoldfarb 1983 Jim Paul ?:t 'i:t: Hall of Fame Committee Members 1.,,I President.........WayneThornton Secretary . .JackMcGrath VicePresident .........JonSanders Tiea-surer.. .Don O'Neill Bobby Goldfarb Don O'Neill Ralph Banner ArmandoGutienez Richard Ochoa Margarito Banales Phil Hatch L. O. Paee SteveHill Jack Parks Bill Birllead _l-oerjeover SantosPerez Jim Bowden Norman Phillios ryarlH_oov.er F..Bernard Po'lk Bill Bridler :. Uj JlrvLs Frank Ponh lx,BI-':-- Ernest Keily Yvan Rechy ko Cancellre Robert Reyes Hector Carranza Ted Kepple Jon s.nden Bill Chesak Georee & Edna Iturita YvonneShinaut - Tom Ciabu i TeseLoe GeneStogner Mc Clark IDliis Lowenbep RedThacker McLurcheon Thornton Eva del Hierro -lJn€ Vayne Derry Eads lohn McFall Joe Valencia Jack Eaton Jack McGrath Villie Vasquez Dr. Iohn "PinLev" Edwin JamesMason Al Velirde Stretch Elliott Rurh Meredith Oscar \4llareal Andy Morales E A \(erner Richard Fritz Manny Morales Marjorie \ri iamson Ken George RobertMoreno BrrIos h's not tnre First refi*ed that Marian Bennert spikedher teethng thought ring, bur ir rrail," Jesse Bulos got indicationof her prow€ssin a ::,. =::r:: ard nore both at sportin which shehas few 3:-:: t!ei1 Schooland later at equals.Marian wasvoted mosr -=:. G-+r of Mines, now outstanding volleyball player for . rt :l: F.rme one ol the two years at Burges High School =-: :.:-e sportsstars of El Puo and namedmost athleticin her :.-.::: - rie late 1930'sand senioryea-r in 1972. Shecomin- I y-ic r. ,{r Bowie as a fresh- ued her outstandingplay in borh -; :: ria'ed lei end on the -- volleyball ard basketball at rcc=:, i.,*. forward on the bar Howatd College,being named ki* rt:o md ran the high and two yearsto the National Junior lc- ::riis. He wu narnedAll CollegeAthletic Arsociation C:-. :rd I'11Disnict in football reamin volleyball.She was grad- :li b,:r.$"11, secondteam All uated frorn Sul RossScate ,s-:r: :- uaikerhll and finished University and h:rs done gradu ecrd in rheditrict in both hur- ate work at both UT-EI Pasoand ril: r.es. He was a member of UT-PermianBasin, but her r:e \aronal Honor Society,vice creer has centeredon volleyball. pr=:d:nr ofhis seniorclus and Shestarted coaching at B:ssen .o:ed roosrpopular boy." As a lunior High Schoolin 1976arld \tiner lixrballer, Bulos caught 12 addedbarketball and trackto her pss in a record*etring day for coaching schedulewhile at rhe \th:n againstloyola of los BurgesHigh Schoolftom 1977 \ele;. ln his senior foodall to 1984.She began coaching at seson he waschosen All-Border Monwood in 1990,handling Conrerenceard honorableLitde the junior varsity team lor two {11 {meic:n. He helped the yea$ then Eking over$€ v sin \linen to a secondplace finish in in 1991where she continues Border Conferencebasketball ard today Shehas been named a berdr

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